If I'm not mistaken ShyCloudFractals onWell the demon world tournament felt short, you can tell that they didn't have much to work with
If I'm not mistaken ShyCloudFractals onWell the demon world tournament felt short, you can tell that they didn't have much to work with
...probably notWell the demon world tournament felt short, you can tell that they didn't have much to work with
If I'm not mistaken ShyCloudFractals ondid a Neptune and Uranus cosplay...thing. Edit: Don't search for that shit at work.Chaturbate
Better be at home.brb googling now
for research...
Better be at home.
idk if I told you guys this, but I was in the ER recently and have been homebound for a few days now.
The art in crystal is a lot better in later seasons huh
B-Dubs would be the one who kept himself alive.
The glare from his bald head blinds them momentarily.B-Dubs would be the one who kept himself alive.
Aww yeah, Team Toonami-Gaf is gonna kick those alien assholes off our rock to whatever other rock they crawled out of.
Three Missions Later
So...this...this isn't anyone's fault.
I do the same thing. Rookies suck.I'll admit I cheat and restart from a save point when I lose one of my veterans
Because I'm not going through the pain of training those blasted rookies who can't even shoot point blank
I'll admit I cheat and restart from a save point when I lose one of my veterans
Because I'm not going through the pain of training those blasted rookies who can't even shoot point blank
Guessing the whale missionI only save scum if the game does something stupid that I wouldnt know about before hand, or if I misread what the intended goal of the map is.
Fire Emblem I restart all the time
Guessing the whale mission
Lesbians and x-comi have no idea what is going on with this page
i have no idea what is going on with this page
I took a nap, and woke up to this response by New York Giants tackle Adam Gettis.
I took a nap, and woke up to this response by New York Giants tackle Adam Gettis.
i have no idea what is going on with this page
Hmm yeah zonic does seem the most betrayableHello Darkness my Old Friend...
Seda, I should be clear.
Xcom you was brave.
I mean...he did shoot Zonic when the cold grip of death started to feel him up, but other than that he was brave.
It was "teased" apparently. We'll have to find out on the 26th.Speaking of that SAO movie, apparently the dvd release has nipples? They know their audience I guess.
Wut makes ya say dat?Hmm yeah zonic does seem the most betrayable
Speaking of that SAO movie, apparently the dvd release has nipples? They know their audience I guess.
Speaking of that SAO movie, apparently the dvd release has nipples? They know their audience I guess.
This could mean many different things depending on who the DBZ fight involved.
Dang it, I don't want to not dislike a Packer...
Its the mustache
"Insert SAO Shino gif here"
I once tried to have an anime discussion with this woman on OKCupid. Far too into SAO. I was mentally just like "stop defending this shit" and just hoped we could talk about something else. Never happened.My best friend legit likes SAO, doesn't understand the hate, & is tired of people hating on it, especially after showing him (more as a joke) the Mother's Basement video on how Yui ruined SAO, where his reaction was "this guy is putting way too much thought, you're not suppose to put this much logic into this series"
.....though he never got around to seeing the second season because he didn't think the gun mmo seemed as interesting. *shrugs* I just chalk it up to the fact that he doesn't watch as much anime as me (or most of us in general) and tell him that, while I don't "like" it, I would still rewatch it over other stuff because of how much it made me laugh & I'd rather watch something bad that makes me laugh over something bad that just makes me angry or feel drained. Edit: He also admits that for anime, he's a lot easier to please, which nothing wrong with.
I don't know, I never try to take away anyone's enjoyment of something unless said thing is promoting bad things/could cause harm to others.
Huh never tried okcupid only tinderI once tried to have an anime discussion with this woman on OKCupid. Far too into SAO. I was mentally just like "stop defending this shit" and just hoped we could talk about something else. Never happened.