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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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Part 1

As Clone Wars: The Movie continues, Anakin and Ahsoka depart Christophsis for Teth, where Jabba Jr. is held. Obi-Wan is told to head to Tatooine and negotiate a treaty with Jabba for some reason, instead of someone more qualified (and someone who wouldn’t be extremely useful to have on Teth.) He is informed that Jabba would like the person responsible for the kidnapping to be brought to him, dead or alive. Meanwhile in the skies above Teth, the scouts explain the situation to Anakin: the monastery is on top of a huge, narrow mountain guarded by two droid battalions, and as such it’s impossible to land there.


Anakin and Ahsoka board a clone transport ship and head for the monastery. The droid guns prove to be too much of a challenge, so the windows on the ship close and a red light illuminates the interior as it prepares to land. The red light changes to green and the doors open. The Jedi and the clones rush out into the fog and hug the base of the mountain, taking fire from above. Right on cue, Ahsoka decides to act obnoxious and tells Anakin that she’ll race him to the top and even give him a head start. He grabs one of the suspension cables and begins climbing along with the other clones. Ahsoka elects to behave like a lazy asshole and hitches a ride on one of the walking tanks scaling the side of the mountain. This is all interspersed with awful droid comedy, by the way. Anyway, the admittedly cool mountain climbing continues until some bizarre rock music kicks in and some droids on flying Segways appear. They fire at Ahsoka’s tank and nearly cause its legs to detach from the mountainside, but Anakin manages to save her ass by taking out the droids and stealing one of the Segways. Her reaction to this? Gratitude. Nah, just kidding, she whines that he’s cheating and then yells at the clone driving the tank to get moving. Anakin reaches the monastery and destroys most of the droids, but when he’s confronted with the rolling, shielded ones a blast comes from behind him from the tank. It’s Ahsoka, acting smug as hell about…not actually doing anything at all except deflecting a couple of shots at the tank. She didn’t fire the tank, didn’t pilot the tank, didn’t save the tank from the droids, and lost her little race. I’d also like to point out that it’s physically impossible for the tank to traverse the distance it did in that amount of time to “save” Anakin, so reality had to actually be bent in order to give her a "moment."


We see a hooded figure that is obviously Ventress talk to a protocol droid before cutting to the Republic troops doing a quick headcount. Once inside the monastery, the Jedi and the clones meet the suspicious droid, who would be clearly evil even without the scene talking to Ventress. He warns that it’s dangerous inside and calls Ahsoka a “servant girl”, which gives her another excuse to act obnoxious and insecure. She also gets yet another chance when she slices up some droids in the dungeons on the way to Jabba Jr. (she misses one, which Anakin has to destroy.) Eventually they make it to the kid’s cell, and it turns out that Jabba Jr. is just a baby, and a baby Hutt is basically just a head with arms and a tail.


Cut to Tatooine, where Obi-Wan has left and Count Dooku (played by a sleepy Christopher Lee) along with Count Dooku’s unfinished beard texture are speaking with Jabba. In one of the most transparent displays of bullshit I’ve seen, he informs Jabba that the Jedi actually kidnapped his son. We briefly see Ahsoka and Anakin stuffing Jabba Jr. (who they’ve oh-so-cleverly nicknamed “Stinky”) into a backpack after they realize that he’s sick. The protocol droid records this, and Dooku shows the video to Jabba, which somehow acts as proof. Never mind that the Jedi said that they were going after the kid already, and never mind that this proves literally nothing about taking him to begin with. I have to wonder what the hell Dooku’s plan was if the Jedi had actually decided to send a message to Jabba to confirm that they’ve found his son. He says that his army is conveniently already there to rescue the kid and asks that, in return, Jabba join the Separatists.

I've stopped here even though it's been only fifteen or so minutes because I think this is about the point an episode would normally cut off. I legitimately like the mountain-climbing sequence. It's creative and it has some great action. However, there are three main problems with this segment. The first is the baby Hutt, and while he's not as bad as babies normally are, he's still a mind-bogglingly stupid idea for something to put into an introduction to this series. He's not as bad as most move/TV babies, but he's still annoying. Second, Dooku's plan is fucking bonkers and makes no sense whatsoever. Third, Ahsoka is actually getting more obnoxious as the movie goes on. Who decided on most of the stuff she does, and who the hell approved it? The mountain climbing is really the only thing I legitimately like in this entire movie, and even in this shorter segment it's overshadowed by crap.
Cross Ange - Episode 3


God, so much death. And we get the generic formula magic powerup because who cares! At least the fan-service is good to look at.


So how do you guys cope the next day w/ sleeping so late?

Body's used to it, so it's not an issue.

Though I usually just sleep in until about 9 or 10 that morning.

Or if I'm tired enough, power nap.

From the Season 26 thread

There's also Homer as Zoro, Bart as Naruto, and Marge as Rukia (or Rangiku).

Haha, I saw that, but didn't catch it fast enough to see all the references.

Pretty neat.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Devil is a Part Timer has a good dub but not enough action to be on TOONAMI.

Didn't realize when I quit the sub I only had two episodes left. What an abrupt ending.


No Scrubs
Devil is a Part Timer has a good dub but not enough action to be on TOONAMI.

Didn't realize when I quit the sub I only had two episodes left. What an abrupt ending.

There's more action than Blue Exorcist had. They only adapted two of the light novels, there's still like 8 to go.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Umm, that is nowhere near true.

Devil is a part timer has exactly two fights. There's more action in the first two episodes of BE than the entirety of Devil is a Part Timer, which is 90% slice of life. Amazing slice of life with some great dialogue, but there it is.

Paranoia Agent is the only Adult Swim show with around the same amount of action and even then it's also a psychological thriller.


No Scrubs
Umm, that is nowhere near true.

Devil is a part timer has exactly two fights. There's more action in the first two episodes of BE than the entirety of Devil is a Part Timer, which is 90% slice of life. Amazing slice of life with some great dialogue, but there it is.

Paranoia Agent is the only Adult Swim show with around the same amount of action and even then it's also a psychological thriller.

Eh fair enough. It's just way more fun than a lot of those sort of shows that we got.


Last night’s theme was “adorable flashbacks” with One Piece’s Robin, Bleach’s Riruka and even Hellsing’s Integra all getting flashbacks with their characters looking very kawaii. Now, on with the reviews:

Attack on Titan - I dug this episode. It’s always better when we focus on some different characters other than Eren. Bowl cut guy was good intentioned but this crappy society is probably too far gone for his heroics. It was also neat to hear to Soul Eater cast together again. Annie is by far my favorite character in this show. She’s the only person who seems to have an actual head on her shoulders. While the episode did get a bit dull at the start, it was all worth that (obvious) twist reveal at the end. That Annie smile… oh man, it was soooo good. :) She looked equal parts sexy and creepy. I’m looking forward to the return of everyone’s favorite FemTitan!

Bleach - Meh, it wasn’t great but I’ve seen worse Bleach episodes. I liked Riruka’s backstory (no pun intended) but it’s waaay too late to try endearing us to these characters with only two episodes left. Too bad our best friend Tsukishima was killed by that flower-pedal guy. Or wait, when he dies do our memories return to normal? I forget how his ridiculous JoJo power works.

Naruto: Shippuden - I was so zoned out during this episode that I probably missed half of it. I think Sakura got knocked out by Naruto’s power and then Sai flew off confirming he’s just a big dick. Naruto had some kind of inner-dialog and (hopefully!!) has finished his dumb-looking power up sequence. I hope we finally get to see him fight a newly hatched Orochimaru next week but knowing Shippuden it’ll just be another 24 more minutes of exposition. :p

One Piece - A great, feel-good episode and a nice change of pace from the battle. Kid Robin is a cutie pie and I liked the giant she befriended. I’m a big fan of Gulliver’s Travels so this episode really played to my tastes. I’m not sure why the rest of the island has to be such dicks to her (she’s only a kid!) but at least those archeologists were cool. I loved it.

Gurren Lagann - Simon is lost without his bro and the rest of Team Dia-Gurren are trying to get back on their feet. Along comes a lovely little princess. :D People can be split about Nia but I think she’s great. Some of you noticed the slightly off-model characters last night. I think that was deliberate to emphasize the somber tone. We’re back to normal looking animation next week. Also, we finally got see the elusive Spiral King, Lordgenome. Just so you know his name is pronounced as one word “Lordgenome” not “Lord Genome”.

Hellsing Ultimate - Awesome episode. The gore was off the charts (baby eating) and London got screwed. I liked the English dudes who sacrificed themselves (*salute!*). The music was all over the place, though. I actually liked each track but it was the clashing variety that seemed weird. It would go from jazz, to punk, to orchestra very quickly. By far the best scene was when Anderson arrived to save Integra. Amazing. This series continues to deliver the goods. I can’t wait to see Alucard join the frey next week.

GitS: Second Gig - Even though I went to sleep after Hellsing, I recorded this because you guys suggested I watch it. It was a cool episode. I wasn’t really sure what was going on with all the pervy rich dudes and their sex robots but when the episode became Oceans 11 I laughed and enjoyed it. :)

I just wanted to mention that I like your write ups.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 47

SO after a bittersweet but all around spectacular finale to the original season of Sailor Moon we find ourselves in a most curious point in this most curious of seasons. Indeed, we can cleave this new season rather inexplicably renamed R. By the way nobody is quite sure what R stands for, some say it is romance, some say revolution, the series itself just calls it R. Anyway, Sailor Moon R can be dissected into two parts, the first quarter is the last ride done by Season 1 director Junichi Sato before the baton was passed over to famed eccentric Kunihiko Ikuhara. Also, this is the final reprieve before the dark times. There was once a person who told me that Sailor Moon contained no filler, this was at best misguided advice, Season 1 certainly had it share of filler but this arc here, the Doom Tree arc, is filler in classic sense of the word. This arc exists solely to give some breathing room to the concurrent manga as it was created whole cloth. Oh, right, the episode itself it there, it exists, it basically retreads most of the beats from early season 1 while introducing us to the new villains and stakes. This is dimly recommended,
you get to see Sailor Moon regain her memories and express disappointment at being unretired, but not much is being missed as a whole.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 48

Even when I was watching this back in the day this arc made me restless and this episode reminds me why. I suppose technically speaking Ali and Ann are more developed villains then Beryl and Metalia were but that is not saying much. I suppose the trade off is they are just not menacing or threatening in the least, they always came across as seat warmers to me. Anyway, this episode was all about getting the band back together and thankfully it only takes them an episode to accomplish this and now I can forget the stupid amnesia angle.
Also, in more plot relevant terms, we have discovered that the Moon Stick has gone missing along with The Silver Crystal so Usagi is back using Moon Tiara Action as her finisher. If I recall correctly, instead of adding new scouts throughout the season, with some exceptions, the shit that gets doles out over the season are power upgrades. Sailor Moon really did drink from the pool of Super Sental at times.
Anyway, once again mildest recommendations to watch, it is important but also tedious.


Great work as always. I think I prefer this to the black and white pixel art. There's more room/detail.

Fantastic sketch dump, SAB. Seeing Starfire in Nia's clothes like that is hilarious.
I knew something looked off about her. I always miss these details. Haha.

Sniper King's sidekick.
Oh man, that outfit. Hnnggg.

I just wanted to mention that I like your write ups.
Thanks! I enjoy writing these each week.


In OP i always find that "the world, what a glorious place!" line in the 3rd opening really stupid

Random OP impressions- I enjoy episodes that take place in civilization/towns a lot more than ones on random islands or not so great repetitive places.

For example, the area that luffy enters in 146 is more interesting to me than the past 30 episodes (er, skipping filler, so 100-130?)

I went on a One Piece watching binge last month and this may be an unpopular opinion but
the Summit War Saga is awful. The pacing is shit. There's too much of try-hard Buggy who might just be the most irritating character in the show. Akainu convinces Squardo to betray Whitebeard in 30 seconds. Ace is a dumbass who falls for a middle school taunt and gets himself killed, thereby making the sacrifices of hundreds of other pirates be in vain. The marines don't strip Blackbeard of his Shichibukai status and attempt to kill him despite all the chaos he caused at Impel Down and on the battlefield. I raged so much watching this, Marco kicking ass is it's only saving grace.

Will wait for Bass, Raxus, Batdan, and Bdubs to tell me why I'm wrong.


No Scrubs

I went on a One Piece watching binge last month and this may be an unpopular opinion but
the Summit War Saga is awful. The pacing is shit. There's too much of try-hard Buggy who might just be the most irritating character in the show. Akainu convinces Squardo to betray Whitebeard in 30 seconds. Ace is a dumbass who falls for a middle school taunt and gets himself killed, thereby making the sacrifices of hundreds of other pirates be in vain. The marines don't strip Blackbeard of his Shichibukai status and attempt to kill him despite all the chaos he caused at Impel Down and on the battlefield. I raged so much watching this, Marco kicking ass is it's only saving grace.

Will wait for Bass, Raxus, Batdan, and Bdubs to tell me why I'm wrong.

The pacing is fine if you go by the manga, the anime you're right about that. Everything else you are horribly wrong about for no reason other than you are wrong.
Buggy is the greatest.
Buggy is right up there with Foxy, Vivi, and
for most annoying One Piece character. I honestly can't decide which one I want to choke the most.

I went on a One Piece watching binge last month and this may be an unpopular opinion but
the Summit War Saga is awful.


The pacing is shit.

You've reached the part in the anime where the pacing drops to a consistent 1-chapter by 1-episode pacing. And it unfortunately stays like that even now.

There's too much of try-hard Buggy who might just be the most irritating character in the show.

Buggy is great in small doses. Most of those scenes are filler, unfortunaely.

Akainu convinces Squardo to betray Whitebeard in 30 seconds.

That scene with Akainu and Squardo is mostly filler. It's never fully shown how he persuaded him. But Squardo is still pretty stupid, I agree.

Ace is a dumbass who falls for a middle school taunt and gets himself killed, thereby making the sacrifices of hundreds of other pirates be in vain.

Ace is hot-headed (no pun intended). It's his big character flaw.
Was what he did smart? No. Was it consistent with his character? Yes.
But he views Whitebeard as his mentor and father figure. He has a lot of respect for him. And Akainu knew how to manipulate the chink in Ace's armor.

The marines don't strip Blackbeard of his Shichibukai status and attempt to kill him despite all the chaos he caused at Impel Down and on the battlefield.

Blackbeard resigned right on the spot, so there was no need to go through that.
Sengoku and Garp both fought him and his crew up until Shanks arrived. Blackbeard wasn't the bigger problem since there were other pirates clashing with the Marines.
When Shanks ordered a cease-fire, the Marines and Teach realized that they were too badly injured and fractured to attempt to take on ANOTHER Emperor. The Marines haven't forgotten about him, but clashing with him after taking on the powerhouse Whitebeard wouldn't have been a good idea.

Excuse the wall of black bars.
Buggy is great in small doses. Most of those scenes are filler, unfortunaely.

I've always thought he was annoying. I just have an extremely low tolerance for the "incompetent loudmouth who pretends to be a badass" character trope in anime.

That scene with Akainu and Squardo is mostly filler. It's never fully shown how he persuaded him. But Squardo is still pretty stupid, I agree.

Didn't know it was filler, guess that explains why that plot point was so cringe-worthy in the anime.

Ace is hot-headed (no pun intended). It's his big character flaw.
Was what he did smart? No. Was it consistent with his character? Yes.
But he views Whitebeard as his mentor and father figure. He has a lot of respect for him. And Akainu knew how to manipulate the chink in Ace's armor.

I get that Ace has a short fuse but how stupid do you have to be to fall for a lame insult after watching hundreds of your friends and allies die attempting to save you? It felt like a cheap and lazy cop-out by Oda to kill a character off since I'm sure people were bitching that nobody ever dies.

Blackbeard resigned right on the spot, so there was no need to go through that.
Sengoku and Garp both fought him and his crew up until Shanks arrived. Blackbeard wasn't the bigger problem since there were other pirates clashing with the Marines.
When Shanks ordered a cease-fire, the Marines and Teach realized that they were too badly injured and fractured to attempt to take on ANOTHER Emperor. The Marines haven't forgotten about him, but clashing with him after taking on the powerhouse Whitebeard wouldn't have been a good idea.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up. That makes sense then.
I get that Ace has a short fuse but how stupid do you have to be to fall for a lame insult after watching hundreds of your friends and allies die attempting to save you? It felt like a cheap and lazy cop-out by Oda to kill a character off since I'm sure people were bitching that nobody ever dies.

continued One Piece spoilers:
but like he said, it's completely consistent with the character. he's militantly devoted to Whitebeard, he has a temper, he doesn't think things through too well. hell, it's why he was captured to start with.
I've always thought he was annoying. I just have an extremely low tolerance the "incompetent loudmouth who pretends to be a badass" character trope in anime.

Fair enough. Most of the fanbase is mixed on Buggy. I enjoy him as long as there's someone else there to counteract his shenanigans. (Mr. 3, Luffy, Shanks)

Didn't know it was filler, guess that explains why that plot point was so cringe-worthy in the anime.

It's silly. The anime sometimes does that to pad for time, and you can sometimes tell and point out when it doesn't fit at all.

I get that Ace has a short fuse but how stupid do you have to be to fall for a lame insult after watching hundreds of your friends and allies die attempting to save you? It felt like a cheap and lazy cop-out by Oda to kill a character off since I'm sure people were bitching that nobody ever dies.

That's what it means to have a short fuse. It clouds your judgement and makes you do irrational things. It's like Marty McFly when you call him chicken.
I don't think it was a cop-out. At least Ace took the blow for Luffy and realized he fucked up in the end.
continued One Piece spoilers:
but like he said, it's completely consistent with the character. he's militantly devoted to Whitebeard, he has a temper, he doesn't think things through too well. hell, it's why he was captured to start with.

Yeah, it's definitely consistent with his character, I guess I just have a problem with
personality then.


Deleted Soulflarz' post because spoilers weren't marked very well.

W-wait, that was a spoiler? Oh wait I just realized shoot-
See, this is an issue for me...I cant look ahead for fear of spoiling/confirming spoilers, so its hard for me to know where you guys are.

Basically, if its something I see thats ahead of where I am now, im just going to put a disclaimer along the lines that it may be a spoiler past where toonami is currently at. Does that work?

Like <Potentially after Toonami episodes, spoiler alert>
pizza is life
that work?
The truth is we probably shouldn't be discussing any MAJOR OP spoilers that take place after what's been on Toonami as a lot of people here are seeing the show for the first time


The truth is we probably shouldn't be discussing any MAJOR OP spoilers that take place after what's been on Toonami as a lot of people here are seeing the show for the first time

What did i accidentally say up to? :/

Edit: Nearly 500, WELP
EditEdit: WAIT, why is such a large thing on the main /official/ page on funimation?! SERIOUSLY?
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