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Toonami |Nov14| Brought Final Act to Toonami

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Water War
Gungan Attack


It’s time for some good old-fashioned torture in episode 69 of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Waterboarding kind of loses its effect when you’re already completely submerged, so Gran Bruce has the next best thing: giant electric eels (Kit Fisto intelligent observes that they’re very dangerous.) Jar Jar and Padme are chained up to some weird underwater shackles, while Fisto (hehe) and Anakin are thrown in their oddly elaborate torture cages. Seriously, just hook these guys up to a car battery or something, there’s no need to go to the trouble of capturing massive eels for this very specific purpose. Anyway, Gran Bruce orders the quarren to poke the eels, which angers the creatures and causes them to give off large amounts of electricity. He asks where the prince is, and he does this while hilariously ending his question with a shark roar, which is even funnier than it would normally be because he asks the question in a rather calm voice before transitioning into, “RAAAAAR.”


We cut to fugitives Lee-Char and Ahsoka discuss a bit of the mon calamari’s history with the quarren. The prince believes that he must unite both of them, and he outlines his plan: get the prisoners to revolt, as they greatly outnumber the Separatists. But he needs Ackbar in order to carry out the plan and after a brief scene where more shark-men arrive to back up Gran Bruce, we see the pair arrive at the prison camp and sneak inside. Some of the mon calamari within talk about how there’s no hope since the prince is dead before noticing Lee-Char, who assures them that he’s working on the whole victory thing before he starts to depart to look for Ackbar. But one of the mon calamari calls him out on leaving them behind, to which Lee-Char says a few more “inspirational” words before uttering this: “The next time I appear to you, I will appear as a king”, like he’s fucking supernatural. THEN HE STRIKES A CHRIST POSE.


Meanwhile, the torture isn’t going very well as Anakin and Fisto (hehe) aren’t talkative types. Gran Bruce bites a small crack in Padme’s helmet to make it begin filling with water and prompt them to divulge the prince’s whereabouts. Back at the prison camp, Lee-Char, who I’m going to refer to as “Jesus” now, and Ahsoka soon locate an injured Ackbar. Ackbar agrees to marshal the troops in preparation to revolt as Jesus explains that the quarren are merely being used, and that their signal will be when the quarren attack the Separatists. A droid witnesses this conversation and arrives with reinforcements to capture Jesus and Ahsoka. Cut back to Gran Bruce interrogating the Jedi, where he receives a call informing him of the prince’s capture. He informs the droid on the other end to bring Jesus to the throne room, and reveals to the quarren leader that he instead has been placed in charge of Mon Calamari, to the surprise of no one else. He swims off and leaves Padme to die. Fisto (hehe) and Anakin try to use the Force to create an air bubble around Padme’s helmet, which is apparently something they can do, but the eels electrocute them and break their concentration. Then Jar Jar, I shit you not, hocks a loogie onto Padme’s helmet in order to plug the hole. He calls this “gungan waterproofing” and says it’s why they swim so well, which you may notice makes no sense whatsoever.


In the throne room, Jesus makes a series of empty threats to Gran Bruce and unsubtle appeals to the quarren leader, who is visibly conflicted. Gran Bruce informs Jesus that he will be publicly executed immediately (…too easy), which the Jedi, Padme, and Jar Jar are taken to observe. Public execution in this case is just Jesus getting mauled by the other shark-men; the quarren leader rescues him just in time as his people quietly arm the prisoners. The battle begins for a third time, only now with the quarren on Jesus’s side and a lot of obvious, lame posing thrown in. Gran Bruce pulls out some special knives, which I would like to point out are just now being introduced, and begins stabbing them into some of his enemies. The knives then explode, which is kind of crazy for a children’s show. Jesus joins the fight and promptly gets the shit beaten out of him, but he manages to grab one of Gran Bruce’s knives. Gran Bruce says the bizarre line of “I killed your father without pity or mercy” before not even attempting to dodge the knife Jesus throws at him, which lodges in his shoulder. He swims toward the prince (quite a bit more slowly than we’ve seen him swim in this series) in an attempt to kill them both, but Jesus manages to shoot the knife and blow it up. As Gran Bruce’s severed head floats toward the sea floor, the quarren leader declares the battle over. Jesus is crowned king and they all live happily ever after.


This is the real opening text for the episode, and it's part of the reason I made the joke one. There is absolutely nothing convincing about Lee-Char earning his kingdom. He hasn't earned the trust of his people, they just follow him for no reason. The very basis of the war is the fact that the quarren don't accept him as king, and he has led his people to defeat on two separate occasions. Not only should they be completely reluctant to follow this guy, they should be mad as hell at him. He does little more than tell everyone to wait and see; the writers are trying to prove a point that they have no idea how to prove. The episode itself falls into the same problems as the last one because of this, and the novelty of the battle scenes has certainly worn off by now (the murky water, which I haven't complained about yet, is also very tiresome at this point.) Gran Bruce's death is awesomely graphic, but it's hurt by the fact that it cheaply comes from a weapon introduced just minutes before. This arc as a whole is pretty much a bust, and it had no business taking up three episodes. Next time, because we just can't get enough, IT'S A JAR JAR BINKS EPISODE!

Grade: C


Well two weeks are gone. Bye Bye Bayonetta 2 avatar.

Game is still fantastic though. Never ceases to bring a smile to my face.

Big thanks to ckohler for the fixed 'Gief.


so because I'm a horrible person (and have a lot of time on my hands), I went ahead a bit in Gurren Lagaan (about episode 15)

and well...it is a weird ride. I go from being all like "well this isn't that great of a show..very overrated" to " WOOOOOOOOOOOOO" constantly.
when LordGenome waltzed out of his gunmen to punch Simon..i had an out of body experience

Will be interesting re-watching them and seeing what I missed so it's not a loss that I went ahead.

also sorry
so because I'm a horrible person (and have a lot of time on my hands), I went ahead a bit in Gurren Lagaan (about episode 15)

and well...it is a weird ride. I go from being all like "well this isn't that great of a show..very overrated" to " WOOOOOOOOOOOOO" constantly.
when LordGenome waltzed out of his gunmen to punch Simon..i had an out of body experience

Will be interesting re-watching them and seeing what I missed so it's not a loss that I went ahead.

also sorry

Can't hold all these broken bonds, man.
so because I'm a horrible person (and have a lot of time on my hands), I went ahead a bit in Gurren Lagaan (about episode 15)

and well...it is a weird ride. I go from being all like "well this isn't that great of a show..very overrated" to " WOOOOOOOOOOOOO" constantly.
when LordGenome waltzed out of his gunmen to punch Simon..i had an out of body experience

Will be interesting re-watching them and seeing what I missed so it's not a loss that I went ahead.

also sorry

We'll forgive you if you SSJ your avatar


My avatar is immune to the effects of SSJ-ification.

Because this isn't my avatar

Also why is too many cooks trending on twitter (lol tailored trends I know). I liked it but is it really becoming a thing?


Gives all the fucks
*checks Dish's site on Turner situation*

"11/7/14 - We sincerely appreciate your loyalty - thank you for staying with us as we work to reach a fair and reasonable agreement with Turner."

*checks Dish's site on Turner situation*

"11/7/14 - We sincerely appreciate your loyalty - thank you for staying with us as we work to reach a fair and reasonable agreement with Turner."


the use of "fair and reasonable" there made me chuckle




We’re sorry we don’t have them for next week, but we’re kicking off movie month with the last two episodes of the Hellsing Ultimate!. 9’s the first week, and 10’s the next week. And there’s a whole bunch of movies too! Every week for a month we’re showing two movies (if you count Hellsing as a movie, which we are). Full list below, and full schedule to come in the next couple of weeks. Spend your holiday in Hyoerspace with us!

December 6th – Hellsing Ultimate 9 and Summer Wars
December 13th – Hellsing Ultimate 10 and Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos
December 20th – Dragonball Z: Broly – The Legendary Super Saiyan and Akira
December 27th – Evangelion 1.11 and Evangelion 2.22


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
They got Hellsing back? Fuck yeah! Now I don't have to buy the Blu-Ray or look for... other means.

I could buy the Blu-Ray of the whole series eventually...

As for the others:
I'll watch Summer Wars again (awesome movie)
I'll check out Sacred Stars I guess.
I'll watch Broly (never seen it)
Everything else I'll skip.


Only going to watch the Broly movie. Been forever since I've seen it. Others.....meh will go to a party or something.


Being able to finish Hellsing is great. Summer Wars and Akira are fun.

Sacred Star of Milos is not a fantastic movie, but still pretty good and way better than Shamballa

I'll probably miss the Evangelion night because of the holidays.

Broly wtf


It's a shame though, I really wanted the BE movie. Will try and see Eva though.
They got Hellsing back? Fuck yeah! Now I don't have to buy the Blu-Ray or look for... other means.

I could buy the Blu-Ray of the whole series eventually...

As for the others:
I'll watch Summer Wars again (awesome movie)
I'll check out Sacred Stars I guess.
I'll watch Broly (never seen it)
Everything else I'll skip.

Like going to a tiny-ass town in suburban Virginia.


I wonder if they originally had other stuff planned before the Hellsing issues arose or if the first two weeks were only going to have one movie.

I imagine the Hellsing stuff definitely changed plans. I'm really stoked that they are able to finish it though!
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