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Toonami |OT7| I Don't Believe It

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In the Japanese Big O art book, Big Venus is listed as "Venus/Lucifer."

We don't know much about Angel's role in the story thus far but it seems clear to me that she plays a huge part. Gordon mentioned in the last episode (25) that he had hired Roger to negotiate with the director to change the role of the actors. Big O references theater quite a bit, from Roger yelling "SHOWTIME" to the various references referring to the world as a "stage." This leads me to believe that Paradigm City possibly doesn't exist, instead it's merely an artificial construction controlled by someone behind the scenes who keeps it in an infinite 40 year loop. What if Roger's true purpose is to negotiate with this "director" in order to break out of this loop? I know my theory sounds crazy but hear me out.

Think about the definition of the word "Paradigm"

Paradigm: a model or pattern for something that may be copied

The key word here to me is pattern. Rosewater mentions how he has to keep refining the process of memory implantation in order to create better clones, what if the world resets every 40 years so that this can happen? What if Paradigm City is stuck in an infinite loop where civilization is destroyed by the megadueces and then rebuilt only to repeat history? Think about the scars across Angel's back:

Don't they look a little bit like wings? What if Angel is meant to represent the fallen angel Lucifer from Christianity? In last nights episode Angel is referred to as a memory by Gordon, the proof is the marks on her back. One has to consider the possibility that she is the "director" of the cataclysmic event and that Roger, as the city's negotiator, is the only one capable of convincing her to free humanity from an endless cycle of sin. There's a lot of subtle religious symbolism in Big O that can go unnoticed.

What does this all mean though? Honestly, I don't know for sure, there are some questions that cannot be answered until next week. Hopefully this provokes some discussion or thought and that someone other than Bass takes the time to read my jumble of thoughts. Can't wait for next week.

Called it
cya people who just left, inuyashagaf stays winning however

I'm gonna hop off and try to collect my thoughts on what just happened in Big O, will write a detailed post tomorrow describing my interpretation. Might be back for Bebop and Inuyasha.
Called it

Yep, you called it. But just to add to what you posted ealier, there's the idea that Paradigm City is a created-and-found space, built around the dome (which is one of the last remnants of the world, and stays relatively untouched because it acts as a stage.)

And to keep plugging the theatre references, it's often said that theatre is a living art form, and that plays are only art when they're being performed - when the lights go down and the set-pieces are put away, the elements that make up a play become separate parts, to be moved around as they please. I've heard people throw around the idea that memories in the show are similar, that they can only be experienced and created while the city is active and when people interact with one another; when things have run their course, Venus does its thing and the whole thing starts again - not necessarily the same, but building off of what came before, like a refining process. Or something.

And I took way too long to post this.

Anyway, this is where I head off. InuGAF can keep patting itself on the head; I'll just wait until Final Act starts airing.
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