Trailer for that Boruto thing.
Good lord I wasn't thinking they wouldn't do this for another year or so.
Whats funny is no footage was shown, its all the previous 2 series's and the Boruto movie.
Whats more funny is that the manga (which is monthly not weekly like Naruto was) is STILL adapting the movie and hasn't gone to original material yet.
So tell me, what the hell kind of material is this Boruto anime gonna have in 4 months when the manga isn't even done adapting the movie?!
Guess were gonna be doing a DB Super and adapting the movie in anime series format.
WHAT?! what in the god damned hell is this, card games on fucking hoverboards now?!?!
I really hate what Yugioh has turned into now and here I was thinking it can't get worse then Zexal.