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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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It's been over 12 hours and i'm still laughing over the NTR in TTGL last night.

Not what I was expecting in the least, but completely heartwarming
Simon missed his chance to pierce the heavens.

He never had a chance anyway. lol


So apparently all that stupid soldier drama with wanting to bring the bodies back was filler.

Whyyyyy did they include that??? It just hurts the already bad reputation of the show I have for it.
So apparently all that stupid soldier drama with wanting to bring the bodies back was filler.

Whyyyyy did they include that??? It just hurts the already bad reputation of the show I have for it.

Keep 1:1 pacing so that they could end season 1 where they wanted to end it


Unconfirmed Member
So apparently all that stupid soldier drama with wanting to bring the bodies back was filler.

Whyyyyy did they include that??? It just hurts the already bad reputation of the show I have for it.
The thing I didnt understand there was that I figured they would dump the bodies and the titans would be distracted and stop to eat those bodies because they're dumb and don't know the difference. I could somewhat understand being angsty about that. But the titans just ran right by them, so it was all just about going a little faster. Like, really? That's it?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The thing I didnt understand there was that I figured they would dump the bodies and the titans would be distracted and stop to eat those bodies because they're dumb and don't know the difference. I could somewhat understand being angsty about that. But the titans just ran right by them, so it was all just about going a little faster. Like, really? That's it?

Same here. I was watching it with a friend and went "Oh, they are going to become Titan food..." as they get stepped on/ignored.


I might skip out from doing any more spoiler warning cards for now, judging by this week’s somewhat lack-luster response. Now, on to the reviews:

Attack on Titan - This episode had a very strong start with Levi being a complete badass in taking down the FemTitan and rescuing Eren. Unfortunately, it quickly devolved back into overly excessive melodrama. I might have actually felt sad for Petra’s father (and Levi) if the story wasn’t so ham-fisted. Also, these villagers should support their troops more rather than always complaining. This is war! All that said, I did enjoy this episode for the most part.

Bleach - I was excited to see how these battles would play out. Finally, advanced FullBringing versus advanced Soul Reaping. Except for the two guys punching each other, the rest of the battles were a complete joke. Turns out FullBringers are just lame jobbers. Dirty Boots was completely laughable as she was one-punched in her stupid motorcycle shirt. The only good thing was watching Rukia and Riruka’s humorous little interaction. The rest was dumb, especially PSP boy and his out-of-nowhere “daddy issues”. With only three episodes left, the series is really ending on a lame note. Didn’t like it.

Naruto: Shippuden - Like with Bleach, I was expecting this episode to be filled with some great fights. Instead, we got a 24 minute long powering up of Naruto’s stupid looking five-tails power. Apparently the animators took a holiday and just re-ran a bunch of stock footage. Orochimaru did get punched but everyone else simply stood around gawking long enough for him to walk over a mile back to the bridge! The only thing I found interesting was learning that Orochimaru apparently wears a white mask over has normal skin. I never knew that. Otherwise, this episode almost put me to sleep. Listen Shippuden: You can’t build tension with boring, endless exposition and a bunch of legit shook faces. This is television; you need to SHOW the audience things!

One Piece - Fantastic episode! I loved the music and the real feeling of anticipation being built by having all the Straw Hats (and Sniper King) reunited on the roof. That shot of them all lined up… so stoic; so epic. I can tell there are about to be some crazy battles going down soon with CP9. I’m also looking forward to seeing Kaku’s devil fruit power that the other characters were joking about. All in all, a truly hype episode! I think I’ve fully come to appreciate this series now.

Gurren Lagann - Arguably, one of best episodes in all of anime. That’s all I really need to say. This series has so many more amazing things to show us.

Hellsing Ultimate - Wow, that was a long episode! I liked it but it wasn’t as great as the last episode. There are so many great moments in this show where the framing of the characters is nicely done. Shrodinger, the Nazi cat-boy (get it?), was a fun addition to the cast. I like the touches of humor especially the moment where he was staring as Seras and she whispered, “stopit.” Rip van Winkle was a let-down, though. I was expecting more of a badass but she was pretty much legit-shook from the moment she sensed Alucard arriving. The Major is nuts. I dig how crazy he is but that monologue about his lust for war was too long. This episode finally made me feel like I knew what was going on with the main plot. Great episode that could have benefited from some editing.

1. Gurren Lagann
2. One Piece
3. Hellsing Ultimate
4. Attack on Titan
15. Bleach
76. Naruto: Shippboredom
I assume there's going to be something important about Titans only eating live humans, but hell if I know or when that's going to be revealed. They're going to milk THE BASEMENT for all they can.

Kaku's Devil Fruit power is amazing/ stupid. Best CP9 member.


I assume there's going to be something important about Titans only eating live humans, but hell if I know or when that's going to be revealed. They're going to milk THE BASEMENT for all they can.

Kaku's Devil Fruit power is amazing/ stupid. Best CP9 member.

One day, four years from now, were going to look back and say "Oh my God, youre right. Theres a basement?!" as we realize theyve avoided mentioning it forever.

Season three of Star Wars: The Clone Wars brings with it a noticeable bump in production values. The show didn’t look bad before, but now it looks legitimately great with much-improved lighting, greater texture detail, and all-around better animation. But that comes at a cost, as it would seem that in exchange for a more visually pleasing cartoon, the action had to be scaled back. There’s a reason I chose the Galactic Senate as an image to represent this season, and it’s because we get so damn many political episodes. After a strong start, the first half of the season feels like it’s more about Padme and Bail Organa than anything else. But even when the series picks up after the halfway point, many of the “big” episodes drop the ball in some way or another. This is easily the worst season of Clone Wars so far and kills the forward momentum of quality that season two had. So, let's take a look at the notable episodes:


The season opens with two episodes set at the clone production facilities on Kamino. The first of these is a prequel that introduces several of the recurring clones that we will come to know as Domino Squad (they were the subject of “Rookies”, an early, great season one episode.) Clone Wars is not much for subtlety, and this shows with the way it spells out each episode’s theme in the opening text. But even with that in mind, and even with the show’s status as a children’s cartoon in mind, “Clone Cadets” feels blunt to the point where it’s off-putting. It shamelessly hammers the value of teamwork into your face, and it fails to do so in a satisfying manner because Domino Squad doesn’t really work hard for the victory at the end of the episode. But to understand one of the main subplots in the following episode, “ARC Troopers”, it is unfortunately required viewing. However, that particular storyline, in which a deformed clone attempts to prove his worth, is easily the weakest part of an otherwise very strong episode. So feel free to skip “Clone Cadets” if you don’t really care about understanding that subplot. Anyway, the rest of “ARC Troopers” is a truly massive battle on Kamino. Grievous, Ventress, Obi-Wan, Anakin, some recognizable clones, space battles, humongous squid droids…there’s so much going on, and the episode manages to tie all of it together with a clever plan and some thrilling battles. It’s matched only by the season two episode “Landing at Point Rain” for scale and stands as one of the highlights of the season and the series so far.


In what could be the most baffling idea for an episode ever, Jar Jar Binks is paired with Bail Organa in a political episode. It’s interspersed with some decent action featuring a random Jedi, but the meat of the episode is Jar Jar and Organa’s attempts to smuggle supplies off a neutral planet, with the aid of its king, after they lose a debate to one of those Separatist toad people. The very concept of the episode is that Jar Jar is too incompetent to do anything himself, so Organa has to do it for him. Avoid at all costs if you can’t stand Jar Jar’s obnoxious voice or annoying antics. The setting of this episode comes back into play during the Nightsisters arc, but you don’t need to watch this to understand what happens there.


This episode, I kid you not, is about how George Lucas is a dual pistol-wielding badass who will walk into a bar and fuck shit up. The character above was portrayed by Lucas in Revenge of the Sith, and here he morphs into Liam Neeson from Taken when his daughters are kidnapped. This episode isn’t really notable otherwise. It’s not bad and some of the action is fine, but the only reason to really mention it is because of the hilarity of George Lucas’s self-insert. It also features Greedo for no real reason if you’re into established characters being shoe-horned into plots.


Improbably plotted and rather dull, The Academy is the worst episode of season three. When Ahsoka is assigned as a teacher in Mandalore to talk to kids about leadership, she tells a boring group of them about how it’s their duty as citizens to question their leaders and expose conspiracies and corruption. Like all children in TV shows, they decide to apply those teachings and stumble upon a real-ass conspiracy! Ignoring all the bullshit plot developments in this episode for a moment, the lesson here is supposed to be that anyone can help. But the entire thing hilariously hinges on the fact that one of the members of Mystery Inc. is related to the Duchess. Do not watch this. Seriously. The previous episode, “Corruption”, somewhat ties into this one in case you’re a masochist, though it’s more mediocre than bad.


“Evil Plans” and “Hunt for Ziro” are a prequel and sequel, respectively, to the season one finale, “Hostage Crisis.” No, there is no reason for it to be spread out like this. Ziro the Hutt is a significant figure in the Clone Wars movie, and “Evil Plans” features Cad Bane’s preparations for his jailbreak, which involve kidnapping and torturing R2-D2 and C-3PO. It’s largely pointless and only really worth mentioning because of how bizarre it is when you think about it. We have droid episodes because kids like the droids, and this episode for some reason is about electrocuting them until they scream. “Hunt for Ziro” features a nice fight at the end, but everything before that is a headache-inducing onslaught of alien voices. Neither of these are very good.


Clone Wars is not a morally ambiguous show, and the Star Wars universe is not a grey one. It’s admirable that the writers want to attempt to humanize the Separatists with “Heroes on Both Sides”, but it’s kind of impossible when literally every single one we’ve seen so far is evil. Ventress is evil, Grievous is evil, Dooku is evil, the Trade Federation is evil. There’s no moral ambiguity here, and the attempts to create it are baffling when Ahsoka and Padme go behind enemy lines to try to get the Separatist Senate to open peace talks. It’s impossible to understand the opposing point of view (which isn’t really given outside of one throwaway line), so it’s impossible to sympathize. The next episode, “Pursuit of Peace”, is runner-up to “The Academy” for worst of the season. After peace talks break down, Padme, Bail Organa, and some others attempt to block a bill that will purchase more clone troopers (everyone but our main group of senators doesn’t at all question the attack.) They learn that senators who vote against this bill are being jumped by a laughable group of thugs, one of which is basically Donald Duck with an eye patch. The central theme of this episode is that Padme listens to the needs of the people, which is presented to the audience with a scene of her listening to her servant tell her what she wants to hear.


Season three finally, finally improves with the Nightsisters arc. Darth Sidious fears Ventress’s growing power and orders Dooku to kill her, but his failure sets into motion an elaborate revenge plot that introduces a significant character called Savage Opress. These three episodes, “Nightsisters”, “Monster”, and “Witches of the Mist”, feature incredible action and suspense, as well as a great degree of creativity. The nightsisters feel unique within the Star Wars universe, and “Witches of the Mist” has undoubtedly the best-directed action of the series so far. It’s a brutal arc that develops the show’s villains well and provides one hell of a setup for a future storyline.


Then the season drops the ball again. The first episode of the Mortis arc, “Overlords”, is fine and can be viewed on its own. But honestly I’m not even gonna warn people away from the arc entirely. It’s mostly entertaining, but the reason two of its three episodes, “Altar of Mortis” and “Ghosts of Mortis”, are entertaining is because of how nonsensical and stupid they become. Add to that a half-assed metaphysical angle and it’s notable for the sheer spectacle of seeing Clone Wars basically turn into bad anime. Oh, and Liam Neeson comes back to voice Qui-Gon Jinn for a total of about five minutes between the first and third episode if you’re into that.


The Citadel arc is ok. It runs a little bit long and nothing about it stands out beyond the presence of Tarkin, future That Guy in Charge of the Death Star and perpetual asshole, but it features some decent action if you can get past an alien villain doing a Christopher Walken impression.


The last arc of the show features Ahsoka being kidnapped by some Trandoshans and hunted for sport along with some Jedi younglings. It features absolutely maddening fight scenes where the characters refuse to use the Force and a bullshit final lesson, so it’s not very good. But it does have Chewbacca.

To make a long story short....

46: ARC Troopers
56: Nightsisters
57: Monster
58: Witches of the Mist

45: Clone Cadets
48: Sphere of Influence
59: Overlords
62: The Citadel
63: Counterattack
64: Citadel Rescue

For the Love of God, No:
47: Supply Lines
50: The Academy
55: Pursuit of Peace
(i might put this list in image form later)

episode reviews (starting from 57):


Sketchbook Picasso
I actually enjoyed Bleach for what it was last night. There was a LOT of situations going on, and we went through a lot of it over such time.

I think Jackie's ending looked a bit stupid, though. It should have looked more like a part of her outfit design. Self-dirtying was a good boost for her power, but the engine looked so tacked on...

I don't mind seeing soul reapers fighting fullbring parallels of themselves. Maybe it just reminds me of fighting game sequel cast fighting or something...

No wonder the anime ended here. Studio Pierrot wanted the series to end on a high note for Renji.

Only four more weeks left, make it canon Kishimoto.

Sounds like a good reason! And he didn't even have to have his hair slashed loose!

I actually found it refreshing to see someone have the "I don't want to hurt a woman!" attitude, and actually have the power to hold true with it. I think the idea he was willing to die to uphold it was kinda.. it'd really be a waste. Train all that time, get that strong, die, leave all your friends without your strength. SO NOBLE!

Naruske is canon at this point, you can't have this much boys in love without boys love, ha. I'll never like the Naruto / Sasuke interaction as much as, say, Goku / Vegeta...

Nice job on the sketch dump SAB CA. Especially liked this:
Was a fun one!

Good morning everyone. Once we got past the Viz hump, last night was amazing!
Excellent work SAB. That Kamina...

Later, Buddy... Totally another one of those "greatest episodes of anime" moments. Kamina's scream when getting stabbed in the back was such an absolute *Dead* moment, the fact he was able to go on and show potential that no one else has even dreamed of, in that state.. Just way too good.

Good stuff
Gotta love how much Naruto loves Sasuke in a totally platonic way.!
Somebody greenlight Space Dandy for her sake O.O

Totally Platonic! We promise!

I'm sure Luffy could get us another season. Breaking down executive doors, making his name known, all so his Nakama wouldn't have to live in a world without DANDY! Stranger things have happened...

What was the name of the first music video they played last night? I want to jam again

I enjoyed this one pretty well, too. Felt surprisingly proper to listen to in the middle of anime block.

Kamina had so much fighting spirit he came back from the dead and avenged himself. :_:

Revenge for the Me that I believed in! No Pain Trance Continue.

So apparently all that stupid soldier drama with wanting to bring the bodies back was filler.

Whyyyyy did they include that??? It just hurts the already bad reputation of the show I have for it.

Seemed fit enough for the show. Humans make stupid decisions when desperate, the consequences can be worse than the ideals you strongly believe in.

The thing I didnt understand there was that I figured they would dump the bodies and the titans would be distracted and stop to eat those bodies because they're dumb and don't know the difference. I could somewhat understand being angsty about that. But the titans just ran right by them, so it was all just about going a little faster. Like, really? That's it?

It bothered me a bit the first time, but hunters like to hunt lively pray. The titans aren't eating because they need meals, but because they like hunting. Considering the way we've seen them jump up to bite moving targets, and persue and follow active pray, I can see why live men and horses would hold their attention.

Love the sketches, SAB.

Thanks! And I saw most of your non-spoiler cards over the night this time! I thought the ones I caught were well-received, but I totally understand how different that can feel from a personal perspective...
Cross Ange - Episode 1 and 2


Dragons, chicks in scantily clad outfits, yuri undertones and overtones, girl-on-girl action, Eva-like despair, and ugly CGI. I want more of this.


As always nice sketch this week SAB

called it a night after Shipp, had to open at work today.

Edit:lewdsing indeed I literally only watched after the first episode....need to catch up


How did you get this. I want this.

To be honest? A few years back I randomly asked him for it. He asked for my email and sent me it with a message saying he felt like he was in a good mood, seeing as he normally does those for charity auctions or other such things, aka NOT to random people who ask. >.>

Soo yeah, I got lucky. Really lucky.


Seemed fit enough for the show. Humans make stupid decisions when desperate, the consequences can be worse than the ideals you strongly believe in.

I guess the part that bothers me the most is that they're acting like regular humans when they're actually highly trained military personnel. Levi seems to be the only one who acts like a soldier.


God damn you two >.< I better not find my voicemail floating around on the internet!

(feel free to use it I guess, though only I get the bragging right he recorded it for me :p)

I doubt I'll actually ever use this. If work called me, they might think I was weird. I certainly wouldn't distribute it.


I guess the part that bothers me the most is that they're acting like regular humans when they're actually highly trained military personnel. Levi seems to be the only one who acts like a soldier.
You would be surprised sometimes

Levi is levi because he actually came from some rough shit that wasn't exactly positive. I think they mentioned it in passing that he had ties to the black market.


Sketchbook Picasso
I guess the part that bothers me the most is that they're acting like regular humans when they're actually highly trained military personnel. Levi seems to be the only one who acts like a soldier.

I think that speaks for the desperation and ridiculous weight of the situation. Even though these guys go through lots of training and prep, they're still thrown into combat with only minor live combat visualization, against opponents that could make a normal man freeze in terror in an instant.

I guess the lack of them acting professional doesn't really bother me here, because their defenses seem somewhat makeshift (they've just started getting used to properly fighting back), and their enemies and tactics are "evolving" fairly fast. The fact female titan pretty much changed the rules as to what to expect from Titan warfare multiple times in a long skirmish during the hours of a single day gives me unnatural sympathy for their foolishness.
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