LIGHT FINDING OPERATIONFunny thing, I thought those were two different shows that just happened to appear on this list, then I...looked it up and gave myself a facepalm.
LIGHT FINDING OPERATIONFunny thing, I thought those were two different shows that just happened to appear on this list, then I...looked it up and gave myself a facepalm.
I'm not salty. I'm just saying, why have a second dubbing company do voice work for your show?
Unless it's something ridiculous like, "Funimation didn't want to make a children network friendly dub, so they went to Bang Zoom'.
I have to agree, why have 2 American dubbing companies working on the same product with the same level of quality? its redundant, why wouldn't FUNi's dub work for Asia?
I'm guessing this is why FUNi's Super's dub announcement took soo damn long. I just hope the BZ dub gets preserved as I'm pretty sure were not going to see a BR release here.
given that BZ's will be out in the next 6 months and funi's is likely 14 months away... I imagine plenty of places will preserve BZ's just to have an english version of DB super that isn't a fan dub.
given that BZ's will be out in the next 6 months and funi's is likely 14 months away... I imagine plenty of places will preserve BZ's just to have an english version of DB super that isn't a fan dub.
I have to agree, why have 2 American dubbing companies working on the same product with the same level of quality? its redundant, why wouldn't FUNi's dub work for Asia?
You know what, since there are absolutely zero spoilers I'll just post it.
The next One Piece Opening.
Carta's so useless because the Outer Earth Fleet hasn't fought a battle in forever, the main Gjallarhorn does. She was sent there to pilot a desk because she's from a high-status family, but got a chance to fight because Tekkadan unexpectedly showed up. She's never actually fought a real battle before.-an organization needs to stop this group and they're agreeing to duels and such with honor instead of just obliterating them off the face of the earth? It's a freight train and they're a dishonest organization as is this is really stupid.
I laughed extra hard when I saw that.Random IBO fanart I came across since were just talking about the show:
As an aside and reminder, Code Geass already aired on Adult Swim Action and did mediocre. I do think it could do better on Toonami but I doubt the folks at CN would want to try that again. Not saying anyone was demanding it back but I just felt I should mention that
Also yes, for those who haven't seen the show, it starts strong/honest and then jumps the shark so hard it lands on the moon and never comes back down to Earth. Ending is legit though. This is all from memory I should mention.
Saw IBO finally, heres my thoughts in bullet points and in no particular order:
-McGillis literally deus ex machina saved the girl, Mikazuki even delayed his kill, which is kinda ehhh considering hes stone cold half the time with murder- they wrote the delay in solely to have a way to save her, which isn't the best.
Oh, right, Carta*McGillis wasn't the one to come save Carta, Gaellio was. And she wasn't saved at all. She died.
I can think of a few:
Love Hina (Bang Zoom's worst dub IMO)
Fate/Stay Night 2006
The Familiar of Zero (What do you expect when the dub is literally a school project)
Higurashi: When They Cry
Oh, right, Carta*
Rip my attention span to random guys at....
Wtf was I doing up at 5am
But yeah I got that the one guy sent her to her grave, but did she die on screen and I missed that or she just was too badly injured by then?
I posted this because Stories is a Toonami reviewed game most of us never heard of until that review.Cool games for PS+ this month.
Mine's residing in some UPS warehouse 13 miles from where I live at the moment.My copy of ff15 is waiting at my house kreygasm
My copy of ff15 is waiting at my house kreygasm
I still can't believe they haven't announced a PS4 version, especially for the US. Been waiting for a console version for so long after playing the first one. Heck, it'll just be nice playing with a controller with extra shoulder buttons & 2nd analog stick.I'm still waiting for Dissidia.
I still can't believe they haven't announced a PS4 version, especially for the US. Been waiting for a console version for so long after playing the first one. Heck, it'll just be nice playing with a controller with extra shoulder buttons & 2nd analog stick.
Nintendo/TPC/Namco took forever to announce a Wii U version of Pokkén.I still can't believe they haven't announced a PS4 version, especially for the US. Been waiting for a console version for so long after playing the first one. Heck, it'll just be nice playing with a controller with extra shoulder buttons & 2nd analog stick.
Ahh, good point. Plus they teased Noctus as being playable as well. Heck, they said around 50 characters, but I think at the moment, it's only 20.I guess they're waiting for FF15 to come out and all that jazz.
Now watch them take forever to announce a Switch version with all the new characters that got added to the arcade version.Nintendo/TPC/Namco took forever to announce a Wii U version of Pokkén.
Going past protagonists and antagonists, are they?Ahh, good point. Plus they teased Noctus as being playable as well. Heck, they said around 50 characters, but I think at the moment, it's only 20.
Now watch them take forever to announce a Switch version with all the new characters that got added to the arcade version.
Who are the Inhumans, and why does everyone hate them?
I didn't know any of the Marvel characters had confirmed religions outside of maybe Captain America.
Aren't plenty of folks who run Marvel Jewish?Why does Marvel hate Jews.
Gimme Gene from God Hand so I can have Team Clover.
......there's probably a few more characters from Capcom I want, but I can't think of all of them at the moment. At the very least, give me Rearmed Spencer instead of wife arm Spencer as the default & not as a DLC costume.
Oh damn, that's right, he & Mega Man (who honestly needs a reworked moveset, he is simply not fun in MvC1 & 2) were close to making it into UMvC3. They were in the final pool, but didn't make it.Considering that Gene almost made the roster last time, I have a feeling that he'll be looked at.
Oh damn, that's right, he & Mega Man (who honestly needs a reworked moveset, he is simply not fun in MvC1 & 2) were close to making it into UMvC3. They were in the final pool, but didn't make it.
...also, I just remembered that MvC3 was announced back during my senior year of high school, how time flies.
Edit: & UMvC3 was released only 9 MONTHS after the release of MvC3, wow....
Yup, I remember they had a huge sale on the DLC to ensure people had a chance to get it before it was delisted. Recall it was around the same time MvC Origins & MvC2 was getting delisted as well.They were losing the license. I think UMVC3 was delisted from PSN less than a year after it came out
If Capcom is making a new one they better get on Marvel's shit for letting the mvc3 license expire.
An empire, more or less.Lol
Capcom is a fucking spec of dust when compared to Disney.
An empire, more or less.