A dirigible isn't actually a stealth aircraft.
Dracula can't cross moving water without soil from his home country (usually in a coffin). So in this case, Alucard can't fly over water, even if he can normally fly over land. That's why Sir Integra questioned how they were going to get Alucard to the boat in the first place: because he couldnt just fly to it.I don't disagree
It might be consistent but it doesn't FEEL consistent as of right now. Like I feel if you try to think about it for even a bit, it starts to not make sense even within the context of this crazy universe. I'm not entirely sure of the power set of Stoker's Dracula but I'm pretty sure flight (via mist or bats) should be part of his power set so seeing it not be so here feels off.
Again the boat he's on is in the middle of the Atlantic, even if he realized right away that the Nazi's were in England right now, it's gonna take time for him to fly back or mist back. Heck the only real problem with that is it's not gary stu enough for AlucardHeck even if he could get back to England in an hour imagine how much damage 1000 trained and armed Nazi vampires can do, you saw how 2 and some ghouls decimated the Hellsing organization and they were TRAINED for that.
Dracula can't cross moving water without soil from his home country (usually in a coffin). So in this case, Alucard can't fly over water, even if he can normally fly over land. That's why Sir Integra questioned how they were going to get Alucard to the boat in the first place: because he couldnt just fly to it.
Make tinking soundsCould that gun even really do something to Spike's ship?
Airplane ride to Argentina.Was this explicitly stated and I missed it? Or is that something you would have to infer but could only do so if you are familiar with Stoker's material?
This is the plot of the first episode of Cowboy BebopThis is basically the plot of that one Jennifer Aniston/Gerrard Butler movie.
The later. Hellsing Ultimate just assumes you're aware of Dracula as Alucard's backstory.Was this explicitly stated and I missed it? Or is that something you would have to infer but could only do so if you are familiar with Stoker's material?
"He can't get back in time to help the fight in England" is a different argument than "he's stuck" which some had argued. Hellsing foundation should have really thought this through. To be honest, except for Alucard, Walter and Intregra it seems to be made up of mono-scrubs. I guess this will be the point where Seras steps up to the plate and starts kicking ass (this in rhetorical don't spoil it for me)?
Dracula can't cross moving water without soil from his home country (usually in a coffin). So in this case, Alucard can't fly over water, even if he can normally fly over land. That's why Sir Integra questioned how they were going to get Alucard to the boat in the first place: because he couldnt just fly to it.
The later. Hellsing Ultimate just assumes you're aware of Dracula as Alucard's backstory.
This is the plot of the first episode of Cowboy Bebop
That guy was an irredeemable asshole murderer, this guy is generally good natured who went to protect his girl from a loan shark.This is the plot of the first episode of Cowboy Bebop
First episode of 2nd Gig is normal length.Crap I forgot how SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW GitS can be, still have half an episode to go
This is the plot of the first episode of Cowboy Bebop
First episode of 2nd Gig is normal length.
Best opening music time!
I do believe this is the episode that was on the very first night of Nu-Toonami
I do believe this is the episode that was on the very first night of Nu-Toonami
You are correct.
A suspicious woman, but that's none of my business.
*Kermit sip*
Well I (and obviously a bunch of others) missed the bit about Alucard and the soil if they indeed did mention it in the show. I retract my earlier complaints then. Hellsing foundation is still mostly staffed by scrubs though![]()