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Toonami |Oct14| A Place for Manly Souls

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Why did we vote for Shippuden to have Toonami openings instead of the proper ones :/

They'd be cut down anyways. One can just youtube the real ones anyday and I like TOONAMI openings. They've done a good job so far with Shippuden and Bleach.


Why did we vote for Shippuden to have Toonami openings instead of the proper ones :/

Because we were hoping for this or this and not what we got :/

Though it could just be nostalgia having me think more highly of those old openings than I should

Edit: Roaming around on youtube and I run into this old Endless Waltz trailer, I remember this being so hype at the time


Last time on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, our heroes had to break into prison. Now, in episode 63, they have to do their best Steve McQueen impressions and break out. Anakin gives R2 and his droid posse the go-ahead to land the ship at the extraction point as his team (consisting of clones, Ahsoka, and Tarkin) makes its way along the cave system. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan’s team (clones and Jedi Master Piell) climbs through the air ducts until a clone is spotted by a surveillance drone. Piell manages to destroy the drone, but the security system is trigged and steel doors begin to close, which slice the unfortunate clone above in half (offscreen, of course, because children, but it’s very obvious and you get noises.) Then Piell and Obi-Wan do what Jedi do best: cut large, circular holes through things with lightsabers.


Brief cut to a nervous Warden Christopher Walken meeting with holographic Count Dooku. Back in the caves, Anakin cuts through a security drone before it notices the escapees. Tarkin, I shit you not, tells Ahsoka he admires the design of the Citadel, and that their current situation only demonstrates its effectiveness. The Citadel, the place whose interior is designed exactly like the Death Star. This is Gotham-tier stuff. Oh, then Anakin says he has a point. Then, after Anakin leaves to go look for Obi-Wan, Tarkin complains that Ahsoka is in charge. She then leads them to a dead end. Cut to R2 and the droids, who land the ship outside the Citadel only to be confronted by one of those speak-and-spell command droids. It orders the droids under R2’s command to take him in for interrogation due to the lateness of their landing and the coincidence of their arrival with the Jedi infiltration. In a rare legitimately funny moment for them, R2’s droids start kicking, hitting, and insulting him as they take him to the elevator so that they appear convincing.


As Ahoska, Tarkin, and the others wait like morons at the dead end, they’re attacked by some of the Citadel’s droids. Anakin returns to destroy them and demand to know why Ahsoka didn’t blow up the wall. Because she snuck onto the mission and wasn’t actually assigned to it, of course! Though to be fair, Anakin is a complete idiot for believing her in the first place. Once through the wall, they come to a giant gas pipe, which is their route to the ship. Meanwhile, Obi-Wan and his team reach a vent that gives them a view of R2’s ship, but since they suspect it’s a trap they loop around to get another viewing angle. On the way, Christopher Walken comes over the radio and says they were easy to predict as the team is completely surrounded. They’re taken in for interrogation, and when Piell refuses to give up the information, Christopher Walken starts executing the clones. He abruptly gives up when a droid gives him word that Anakin’s team has been located and orders for the rest to be tortured. On the way to the cells, R2’s droids intercept Obi-Wan and the others and begin to escort them to the ship.


Anakin’s team continues moving through the pipe. Tarkin complains about the situation, and informs Anakin that although he has faith in him now, he has none in Ahsoka. Tarkin then says he has little faith in the Jedi because their code prevents them from doing what is necessary in a war, to which Anakin says that he has a point. On paper he makes sense, but in the context of this series, where we see time and time again that the Jedi are basically the only ones capable of holding the war effort together, it feels like nonsense. Ahsoka emerges from the pipe and is immediately ambushed by droids. Tarkin, to even further establish that he’s an asshole, pointlessly argues with the decision to exit the pipe; Anakin observes that being surrounded by droids is preferable to being surrounded by droids in a massive flammable pipe. Everyone leaves and hides behind a massive boulder. You know how some people take a running start to throw a ball? Anakin does a goofy Zelda-style roll to throw a grenade at the pipe, which explodes and takes all the droids with it.


Christopher Walken is told that Obi-Wan’s group has disappeared and that there’s an incoming transmission from Count Dooku. He tells the droids to inform Dooku that he’s out to lunch and orders that all troops be sent to the airfield…but not that the obvious escape ship be destroyed. Obi-Wan and the others are foiled in their attempt to sneak aboard and quickly come under attack from turrets (which don’t destroy the obvious escape ship) and more droids. Anakin’s group arrives to even the odds, and Obi-Wan says that they need to focus on taking out the turrets before they destroy the obvious escape ship (which none have tried to do for some reason.) A battle ensues, where lightsabers are sliced, blasters are fired, grenades are flown, and flying segways are hijacked. One of the clones, Echo (who you may remember from Domino Squad’s two-episode story arc at the start of the season) is killed in an explosion that finally destroys the obvious escape ship. The Jedi on Coruscant inform the survivors that a fleet of ships is on the way to the Citadel to rescue them.

Tarkin continues to be the main problem of this Citadel arc, which is a little odd since he's probably the reason it exists in the first place. He's a whiny asshole just because, and the show is comically unsubtle about the fact that the Death Star's interior was based on the Citadel because of this ordeal. I don't think some of the stuff that happens in this episode is quite as interesting as the last episode, but it makes up for it with scale and choreography. The ending fight in particular, even if it exists for no reason other than to pad the episode, is very good.



Can we somehow vote to get the shippuden openings as cut versions of the original? I mean there's a bajillion episodes left, surely we're not stuck with it for years?


Soulflarz, you have a habit of stretching the off-topic leniency here.

(no seriously, lighten up a bit)
Oh fine :/ Was surprised it took this long now that i think about it. If only because its GAF and a post=a bump.

On topic as much as I can be, with a working laptop again I can continue OP. 105 episodes down. Im not sure if i like the show a lot or if its just weird. Its a good show, I just feel like it has the ability to get off topic worse than I do. As in at any given point I can say what characters are doing and why, but I cant really give you a reason as to why someone would even have started some of these situations. It might just be my view since I dont think ive seen 105 episodes worth of content in this so far, but that may just be the pacing of the show.
So...I think its good, but good for half as many episodes, not how many we have? If that makes any sense?

Edit: And its killing my ability to play games, since i refuse to continue higurashi till I watch some OP in a night, and I keep forgetting to do that, so... *sigh*
Ill be caught up to you guys within a few months with any luck!
Oh fine :/ Was surprised it took this long now that i think about it. If only because its GAF and a post=a bump.

On topic as much as I can be, with a working laptop again I can continue OP. 105 episodes down. Im not sure if i like the show a lot or if its just weird. Its a good show, I just feel like it has the ability to get off topic worse than I do. As in at any given point I can say what characters are doing and why, but I cant really give you a reason as to why someone would even have started some of these situations. It might just be my view since I dont think ive seen 105 episodes worth of content in this so far, but that may just be the pacing of the show.
So...I think its good, but good for half as many episodes, not how many we have? If that makes any sense?

Edit: And its killing my ability to play games, since i refuse to continue higurashi till I watch some OP in a night, and I keep forgetting to do that, so... *sigh*
Ill be caught up to you guys within a few months with any luck!

You've also skipped like 15 episodes :p

One Piece is about the journey and not the destination, part of the fun is every arc is a new island that is visually distinct and you never know what you'll find. Plus the part you're at in the alabasta arc does drag a bit imo it does pick up pretty soon though


You've also skipped like 15 episodes :p

One Piece is about the journey and not the destination, part of the fun is every arc is a new island that is visually distinct and you never know what you'll find. Plus the part you're at in the alabasta arc does drag a bit imo it does pick up pretty soon though

Can we not remind me of the fact this will go on forever >.>

So, is the show or manga generally considered better?


Can we not remind me of the fact this will go on forever >.>

So, is the show or manga generally considered better?

The manga hands down but for some chapters that are jam packed the anime helps give some breathing room to find out what is going on.
Can we not remind me of the fact this will go on forever >.>

So, is the show or manga generally considered better?

Up to enies lobby arc the anime no question, after that 1:1 pacing really hurts the anime at times. Manga can sometimes feel a bit too cluttered especially when 6-8 story lines are going on at once and each gets 2-3 pages packed with text each week.


Battle of the Gods is gdlk.

I only rented it from PSN and I am about to buy the BluRay just because of how awesome it was (well except the CG....that was bad)


Because we were hoping for this or this and not what we got :/

Though it could just be nostalgia having me think more highly of those old openings than I should

Edit: Roaming around on youtube and I run into this old Endless Waltz trailer, I remember this being so hype at the time

No, those old bumps were fantastic. They actually did a great job not only with the show bumps but also with a lot of their other videos that showcased their anime offerings at the time. The bumps now are pretty good, but are nothing like the ones they used to make. It could have also been the actual publishers were a lot more lenient in what was shown in those opening sequences.
No, those old bumps were fantastic. They actually did a great job not only with the show bumps but also with a lot of their other videos that showcased their anime offerings at the time. The bumps now are pretty good, but are nothing like the ones they used to make. It could have also been the actual publishers were a lot more lenient in what was shown in those opening sequences.
Also back then, they probably had more time to do them and more of a budget.


Sketchbook Picasso
MIKU! (idek why im hyped)

After seeing Miku on Letterman... I now want to see her take SARA's place for a night with TOM. I would have expected to see THAT before a Letterman appearance, y'know?

Really... I'd kinda love to see a Miku X Toonami Collab night, similar to the old Daft Punk x Toonami special...


After seeing Miku on Letterman... I now want to see her take SARA's place for a night with TOM. I would have expected to see THAT before a Letterman appearance, y'know?

Really... I'd kinda love to see a Miku X Toonami Collab night, similar to the old Daft Punk x Toonami special...

I cant comprehend how this even happened. Im going to be so embarrassed because I was hyped for that on the principle that miku managed to get to america.

Can we get a miku anime for toonami? Slice of life or something, idk.


Sketchbook Picasso
I cant comprehend how this even happened. Im going to be so embarrassed because I was hyped for that on the principle that miku managed to get to america.

Can we get a miku anime for toonami? Slice of life or something, idk.

Would need to have ocassional action! Miku X Sega Game series Anime, GO!

I'd settle with Meiko AMVs of Nostalogic to introduce the Retro-Block each week....

I wonder if anyone in the audience of Letterman was thinking about Sharon Apple appearances when they saw that... next year, Veritechs/Valkyries!


I cant comprehend how this even happened. Im going to be so embarrassed because I was hyped for that on the principle that miku managed to get to america.

Can we get a miku anime for toonami? Slice of life or something, idk.

While I'd love a slice of life anime to make it over to Toonami, I don't think it would fair well at all on the block. Speaking of slice of life:


Edit: I just watched the video. It was good, I just wonder how many people turned off Letterman when she popped up on the screen. Not to knock on Miku, but damn if that isn't some next level culture shock shit. Glad it's getting exposure here, I'm just not sure how mainstream audiences handle that. On the other hand, I'm guessing a ton of people into anything anime actually tuned in to watch.


I still don't understand, but I don't listen to a lot of music or watch much anime in the first place. So the intersection of the two is very alien to me.


Parasyte was pretty awesome starting out. Looking forward to the rest of the show. Just hope no one caught a glimpse of what I was watching, cause it definitely was a bit weird.

Guess I'll check out Miku on Letterman later today mostly for the confused crowd reactions

Not really any reaction from what I saw until the end when the audience clapped. It was interesting seeing David's reaction though.
Wait hold on what?! Is this a mistranslation or miscommunication? What?!

Then again, it's the same author that purposely avoided confirming if Hange was a boy or girl.

from the comments:
Humour rather than any confirmation whatsoever.
Remember that Armin being a girl is a meme in Japan back when the anime was broadcasted. Quite often on niconico, viewers posted comments like “Armin is the heroine of the series!” and “truly an angel!”.

Armin looks quite girly for them, be it in the manga or the anime, hence why this meme is quite rampant.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
from the comments:

Huh... yeah Hajime is trolling again.

I'm sure the Japanese audience would have noticed since they have gender-specific pronouns. Unless AoT purposely uses gender-neutral ones for everyone.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Q: What are some of the requests you made when SnK was turned into a anime?
A: I have proposed they add in many minor details, like making Eren into a more useless person. And Director Araki had also given his own suggestions, like the scene in Ep2 where Eren got punched. It was not included in the script, but added during the storyboard. I liked that scene.

Even the author hates Eren.


Unconfirmed Member
I feel like there was more dialogue on one page of this week's One Piece chapter than in both Naruto and Bleach's full chapters combined. Yikes.
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