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"Top 10 Raw Deals for Gamers" - Wired/Kohler article

Dabookerman said:

Not that I agree entirely, but the problem with Xbox Live for me is you're paying for the features you get as standard elsewhere, but being given the awesome stuff for free with Silver.


Definitely agree with #1. I bought the God of War level kit for LBP the other day and was really confused that I had to pay like 4 euros for something that was supposed to cost 2,5. Now this make me more hesitant to buy something in the future. I would like to buy Super Stardust now that its a bargain but havent decided yet because of this.
Definitely agree on Chrono Trigger. Granted I did purchase both FF5 and FF6 advance but both of those games were 29.99. The extra $10 just put CT over the edge.

Seriously it bugs the hell out of me. A company like Sega, Capcom, Midway, Namco, or whoever will have no qualms about throwing 20+ games into a compilation and selling it a budget price. But try that with Nintendo, Square-Enix, or a few others and they'd totally balk at the idea. Totally weak.
Jax said:
WTFISTHIS? real? Someone find me a youtube video!

This has been happening a lot lately, and I despise it. Skins and cars used to be the common thing, but I know X-Men Origins: Wolverine had all sorts of preorder-only extra features relating to the Danger Room, I think the Ghostbusters game had some extra weapon you got for preordering (or maybe that was just the Ghostbusters 2 outfits), AC2 mentioned above...

It's one thing to give away external extras, little figures or art books or whatever. It's another to be locking off content in the games or printing up special versions with just a little bit more to play with because you locked your order in to the "right" store.


Flying_Phoenix said:
:lol :lol @ #'s 9 and 6.
What, you like DRMs?
In 10 years or so everything you have bought from Xbox Live will magically disappear and you ":lol "?

Of course, i know that point is about "DRMs and piracy", but still...


To all of you saying just buy the cards in the stores, the whole point of these downloadable services is so that I can avoid retail. No fucking point if I got to go to the fucking store every time I want to buy something.


Solid said:
I would like to buy Super Stardust now that its a bargain but havent decided yet because of this.

Do it. Now. It's TWO F'IN EUROZ. Even if you don't buy the addons, the game has enough content to get you hooked for dozens of hours. It's a steal, seriously.


Jax said:
I'm sorry but that is farking annoying. I'm in australia so no gamestop, aka no gigablade thingmajig. !!!!!!!! ahhhhh...


fyi EB, GAME and JB all were offering Gigawatt codes with pre-orders.


While most may hate Microsoft Funny Money, the thing is that is works better in a worldwide marketplace, which the Xbox Live Arcade lives in.

The PlayStation Network may have real money prices, but elsewhere we get screwed over for no reason. an 800MSP game is about 13AU in Australia, while the PSN version, if it's published by Sony, will be $12.95. If it's published by someone else, like Capcom, it'sll be $15.95 - a $3 addition for no reason.

THAT is why 800 Allards are better.


Second-rate Anihawk
Wizpig said:
I guess these don't work on European accounts...? :(
Anyone tried?
It's US points cards so you could make a US account and redeem them there although I think you would have a sticky situation if your 360 died and you had to do the DRM recovery.


TheGreatDave said:
You can just open up a US Xbox Live account (sign up on passport.com, say you're in the US) and it'll work.
off topic:
Thanks, i already have one... but say i buy an XBLA with US points on the US account and then play it on the European [main] account... will it work correctly in case of patches and will it have european languages?
Sorry for the OT and thanks again.

As for the DRMs my 360 already died and i recovered them, i guess i could see if my US Soul Calibur DLC still works, i bought that with 100 free US points once...


szaromir said:
It's totally incomprehensible. I mean, eve greatest minds in history like Euler would have problems wrapping around this concept.
It's worse if you're not in the US. 800 Microsoft points are $12.79 + tax.
And I only know that because I looked it up here:


The fact that this site exists should be enough evidence that the system is confusing.


They could come up with at least a top 5 just for XBOX 360 in no particular order:

1. Ridiculously overpriced storage.
2. Over priced wifi, which should be included in the first place.
3. Batteries for the controllers, or you have to buy a charge kit.
4. MS Points.
5. Charging for XBL. At least let silver members play online with a gimped feature set.
6. The expensive ass cable to use optical audio.

This is why I refuse to purchase another 360. There policies and pricing are setting a terrible precedent for the industry.


Big-E said:
Funny money is my biggest gripe. I buy a far less amount of shit on 360 compared to Steam and PSN solely due to this issue. The next Xbox better get rid of this awful bullshit.

Same here. Sometimes I really need to convince myself to buy certain DLC, especially when I think the price is too high. With funny money I have sometimes to pay even more than I would like to pay, so I don't buy it at all.
Wizpig said:
off topic:
Thanks, i already have one... but say i buy an XBLA with US points on the US account and then play it on the European [main] account... will it work correctly in case of patches and will it have european languages?
Sorry for the OT and thanks again.

As for the DRMs my 360 already died and i recovered them, i guess i could see if my US Soul Calibur DLC still works, i bought that with 100 free US points once...

360 content is tied to the console and the gamertag, one of them needs to be correct for it to work. So if you download an XBLA game with a US account, you can play it with the Euro one. The only issue is if your console dies, I think your Euro account is unable to access the US content if you're on a new console, but I think the DRM Tool on Xbox.com can fix that.
MS points are awesome, I always get them for 25-40% off. :D

One of my raw deals is having to a buy a wired ethernet adapter for the Wii. Fuck wireless. Hopefully Sony and MS don't drop wired ethernet next gen.


Meh i always laugh at complaints about "points allards ect". With sales and stuff ive never once wanted to pay with actual money for xbl stuff.
Grecco said:
Meh i always laugh at complaints about "points allards ect". With sales and stuff ive never once wanted to pay with actual money for xbl stuff.
They can have sales with real money, on the store.
Grecco said:
Meh i always laugh at complaints about "points allards ect". With sales and stuff ive never once wanted to pay with actual money for xbl stuff.

Seriously. The points system is awesome for some cheap ass gaming.


Grecco said:
Meh i always laugh at complaints about "points allards ect". With sales and stuff ive never once wanted to pay with actual money for xbl stuff.
TheGreatDave said:
Seriously. The points system is awesome for some cheap ass gaming.



Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Microsoft's wifi adapter should be on this list. At 100 bucks, it's a freaking ripoff and the reason why I play online with my ps3.

Practically every single Microsoft accessory could be on this list. The wireless headset costing more than Sony's headset (which is more comfortable and works with things other than the PS3), the inability to get an optical output w/o buying the overpriced HDMI cable package, etc. Not that Sony or Nintendo are all that much better in terms of their own accessories, but at least Sony has gone pretty much mostly with standardized components/accessories for the PS3.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
MS points are awesome, I always get them for 25-40% off. :D

Isn't the point that retailers buy points cards in bulk and so can offer a discount. The same would be true of Sony cards too, at least in theory.

I think getting cheap points cards is great but don't confuse this retail perk with the points system in general. They're not as related as a lot of people in this thread seem to think.


Visualante said:
They can have sales with real money, on the store.

This, and there are rebates on PSN cards as well. This have nothing to do with the fact that you have a spacebucks in the interface, vs real money. Spacebucks are just more confusing. Would be exactly the same thing than buying stuff online with a foreign currency, except that the exchange rate is quite frozen.
freethought said:
Isn't the point that retailers buy points cards in bulk and so can offer a discount. The same would be true of Sony cards too, at least in theory.

I think getting cheap points cards is great but don't confuse this retail perk with the points system in general. They're not as related as a lot of people in this thread seem to think.
Yep, i've seen deals on iTunes cards that have a 'cash' value.


Second-rate Anihawk
If the PSP Go is on the list, why not the DSi? It follows the same list of complaints. $40 premium over it's predecessor and loss of functionality in the GBA slot. Granted, there are some improvements with the cameras and DSiware, but nothing Earth shattering.
Chris should have just put the Xbox 360 in general as numbers 10 through 1. That's the cause of most of our raw deals this gen anyway. DLC, overpriced accessories, paying for online, funny money, $10 "next-gen" premium, reliability concerns, HD but not really, and so on. Heck even if you don't get a 360 most of its faults and BS have managed to pervade the other systems in one way or another.
MidnightScott said:
When I buy points from Wii Shop or DSi Shop, I get charged tax at 8.25%, which for 1000 Wii Points ($10) is 83 cents.

Oh yeah, I thought I mentioned that, but yeah. You'll get charged if you buy the points from MS and Nintendo online and not PSN of course, but you do get charged for tax if you buy anything on PSN and not when you buy stuff from MS or Nintendo.

Really, that's my only gripe about this whole thing. If we weren't charged tax on any of this stuff I'd of course want it all to go to real money, way more convenient that way.


sparkle this bitch
TheGreatDave said:
Seriously. The points system is awesome for some cheap ass gaming.
I completely agree
Bought 12000 points for 40% off,
Got 4000 so far for free(Giveaways)
Got 1600 for 14.99 with BB Card
Got 1600 with the Watchman Tickets deal at BB(My 11dollar Imax ticket was free ^_^)
I pay absolutely no Tax either <3
Picked up a few deals on Amazon also, Where they were 40-50% off.

And you want to tell me the point system is a bad thing? :lol
squicken said:
MS funny money is the reason everything on XBL Marketplace is cheaper than on PSN. Wait for sale on points, buy a bunch, save money.

Beats the lost fractions of pennies I would have earned in interest.
Yep. And the great thing is that the publisher & developer lose nothing on the deal. Everyone wins...so long as you watch for deals...which are everywhere and all the damned time these days especially.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Chris should have just put the Xbox 360 in general as numbers 10 through 1. That's the cause of most of our raw deals this gen anyway. DLC, overpriced accessories, paying for online, funny money, $10 "next-gen" premium, reliability concerns, HD but not really, and so on. Heck even if you don't get a 360 most of its faults and BS have managed to pervade the other systems in one way or another.

Yes, and let's everyone support the hell out of it and Microsoft. When your 360 breaks, just buy another. At least you will still have the $200 in add ons that should have come with the system in the first place.


shintoki said:
And you want to tell me the point system is a bad thing? :lol

I will never understand why so many people are dead set against a system that is so exploitable in the favor of the consumer.
Rated-Rsuperstar said:
Microsoft's wifi adapter should be on this list. At 100 bucks, it's a freaking ripoff and the reason why I play online with my ps3.

I think all of Microsoft's accessories are way overpriced. I want a bigger hard drive, but I refuse to pay $150 for it when I bought a 320GB a long time ago for $99. I agree with this list. I just wish I could find more deals on Microsoft points though. They are NEVER on sale where I live and I can't seem to find any deals online either.


Kintaro said:
Yeah, but you can't rag on Sony for giving retailers a bigger slice of the pie with PSP Go and not include this. Either way, it's a "raw deal" to the consumer right?

But Harmonix isn't passing any extra expense onto the consumer, they are simply making one switch disks and such. That is nowhere near as consumer unfriendly as the Go.


Visualante said:
They can have sales with real money, on the store.

With point I don't have to wait for the game to go on sale, I can get it day one. Also, I can stack the 2 for even more savings. Street Fighter 2 HD cost me $2 this week thanks to this.

freethought said:
Isn't the point that retailers buy points cards in bulk and so can offer a discount. The same would be true of Sony cards too, at least in theory.

I think getting cheap points cards is great but don't confuse this retail perk with the points system in general. They're not as related as a lot of people in this thread seem to think.

They are though, because of the PSN cards being simply a real money transfer, instead of buying an item. You rarely see things like restaurant giftcards and such on sale at retailers for this same reason, they are seen as simply a transfer of funds.

Visualante said:
Yep, i've seen deals on iTunes cards that have a 'cash' value.

Yes, but nowhere near as often. As the epitome of Cheapassgaming I keep track of such things.


TheGreatDave said:
Seriously. The points system is awesome for some cheap ass gaming.
It's impossible for that to be true for the average person.
The more people who chase deals, the faster they will dry up.

Basically, that cannot work for more than a small group of people.
Slavik81 said:
It's impossible for that to be true for the average person.
The more people who chase deals, the faster they will dry up.

Basically, that cannot work for more than a small group of people.
It works for me, and really, isn't that enough?
How about games getting advertised and hyped 2+ years in advance of their release? How many times do we see "I just bought blahblahblah because of XXX" where XXX is something THAT ISNT OUT YET? Between that and pre-orders, gamers don't have a fucking clue how to invest their money.
MattKeil said:
I will never understand why so many people are dead set against a system that is so exploitable in the favor of the consumer.

Yeah, but everyone in this thread is talking about pre-paid cards, which are an excellent idea. The article was complaining about Microsoft and Nintendo using points systems on their online services, which is only exploitable by the platform holder. What does one have to do with the other? I get that MS distribute pre-paid cards, but that's frankly a pretty weak connection. They could still distribute them and use real money. You'd get the same great deals, and you'd always know what you're spending. We all win.

I'll never understand why people are in favour of a system so easily exploitable by billion dollar corporations.

edit: Actually, if you bought a pre-paid card on sale you'd still have to work out the actual cost to you. But at least in that case you'd just be trying to figure out how much you're saving.
Slavik81 said:
It's impossible for that to be true for the average person.
The more people who chase deals, the faster they will dry up.

Basically, that cannot work for more than a small group of people.
Eh, the average person isn't likely to be bitching all that much about it...certainly not as much as hardcore internet-using gamers who know better. Besides, should everyone be treated to the exact same cost because some or most didn't bother to shop around? Points systems or no, that's reality in product sales, man.


Slavik81 said:
It's impossible for that to be true for the average person.
The more people who chase deals, the faster they will dry up.

Basically, that cannot work for more than a small group of people.

This is simply false. Retails see these deals get people into the store, and those people in many cases by other overpriced crap, therefor they continue to run said deals.

Seriously, it seems like every 3-4 weeks target puts the cards on sale for 25% off.

If what you say were even remotely true, those sales would have stopped a year and a half ago when I first began to stock up regularly.

People just looking for a reason to whine hate points. Consumers who truly value their money, love the system, as it saves us money, and stacking it with sales, I haven't payed more than 50% of any DLC price in over a year. A lot of it I've gotten for 75% off.

freethought said:
Yeah, but everyone in this thread is talking about pre-paid cards, which are an excellent idea. The article was complaining about Microsoft and Nintendo using points systems on their online services, which is only exploitable by the platform holder. What does one have to do with the other? I get that MS distribute pre-paid cards, but that's frankly a pretty weak connection. They could still distribute them and use real money. You'd get the same great deals, and you'd always know what you're spending. We win.

I'll never understand why people are in favour of a system so easily exploitable by billion dollar corporations.

You don't seem to grasp that PSN cards having a real money sum, is why they don't go on sale often, or when they do, it's never near the deals we've gotten on MS Points cards. It has to do with that real money value associated with the card. If having a points system is the price I pay to save 50% on everything, all the time, no exceptions, then bring on the

freethought said:
system so easily exploitable by billion dollar corporations.


It's awesome that you get to follow deals and such but between work and school I don't got a lot of time to follow sales and go to stores to buy shit and then go home and then wait for it to download when there are two services out there that do exactly what I want, have most of the same games and do it painlessly.
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