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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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So are we Kon or are we green hair chick whose name I can't remember? I want to say mizuki. Or something.

The filler girl is who we are. Heads up, we all disappear in the end and are never heard from or even mentioned again.

Y'all ain't ready for TOMORROW.




Tip- dont hang out with the girl you loved for years if you cant see her on a regular basis whatsoever. Youll feel like shit acknowledging you wont get to see her again for...
If our average is true, Ill be in college. Fuck.

I miss close friends who arent near me anymore.

Edit: And I mean close close friends. Like someone I've spent months and months of in real life time talking to, (As in realtime, not "we talked a lot for a few months") staying up all night.

Growing older sucks.


The very first Dragon Ball Z episode i saw was a filler episode right before the Namek saga. I had no idea what the show was, who any of the characters were. I must have been in late elementary school when I saw it, I guess.

This is kinda silly, but the short scene (again, filler) where Krillin and Gohan fire a whirlpool beam thing is ingrained in my memory. I thought it was so cool as a youngster, and from then on I watched the Frieza saga as it aired. It was actually quite a long time before I ever watched the Saiyan saga before it.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
So I've been under the weather for the past week (started last friday night) and I ended up in bed but too sick to play vidja games for most of it. I conveniently slept most of Saturday away so staying up for TOONAMI coughing the entire time and drinking tea was actually pretty easy but the real point I was trying to make was that I wanted something boring and familiar to watch to help the Nyquil kick in this week so I ended up watching pretty much all of Yu Gi Oh season 1 on Netflix.

The show is fantastic for what it is. It exemplifies the best of what 4kids could do with a given property. Everyone talks too god damn much but at least in YGO the quips they make are funny. The voice acting is both grating and oddly fitting, the music is cheesy and amazing (especially the character montage songs that pop up from time to time) and what can I say about the glory that is Pegasus's campy vampy as fuck voice actor? The dude clearly loves his job.

The show is a treasure. I was babysitting tonight (I got the cold from my nephews after all so no harm in having me watch them) while their parents were at a wedding so I got to finish up the Pegasus fight after putting them to bed. Everything from Bandit Keith's invisible gun of doom to the literal power of friendship stopping mind scans is amazing. Season one is so god damn crazy.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Doesn't Yugi destroy the Moon in his duel with the Fishing Guy? I remember Season 1 having some crazy hijinks.

Yugi summons the moon to power up some shitty wolf card he has.

They're fighting on the ocean though so that makes his playable area for his land monsters tiny and powers up a bunch of Mako's cards.

When they go to attack Yugi and finish him off he pulls a Jackie Chun/Piccolo and destroys his own moon card, stranding the fish cards and making them easy kills, winning the duel.


God, I had a friend with the toon deck back in the day

shit is honestly annoying since every attack is direct unless you got a toon also. However it is nice that you literally pay the price of using and having them on the field

At least Pagasus had to pay life points to use toons against yugi in season 1...

..oh wait
So I guess now I'll respond to Mike's question and post a quick "what I thought of the manga and the canon material that leads up to Final Act"

Overall I thought it was typical InuYasha, the manga moves at a really quick pace and is probably one of the best weekly manga I've read in terms of being a weekly series. Every 3-5 chapters whatever little mini story line is finished and you move onto the next little mini story line and these mini story lines form a line that tell the main story. I was also pretty surprised at how bloody the manga was compared to the anime, there is quiet a bit more blood and we see a lot of villagers getting mauled by demons. This really stood out in the birds arc when we had demon birds pecking people and blood blasting out. This isn't really a gory series (it's no Hellsing) I'm more surprised it's there at all.

Doing a quick run down of the arcs

-Search for the next world

This was probably the longest arc and introduced us to another incarnation of Naraku, Hakudoshi who I enjoyed quiet a bit. He makes a great right hand character for Naraku and gives off a very smug attitude which works well coming from a younger character. His horse was cool for all of 5 minutes before it go killed... Overall he's been a good addition to the series and I look forward to seeing him more.

This arc also introduced the minor villain Princess Abi who I never really cared for, outside of the above mentioned violence from birds she really felt like a plot convenience character who was simply introduced to give the cast a method of getting into the next world after the failure of getting though the gate. The really major part of this is that it brought back Kikyo... again, and worse Kagome is the reason Kikyo survives, and then she gets mad/jealous when InuYasha starts thinking a lot about her again. What was the point of "killing" Kikyo is you were just going to bring her back again? When people accuse InuYasha of spending too much time going in circles it's moments like this that really stand out.

The other major plot development in this arc is the return of Kohaku's memories which I really enjoyed. Having him now aware of the terrible things he's doing/has done while still doing them in order to stay close to Naraku to try and help defeat Naraku is a very nice direction for his character and all the Kohaku and Sango scenes have a lot more impact because of it.

This arc did have a great pay off when InuYasha and co follow Naraku into the next world, the whole battle down there is great and I love InuYasha's new attack and sword upgrade. The story behind why he gets them is great and it gives InuYasha a different looking attack that feels unique to help diversify him move set. I have no idea what the dub attack for this name is because the translation I read often left the attack names in Japanese and even when it did translate them it was a literal translating like Cutting Wind instead of Wind Scar. Also Sesshomaru gets a bad ass scene where he beats the statues that neither InuYasha nor Naraku could beat and saves the group.

Rats mini arc

I liked the idea behind this more then the execution. The stuff with Sango and Kohaku was great, but I never felt like that rats were any kind of threat. Yeah they devoured human settlements but they never really tried to attack any of the main cast and were easily enough taken out. This arc would probably be more enjoyable animated because in the manga it was mostly lots of pages full of white circles in a pack.

Canon filler arc

I had to keep reminding myself that I was reading the manga so these scenes were in fact canon despite feeling like anime original content... in the manga. We get a story line about Shippo being possessed by a bug demon, and another fucking story about Miroku having promised himself to a girl years ago and Sango getting jealous again. The Shippo story line was horrible, the Miroku one at least had the decency of having the one good scene where Miroku gets angry about the demon trying to take him women (Sango). These two story lines really helps to see why InuYasha's filler content is good, it's hilariously easy to write an InuYasha story line and make it feel like it belongs in the series.

Goryoumaru arc

I hate this character, his design is stupid, how he acts annoys me, and based upon how this arc ended and the Toonami preview for Final Act he's apparently still around and going to be more important. This arc start promising with kids with big laser guns killing demons and I was really hoping we might get InuYasha and co killing little kids, sadly my sick fantasy was not to be. I really don't have much to say about this, I read it late last night and actually started falling asleep while reading it because of how mediocre it was. Considering this is apparently one of the last canon things adapted in the original anime that's a shame.

I forget when it became relevant but I did neglect to mention the new plot item, an orb that the baby holds because the baby is Naraku and Hakudoshi's heart and this orb makes him basically invisible to InuYasha, Kikyo, and Kagura as it makes people unable to sense demon energy. It's a good idea and I look forward to seeing what else they do with it in Final Act because it's still an unresolved plot thread.

Also I did like the chapter where Kagome went back to her own time and her friends FINALLY met InuYasha and pretty much liked him. InuYasha in the human world really is the best part of the series filler or canon.

So that's my thoughts on the canon content between the 5ish episodes after InuYasha stopped airing on Toonami and where Final Act picks up. Very much looking forward to Final Act tonight and I will work on finishing the rest of the original InuYasha anime over the next few months.


I love that this is pretty much the only reason the Straw Hats escape G8.

Well I mean they use guns I'm pretty sure Luffy could beat them all up :p

"[That would only work] if they played by the book. That kid didnt get a 100 million berry bounty on his head by doing the obvious."

Well yeah, about that...
I was also pretty surprised at how bloody the manga was compared to the anime, there is quiet a bit more blood and we see a lot of villagers getting mauled by demons. This really stood out in the birds arc when we had demon birds pecking people and blood blasting out. This isn't really a gory series (it's no Hellsing) I'm more surprised it's there at all.

I've noticed that the series seems to get bloodier when the anime episodes are canon, too.
Wft just happened lol

I'd say 85% of all my message board posts are on gaf, 10% are on gamefaqs, and the remaining 5% are random posts on crunchyroll, hummingbird, etc. I think that was my first post on Crunchyroll's message board in like 6 months and it was mostly because I was reading to find out if they were including arc v or if it was a mistake.
Wft just happened lol

I'd say 85% of all my message board posts are on gaf, 10% are on gamefaqs, and the remaining 5% are random posts on crunchyroll, hummingbird, etc. I think that was my first post on Crunchyroll's message board in like 6 months and it was mostly because I was reading to find out if they were including arc v or if it was a mistake.

This is not an open relationship, Bass. Either you're loyal to us or you're not with us at all.
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