Luffy and Naruto are dumber than Goku.
It feels really stupid that these elemental strengths/weaknesses are only introduced now. This should have either been day one stuff (or at least early in the series) stuff or never introduced.
I don't think being in the real world matters that much. Bebop was set in the future but it never sought to be a Sci-Fi show. It was pretty grounded (but still found time for both excellent drama and silly antics). I'd also think the opening episode of M & H with Hatchins' comically evil family, among other elements, kind of set the tone of the series and the show has been pretty consistent in that regard the entire show. I mean just the other week we had an acid trip episode.
We should crowdsource the $5 it takes.
The current Bleach fight is shaping up to be the most Bleach thing everspeaking about Bleach...