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Top 3 Most anticipated GC titles for '04

Li Mu Bai

Pikmin 2
Metroid Prime: Echoes
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door

I will be picking up some quality cross-platform titles as well, like POP 2 & others. Starfox 2 possibly, (loved the multiplayer & space missions) & definitely Fire Emblem if it releases though unlikely. Your picks? (curses Capcom for pushing back RE4)

edit: Baten Kaitos as well is a definite purchase


Metroid Prime: Echoes
Tales of Symphonia (I can't buy it yet)
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door

Edit: funny thing... I don't like first-person games and RPGs... :p


Li Mu Bai said:
Pikmin 2
Metroid Prime: Echoes
Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door
I agree completely. I want those three games more than any other games, I cant decide which one I want most though, they all win! 2004 = Year of the GameCube!

ToS is probably 4th (I am a PAL gamer).
Mario Tennis
I thought that was 2005?


Metroid Prime 2, Resident Evil 4, and..

God, I don't know. I doubt I'm going to have money for ALL these games this year.. the only good news so far is Katamari Damacy being cheap.

Li Mu Bai

cybamerc said:
You can't stand it when people talk about other systems, can you?

Actually I can, as I do contribute to other console system's threads. The GC is simply my console of choice, as I'm sure you have yours. Damn, how could I have forgotten about Baten Kaitos!


1)Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings & the Lost Ocean
2)Paper Mario II: The Thousand Year Door
3)Phantasy Star Online: Episodes I & II: PLUS
1. Metroid Prime: Echoes- All hail metroid, forever and ever more.
2. Resident Evil 4- I'm frothing at the mouth in anticipation of this radically made over sequel.
3. Paper Mario 2- From what I know of Mario and specifically Paper Mario I expect pure unmitigated fun.

Resident EVil 4 is pushed back?
Well I guess Pikmin will get nudged in here, and maybe Baten Kaitos or POP2.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
1). Pikmin 2
2). RE 4
3). Metroid Prime: Echoes

Li Mu Bai

Hasn't it been officially confimed that RE4 is an '05 release now? I would have to say this is the best holiday season for gamers since this generation began. I will at least have money left over for Christmas presents. (as I don't have to buy for all 3 systems) My college roomate has a PS2, & my younger brother has an X-Box at home. (Halo 2 in time for Christmas break) So the best of three worlds with less than half the expense for me.

Li Mu Bai

Rhindle said:
I predict at least 65 posts listing the same three games.

This may not bode well for 3rd party non-exclusives. At least they're somewhat spread out regarding release dates. (Aug, Oct, November)


3. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
2. Resident Evil 4
1. Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door

MP2E gets bumped up one if RE4 doesn't come out, and Pikmin 2 comes in at third.


I only really want :

Baten Kaitos
Paper Mario 2

But I guess I might check out MP : Echoes and Pikmin 2 as well, not convinced that I'll buy 'em though (Xbox demands most of my money in '04). Oh and Resident Evil 4, if it makes it out in 2004 of course..

king zell

Gchaime said:
Alien Hominid?

Alien Hominid is the debut title from O~3 and developer The Behemoth and will feature the classic 2D side-scrolling format with hand drawn graphics. Alien Hominid was born on the Internet in 2002 and the prototype version of it has received quite a bit of downloads since its inception. Over six-million to be exact.




1. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
2. Paper Mario 2
3. Baten Kaitos

Resident Evil 4 would be at the top if I knew for certain that it will come out this year.


hyperbolically metafictive
1. paper mario 2
2. pikmin 2
3. alien hominid (though i think i'll get this on ps2)
1. Mario Tennis
2. DK: Jungle Beat
3. Paper Mario 2

Having Mario Tennis in October is a huge surprise considering the US release is 2005. It was my favourite N64 game so I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully Jungle Beat makes it out this year in Japan too.
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