Unspeakable Evil
Oh swell that guy is dead.
bloodthirsty douchebag kids
they need #casshernjustice
bloodthirsty douchebag kids
they need #casshernjustice
Did we really need a shot of that guy taking a piss?
If it makes anyone feel better, this is the worst episode of E7 by a very significant margin.
Looks like this now too
Was never a fan but holy shit at the downgrade.
If it makes anyone feel better, this is the worst episode of E7 by a very significant margin.
Hap-crack. What we all needed to see.
Geeze, I'd much rather prefer a character building episode like this, than the useless fanservice-just-because episodes some series make. I like the fact Renton was able to face the problems of the kids, figure out his understanding of the situation, and resolve it, ALL WITHIN AN EPISODE!
So many shows would keep that specific idea up for half a season or something. But Renton gets respect points slowly, and pulls people into understanding him one at a time. What's to hate about that?
I'm pretty meh on E7 so far, but I'm willing to watch it through.
I'm not saying that every anime should take itself super seriously, but there's way oto much...childish slapstick I think.
I'm pretty meh on E7 so far, but I'm willing to watch it through.
I'm not saying that every anime should take itself super seriously, but there's way too much...childish slapstick I think.
It's pretty much all up hill from here. Next week is another wacky episode, but it's pretty hilarious. After that we start slowly inching our way into actual real plot.
Goddamn, Kimblee you genocidal bastard.
Goddamn, Kimblee you genocidal bastard.
I find renton's voice really annoying :T
I find renton's voice really annoying :T
some people are gonna be like "fuk these kids" regardless
theres more than one way to character build too. its an opinion type of thing. a lot of people just truly, truly can't stand the way e7 does it
I'm pretty meh on E7 so far, but I'm willing to watch it through.
I'm not saying that every anime should take itself super seriously, but there's way too much...childish slapstick I think.
It has its moments.
I think many will agree on the idea that it never should've been centered around Renton though.