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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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The next title needs to involve how Demarco (or someone) royally fucked up with Hellsing.

So, on the Catholic Clutch Clan: those hats are called Capirotes, and from what I gather they are used as a mark of Penance used in Spain's Holy Week marches. So essentially, dunce hats.

Damn it Japan.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm reminded of the Great Leader of Shocker from the very first Kamen Rider series. He wore a red outfit with a hood that resembled the KKK.
So now that I'm finally at my computer and my sister has left I can post up some more on Toonami


One Piece
Gurren Lagann
Hellsing Ultimate
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood


Attack on Titan
Space Dandy
Cowboy Bebop
Ghost in the Shell 2nd GiG
Big O s2
Samurai Jack


Naruto Shippuden

Despite both having problems I still enjoyed last nights Titan and Bleach episodes. Eren always looks like an incompetent bitch even in the manga so filler which lets the other characters shine for a bit before he hulk's out to "save the day" works well enough for me. Bleach's pointless reveal would probably bother me more if it didn't end with Ichigo basically going "...yeah I kinda already thought that and I don't care".

Naruto Shippuden mother of god how is it in 20 minutes we got more flash backs then attacks, in no way is this pacing acceptable even DBZ never got this bad. If you want to stall/lots of filler to not catch up with canon fine, but put in more fight scenes with repeated animation of people punching/kicking/jutsu rapidly in a loop, don't flash back to the SAME GOD DAMN SCENE AGAIN. How many times do I need to see Sasori telling Sakura to go to the fucking bridge WE ARE ALREADY AT! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Hard to comment on One Piece outside of saying the dub continues to be amazing and it's great that so many people are getting to experience it for the first time. Gurren Lagann had a slower episode this week but it worked well at setting up characterization and plots for later in the series, at least I assume so. Pretty sure this is the last episode I saw before I let my friend borrow the series and never got around to finishing it so this is all new for me going forward. I do know a few plot details of later events but as a whole this is mostly blind going forward. Hellsing Ultimate also continues to be awesome, as I said last night the comedy doesn't really impact me as much as it does others, I've always liked the outta nowhere over the top comedy in dark anime like HU, Akame Ga Kill, FMA:B, and Yona of the Dawn. I think it creates a nice contrast to the often dark and serious tone those series have, I do get why people dislike them though.

Gits and Samurai Jack make me feel the way I did watching Big O s2 for the first time, this shit is on too late for me. GitS and Big O require me to think too much, and Samurai Jack is often abstract and devoid of dialogue with great peaceful music that puts me to sleep. One day i will probably need to rewatch all of Gits, Big O s2, and Samurai Jack during the day so I can better appreciate and understand what's happening.


Toonami |Nov14| Shippuden regains the thrown.



Gives all the fucks
Once I finish watching the good Treehouse of Horror episodes from this marathon, I need to watch the parts of Hellsing Ultimate that I missed due to the stream crapping out on me.


well, weekends for sure. i can probably do Fridays as well. Wednesdays and Thursdays are a maybe. doing one every single day like i did for the rest of season 3 is not something i wanna do again, though.

I moreso meant how can you still be alive isnt this killing you inside?

These degree of crime things are irritating to listen to.


It has to be

Toonami |Nov14| Hellsing Penultimate


Whoever made that pun first, it was too good


The theme this week was “improved animation”. Most of the shows looked better than they normally do compared to the previous week. Now, on with the reviews.

Attack on Titan - Annie gets big, goes on a rampage, paints the town red with blood and it’s awesome to behold. I get the distinct feeling we’re not going to learn exactly why she want’s to capture Eren before all this is done. Why capture him anyway? Eren sucks. The guy is always the last person to figure things out, he screws up every plan and he suddenly cares about Annie for no good reason. This is a good show that’s soured by its own protagonist. Also, I get the sneaking suspicion that Annie has a crush on Armin (not foot crush, but love crush). All in all, I quite enjoyed this episode. Now that Eren can fight I expect to see a climactic, final battle next week.

Bleach - While this penultimate episode had above average animation (for Bleach), it still fell into all the typical Bleach trappings of dragging out a fight with overly excessive melodrama. The huge twist was just dumb. Oh no! Combat passes are really supernatural GPS devices! Has Ginjo finally corrupted Ichigo to his side?! Nah Ginjo, Ichigo knew all along you dingus. Thus, this entire, slow-ass reveal was just a hug waste of the viewers&#8217; time. >.< At least I got a good laugh at all those extreme closeups. My hopes of this show ending on anything but a lackluster note are all but lost at this point. Still, I look forward to celebrating the series finale next week.

Naruto: Shippuden - Another show with improved visuals over last week. The fight wasn&#8217;t half bad but it was almost ruined by throwing in a few completely unnecessary flashbacks to scenes we&#8217;ve already been shown at least FOUR TIMES ALREADY! As for the battle, things have gotten really weird. Like, I don&#8217;t even consider this ninja fighting anymore. More like demigods with supernatural powers? For example, what the hell was with those stupid walls with the dorky faces on them that suddenly appeared? Also, was it supposed to be hilarious when we see the all powerful and evil Orochimaru face planted with his legs dangling in the air like a clown? All said, this episode was okay only because there was at least SOME action; even if that action only consisted of THREE attacks by either side.

Music Video - &#8220;Far Away&#8221; by Feed me and Kill the Noise wasn&#8217;t bad. I&#8217;ve seen far more offensive music videos on Toonami. The song was pretty good but the animation wasn&#8217;t much to write home about. It looked similar in style to Super Jail but way less repulsive. It seemed to condone the use of psychoactive drugs.


One Piece - I&#8217;m really enjoying this flashback even though it&#8217;s painfully obvious what is going to happen. I assume Spandine is going to make a Buster Call and kill everyone on the island. The show has made this pretty obvious, already. Still, I don&#8217;t know what happens with the giant so I&#8217;m still intrigued to see how all this plays out. I didn&#8217;t even mind the flashback-ception of seeing four year old Robin get left behind by her mom. I just hope that aunt dies a painful death during the attack. What a bitch! Another great episode.

Gurren Lagann - It makes me grin so much to see you guys accepting Nia. She&#8217;s perfectly written (and voice cast) to be the charming, hopeful ray of sunshine Team Dia-Gurren needed at this point in the story. Too bad her charms haven&#8217;t actually worked on the two people who need it most: Simon and Yoko. Tune in next week for one of my favorite episodes of the series!

Hellsing Ultimate - Two words: Police Girl. Damn! Seras is a total badass when she wants to be and every time she does stuff like this I&#8217;m smitten by that succubus. The humor is okay in small doses but I think they do tend to go a little too far sometimes. No doubt that was straight up (mild) sexual harassment by those men but I&#8217;ll let it slide only because they were clearly about to die. I think we&#8217;re about to witness Police Girl go full on insane death-mode next week judging by that post-credits scene. Finally, the ED this week was just amazing. This show really integrates the EDs into the show well.

Samurai Jack - I usually skip Jack because I don&#8217;t really like the show&#8217;s slow style and absence of dialog but I watched this week because you guys were saying this was an Emmy award winner. I thought the episode was pretty good and I found it generally interesting to learn where Aku actually came from (outer space?!). I still had to fast forward a few times because the show is just soooo slow but I&#8217;m glad I watched all the same.


Haven't seen Akame yet but it's one of those episodes, isn't it? I was thinking it's been far too long since horrible stuff happened >:D

Man God

Non-Canon Member
While it might be painfully obvious what happens in Robin's flashback (they in fact have hinted and outright told us) it is definitely needed in this thread to help quiet those who wonder why Robin is so damn afraid of the Buster Call.
Genocide and the death of her mother and being forced to live in constant terror for the next twenty years
will do that to anyone.

The whole story works on a very similar level to Nami's Unspeakable cruelty suffered at a young age followed by having to work with disreputable people to make their way in the world.
at least Robin didn't have to work with her tormentors...well, until very recently.


It seemed to condone the use of psychoactive drugs..

Nice write ups, ckohler. This part made me giggle.

And yeah, the last couple Bleach episodes have looked really nice. I can't wait for Shippuden to get to HD. I was also reminded of Dandy's great production values (generally), though a bit wasted on yesterday's lackluster episode.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I remember the first time I saw this weeks Samurai Jack was at 2pm one summer day. I fell asleep almost immediately. This time I was in and out of it.
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