Imperial Bishop
This opening perfectly represents the heterosexual, platonic relationship between Naruto and Sasuke.
This opening perfectly represents the heterosexual, platonic relationship between Naruto and Sasuke.
I've seen enough DTL posts to know this isn't true
I've never seen an ounce of real sexual tension between Naruto and Sasuke, shippers be crazy. That's only in the show though, people might have a point with some of the openings...
Dude what? They totally want to fuck.
Nope, don't see it.
Nope, don't see it.
That OP is way too good for the show we've been watching.
Are we watching the same anime? Naruto and Sasuke's obsession with each other is beyond that of normal best friends.
Better than YOU ARE MY FRIEND? AAAH AAH? Hardly.
This opening perfectly represents the heterosexual, platonic relationship between Naruto and Sasuke.
Have you heard the AmaLee version?Closer
I'm realizing I know nothing of Naruto OP post You Are My Friend. I quit watching the show after this arc and could never bring myself back to the show due to thecopious amount of filler.
Funny thing is...I've quit on this arc twice before. Right in the middle of it. Before the filler started. It's like my brain knew I wasn't ready for it.
My main issue with the filler here is how much of a lead time the manga had over the anime at the time. In my mind I was thinking that because of that massive lead time, there shouldn't be any need for filler arcs for good long while. The first one that popped up was my limit and I was out. That was even after forgiving the insanely poor pacing of the first two arcs just because Naruto was back on the air and it was actual canon episodes.
Yep, and this is exactly why people think the Naruto Non-Canon™ material is so awful, they were all fired up by the manga for the first two arcs. Then the anime ruins it with the worst pacing ever (above and beyond the awful animation) and heads into filler barely a year into its run anyways! Luckily it all works out in the end and Shippuden apparently has even better Non-Canon™ material than OG Naruto.
RIP dragon dicks.
I'd like to add I am loving your reviews GMN. Just throwing that out there.
I don't think GMN has quite emphasized just how awful the voice is of the main villain of this arc. It's...bad. Bleach...bad.
I dont get what toonami has against openings that arent Attack on Titan...That OP is way too good for the show we've been watching.
What the hell did they do to the Sora no Otoshimono opening?The anime opening to end ALL anime openings. (slightly NSFW-ish)
Toilets in Gundams is the best thing ever.
Toilets in Gundams is the best thing ever.
WOW. That is...anime all right.
I thought Red Bull didn't actually give you wings, let alone on your dick.
What the hell did I just watch? A show about a guy who is really good at blowing his load?
What the hell did they do to the Sora no Otoshimono opening?
God i remember that show i was a lot younger but i saw like two episodes before i said f this im done
Oh yeah, ik why i remembered that so well. I have ring my bell on my ipod. It grows on you really fast and i see it linked around a decent bit.
I could not stop laughing at the angel shooting beams to the kids crouchThe anime opening to end ALL anime openings. (slightly NSFW-ish)
I could not stop laughing at the angel shooting beams to the kids crouch
I cant even imagine the pitch for something like this
I've already bought every season of Heaven's Lost Property on Amazon today.
It affected me that much.
That gave me a bigger chuckle then it should.Big O only on Tomatoes.
Wait, he's aware he's a knucklehead?Luffy's always has to depend on others just to do basic things, he's well aware of his own inadequacies and while he rushes into battle, it's always because he trusts his cremated so much. Luffy is a bro
So, they're just going to exploit it like any other franchise then actually try making Sword Art Online itself.