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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
As long as it's not as bad as FMA 03.

*runs away*



I'm gonna give you a PROTIP. Routing numbers are generally based on location, not individual user. Google your bank name and the city you are in and you will get the correct number

Its under my dad though, soooo I dont exactly want to be linking that if he doesnt want me to be :p

is "Me and Asuna" proper english? Shouldnt it be Asuna and I?
SAO2 book please
As long as it's not as bad as FMA 03.

*runs away*

For all the problems fma 03 had, I will give it credit for knowing it was going to go down a filler path and introducing new/different elements very early on for the sake of easing the story into its filler ending a lot better. Akame Ga Kill this filler ending literally came out of nowhere without any foreshadowing and seems to be making a mess ala Soul Eater


For fun I gathered all the reactions to Shippuden's pacing and then Final Act's pacing so you can read them back to back. Hilarious:

Oh, I remember when stuff happened in Naruto. Good times.

At least this is some new info for a change

it has taken four minutes to establish this


Yay, tree flying -_-

Meanwhile on the continuing adventures of people just standing there not doing anything.



i'm so bored


Fixed it.

Urge to sleep is rising.

I am confused what we are getting at here

Nothing...they are getting at nothing.

"We can't waste any more time."

Proceeds to waste even more time.

More tree running!

Great we wasted nearly 10 minutes!

12 minutes later, movement happens

Anybody else getting sick of endless trees?

Lets not wate any more time.

That whole first half had the equivalent of 2 minutes of actual content.

"this guy's trying to take over the village with Orochimaru"
"oh no! we have to stop him!"
"Naruto you're too weak..."
"No, I'm okay. I can handle it. Let's go."

Literally thirty seconds.

he's going to stare at this for five minutes and decide if it's a trap isn't he

We do not need a flashback, that happened like 5 mins ago!






Is anything happening?

Too busy showing flashbacks from 5 mins ago.

Oh shit I actually pass out there for a sec

Still nothing, always nothing.

In summary. This episode makes a One Piece recap episode look exciting in comparison.

Nothing happened. Again.

Final Act:
time to be utterly confused

Time for absolute and utter confusion.

So what's happening?


Already kind of lost.

are they talking really quickly or is it just me

On one hand, I like that it's fast.
But it might be a bit too fast.

Looks like everyone getting some coverage in this episode.

Like everyone.

This is really fast paced o_O

holy shit this pacing lol.

There's no time to breathe.

Okay there may be such a thing as way too fast pacing.

a lot of stuff is happening...I'll give it that.

no clue what any of it is tho

yeah..going to bounce early guys..

Holy hell the pacing whiplash here.


Man this is going a million miles a minute.

HAHAHAHAHAH, you guys weren't kidding when you said this moved faster.

So much happening, so much I have no idea what's going on.


This is Anti-Battle Shonen pacing and I love it.

There's a difference between bad pacing, and breathing room.
There's no breathing room here.

Holy crap, too many things happened at once... SLOW DOWN


Plot moving at SEC speed

This series moves damn fast.

You know, I'd be OK with that. The old pacing was just fine, enough happened each episode so that you felt like it didn't waste your time. This is just way too fast. You look away for a second and you'll miss like 3 chapters worth of content.

That was 4 hours of story in 11 minutes

It's too fast. Honestly, this should have been one, maybe two episodes alone.

Yeah, the lack of any breathing room is really rough.

Okay, this is like they took the complaint of a show being too slow & was all "OH, IT'S TOO SLOW!? WELL HERE YA GO, MACH 5 PACING!"

Its moving literally the complete opposite of the original series.

I'm pretty sure more stuff has happened in this episode so far than in all of Shippuden to date.

This is the only episode that moves this fast.

It imrpoves. The first episode is kind of a clusterfuck but it has a ton of ground to cover in 24 minutes.

Yeah, the pacing is just insane. They adapt in 26 episodes the equivalent of what took One Piece close to 200 episodes to do. There is such a thing as a middle ground.

Normal pacing is too slow and exists mostly just to drag things out for the manga, but this is way too fast. It needed to be 52 episodes.

This feels like a series that should have been 52 episodes not 26. Still fast paced but with a little breathing room. Was the IP so unpopular/old at this point they couldn't spring for the time slots needed to do four cours?

This pacing is:


It's better than being slow... like Shitpuuden.

yeah i will take this pacing over the alternative

Guys if I take the time to post something I'm gonna miss like 5 important plot points.

Slow down Damn it

You just missed like 3 episodes of story.

Im really fucking confused right now

Everybody is talking so fast

Holy crap, people are just poppin in out of nowhere!

Say that five times fast

This is so amazing. Let's be like this forever, you guys.

Characters just keep coming in and leaving and coming in and leaving.

Im so fucking confused right now

Why is this doing

i don't remember the pacing bothering me so much when I watched this while i was paying more attention at 2am

I can't digest all this plot

I am so confused...

Uh huh, yeah huh...

I have no idea what any of this means.

What the hell is going on

This stuff felt a lot more epic when it wasn't all happening in thirty seconds.



This is a lot to process.

I'm hearing a lot of the same words over and over, so there's that. Still easier to follow than most of Bleach.



is that the same voice as that kid from Black Lagoon? Or is that my imagination playing with me because of the hair

You know, things slow down to allow people to digest what happened.

Character gonna die in the same episode they're introduced in, huh.

Wow, about time they killed that bastard.

But man, that was so QUICK.

For real, this is all just way too fast

Well, so much for Hakudoshi...

My brain had no time to absorb any of that

A written recap would be nice

I'm lost. I hope none of this is on the exam.

I watched the original series and I'm having trouble keeping up. Can't imagine how it is for newbies.

This is too fucking fast, it's at the very least three episodes in one. Someone slow this down, please!

The only thing I caught was that Kagome was awful at tests.

This is going so damn fast. I love it. A million miles an hour, that's how we roll.

the show slows down after a bit, guys


Pop quiz!

What the hell happened?

Where is the exit, I got to hurl.


Wow, kanna said the EXACT SAME THING at the beginning of the episode

Did I just watch a 5-Second Movie?

Oh shit. It ended.

Can I get a recap of what happened?

It still wastes no time. Characters want something, they get it.

I hope so, that was like 4 episodes in 1. It was ridiculous. We need a bit of breathing room, epic moments need more time to be epic.

It might be rime for bed now...I'm worn out trying to keep up with everything that just happened.

Me right now:


Well that was interesting. Confused but entertained.

I for one had very little problem following that episode, I hope we keep up this pace.

That really wasn't that hard to follow, and this is coming who apparently missed a few chapters from where I was told to stop reading to where this actually picked up. It went by way too fast, but it was still fairly easy to follow.

Maybe I've been trained from watching G no Reconguista, that is a show that truly goes to fast, plus that series is written and directed by someone who is criminally insane and is impossible to follow.

They went through a entire volume? lmao

200 pages in 20 minutes sounds about right lol

That one episode was an entire volume and THEN some???


Yea that's way too fucking fast. This one needed to be two episodes at the very least.

It was definitely a bit much to cram into one episode. I know this has to be the set up for the rest of Final Act, but it could have used being broken up a bit.


I saw something about a flashback to a scene in the same episode
now is a good time to remind you all that Courage is the Magic that Turns Dreams into Reality

Fun fact from the 2nd SAO book: The nervegear has a age restriction, so if youre not 13 or older, you cant use it.
How does that make any sense. How. We can all confirm we're 13 at 7.


Gives all the fucks
Just wait until there's a nervegear which to have to be 18 or older to use.

Does it actually do a scan to see if the person is actually of age or is it the "NOW BE HONEST AND TYPE IN YOUR DATE OF BIRTH, DON'T LIE NOW." age gate?


Just wait until there's a nervegear which to have to be 18 or older to use.

Does it actually do a scan to see if the person is actually of age or is it the "NOW BE HONEST AND TYPE IN YOUR DATE OF BIRTH, DON'T LIE NOW." age gate?

I'm going to guess NOW BE HONEST because the beast tamer girl is 12 IIRC :p
So the whole statement by Kirito saying that he doesnt understand how a little girl could be in the game is nonsensical.

The best line in the book was when Asuna asks for a piggyback ride and then tells kirito she can see a lake because shes higher up. (paraphrased)
"Wow! Look, you can already see the lake from here!"
"I can't see it!"
"I'll give you a ride later"

Why the ...
why sao 2 why


I saw something about a flashback to a scene in the same episode

You say that like it's uncommon.

Fun fact from the 2nd SAO book: The nervegear has a age restriction, so if youre not 13 or older, you cant use it.
How does that make any sense. How. We can all confirm we're 13 at 7.

Why doesn't it make sense? Just because you can get around age restrictions doesn't mean they shouldn't be there in fictional law.


Why doesn't it make sense? Just because you can get around age restrictions doesn't mean they shouldn't be there in fictional law.

Well in the context of the book there is no law regarding VR yet, this is Aincrad still. Weird that someone puts an age restriction on a game for "safety reasons" then suddenly the main character is all like "what? A little kid playing this? That makes no sense, theres a rule saying they cant do that!" when an age gate doesnt stop anything :p

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm bored and have a short week this week, so how about a classic TOONAMI REVIEW?

Attack on Titan

Second episode is good. Not great. Not bad. I genuinely enjoy most of the stuff before they leave training.

Dragon Ball Z Kai

This time on DBZ KAI....More legit shooking than an average episode of AOT! Fun episode, Yusuke knows how to voice act and this is some good setup. (despite the new Kai opening to the series spoiling the real fate of planet Vegeta thing) Next one is a doozy.

Naruto Shippuden

Sai's here! Sai's dead! Naruto can't walk, no wait he can! Sakura fell down some ninja stairs. Better than last week, but only barely. At least the animation has been steady these past few weeks.

One Piece

Recap Piece...still the best show on the block. I legit love Shank's VA.

Tenga Toppa Gurren Laggan

Always liked this one with the Bionic Commando drill arms, the Eureka Seven moments, and the not swerve swerve ending.

Inuyasha: The Final Act

They brought it! To Toonami! I watched this episode for the first time months ago and my brain melted. I watched the rest of the series at the very end of summer but this one. Wow. Characters just appear and disappear and the plot has a brick placed on the accelerator.


Never seen or read any of this up until Aizenfly shows back up. Yeah, not good. Some hilarious line reads though and at least a few of my favorite Vizored showed up. The opening is quite nice though!

Space Dandy

There are two types of people in this world; those that find this episode to be a laugh riot like I do and...pretty much everyone else. The surfer lingo in the beginning and the payoff at the end should be loved by all though.

Cowboy Bebop

If one episode could be said to be a hidden gem in this, the most lauded anime of all time, it's this one. That line by spike. Those facial expressions. The dialogue between the doctor and his assistant (and her hair!) and all the little bits and pieces done by Faye. Marvelous.

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood

Swerve, the kid is a creepy shadow eye monster! Kimbly's not on the level! To be fair though the people at Briggs deserve to be a blood sacrifice as they are pretty much all jerkbags.

Ghost in the Shell: 2nd Gig

Great episode. It was all a big lie. If you didn't think Goda was on the level before now he's actively trolling. Went to Aizen class. The power of bureaucracy.

Big O

The Chobits episode as I call it. Cool ending but next episode is the payoff.

Samurai Jack

Probably my favorite episode of the series. It's either this or Aku's story time.


For fun I gathered all the reactions to Shippuden's pacing and then Final Act's pacing so you can read them back to back.

I wasn't actually commenting on the pacing of Shippuden, I was just quoting Naruto or whoever said "WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING". I just thought the statement was funny.


Master of the Google Search
So, there were full OPs everywhere last night.

One Piece came out to have a runtime of 22:53, which means that it might stay the way it is.
Except One Piece's normal airtime on Toonami is 21 minutes. Hell, Naruto comes in at 21 minutes WITH full opening and ending, and yet that doesn't stop them from replacing the 1:30 opening with the 30 second Toonami opening.


Master of the Google Search
I always love post compilations.

One Piece edits should be interesting now the series has no endings.
Longer openings though. More interestingly is that they add back the Gold Roger opening narration which adds about 40 seconds that can be cut easily. All in all, previews + eyecatchers + Gold Roger narration + Toei intro = 1 minute 50 seconds cut. Which leaves the episode run time at 22:17, the average for late night stuff but 1 minute more than what Toonami likes for new programming.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 55

Right, so it seems that even the series has stopped treating Ali and An as any sort of serious threat by this point. Probably for the best since this duo just do not bring any sort of credible menace and that was at the start of the arc. Anyway, this is a very heavily comedic episode centered around Makoi's downright obnoxious shallow love interest gimmick and it get old quickly. This is basically her power up episode and honestly this isn't even the best episode she has had this season. Recommendation to avoid. Right, so let us talk about one of the reasons this arc not only exists but was booked the way it was. We have this Moonlight Knight character running around basically filling the same job as Tuxedo Mask. The sad thing is he is arguably better since he actually has a larger moveset then the magician. Anyway, Moonlight Knight is one large homage/in-joke to a chracter known as Moonlight Mask. From what I have researched Moonlight Mask is an incredibly almost incalculably important chracter in Japanese media for he is the very first tokusatsu hero to appear on Japanese televison and it just so happens that TOEI helped out with that production. I do admit I am unsure how familiar Sailor Moon watchers would be with the character. You can kind of think of him as Zorro or The Lone Ranger; maybe known through the general zeitgeist but kind of out the public eye since 1981 and would not have a new TV series until 1999.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 56

Right, so the most notable thing about this steaming turd of an episode is that it spawned the "Talent" meme due to somebody at DiC no understanding that talent was and is a euphemism for breasts. Anyway, once again we have reached the point where the evil bad guys kind have to remind themselves they have an alleged mission but are basically too busy being uninteresting love prospects to be assed half the time. Anyway, if you want to watch the whole lot of the Sailor Scouts acting like the pettiest jerks over this stupid Snow White play then this is your episode otherwise strongest recommendation to avoid and maybe take a nap instead.


Gives all the fucks
Got a little bit myself. Not much, but just enough to cover the ground. Need to seal my windows to prevent the cold from seeping in.


Sure. I don't know how he'll be relevant at all though. Even Goten would wipe the floor with him.
Tien could probably kill Frieza at this stage

Doesnt Dende's Dragonballs provide 2 wishes, guarantee they give Frieza some god like powers or immortality with the second wish


Tien could probably kill Frieza at this stage

Doesnt Dende's Dragonballs provide 2 wishes, guarantee they give Frieza some god like powers or immortality with the second wish

3 wishes in fact.

I'm sure pretty much everyone ouside of Krillian, Chiaotzu and Yamcha could defeat Frieza by the end of the series.

It was retconned to 1 in Battle of Gods.

Was it? I guess I missed that fact.


whenever there are wishes involved, you can never ask for more wishes, is this a serious criticism

I'm really surprised that people don't jump up and grab all the dragon balls post-wish, like Goku did with the 4 star ball when he was a kid


Gives all the fucks
Hmm, Tales of Xillia 2 & Lightning Returns for $20 each at GameStop Black Friday.

....I still haven't started Xillia 1 from last year's BF....


Gives all the fucks
The last PC game I played was....Sonic R(or Sonic CD) on my Windows 98, because I didn't have the systems to play those games at the time.

I wonder if they'll be the first print copies of each. Can't remember if Xillia 2 did anything, but didn't LR have the Cloud outfit?
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