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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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Fresh from the pits of despair, it’s episode 70 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars! On Naboo, the gungans are as mad as hell and they’re not going to take it anymore, with “it” being the nebulous idea of civil unrest. Amid rumors that they plan to aid a Separatist attack on Naboo’s capital, Padme and Anakin are sent to negotiate with the gungan leader, Boss Lyonie. I want you to picture a serious, impassioned speech that speaks out against repression and classism. Now, picture that speech being delivered with ridiculous gungan speech patterns and you have the scene that awaits Anakin, Padme, and Jar Jar in the gungan capital. It is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen on this show. You can’t see him too well in the image, but as this speech is going on the camera focuses to the left of Lyonie on a purple gungan with a bull horn through his nostrils like a witch doctor, smiling like an obvious villain smiles. One of the warrior gungans, General Tarpals, expresses his concerns about the proposed attack to Jar Jar as the speech concludes.


Padme and Anakin step in to talk to Lyonie, soon noticing that the guy looks stoned out of his gourd (“loconut” in Jar Jar’s words.) They deduce that it’s not the result of hitting the bong pretty hard, but of the conspicuous glowing necklace he’s wearing. Anakin uses the Force to snatch it, which prompts Lyonie to sober up and point the finger at the purple witch doctor, Rish Loo. We cut to Loo talking to a hologram of Count Dooku before Lyonie bursts in, rather displeased. And let me tell you, hearing two gungans argue with each other is fucking awful. Anakin and Padme aren’t even around to interject with a normal voice, because they’re waiting outside. Eventually, Loo uses some weird magic to start controlling Lyonie again, which Anakin senses with the Force. He and Padme intervene, which prompts three of the more advanced droids to drop down from the ceiling. One tackles Padme outside of Loo’s room, but she is quickly able to shoot it in the head. Anakin has way more trouble with the remaining two than he should, while Lyonie struggles to restrain Loo, who stabs the gungan ruler (he makes the face you see above) and manages to escape; Padme JUST STANDS THERE while he runs away.


In the aftermath, Lyonie lies unconscious on a hospital bed and Anakin muses about how the guy never got the chance to call off the attack. Padme asks Jar Jar, who is inexplicably holding a crown, if the military will listen to him, but he says that they won’t. Then he puts on the crown for no reason, which prompts the two white people in the room to point out that Jar Jar looks exactly like Lyonie and gives them the idea to have Jar Jar impersonate Lyoniee. When you remember that the gungans are often referred to as racial caricatures, this becomes THE WORST PLOT IDEA EVER CREATED.


Cut to Loo giving a speech to some gungan soldiers, because apparently putting the word out that someone stabbed the ruler is not something gungans like to do. He goes on for a little bit, hyping them up for an attack against “THA NABOOOO”, but when he mentions that they will be marching with the Separatist droids, the crowd reacts uneasily, calling out in voices that literally sound like a bunch of ducks. Eventually, Jar Jar emerges from the crowd and informs them that Loo manipulated his “headthoughts” so the attack is off. The gungans begin to jeer at this revelation, and I’d like to point out that I think the birds I hear out my window are making noises in response to that jeering. Loo runs off (again) on a speeder bike because Anakin, who was watching this from the bushes, did not think to cut off his escape route. Anakin gives chase on one of those duck-camel things as the Separatist ship lands, because apparently it’s just that easy for them to get on the planet’s surface. A speak-and-spell droid informs Jar Jar that the general would like to have a few words about the cancelled attack. That general is Grievous, who is rather unhappy. As Jar Jar sits down to negotiate, he plays with his chair and talks about the moy bad headthoughts given to him by Loo before ordering Tarpals, who accompanied him aboard the ship, to leave and do “that thing.”


Tarpals contacts Padme, who tells him to shut down the droids, which is accomplished offscreen because apparently that is something so easy to do that it doesn’t even warrant being animated. Eventually, Grievous realizes the obvious: that Jar Jar is not Lyonie. The general chases him outside the ship, where the gungan soldiers are waiting. The sky spontaneously clouds over and rains because atmosphere as the battle begins. Eventually, Grievous stabs Tarpals and utters this horrific line, “How does it feel to die?” Tarpals remarks that he is sacrificing himself as he impales Grievous on an electrified spear, which allows the other gungans to take him down with projectiles and restrain him, absolutely decimating his credibility as a villain forever. He took down only four or five gungans, and that’s being optimistic because I’m not even sure all of them died. Also there's a moment of sadness for Tarpals, whose name I had to look up in order to write this.


Peter Palpatine isn’t having that shit and informs Dooku, who is at Loo’s secret laboratory, that he must capture Anakin in order to force the Republic to trade Grievous because he’s important (ignoring the fact that Dooku tried to have him killed in season one, of course.) Dooku contacts Loo and instructs him to lead Anakin to the laboratory, which is a giant stone head in the side of a cliff for some reason. When the two arrive, Dooku murders Loo and engages Anakin in a battle with himself and four of those staff-wielding droids. This fight is actually pretty good…until you realize that Ahsoka took out three of these things while holding a baby in the Clone Wars movie. It also makes defeating the Jedi look like the easiest thing ever, as Dooku is able to capture Anakin mere minutes after being told to do so. Dooku contacts Padme and offers a trade; her reluctance is met with the droids electrocuting Anakin. He gives her some time to think it over, and Padme muses that the Republic could potentially win the war with Grievous captured. Jar Jar points out that Anakin is their friend. Lyonie, who awakens, agrees with Jar Jar. This is treated not as a moment of weakness, but as something inspirational. The exchange is made (Grievous walks away cackling in his hilarious restraints) and the episode ends.

You know how I complained that the last arc was stretched? This episode does too much. The whole subplot with the gungans is horrible in itself because gungans are completely obnoxious. Hearing them talk amongst themselves is an excruciating experience that's impossible to take seriously. To be fair to the show, it treats the gungans more or less with a straight face; Jar Jar is an outlier. But their manner of speech completely wrecks any attempts at seriousness, and the fact that they manage to capture General Grievous is absolutely laughable because of this. Worse, they capture Grievous with seven minutes left in the episode. Dooku captures Anakin two or three minutes later. This is plotline that can work, but it's completely half-assed and rushed, making both characters look like pansies as a result of how easily they're both taken down. In general, the episode clearly bends the abilities of its characters and their competence levels for the purposes of the plot. Congratulations, Clone Wars, you have a new worst episode. Because while Bombad Jedi is awful in its own right, it doesn't completely fumble dealing with important plot points (it has none) or force the audience to deal with MULTIPLE GUNGANS.

Grade: F

Next time, I get to watch an episode that deals with 3PO, R2, and a character that looks like this:




Also bwhahaha at an 'evil' gungan design. Nobody would take him as a serious threat ever.


Good to see the Hellsing situation got worked out :) Aside from that and the FMA movie I've seen these all before but they are all worth rewatching except for the DBZ movie.

thank goodness for Hellsing

unfortunately, they probably blew their movie budget on picking those up, so the rest of the movies aren't going to be new for you guys

I haven't seen any of the movies, though, so I guess the real winner is me.

Whoa you've never seen Akira?! I'm looking forward to your reactions :)


Whoa you've never seen Akira?! I'm looking forward to your reactions :)

I think it's actually sitting in my Hulu queue, I might watch it commercial free and uncensored before it airs. Haven't decided.

have I said how good Hulu is for anime? cuz it's pretty good

especially considering the fact that if you're diligent about it, you can get Plus for free indefinitely with Bing Rewards

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I thought late clone wars was supposed to be good

That is literally the worst episode of the final three seasons. I personally don't think its as bad as the earlier Jar Jar episodes. The pacing is fucked to hell on it though, they figure out the guy is brainwashed about two minutes in.

I might have to record everything tonight as I'm considering taking some Nyquil and going back to bed. If I do that though I'll probably be back for best toonami at 4-6am.
Sword Art Online II - Episode 18

The most surprising thing about this episode is
that Agil actually had a speaking role and some character depth.

What an achievement. Bravo.
What do you guys think of Toriko(manga)?

It's good but it starts off weird and slow and takes a lot longer to click then it should. I imagine you're thinking of picking this up because Naruto ended and Toriko will make a good substitution jutsu for your Wednesday manga needs. Stick with Toriko though the Century Soup arc and if after you finish that the series still isn't gelling with you give up. Personally after taking me like 2 weeks to get though the 60ish chapters to get to the Century Soup arc I read the remaining 100ish chapters in like 2 days.
It's good but it starts off weird and slow and takes a lot longer to click then it should. I imagine you're thinking of picking this up because Naruto ended and Toriko will make a good substitution jutsu for your Wednesday manga needs. Stick with Toriko though the Century Soup arc and if after you finish that the series still isn't gelling with you give up. Personally after taking me like 2 weeks to get though the 60ish chapters to get to the Century Soup arc I read the remaining 100ish chapters in like 2 days.

I'm only 3 chapters and I'm getting the feeling that everything is moving slowly. I've also read like 2 chapters of Terra Formars.


plans with this one chick fell through so I'm probably in for the block, no more bleach tho so the block go got that much colder. We got Ino tho so it's all good

The AoT manga is getting really silly now.

lol that's what happens when you try to stretch a concept further then it should be afraid to see what is going on now

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If someone told me that Boondocks and Black Dynamite would both come back after a long hiatus, one better than ever and the other one offensively unwatchable that BD would be the good one I'd never believe them.


I'll probably discuss about it later but for now, let's just say that I'm about 1-2% closer in being a real-life Ghost in the Shell character.
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