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Toronto-Age |OT2|


Will QA for food.
Health concerns (not hoping ill on him) seem like the most likely way he'd leave office early.

What's the protocol if a mayor chooses to step down? Is there an election, or does he choose the person to fill in for him, or does council vote on it, etc?

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Dunno why he even got voted in in the first place.

At this point, I hope he gets RE-ELECTED just to troll all of you!

We had terrible candidates!


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Dunno why he even got voted in in the first place.

At this point, I hope he gets RE-ELECTED just to troll all of you!

We had terrible candidates!

I blame Miller for not running for re-election. He left us to Smitherman vs Ford, battle of the idiots.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Kuro Madoushi said:
Dunno why he even got voted in in the first place.

At this point, I hope he gets RE-ELECTED just to troll all of you!

We had terrible candidates!

That's the thing... It was the suburb or people on the outskirts of the city that somehow won the election

It's bullshit electoral districts... It's the same reason 65% of people in the country vote for a left government and instead get a right majority


DopeyFish said:
That's the thing... It was the suburb or people on the outskirts of the city that somehow won the election

It's bullshit electoral districts... It's the same reason 65% of people in the country vote for a left government and instead get a right majority

Didn't ontario just get another like... dozen seats federally?
And when it comes to people saying "the damn 905ers voted Ford in!" on message boards, news story comments, etc - well obviously that doesn't make any kind of sense at all lol.


Toronto should enact a strict policy that all members of council have to embark on at least one of the Cities marathons or face dismissal.


Will QA for food.
StevieP said:
Didn't ontario just get another like... dozen seats federally?
And when it comes to people saying "the damn 905ers voted Ford in!" on message boards, news story comments, etc - well obviously that doesn't make any kind of sense at all lol.

They're 'wrong', but the former munciplaties of Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York have similar mindsets. Do you believe people living near Kipling think more like Mississauga-suburbanites in terms of what they want from the city, or more like someone living at Queen and Spadina?



Will QA for food.
ConvenientBox said:
Toronto should enact a strict policy that all members of council have to embark on at least one of the Cities marathons or face dismissal.

City council would just ban all marathons. :p
StevieP said:
And when it comes to people saying "the damn 905ers voted Ford in!" on message boards, news story comments, etc - well obviously that doesn't make any kind of sense at all lol.

They are definitely wrong about 905ers being allowed to vote in a Toronto municipal election but I do think the 905ers' opinions influence the Toronto newspapers and tv. (especially the Sun for example)


Kuro Madoushi said:
Kinda wish Rocko Rosso had stayed in it.

He was terrible too. One of the worst elections I've seen, candidate-wise. That we elected the worst speaks volumes of this city's sheep-like attraction to slogans.


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Kinda wish Rocko Rosso had stayed in it.

Rossi was in favor of transit.. but he had it all wrong. He wanted to cancel Transit City, but even more asinine complete the Spadina-Expressway (Allen to Gardiner tunnel, goodbye Cedarvale Ravine!). He also was in favor of removing bicycle lanes. Even Ford and Mammoliti wouldn't come out during the election and say they'd rip them out. In fact, Ford said he wouldn't rip out the bike lines a few times.

Rossi also wanted to sell city assets, like Toronto Hydro. Definitely not my favorite candidate.


added_time said:
They are definitely wrong about 905ers being allowed to vote in a Toronto municipal election but I do think the 905ers' opinions influence the Toronto newspapers and tv. (especially the Sun for example)
I'm gonna blame the 647's.

Them and the 519s.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:
Rossi was in favor of transit.. but he had it all wrong. He wanted to cancel Transit City, but even more asinine complete the Spadina-Expressway (Allen to Gardiner tunnel, goodbye Cedarvale Ravine!). He also was in favor of removing bicycle lanes. Even Ford and Mammoliti wouldn't come out during the election and say they'd rip them out. In fact, Ford said he wouldn't the bike lines a few times.

Rossi also wanted to sell city assets, like Toronto Hydro. Definitely not my favorite candidate.
shit candidates :(


I heard they had a Dr. Mario tournament recently.

I keep meaning to go one of these days, to bring my arcade stick and get blown up by the local guys in SSFIV.
I love how he was worried because of the death threats, because if someone where to actually act on a death threat they'd bring a celebrity and a CBC camera crew with them. What a dumbass.
lunarworks said:
If Canada had its own equivalent to SNL, "Rob Ford" would be a frequent "guest" on Weekend Update.

He's the ultimate cartoon mayor.

"In a van down by the river!"

Chris Farley, how I miss you. You're the perfect Rob Ford.


EvilMario said:
For those that love competitive gaming, A&C Games / World has been having daily tournaments. They do the normal games (Street Fighter, MvC, Brawl, a variety of FPS), but also more off beat stuff like Tetris Attack, Super Mario Kart, Soul Calibur, and even host Pokemon tournaments once in a while.


They're also having a halloween (on the monday) free entry thingo if you're in costume.


EvilMario said:
This guy is full of crap

Mayor Rob Ford allegedly called Toronto 911 dispatchers "bitches" and insisted "I'm Rob f---ing Ford," according to a media report.

CBC reported Thursday that Ford — alarmed by the CBC comedy show This Hour Has 22 Minutes trying to interview him in the driveway of his Etobicoke home — unleashed a torrent of swearing on the dispatchers that answered his 911 call Monday morning.

Cop sources told CBC that Ford got angry waiting for Toronto Police to arrive after his encounter with comedian Mary Walsh, dressed up as her Marg Delahunty character — a leather-clad warrior princess famous for ambushing politicians.

“You ... bitches!" Ford reportedly told the dispatcher. "Don’t you f---ing know? I’m Rob f---ing Ford, the mayor of this city!”

Ford didn't mention the 911 cussing when he described the 22 Minutes interview to reporters later on Monday.

"I came out of my house and I was ambushed," Ford said Monday night. "It was pretty dark still and my daughter was with me, there was a black Jeep or something outside of my door, I sort of looked at it ... then two people who didn't identify themselves came running up, they tried to get in my car and they stopped me from getting in my car.

"There was a lady dressed up and she was screaming my name, 'We've got you Rob Ford, we've got you,' and my daughter was scared, she went back in, so I tried to get out, my car door was open and they were blocking me so I couldn't get in or out of my car."

Ford said he went back in the house and called 911.

"I didn't know who they were and obviously we've had death threats and there was a camera and a mic and it wasn't any of you guys," he said. "I'm open to games and I'm open to the media but when you come to my private house early in the morning and ambush me, I think that crosses the line.

"I just told the police and we'll take it from there."

The interview, aired Tuesday night, shows it was daylight when the ambush happened.

Walsh told the QMI Agency's Joe Warmington on Tuesday that she didn't see Ford's daughter that day.

"I never saw his daughter," Walsh said. "Unless his daughter was under his waistcoat, there was no daughter."

She added, "If we had seen a girl, we would have drove on."
This guy is full of crap. If you saw the 22 Minute clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5t-r2OHoWU), you would know he's lying.

1. It was not dark out at all, very very bright out.
2. Mary Walsh never tried to get into Rob Ford's car.
3. She never stopped him from getting into his car, he could have gotten into his car and drove away, but he decided to go back inside.
4. His daughter was never with him.

And then cussing out 911 dispatchers? Classy Rob Ford, classy.


Will QA for food.

For those interested in trying Foodshare, we picked up our first box today. We picked up the 'Wellness Box' which is the smallest box (with more variety than Small Good Food Box). It's a pretty nice haul for $13. Loads of fruits..

The boxes are picked up at a local distributor's house. You pay by cash by dropping the envelope in their box and the box (labeled) is waiting for you on their doorstep. You leave the box and take away the contents in bags / your own box. Thankfully, the person doing this in our neighborhood is about ten minutes walk from our apartment.

It's an 'at order basis', and they need to have 8 days notice if you want a box the following week. We may end up trying one of the larger boxes, and going bi-weekly. Compared to the prices in places like Metro and Sobey's.. and this is much better quality than places like No Frills.. it's a pretty good deal.

This also helps support local produce, and they provide 'mostly' stuff grown in Ontario. They provide a slip of paper with the box outlining the contents, and what's grown locally.

For more information: http://www.foodshare.net/goodfoodbox05.htm
Wow, CBC just reported that the police bumped Rob Ford's call ahead of other emergencies, police arrived within nine minutes, and when they got there Ford was gone.


Will QA for food.
Zombie James said:
Wow, CBC just reported that the police bumped Rob Ford's call ahead of other emergencies, police arrived within nine minutes, and when they got there Ford was gone.

Which is hilarious because he said..

“When I made the 9-1-1 call, I was concerned and upset,” the statement reads. “I was repeatedly told police were arriving soon. In another call, I expressed frustration with the delay and said that I had to leave to go to City Hall

But they're not denying it only took 10 minutes for police to arrive. Mammoliti said..

“In a circumstance where somebody’s lingering around a house and not knowing who it might be and there’s a 911 call and people are afraid, I think 10 minutes is a long time to wait

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
EvilMario said:

For those interested in trying Foodshare, we picked up our first box today. We picked up the 'Wellness Box' which is the smallest box (with more variety than Small Good Food Box). It's a pretty nice haul for $13. Loads of fruits..

The boxes are picked up at a local distributor's house. You pay by cash by dropping the envelope in their box and the box (labeled) is waiting for you on their doorstep. You leave the box and take away the contents in bags / your own box. Thankfully, the person doing this in our neighborhood is about ten minutes walk from our apartment.

It's an 'at order basis', and they need to have 8 days notice if you want a box the following week. We may end up trying one of the larger boxes, and going bi-weekly. Compared to the prices in places like Metro and Sobey's.. and this is much better quality than places like No Frills.. it's a pretty good deal.

This also helps support local produce, and they provide 'mostly' stuff grown in Ontario. They provide a slip of paper with the box outlining the contents, and what's grown locally.

For more information: http://www.foodshare.net/goodfoodbox05.htm
Oh EM, you're suck a goddamn nerd :p
Rob Ford said:
“When I made the 9-1-1 call, I was concerned and upset,” the statement reads. “I was repeatedly told police were arriving soon. In another call, I expressed frustration with the delay and said that I had to leave to go to City Hall
Wait, so he called 911 and told them that he was in no actual danger and was able to leave his house? So what did he need the police for at that point? To give him a warm, reassuring hug and tell him that everything will be alright?


EvilMario said:

For those interested in trying [URL="http://www.foodshare.net/goodfoodbox05.htm"]Foodshare[/URL], we picked up our first box today. We picked up the 'Wellness Box' which is the smallest box (with more variety than Small Good Food Box). It's a pretty nice haul for $13. Loads of fruits..

The boxes are picked up at a local distributor's house. You pay by cash by dropping the envelope in their box and the box (labeled) is waiting for you on their doorstep. You leave the box and take away the contents in bags / your own box. Thankfully, the person doing this in our neighborhood is about ten minutes walk from our apartment.

It's an 'at order basis', and they need to have 8 days notice if you want a box the following week. We may end up trying one of the larger boxes, and going bi-weekly. Compared to the prices in places like Metro and Sobey's.. and this is much better quality than places like No Frills.. it's a pretty good deal.

This also helps support local produce, and they provide 'mostly' stuff grown in Ontario. They provide a slip of paper with the box outlining the contents, and what's grown locally.

For more information: [url]http://www.foodshare.net/goodfoodbox05.htm[/url][/QUOTE]
That's a nice haul for a pretty great price. I showed my husband the picture and he was impressed enough to want me to look into it. :P


Will QA for food.
He has one of the most amazing trail of stories I've ever seen. It's gut wrenching that we have three more years
at least
of it.


Eh you never know what will happen in 3 years, and from what's been going on recently - I have a feeling he might not be mayor for very long

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
ConvenientBox said:
Eh you never know what will happen in 3 years, and from what's been going on recently - I have a feeling he might not be mayor for very long
Again, only until a massive fuck up, Canadians are too lazy to do shit.


I was also just chatting with my wife earlier about this and I said maybe Smitherman being openly gay didn't help either. Not that I personally care since he's an irresponsible financial fuck up, but a lot of the people who voted Ford were from the suburbs, which are filled with immigrants and minorities and the religious who likely didn't take kindly to it. I know for sure had my mom voted, she would've voted Ford simply due to that (she's stupidly old fashioned, what can I say?). Also don't know many, besides Harvey Milk, openly gay elected officials. It's usually they come out after. I know, I know, IT SHOULDN'T MATTER, but reality says otherwise.
EvilMario said:
They're 'wrong', but the former munciplaties of Etobicoke, Scarborough, North York have similar mindsets. Do you believe people living near Kipling think more like Mississauga-suburbanites in terms of what they want from the city, or more like someone living at Queen and Spadina?

I gotta bookmark that map. It's a great tool, when I overlay it with this:

that shows why there's such a rift between the so called "urban"/"suburb" Toronto.
AlphaTwo00 said:
I gotta bookmark that map. It's a great tool, when I overlay it with this:

that shows why there's such a rift between the so called "urban"/"suburb" Toronto.
Overlay it with a map of the subway lines; it becomes even more clear.
whitehawk said:
This guy is full of crap

This guy is full of crap. If you saw the 22 Minute clip (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5t-r2OHoWU), you would know he's lying.

1. It was not dark out at all, very very bright out.
2. Mary Walsh never tried to get into Rob Ford's car.
3. She never stopped him from getting into his car, he could have gotten into his car and drove away, but he decided to go back inside.
4. His daughter was never with him.

And then cussing out 911 dispatchers? Classy Rob Ford, classy.
God forbid I defend Rob Ford, but...television shows routinely do multiple takes of skits like the one 22 minutes did.

I gotta say, what aired on TV was very clearly not a first take. Or the whole story.

Now, as for Ford getting scared and running back into his home and calling 911 when he saw Mary Walsh running at him in an outdated Xena costume with a CBC camera hot behind her? That's lame. He's got a fair point that private homes should be sacred ground - but then again, the guy does host political events in his backyard. That kind of negates his argument.

And the cursing? Well, if I saw someone running at me in a Xena costume, I might curse a little too. And I might not wait to find out what they want before I hightail it to safer ground.

Ultimately, it's a little silly that this has been the story of the day. The F-35 deal may be going under. The Conservatives invoked cloture on debate of the LGR bill. The honour-killing trial of a family who used their car to push the car holding four women into a river in Kingston continues. We have more important things to talk about than how 22 Minutes procures their comedy.


If he wants the cops to teleport to his front door the second he calls them, maybe he shouldn't cut their operating budget.
Roto13 said:
If he wants the cops to teleport to his front door the second he calls them, maybe he shouldn't cut their operating budget.
A fair point, but consider the flip side: saying that "cops are going to take their sweet time responding to 9-1-1 calls in order to prove a point" neither properly values the motivation that officers have to do their jobs well, nor proves that they are deserving of the salary increases for which they argue.


BladeWorker said:
A fair point, but consider the flip side: saying that "cops are going to take their sweet time responding to 9-1-1 calls in order to prove a point" neither properly values the motivation that officers have to do their jobs well, nor proves that they are deserving of the salary increases for which they argue.
That's not what I'm saying at all.


Kuro Madoushi said:
I was also just chatting with my wife earlier about this and I said maybe Smitherman being openly gay didn't help either. Not that I personally care since he's an irresponsible financial fuck up, but a lot of the people who voted Ford were from the suburbs, which are filled with immigrants and minorities and the religious who likely didn't take kindly to it.

Thats a pretty huge generalization of the burbanites. Me included.. I'm certainly not of that line of thinking, and neither are my friends or extended family.


Will QA for food.
Is 9 minutes a long response time? Shop keepers downtown have issue getting someone to respond to shoplifting within three hours.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
ConvenientBox said:
Thats a pretty huge generalization of the burbanites. Me included.. I'm certainly not of that line of thinking, and neither are my friends or extended family.

Yes, and I agree it's an over-generalization. I will say that a lot of older Asians I met (if they even bothered voting) sure as hell would've voted Ford.

I remember working for this one religious Hong Kong woman. She had my email, and when I was done working, she mass emailed me a year or so later asking me to vote against some homosexual bill or something that was trying to be passed.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Again, only until a massive fuck up, Canadians are too lazy to do shit.


I was also just chatting with my wife earlier about this and I said maybe Smitherman being openly gay didn't help either. Not that I personally care since he's an irresponsible financial fuck up, but a lot of the people who voted Ford were from the suburbs, which are filled with immigrants and minorities and the religious who likely didn't take kindly to it. I know for sure had my mom voted, she would've voted Ford simply due to that (she's stupidly old fashioned, what can I say?). Also don't know many, besides Harvey Milk, openly gay elected officials. It's usually they come out after. I know, I know, IT SHOULDN'T MATTER, but reality says otherwise.

Thats funny cause I think Ford won cause he made anti-immigrant comments, and hes not for multiculturalism. So


Kuro Madoushi said:
Yes, and I agree it's an over-generalization. I will say that a lot of older Asians I met (if they even bothered voting) sure as hell would've voted Ford.

I remember working for this one religious Hong Kong woman. She had my email, and when I was done working, she mass emailed me a year or so later asking me to vote against some homosexual bill or something that was trying to be passed.

I'm curious to know the percentages of votes/vs population in the burbs and in the core.
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