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Toonami |SepOct17| 1 + 1 = YEAH!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
May I interest you in a trial for eharmony all ya gotta do is fill out a 500 question survey and we'll find your perfect match aka someone exactly like you even if that's not what you're looking for
I'm coming to the conclusion that any woman like me is insane.


I draw the line at pill popping. I like quirky and weird but if I have to worry about your neuroses being a danger to yourself and me then nothing is happening.
Drug dependency isn't crazy or fun its just sad

I like the kind of crazy that's willing to surprise you and take chances but not do something completely stupid


ive only had 1 somehwat serious GF and im most likely going to marry her.

I dont really have dating tips other then just be yourself, unless everybody hates you, in which case, act like someone else

Man God

Non-Canon Member
You'd have to be crazy to want an actually crazy partner. Quixotic? Maybe. Strange? Oh yes. Different? Please. Crazy? No, you do not want someone crazy unless you are crazy. I've had a couple of these relationships and they usually end with the police or hospitalizations or both. Crazy isn't a good idea. Crazy isn't safe.


Most people I talk to who like anime (especially those who like it on a very surface level, not that that's a bad thing) really like stuff like SAO, Naruto, and Tokyo Ghoul, though everyone I've talked to dislikes S2 to be fair.

Even one my best friends had only seen popular Shonen and who really was into Naruto. He even called it the best anime ever made, no joke. I then showed him better stuff ala Cowboy Bebop, Ghibli, and other really good anime (IMO). He eventually said Naruto wasn't that good, but still liked it in a nostalgic starter anime kind of way. I can respect that. Still watches Boruto every week which is fine by me.

People like things I don't like, and I can respect that. I may disagree, but I can certainly respect it. If I was held accountable for liking every garbage thing I consumed it would be embarrassing as well. I try to be careful what I do and do not defend on an artistic ground vs. just popcorn kind of fun though.

You'd have to be crazy to want an actually crazy partner. Quixotic? Maybe. Strange? Oh yes. Different? Please. Crazy? No, you do not want someone crazy unless you are crazy. I've had a couple of these relationships and they usually end with the police or hospitalizations or both. Crazy isn't a good idea. Crazy isn't safe.
Agreed 100%. Crazy girlfriends/boyfriends never turn out well. You'll just get yourself and others hurt, I've seen it way too many times.
hi bassforever we miss u

I miss yall too, I'm hoping to land an internship this spring that could potentially lead to full time employment once I graduate in May. If that happens I'll be back with yall Saturday nights in January ish, at worst by next fall fingers crossed I'll be in a cpa firm or other accounting position where my saturday nights/sunday mornings will be free.


No Scrubs
How excited are yall for the next arc of sao in 2018??

Honestly, so long as it's a hilarious trainwreck I say bring it on.

I miss yall too, I'm hoping to land an internship this spring that could potentially lead to full time employment once I graduate in May. If that happens I'll be back with yall Saturday nights in January ish, at worst by next fall fingers crossed I'll be in a cpa firm or other accounting position where my saturday nights/sunday mornings will be free.

That's awesome.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Animal Crossing New Leaf was really great. I had been down on the series, skipping City Folk entirely and not playing a ton of wild world. I missed the Holidays roughly sinking up with the real ones and hunting down the Nintendo games. But the New Leaf hype got to me and I played it fanatically for a few months.
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