As a filthy shonen fan I am actually growing to tolerate Bleach... at least I understand it.This show I don't "get..."
Why couldn't DRRR be in this slot.![]()
You're a filthy shounen fan? Why haven't we hung out?
As a filthy shonen fan I am actually growing to tolerate Bleach... at least I understand it.This show I don't "get..."
Why couldn't DRRR be in this slot.![]()
Wtf? Did he grab that dude's package? Oh shit. He's gonna open his eyes.
There's nothing wrong with a good shonen show, Bleach just isn't one. Man, I'd kill for Toonami to pick up Ome Piece or Hunter X Hunter. I realize neither will happen because One Piece already had its chance and failed and Hunter X Hunter isn't even licensed, but I can dream.
Is Gonzo really a "hack studio"? I have to admit, the only other Gonzo series I've seen was the original Hellsing... which was, admittedly, REALLY hacky and not justice at all to the source material, but I still sort of enjoyed it. In a "so good it's bad" way.
Hello there, shoehorned love interest, you don't stick out like a sore thumb at all.
Sure. I was talking about the new one. I'd rather them grab the one that has a chance to adapt the whole series. Also, I'm a horrible person for this, but I like the animation better in the new one.The original Hunter X Hunter anime is licensed. Viz released it all on DVD already.
Creepy man is dead.![]()
Maybe it's just me, but this episode seemed to be rather short. Anywho, Eureka Seven time.
Gonxo is, above all else, just a really frustrating studio to watch a show from.
A typical Gonzo show goes something like this:
Really strong and high production first couple of episodes that has you thinking "This will be awesome"
Show begins wandering aimlessly with random filler and lame episodes for the next 20 or so episodes
Hacked together ending that was clearly thought up at the last minute
Well creepy white square face guy.You're gonna need to be more specific there.
Time for Cash money to OD on some poor fools....and THE FEELS
You made that mistake last week too.
Aww yeah, Dio Sins time!
Sounds about right. I really, absolutely hate series like that.
What's Gonzo's best series in your opinion?