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"Top 10 Raw Deals for Gamers" - Wired/Kohler article

A great article over at Wired Magazine, by GAF's own Chris Kohler.

Top 10 Raw Deals for Gamers

The march of technology is supposed to make things better for consumers, but these days it seems videogame makers strive to find new ways to take more of our money and give us less in return.

We are not communists here at Game|Life. We want publishers to make financially prudent decisions so they can continue to deliver games that fuel our addictions. But some bone-headed business moves benefit everyone except us.

Here are the 10 worst offenders:

10. Xbox 360’s Expensive Memory

Want a bigger PlayStation 3 hard drive? Buy an off-the-shelf laptop drive and slap that baby in. Need more room for all the WiiWare games you’ve downloaded? Hot-swap a generic SD card. Running out of space on your Xbox 360 hard drive? Bend over. The biggest hard disk you can buy for Xbox 360 is the 120-GB model, and it costs a whopping $140. For purposes of comparison, that’s the MSRP of Western Digital’s terabyte drive. Need 512 MB of portable memory for your Xbox? Only $40, which would buy an 8-GB SD card.

9. DRM and Piracy

Digital rights management schemes, which limit the ways we can play legitimate copies of games, are annoying. But piracy is worse. If you think it’s a victimless crime, consider the case of publisher Stardock. It releases its games without DRM, as a sign of courtesy and respect to its customers. But the ambitious online mode of its recent PC game Demigod has been plagued with problems, partly because even though only 18,000 people bought the game, 120,000 people have been logging in and playing. Stardock has spent a lot of extra time and money supporting these freeloaders, and that sucks. But what really sucks is that the pirates are mucking up the performance for those who bought the game legitimately. Dear 100,000 people who pirated Demigod: You are jackasses.

8. GameStop-Exclusive Powers

In Sony’s inFamous, Cole McGrath learns electric superpowers by frying enemies. Except for the Gigawatt Blades power, which he learns by you paying money to GameStop.

Giving out plastic tchotchkes in return for putting down a reservation fee on an upcoming game is a nice touch, but working out a sweetheart deal with a retailer to hold back in-game abilities unless a player hands over five bucks ahead of time is downright sketchy. Not to mention the fact that if you miss the preorder deal, it’s impossible to unlock the content at any time thereafter. GameStop gets more preorders, Sony gets advertising sponsorship and the rest of us get a gimped game.

7. Old Game, New Price

We can argue all day about whether paying $8 for a Super Nintendo game download is worth it, but at least that’s the highest any game publisher charges for 16-bit relics anymore. Except for Square Enix, which took the 1995 game Chrono Trigger, slapped it onto a Nintendo DS cartridge with only the barest of extra features, then charged $40 for it — 10 bucks more than a standard DS game. Icing on the cake: Complaining about the game’s sales, as if it’s consumers’ fault for having the audacity to spot a raw deal.

6. PSP Go

Aren’t game machines supposed to get cheaper over time? Sony’s new PSP is microsized in every way except the price: $250, an $80 premium over the current model. The only advantage is the smaller form factor, and we doubt that the smaller screen counts as a gameplay plus. Otherwise, the Go’s features are downgraded over the original PSP’s — no disc drive, no swappable battery pack (and no upgrade to the expected battery life to counteract either of those).

So why is the price the same as when the unit launched in 2005? Sony says it’s because retailers are taking a bigger cut off the top, since they won’t be making money on sales of game discs. No matter who is to blame, consumers lose with PSP Go’s price. With any luck, the accompanying shift to downloadable sales will make the PSP’s software catalog cheaper than retail, but we’re not holding our breaths on that, considering …

5. Downloads Priced Same as Discs

There aren’t as many test cases here yet, because few console games have been released in both downloadable and disc versions, but the data we have is disheartening. It’s much, much cheaper to sell a downloadable game: You don’t have to print a disc, and middlemen don’t take a cut. Win-win, right? More like win-lose. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue costs the same $30 as a PlayStation 3 disc or a PlayStation Store download. The disc is undeniably more valuable, since it can be resold. If the prices are the same, digital versions give gamers less for their money. (At least the IRS isn’t taxing downloads — yet.)

4. Guitar Hero: Smash Hits

The ability to download in-game content was supposed to revolutionize music games, because you could add new songs to keep the experience fresh. The makers of both Guitar Hero and Rock Band have embraced song downloads, but the gulf between the two companies’ approaches is staggering. Harmonix gives gamers a better deal: The company lets users add hundreds of new songs to existing Rock Band games on an a la carte basis, while Activision has minimized downloads while churning out disc after redundant disc.

Prime example: Guitar Hero Smash Hits, a $60 collection of previously released Guitar Hero songs that won’t work with older versions of the game. The result? Guitar Hero players end up paying more for segregated song lists.

3. Nintendo Sitting on Games

Want to play the latest game in the Fatal Frame series? Too bad. It’s just one of many Wii and Nintendo DS games that Nintendo holds the publishing rights to, but has refrained from bringing to America. Disaster: Day of Crisis, Mother 3, Soma Bringer and Another Code are other examples.

The rationale is almost understandable: Releasing niche titles like these is fine for smaller publishers with lower overhead, but Nintendo is the world’s biggest game publisher, and needs to focus its energies on surefire hits. So why not license these games to smaller publishers? Why hoard publishing rights to so many quality games, especially when titles like Disaster are better than 99 percent of Wii shovelware? (To say nothing of the stranglehold that the company has on Virtual Console classic game releases.)

2. Region Locks

Releasing games only in certain regions wouldn’t be so bad, if not for the region locks that restrict game machines to playing software from a single territory. Concerns about language barriers and international shipping already keep the vast majority of gamers from buying titles from other regions, so arbitrary regional lockouts only serve to annoy those who want to experience games from all over the world. Nintendo DS, PSP and PS3 have the right idea — the vast majority of games for those machines aren’t region-coded. If only Wii and Xbox 360 would follow suit.

1. Funny Money

The biggest rip-off of all is when game publishers take your money and give you nothing in return. Want to buy a $2 app on the Nintendo DSi? Sorry, you’ll have to pony up the $10 minimum charge for 1,000 Wii Points. Why should we give Nintendo $8 to sit in escrow while we wait for it to release something else we want on the download service?

At least Nintendo uses a comprehensible exchange rate. Xbox players aren’t so lucky: Ten bucks gets you 800 Microsoft points, a ridiculous exchange rate that makes it more complicated than necessary to figure out how much you’re really paying for the digital doodads you’re piling into your virtual cart. Thanks, Sony, for using real-dollar transactions in the PlayStation Store — even though you can only add funds to your “wallet” in $5 increments.

(Chris Baker, Tracey John and Nate Ralph contributed to this story)

Some really accurate observations in there, particularly spot-on regarding Nintendo/MS and their invented, make-believe currencies.

I would have given first place to "Being a member of Australia/Europe-GAF" which is one of the roughest deals of all: tremendous, greedy price hikes coupled with utterly lazy delays. My understanding is that Australia gets it worst of this.


Good stuff and absolutely right.

Funny Money and region locks are also the ones that I find the most annoying.


Hooray for lists!

5. Downloads Priced Same as Discs

There aren’t as many test cases here yet, because few console games have been released in both downloadable and disc versions, but the data we have is disheartening. It’s much, much cheaper to sell a downloadable game: You don’t have to print a disc, and middlemen don’t take a cut. Win-win, right? More like win-lose. Gran Turismo 5 Prologue costs the same $30 as a PlayStation 3 disc or a PlayStation Store download. The disc is undeniably more valuable, since it can be resold. If the prices are the same, digital versions give gamers less for their money. (At least the IRS isn’t taxing downloads — yet.)

This is why I hate lists. Quips replace insight.

There is no mention of pressure from retail for price parity between disc and digital download releases. Why ignore this point? Also, I get taxed for my PSN purchases.


9. DRM and Piracy

Digital rights management schemes, which limit the ways we can play legitimate copies of games, are annoying. But piracy is worse. If you think it’s a victimless crime, consider the case of publisher Stardock. It releases its games without DRM, as a sign of courtesy and respect to its customers. But the ambitious online mode of its recent PC game Demigod has been plagued with problems, partly because even though only 18,000 people bought the game, 120,000 people have been logging in and playing. Stardock has spent a lot of extra time and money supporting these freeloaders, and that sucks. But what really sucks is that the pirates are mucking up the performance for those who bought the game legitimately. Dear 100,000 people who pirated Demigod: You are jackasses.

Wasn't this one a kotaku's headline that was totally bullshit?

I kind of remember the thread of gaf.


Second-rate Anihawk
Xater said:
Good stuff and absolutely right.

Funny Money and region locks are also the ones that I find the most annoying.
In defense of funny money, you can exploit points cards sales if you are a savvy consumer.

Dead Man

Yeah, agree with all of that. The only one that I would qualify is the funny money. At least MS has rolled out cards to most areas. Sony still has no PSN cards in most places.


Mama Robotnik said:
Lists are almost always good conversation fodder, agreement/disagreement, debate over ordering, additions, omissions etc. I have no regrets.

I'm not blaming you, I think that the 4 authors of the list could be doing something better with their time. (He says as he spends his morning posting on GAF)
I love funny money, it saves me a lot of real money buying stuff that way.

I got 3 2100 MS Points cards for £25 the other day, that gets me £53.55 worth of content.



Good article, completely agreeing here.

Small note, this

Thanks, Sony, for using real-dollar transactions in the PlayStation Store — even though you can only add funds to your “wallet” in $5 increments.

is incorrect. You can't add an amount lower than $5, but you're not restricted to $5 increments. You can add the exact amount of a game's price (provided it is higher than $5) if you directly try to buy it isntead of adding funds ia the main menu.


#1 and #5 are the ones that bother me the most. Everytime I want to buy Fallout DLC I have to pay $12 because how shitty Microsofts pricing is. I always end up having extra points that aren't enough to spend on anything useful yet sit in my account.

#5 Is what concerns me for Xbox's new Games on Demand service.


"7. Old Game, New Price

We can argue all day about whether paying $8 for a Super Nintendo game download is worth it, but at least that’s the highest any game publisher charges for 16-bit relics anymore. Except for Square Enix, which took the 1995 game Chrono Trigger, slapped it onto a Nintendo DS cartridge with only the barest of extra features, then charged $40 for it — 10 bucks more than a standard DS game. Icing on the cake: Complaining about the game’s sales, as if it’s consumers’ fault for having the audacity to spot a raw deal."

Come on, it's Chrono Trigger! They see it as a $30 markup from a Virtual Console price, I see it as a $60 drop in price from the $100 SNES cartridge I could never afford when I was a kid.


The Amiga Brotherhood
GarthVaderUK said:
I love funny money, it saves me a lot of real money buying stuff that way.

I got 3 2100 MS Points cards for £25 the other day, that gets me £53.55 worth of content.


Agreed I love the points system, because they are almost always on sale. As well as the awesome give aways that happen from time to time! :D (I simply cannot hate on free 10,000 MS Points)

(where did you get those point cards for that price btw? ;) )

jax (old)

8. GameStop-Exclusive Powers

In Sony’s inFamous, Cole McGrath learns electric superpowers by frying enemies. Except for the Gigawatt Blades power, which he learns by you paying money to GameStop.

Giving out plastic tchotchkes in return for putting down a reservation fee on an upcoming game is a nice touch, but working out a sweetheart deal with a retailer to hold back in-game abilities unless a player hands over five bucks ahead of time is downright sketchy. Not to mention the fact that if you miss the preorder deal, it’s impossible to unlock the content at any time thereafter. GameStop gets more preorders, Sony gets advertising sponsorship and the rest of us get a gimped game.

WTFISTHIS? real? Someone find me a youtube video!


Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Microsoft's wifi adapter should be on this list. At 100 bucks, it's a freaking ripoff and the reason why I play online with my ps3.
You don't have to buy the 360 adapter to play wirelessly on the 360, but I agree that it should be built in by default.


The piracy story was BS in the first place.

I'd have replaced that with the ridculously poor reliability of console hardware this gen. Broken Wii GPU's, RROD, YLOD, drive deaths. Awful.

You wouldn't mind if the hardware was cheaper, but everything is a ton more expensive than it was last gen.


Archie said:
In defense of funny money, you can exploit points cards sales if you are a savvy consumer.

This is true, point cards are sold as products not raw exchanges. This means anytime point cards are on discount EVERY item in the online shop is. If people spent less time bitching and more time thinking they'd probably realize they're getting a better deal with points.


Archie said:
In defense of funny money, you can exploit points cards sales if you are a savvy consumer.

I don't think I've ever paid full price for Microsoft Points. MS Points are nothing but a win for the savvy consumer.


At least Nintendo uses a comprehensible exchange rate. Xbox players aren’t so lucky: Ten bucks gets you 800 Microsoft points, a ridiculous exchange rate that makes it more complicated than necessary to figure out how much you’re really paying for the digital doodads you’re piling into your virtual cart.
It's totally incomprehensible. I mean, eve greatest minds in history like Euler would have problems wrapping around this concept.


Jswanko said:
Yeah.. I get to play online with my ps3 for free. I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach when I got my first year of xbox live.. total waste IMO. I would gladly take a version of silver with free online and no communication features or demos then what they offer now. It's pretty much the only reason I get MP multi-platform games on my ps3.. because I know I want to play my games online down the road and I'm not gonna pay for xbox live again.


Don't understand the $5.00 increment complaint about Sony in #1. First they bitch about having to add more funds than what a game would actually cost, but in Sony's case you don't really need to add funds if you use a credit card. As long as your CC is linked to your account you can buy whatever game for whatever its worth without leaving anything extra in the wallet.

This is the reason why I will never use PSN cards.


#10 should be number #1. I'm not bothered by the odd points because I tend to make sure not to purchases oddly priced things, and those MS points giveaways more than make up for it.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Raist said:
It is. I wouldn't call inFAMOUS a "gimped game" because of this tho.

This. In fact, you forget you even have the power.

I don't seem to recall him thinking Chrono Trigger was a raw deal on DS when it was released.
Label said:
Agreed I love the points system, because they are almost always on sale. As well as the awesome give aways that happen from time to time! :D

(where did you get those point cards for that price btw? ;) )

GAME online - they had a £10 off £100 orders deal, which included pre-orders, which could be cancelled after your discounted points arrived... *shifty eyes*
I got two cards that way, and used reward points to save on the third - but that offer is now over, though I think they've got a £5 off £50 voucher still active (so £12.50 per card) - this might be it:


Burai said:
I'd have replaced that with the ridculously poor reliability of console hardware this gen. Broken Wii GPU's, RROD, YLOD, drive deaths. Awful.
I dunno, dude. The Wii and PS3 are reliable as hell. The PS3 is extremely well-built for such a complex machine. The 360 for sure, though.


McLovin said:
Yeah.. I get to play online with my ps3 for free. I had this feeling at the pit of my stomach when I got my first year of xbox live.. total waste IMO. I would gladly take a version of silver with free online and no communication features or demos then what they offer now. It's pretty much the only reason I get MP multi-platform games on my ps3.. because I know I want to play my games online down the road and I'm not gonna pay for xbox live again.
With XBL Primetime they are adding a lot more value to the service. I think not being able to play online with a silver account is straight bullshit, though.


Firewire said:
Don't understand the $5.00 increment complaint about Sony in #1. First they bitch about having to add more funds than what a game would actually cost, but in Sony's case you don't really need to add funds if you use a credit card. As long as your CC is linked to your account you can buy whatever game for whatever its worth without leaving anything extra in the wallet.

This is the reason why I will never use PSN cards.

As long as the game is over $5, which nearly all PSN games are.


The Amiga Brotherhood
GarthVaderUK said:
GAME online, they had a £10 off £100 orders, which included pre-orders, which could be cancelled after your discounted points arrived... *shifty eyes*
I got two cards that way, and used reward points to save on the third - but that offer is now over, though I think they've got a £5 off £50 voucher still active (so £12.50 per card) - this might be it:

Damn, I should really check that Cheap Euro GAF thread more often :D

Thanks for the code though, as that will come in handy! :D


Label said:

It always bugged me the whole time I was playing the game, that I could not have this power.

I would of even got it as DLC if they gave you the choice, such bull.
Try pre-ordering the game at gamestop and having one of those stupid hard to scratch off codes, then rubbing away like 3 numbers by accident :( I tried different combinations for hours to no avail :(((((


Ugh, I need 200 Wii points to buy something I want, too bad it's going to cost me 10 bucks for 800 points I don't want.


It is a pet peeve of mine when storage is called "memory." I know the distinction between them is getting smaller with flash memory like USB Drives and Solid State HDs, but hard drives are not memory, damn it!


kbear said:
I dunno, dude. The Wii and PS3 are reliable as hell. The PS3 is extremely well-built for such a complex machine. The 360 for sure, though.

So far this gen:

Wii 1 - GPU checkerboarding
360 1 - RROD
Wii 2- Drive eject mech broke
PS3 1 - stopped reading discs
360 2 - DRE and RROD

First time I've ever had all my consoles die on me. Last gen, I got a PS2 that was DOA. Never had anything break before that. My girlfriend even uses my Xbox 1 to step up on to reach DVDs on high shelves! God knows what would happen if she trod on the 360 with it's cheap, nasty flexing case.
The funny money is awesome for us living in NY state (and other states that charge tax for online stuff). We don't get charged tax when we buy stuff from Ninitendo or MS online, but PSN does since it deals with real money. Not to mention the deals you can find for the cards and there are stores finally not charging tax for buying them, whereas we'll get charged for buying points online. I say it's great personally.

I agree that there should be smaller points for buying as well.
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