Where are we with Dragon Ball Kai BTW?
Goku just buried Vegeta after he mouthed off about that whole super saiyan myth a bit too much.
Man, Ping Pong is so good.
And despite what some people say, I actually find its art style delightful.
Today is actually Naruto's birthday. Like the character and whatnot. Let's celebrate!
I wonder if that scene in Parasyte will be censored or not tonight.
penis hand?
*reads more of the AgK manga*
Wow, this translation also uses "Trump Card" a lot. It's like the writer couldn't think of a better term.
Gave this a listen to this morning while working through my 3rd shift. I have to say, based on from the episodes that I've heard, feels like most of my opinions align with what you guys voice but still great to hear different opinions.Forgot to post our episode this week:
It includes us talking about the Parasyte opening for much longer than we should!
Gave this a listen to this morning while working through my 3rd shift. I have to say, based on from the episodes that I've heard, feels like most of my opinions align with what you guys voice but still great to hear different opinions.
& had no idea Sabin (Digimon, Power Rangers, etc.) was bringing Precure over, though OMG "Glitter Force"?!
I think it was mentioned it was in the original Japanese language as well, but I think the translators of both the manga & anime versions should've had a thesaurus so it didn't turn into a drinking game/counting gag.*reads more of the AgK manga*
Wow, this translation also uses "Trump Card" a lot. It's like the writer couldn't think of a better term.
We bitch about Sentai but Saban is far worse as a dub company
Great episode of Naruto tonight.
What episode was it?
Episode 85
Eva 3.33 confirmed for Feb. 2nd
....for really reals & officially official this time around?
About the Saban Pretty Cure dub, wasn't there already a dub of the first series that aired only in Canada? I remember hearing that despite changing the names of the main characters, it was a pretty decent dub.