I hope you guys enjoyed the new spoiler warning cards this week.

Let me know if you think I should continue posting them and any suggestions you may have regarding them. Now, on with the reviews:
Attack on Titan - An absolutely amazing episode; definitely my favorite so far! I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I do love me some hot Titan on Titan action and watching the swift and cunning FemTitan take on the insane, bruiser ErenTitan was as epic as Id hoped itd be. I also love how this show dispenses with characters so suddenly and dramatically. It really raises the stakes and makes you wonder who will or wont survive each encounter. The animation was also equally superb this week. Im super excited to see this arc continue. Now, go save your husbando, Mikasa!
Bleach - I kinda enjoyed this episode for just how ridiculous it was. Yeah, the plot is mind-numbingly dumb and Ichigo being ridiculously OP is stupid. However, I have to admit, Im actually kinda interested in seeing the FullBringers finally use their powers in battle. Hopefully, the rest fair better than that Hulk-Butler wannabe. I laughed a few times (mostly for the wrong reasons) so I guess it was an okay episode when I take it on pure entertainment value.
Naruto: Shippuden - We actually see the meeting we were promised last week when it was just an insulting cop-out. The voice training part made my laugh but once the mission began the episode was pretty damn good. This might be in part to do with the lame-o trio having to sit on the sidelines. Surprise! Ninja Info Cards arrives and then Orochimaru as well to scare everyone. The meeting had legitimately good tension and the battle to come looks like it could be good. You see Shippuden, I can actually enjoy your shit show when you actually let the plot progress! A good episode.
One Piece - Second
Gear! Blueno got punched the F out and it was awesome. The animation during Luffys fight looked great. Who cant help but love his constant, positive, friend-protecting enthusiasm? The scenes with the rest of the crew squabbling through the courthouse were equally great. Every character had their moment to shine in this episode and the music was pretty hype. I get the impression things will continue on this course as the upcoming battles begin. A really great episode!
Gurren Lagann - Youre wrong! Its not Team Gurren. Its now team Dai-Gurren! I love how this show perfectly mixes high-stakes action, comedy timing, fast pacing, hype music, and emotional heart into a perfect package. I can not express just how excited I am for next weeks episode. I love this show and its fun to watch ToonamiGAF react to each episode. Now that its airing 30 minutes earlier, even more people can experience the awesome power of FIGHTING SPIRIT!
Hellsing Ultimate - Another great episode! Okay, yes, the comedy is a overdone but I honestly cant hate Police Girl. Shes just so adorable! I always grin every time she has one of her comedic cutaways. Like Ive said before, if the show was only doom-and-gloom, I dont think I could enjoy it as much. Someone made the comparison to FMA: Brotherhood and I agree thats a good comparison when it comes to the tonal-shifts. As for the rest of the episode, Alucard was the literal definition of monster this week. Whats more, Integra seemed equally as ruthless on their hot-and-bothered phone call. As for the accents, I like those too, as ridiculous as they are. At least they are interesting and add something fun to the show. If there is one phrase I would use to describe this show so far, its over-the-top. Every aspect from the accents, action, and even humor are over-the-top. I think thats why I like it so much!
A fantastic evening of shows! One of the best in a long while. I also loved all the new bump animations, show cards and this new lineup schedule. Next week looks like it could be just as great, if not better!