I still stand by my defense of COS. When I saw it, the manga was still 5 years away from ending, and Brotherhood obviously did not exist. The lack of a happy ending was consistent with what we had seen in the prior series, it does a good enough job closing up the plot holes, and while some stuff requires a leap of logic, it makes sense for the most part (Noah knowing alchemy in the end is explained by the fact that Noah took all the knowledge from Ed and gave it to her, her actions are explained by the fact that Nazi were pretty much like that,ect). Ed being self-centered is something that carried over from the original series, and that character flaw is reflected in the end- he was able to get his brother's body back, but not his own.
Eh, COS is a piece of shit independent of the first series wrought with some of the most pointless deaths and fakeist angst I have seen in awhile and that isn't even getting into that last half hour giving up any semblance of coherence or plausibility led by a shallow villainess who motivations make little sense in any context.