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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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When bae says she's home alone.



Sketchbook Picasso
This, all this, is amazing.

Thanks Fox! I swear I had to re-learn the program when I picked it up again last night, ha. So I'm quite glad it turned out well, I went through the first picture not remembering how to Zoom, lol.

Great stuff. Absolutely love the Smash theme this week too.

Couldn't avoid the SMASH! Even though I've also been enjoying Pier Solar on XB1. But who'd understand any of the early games refs I'd make to that, haha. Thanks!

Fell asleep during Bleach and woke up during the Big O /Samurai Jack mech power hour
I got money on the Vampire!
Or DBZ for the Salty Bets.

SO MUCH MECHA LAST NIGHT! Felt good. Jack was unexpected.

Always bet on DBZ,,, Unless there's an OP Vampire in the room. Inuyasha's a fav, but yeah... he's probably gonna get rekt!

Good morning everyone.
Excellent work SAB.

Thanks much!

I always wished Raditz did a bit more too. He was a unique design I'd like to see pulled through transformations... I loved getting to see him fleshed out when the 3D games started on PS2...

Naruto's a drawing catch up time for me lately, lol. Nowhere near as exciting as playing through the story-filled Ultimate Ninja Storm games.

Kagura's Death... thinking about her actual character Arc, it felt pretty weighty to me. What a NARAKU way to kill her. Sessha doesn't sounds refined anymore, in comparision. It throws me off a lot, because while I originally though he sounded TOO deep, it really fit with his mannerisms. Now he's... weird.

DAMN, that's insane. Seriously glad they decided to do Kai, because I feel like I can get into this series better with a ton of the filler cut out.

DBZ without the filler... I worried it'd feel over-fast at first, but having it like this has started to feel good, since it seems to focus well on what one REMEMBERS of the show. I rarely feel like something I cared for is missing, even though I kinda liked DBZ fillers...

Best sketch dump in a long while. Loved the coloring on top of the art too!

Thanks much Raxus! Pixely is always fun, and I'm always happy when it comes out well. So glad a fellow GAFer brought such an App to Miiverse!

Having a fill tool and undos makes it SO much easier to make certain pictures in time... not to mention Copy & Paste!

Sesshomaru's new voice isn't bad in a vacuum, but it's so different from his original one. Also, it seems a bit more emotive than before, which while an odd criticism in most cases, feels a little weird here.

True though. The old really grew on me. Of course, I enjoy the old cast... As often as one hears the same VAs these days, it's nice not only to hear different people from the 'yasha dubs, but I like hearing the more varied takes on voice matches. Now he feels more like an average voice match for the archetype, with no additional depth to the selection.

Oh and SAB excellent stuff you and neorice need to work together to do the sprites for a new ssb style anime fighter

I'd have great fun making such a thing... one of those gametypes I'd probably play test more than even required, because it'd be SO FUN if done right!

SSB has transforming stages, I'd have the attacks transforming the stages... you'd image in pixels, the kinda transformation states and destruction could be RIDICULOUS...


Couldn't avoid the SMASH! Even though I've also been enjoying Pier Solar on XB1. But who'd understand any of the early games refs I'd make to that, haha. Thanks!


I would. I acutually haven't touched it a few weeks thanks to other games coming out. I should probably get back to it at some point, though Persona Q is coming in just a few days.
I'm at about the halfway point for Clone Wars season 4, so I think I'm gonna take a break for a week and maybe re-evaluate how I write these things up. I tend to write them over about a 1.5 to 2 hour period (more depending on how much I get distracted by goofing around on the Internet) and then post them as soon as I get finished, but I'm thinking I might start writing them a bit in advance. Also I might go make a Wordpress site or something to dump old ones on.


Sketchbook Picasso

I would. I acutually haven't touched it a few weeks thanks to other games coming out. I should probably get back to it at some point, though Persona Q is coming in just a few days.

Glad to see someone else would get my references to Hoston, Allie, and Es! Feels really nice to have an RPG like that, that isn't tounge-in-cheek and Parody. Legit love letter to the era. And I... actually had to 16 bit GRIND when I played this morning! Been a while.

Best scene in Kai last night:

"SCREW BEAM OF... That Bad man..."

Are they dead afterwards, or do they both light a cig and look peaceably into each others eyes?


Attack on Titan - This is one of the better episodes of the series and the only one (I can think of) that has actual comedy in it. Oh Potato Girl, why are you so adorably cute? On the down side, this episode also tries to make Eren out to be some sort of badass with all of the other characters even fawning over him at the end. It’s such a cheap power-fantasy trope and feels completely unearned here as for the rest of the series. Eren sucks. Still, I liked this episode.

DBZ: Kai - It’s only the third episode and Goku is already dead! I’m really loving this pacing. It makes every episode feel fast paced and worthwhile. It was decades ago when I first saw DBZ so I didn’t remember much from this battle but I do remember really being interested in the episodes to follow that show
the afterlife
. As far as Kai is concerned, the new insert and redrawn shots look noticeably off because the line thickness on the original cells are much thicker than the new stuff. It really makes them stand out in a bad way. They should have tried better to match the line thickness of the original cells. A minor quibble in what was overall an entertaining episode. Nice to see Gohan finally man up.

Naruto: Shippuden - Enter Sasuke. Has it ever been explained why viewers should care? Seriously. If someone had never seen the original show would they have any motivation for why this is a big deal or why team Leaf Village should even care about this red-eyed devil? Also, why is Orochimaru apparently subservient to him now? Other than that reveal, nothing really happened except an episode of Reading Rainbow. Sai’s book looked nice but who cares? He’s still a jerk who left his teammates to die on a bridge. Another boring ass episode of a show about ninjas.

One Piece - More flashbacks, this time with Zoro and Usopp. I never saw these original episodes so I’m kinda enjoying this although they are leaving out too much for me to feel any emotional investment. It’s just showing how these guys joined. Clearly, these flashbacks are supposed to illicit nostalgia that I’m not capable of having. The goofy short at the end featuring the reporter was pretty funny and are making these episodes totally worth watching. It looks like next week will be all about Nami so I’m looking forward to learning how she joined (hopefully).

Gurren Lagann - ”Rap is the Soul of a Man! Go Beyond the Impossible and Kick Reason to the Curb! Perk Up Your Earholes and Listen REAL Close to the Theme of Our Team Dai-Gurren!!” Yes, that’s the full title of the song from the soundtrack. It really gets your blood pumping.

♫ Do the impossible; see the invisible. Row! Row! Fight the power! Touch the untouchable; break the unbreakable. Row! Row! Fight The Power! What you gonna do is what you wanna do, just break the rules and you see the truth (uh-huh). This is the theme of *G* coming through, Baby! Row! Row! Fight The Power! ♫

Yeah, so those reinforcements were a bit “Deus Ex Mecha” but if it’s any consolation, those battleships they hijacked are significantly smaller than Dai-Gurren which was a custom battleship originally built for Thymilph, one of the four generals. Next week is the finale of the first half of Gurren Lagann and nothing can prepare you for the hype levels that will be achieved. DON'T MISS IT! Get ready because the spiral gauges will be off the charts!

Inuyasha: Final Act - I still had a hard time following the first half, mostly because I’m not more familiar with all the characters and their names. The second half was fine though I had a much better time following the plot and motivations. The ending scene where the feather women died was really well done and even though I didn’t know her very well, I still could feel the gravity of her death. Quite touching, especially when Inuyasha asked “Did she suffer?” The animation continues to be great and I really do enjoy that Opening song. I should probably read up more on who these other characters are (aside from Team Inuyasha) so I can better follow the conversations. Still, I'm enjoying this.

Bleach - I’ve decided to stop watching this show until a new arc starts. I just can’t get engaged with these characters I’ve never seen before. I see Aizen show up near the end and I just chucked. Someone please just tell me if there is going to be a new arc starting soon because I’m bowing out of Bleach until that happens.

Not a bad week but still not as good as it could be with so many repeats mixed throughout the block. I understand having the mix to keep people watching into the night but I feel like ratings would be better overall if all the new stuff was towards the front of the block and repeats kept near the rear like it used to be.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was wide awake for Big O and wide awake at 5:56 am when Jack ended. The 26 minutes that Jack ran though? Out cold I think. A giant stone robot? No fucking talking at all? Another Big? Some SBT like parts? I think?
Bleach - I’ve decided to stop watching this show until a new arc starts. I just can’t get engaged with these characters I’ve never seen before. I see Aizen show up near the end and I just chucked. Someone please just tell me if there is going to be a new arc starting soon because I’m bowing out of Bleach until that happens.

Sorry, by "new" arc I meant the next arc or whatever arc I've not seen. I didn't start watching Bleach until the battle between Ichigo and Aizen so I don't know how long until that happens. I don't recognize any of these characters we're seeing now.

Not trying to be a dick but how can you just jump into a series 250+ episodes in and get frustrated when you don't recognize certain characters? Bleach has a huge cast of and Kubo likes to use them all; you're going to have to read the wiki or play catch up to fully grasp the story. It's not going to get better just because you pick it back up during fullbring.
Not trying to be a dick but how can you just jump into a series 250+ episodes in and get frustrated when you don't recognize certain characters? Bleach has a huge cast of and Kubo likes to use them all; you're going to have to read the wiki or play catch up to fully grasp the story. It's not going to get better just because you pick it back up during fullbring.

Honestly as a fan who has read the whole series and seen a bunch of the anime I honestly forget who half these people are. I know what group they're from but I never remember their names or their powers, this is especially true of the Visored (Vizored? Vizard? see it spelled like 8 different ways)


Not trying to be a dick but how can you just jump into a series 250+ episodes in and get frustrated when you don't recognize certain characters? Bleach has a huge cast of and Kubo likes to use them all; you're going to have to read the wiki or play catch up to fully grasp the story. It's not going to get better just because you pick it back up during fullbring.

My frustration is that Toonami restarted the show during the middle of the battle between characters who (as best as I can tell) don't get reintroduced later. What's worse, all of the main characters (Ichigo, Rukia, Orihime, and Chad) are MIA. As it is, people I've never seen before (aside from Hitsugaya and Aizen) are fighting each other and I don't know why.

At least with One Piece, Toonami had the curtesy to start the show when they first arrived at Long Ring Long Land rather than in the middle of the Davy Back fight and even if they had it would have still included the main cast.
Attack on Titan - Obnoxious Eren, cheap drama, and hit-or-miss comedy. Most of the characters fail to leave much of an impression, which is a problem when that's pretty much the main purpose of the episode.

DBZ Kai - For all Toei's faults, they've always been pretty good at creating a sense of speed and impact in action scenes like this. The fight is good, and the pacing is fantastic.

Naruto Shippuden - Watching these morons sit around and point out the most obvious fucking things in a picture book is the stuff of parody.

One Piece - I don't feel that this one was cut very well. Usopp gets short-changed, while Zoro's feels too long and doesn't give a great amount of time to his backstory.

Gurren Lagann - I can forgive the timely reinforcements since they're tied to the events of last episode, but the action peaks a bit early, I think. Still a great episode, though.

InuYasha: The Final Act - It may just be a result of how the series has been condensed, but it feels like these power ups are appearing out of nowhere. Why is Midoriko's soul even still around? Why did Koga never go to get Wolverine claws before? It's funny that this episode has some exposition to give us the breathing room last week lacked, but then they still cram everything into the final half. Kagura's death is done well, but it's hard not to feel like it could've been done better with slower pacing. It just sort of...happens.

Man God

Non-Canon Member


2nd GIG Kinda Obvious spoiler that you may or may not have missed
He commented on the TV panelist dropping truth bombs that this was an unexpected vector in the infection.
which basically hints at.....(More Spoilerly spoiler)
He is behind the virus that caused the Individual 11 to form.


Master of the Google Search
Sorry, by "new" arc I meant the next arc or whatever arc I've not seen. I didn't start watching Bleach until the battle between Ichigo and Aizen so I don't know how long until that happens. I don't recognize any of these characters we're seeing now.
Bad news: this is like 3/4ths through a terrible years upon years long saga in Bleach. So no new arc for a long while.

Good news: Ichigo should return very soon so you'll start recognizing stuff if you've seen the Ichigo vs Aizen battle before.


What is this thread even

What the. Luffy throws a dodgeball ,hits 11 people. The dub says 10 are out. I pause and count. 11 people, definitely. Okay then.
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