Caught up!
Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Goku's here! And Vegeta's dead. Oh well, time for one of the most memorable fights in the series! Now in way less episodes. Thank you Kai.
Akame ga Kill:
Bulat's dead, and Tatsumi got a new power. Rather he got Bulat's power, only it's somehow stronger because Shonen manga. Oh and we see Akame's sister. Yep...
Next week is going to be hilarious if it has the scene I think it has.
Surprisingly, Sentai didn't completely fuck up the dub. They're a bit stilted but it's certainly better than Akame ga Kill.
Unfortunately I can't blame them for the dubstep. That is just so out of place for a manga that was made in the 90's. I know it was updated for modern times with the computer and the search engine but the dubstep is just wrong.
Michiko & Hatchin:
Pretty good one. A lot of great animation. ... Though knowing the company behind it has gone under makes it bittersweet.
I liked the old hitman. Rare to see assassins that old.
Naruto Shippuden:
NINJAMON! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! Wait, Ground is weak to Electric? That's not how it works Kishi!
Kakazu also has a parasite, but he has better control. Wait...
One Piece:
Fuck this episode, fuck this filler. Okay next episode isn't too awful.