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Toonami |SepOct17| 1 + 1 = YEAH!




Zenigata can tell the directions the bullets came from from the pool of blood on the floor.

Lupin had a rough night.


That was a weird ending to the episode.
Yea Albert Eisenstein's love life was not a lonely one, it was a terrible one, but it was not lonely.
Einstein was a genius, but also had a lot of problems on the family and love front. He had a one daughter born out of wedlock that likely died of scarlet fever in the early 1900's. The problems in that marriage lead to his divorce during his most productive years.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Weirdly felt like a finale. Even though we're only halfway done.

See you in the morning.


A little confusing and surreal but I thought that was good Lupin :)

It's a self perpetuating problem. Those that get into making anime like and draw fanservice. And they make anime with fanservice so that all people who like anime enough to make it like or ok with fanservice.

It's getting better, but is still a huge problem.

I mean sure but unless your specific aim is to make material for as broad an audience as possible (which isn't what all animators or execs want to create) then I don't know how "break" the cycle. You can and should criticize art but you can't make them not do things they want to do.
I feel like this is an episode I might need to come back to with a fresher mind. Get a better understanding of the smaller details and the like.

But for now I'll be calling it a night. Later all


is this the last episode of canon for a while

this is important

i need to know if I need to update the op afterwards
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