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Toronto-Age |OT2|


BladeWorker said:
And the cursing? Well, if I saw someone running at me in a Xena costume, I might curse a little too. And I might not wait to find out what they want before I hightail it to safer ground.

Ultimately, it's a little silly that this has been the story of the day. The F-35 deal may be going under. The Conservatives invoked cloture on debate of the LGR bill. The honour-killing trial of a family who used their car to push the car holding four women into a river in Kingston continues. We have more important things to talk about than how 22 Minutes procures their comedy.

I know I'd curse too, but we're not the Mayor and we're not held to higher standards. We're also not used to getting a ton of ridiculous stuff thrown at us on a daily basis. He is.

Ford has to learn how to either change his ways (i.e. root cause of the hate towards him) or deal with shit like an adult.

Until then, we will get hundreds of youtube videos and news reports of how he behaves inappropriately. Or, like this, stories of how he feels entitled and imagines that he has some kind of power that puts him above the law.

Yes, there are other important stories. But it's for the same reason that news stories about animals get top placement/hits that serious stories get pushed down. That is, people would rather read about light-hearted things. They're easier for them to comprehend and relate to.


BladeWorker said:
God forbid I defend Rob Ford, but...television shows routinely do multiple takes of skits like the one 22 minutes did.

I gotta say, what aired on TV was very clearly not a first take. Or the whole story.

Now, as for Ford getting scared and running back into his home and calling 911 when he saw Mary Walsh running at him in an outdated Xena costume with a CBC camera hot behind her? That's lame. He's got a fair point that private homes should be sacred ground - but then again, the guy does host political events in his backyard. That kind of negates his argument.

And the cursing? Well, if I saw someone running at me in a Xena costume, I might curse a little too. And I might not wait to find out what they want before I hightail it to safer ground.

Ultimately, it's a little silly that this has been the story of the day. The F-35 deal may be going under. The Conservatives invoked cloture on debate of the LGR bill. The honour-killing trial of a family who used their car to push the car holding four women into a river in Kingston continues. We have more important things to talk about than how 22 Minutes procures their comedy.

Even Harper had a sense of humour. HARPER. (Who is just about the stiffest politician we've had leading us in awhile)

If you have been in living in Canada for more than a decade and you don't recognize Mary Walsh in a Xena costume... or hell, didn't bother looking at the "22 minutes" label on the microphone, then you don't deserve to be mayor. Between her and Rick Mercer, they've had joke-ons with much more important political figures than Peter Griffin, mayor of Toronto.

And to top it off, after asking the police to fire 1000 people - you want preferential treatment from them while simultaneously cursing at them? No, I don't think so.


My theory?

Rob Ford saw an opportunity to make the CBC look bad (as per the right's retarded anti-CBC agenda) and it backfired on him stupendously.


And still the media outlets that have decided to back Ford no matter what are going to try to defend this. The Kill the CBC crowd is already howling for the CBC to apologize.


come in my shame circle
I know it's still very early in the NHL season and a lot can happen...

But Toronto really feels like a different city when the Leafs are doing well in my opinion. People seem a lot more happier.
StevieP said:
Even Harper had a sense of humour. HARPER. (Who is just about the stiffest politician we've had leading us in awhile)
Stiff and humourless are two different things.

Of course, I'm sure Rob Ford is highly amused by Adam Sandler movies.
StevieP said:
Even Harper had a sense of humour. HARPER. (Who is just about the stiffest politician we've had leading us in awhile)

If you have been in living in Canada for more than a decade and you don't recognize Mary Walsh in a Xena costume... or hell, didn't bother looking at the "22 minutes" label on the microphone, then you don't deserve to be mayor. Between her and Rick Mercer, they've had joke-ons with much more important political figures than Peter Griffin, mayor of Toronto.

And to top it off, after asking the police to fire 1000 people - you want preferential treatment from them while simultaneously cursing at them? No, I don't think so.
It's clear that Ford has never "got" what it means to be a political leader. He understands what it means to be a councillor, but not what it takes to be the mayor of the biggest city in Canada.

So first of all, I'm not sure why this surprises anyone.

And secondly, and appalled at how THIS PIDDLY PIECE OF CRAP STORY is overshadowing real news. Real stories that reflect poorly on the mayor as a leader of the city, not just as a person. Real stories about our economy, our rights, and billions of dollars in purchases or cuts, not just in Toronto, but all over this country.

So fine, let's all tell the mayor to eat crow with respect to his cuts, but we have got to move on. We have better things to deal with than whether or not Ford counts himself among the 250,000 Canadians (out of 33,000,000, I might add) who watch 22-Minutes on a regular basis and swears at people. That he doesn't fall into the first category and does fall into the latter shouldn't surprise anyone anymore.


Sapiens said:
My theory?

Rob Ford saw an opportunity to make the CBC look bad (as per the right's retarded anti-CBC agenda) and it backfired on him stupendously.

If only he was that smart, but he aint.

Azih said:
And still the media outlets that have decided to back Ford no matter what are going to try to defend this. The Kill the CBC crowd is already howling for the CBC to apologize.

there are some petitions for that

coverage on the doublestreetcar collision at queen&broadview


Will QA for food.
BladeWorker said:
It's clear that Ford has never "got" what it means to be a political leader. He understands what it means to be a councillor, but not what it takes to be the mayor of the biggest city in Canada.

So first of all, I'm not sure why this surprises anyone.

And secondly, and appalled at how THIS PIDDLY PIECE OF CRAP STORY is overshadowing real news. Real stories that reflect poorly on the mayor as a leader of the city, not just as a person. Real stories about our economy, our rights, and billions of dollars in purchases or cuts, not just in Toronto, but all over this country.

So fine, let's all tell the mayor to eat crow with respect to his cuts, but we have got to move on. We have better things to deal with than whether or not Ford counts himself among the 250,000 Canadians (out of 33,000,000, I might add) who watch 22-Minutes on a regular basis and swears at people. That he doesn't fall into the first category and does fall into the latter shouldn't surprise anyone anymore.

It's just a snow ball effect. People have been riding Ford for his handling of the city, and apparent disregard for advice on the matter, for months now. This story is making more headlines than it's worth, but if Ford had been more successful in his other ventures with the city, this headline wouldn't matter as much.


Will QA for food.
Rinoa said:
If only he was that smart, but he aint.

there are some petitions for that

coverage on the doublestreetcar collision at queen&broadview

I wonder how that happens. Even at a busy intersection like Roncesvalles and Queen (where streetcars cut off traffic, pedestrians on the cross walks), how could streetcars not see each other?


Could be a mechanical/switch problem, since one was turning. I've seen switch problems cause all kinds of stuf before, I was behind the streetcar that derailed on Spadina/College a while back.


Kave_Man said:
I know it's still very early in the NHL season and a lot can happen...

But Toronto really feels like a different city when the Leafs are doing well in my opinion. People seem a lot more happier.

Don't give in to it, the allure of early season success. We're the worst sports city in the world, the concept of a winner is completely fucking foreign to us.


EvilMario said:
It's just a snow ball effect. People have been riding Ford for his handling of the city, and apparent disregard for advice on the matter, for months now. This story is making more headlines than it's worth, but if Ford had been more successful in his other ventures with the city, this headline wouldn't matter as much.

Abuses of power almost always make a big story, anywhere.
Kak.efes said:
the concept of a winner is completely fucking foreign to us.

Depends how old you are I guess.



One of the perks of living in Toronto: I sent my Wii in to Nintendo on Tuesday to be repaired and I got it back a couple of hours ago. Three days later. That's amazing.
Rinoa said:
I'm happy that it's headlining and starting to change the general populace's views on him. There are actual people who were unaware of his follies until now.

Interesting, ROM dropping prices by quite a bit
Yeah, I'm actually heading to the ROM with my husband this evening to take advantage of the new prices. $9 each to get in? That's great. I haven't been to the ROM since I visited Toronto a few years ago (before moving here) and I couldn't fully enjoy it because my boots decided that a vacation was the perfect time to wear out and start stabbing me in the feet. :p


Roto13 said:
One of the perks of living in Toronto: I sent my Wii in to Nintendo on Tuesday to be repaired and I got it back a couple of hours ago. Three days later. That's amazing.

You could've driven it to Kennedy and Progress yourself :)


Regarding Rob Ford : all this proves, yet again, that if he is left to his own devices he is a media disaster. I'm surprised that he isn't surrounded by handlers at this point. His PR people need to put him on a leash or better yet, a choke chain.

There is so much in this story that's telling.

Who amongst us doesn't have the sense to hold our tongue to a 911 dispatcher or even wait for emergency services to arrive if we make that call? That's just pure idiocy.

If he needs to call 911 to shoo away a cameraman and a comedian then how the fuck is he going to wrestle with union bosses, bankers, and company CEOs. These kinds of people are smart and ruthless. They will take full advantage of this buffoon.

Plus there are the lies. The 911 tapes really need to go public because if he called the dispatchers 'bitches' then he can finally be revealled as a serial liar. There have been too many "he said - she said" incidences in this year alone not to merit further attention. You can't have a person who constantly lies about his own behaviour in a position of such responsiblity.

This incident started with Mayor Ford as a clear victim but his own ineptitude has dragged it out and changed the focus back to his bumbling.


Dyno said:
Regarding Rob Ford : all this proves, yet again, that if he is left to his own devices he is a media disaster. I'm surprised that he isn't surrounded by handlers at this point. His PR people need to put him on a leash or better yet, a choke chain.

There is so much in this story that's telling.

Who amongst us doesn't have the sense to hold our tongue to a 911 dispatcher or even wait for emergency services to arrive if we make that call? That's just pure idiocy.

If he needs to call 911 to shoo away a cameraman and a comedian then how the fuck is he going to wrestle with union bosses, bankers, and company CEOs. These kinds of people are smart and ruthless. They will take full advantage of this buffoon.

Plus there are the lies. The 911 tapes really need to go public because if he called the dispatchers 'bitches' then he can finally be revealled as a serial liar. There have been too many "he said - she said" incidences in this year alone not to merit further attention. You can't have a person who constantly lies about his own behaviour in a position of such responsiblity.

This incident started with Mayor Ford as a clear victim but his own ineptitude has dragged it out and changed the focus back to his bumbling.

The police services have said all that needs to happen for those tapes to come out is for Rob to call them and say "go ahead and release them".

Also, Mammoliti needs to shut the fuck up.


Will QA for food.
StevieP said:
You could've driven it to Kennedy and Progress yourself :)

We took the TTC there, and then walked up. Had it fixed in a few hours.

Amazing thing about that place is they still have brand new Sega CD games (and other oddities) in one of their cases. Pretty sure they're for sale too!

Regarding Mammoliti; he's so hilarious. He was aggressively attacking Ford's character, his political ideals, and everything about him during the campaign. But as soon as Ford won, he transformed into his ultimate yes man.


She's too bland for me. I'm going for Mulcair.

I'm so friggen glad it's not raining today. When it rains here, it does so for days at a time. Actually, it wasn't raining yesterday, but it was damn chilly. Winters in Toronto suck, so not looking forward to it.


Holmes said:
Winters in Toronto suck, so not looking forward to it.

EvilMario and I will be doing snow angels and high-fiving each other all winter! It's gonna be grand!

Artist rendering of the upcoming Toronto winter:



Maybe I should call the mayor's office, scream that they're bitches, ask if they know that I'm a fucking resident of this city, and tell them they work for me.

What could go wrong?


Will QA for food.
Kak.efes said:
Don't give in to it, the allure of early season success. We're the worst sports city in the world, the concept of a winner is completely fucking foreign to us.

According to my Citizenship Guide, this is our official summer sport.. and we're greeeeaaat at it.



Hmm? The late 90s/early 2000s up till the mid-2000s weren't so bad. Leafs and Raps actually made the playoffs with some sort of regularity and the Jays were usually their regular 3rd-place, slightly above .500 record selves. And even with no championship wins in the major sports, the Argos and Rock at least won some championships. Although things have really been bad for the past five/six years or so, that I won't dispute...

But honestly, I don't think it's too early to be excited by this Leafs team. They're clearly the best roster we've had since the pre-lockout days, and the best part is that it's among the youngest in the NHL, so there's tons of room for improvement in the future... In fact, that's exactly the case for all of our major teams.

I'd say by 2013-2014, the Raps (with JV brought over and a few more lotto picks), Leafs (who are already proving to be a good team), and the Jays (who are just a few pieces away from being a complete playoff contender) should all be amazingly fun to watch.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Kak.efes said:
Don't give in to it, the allure of early season success. We're the worst sports city in the world, the concept of a winner is completely fucking foreign to us.
Pfft! According to some American poll!

Everyone loves to shit on TO...even other Canadians.

Edit: EM did it say anything about official winter sport? D:


lunarworks said:
Stiff and humourless are two different things.

Of course, I'm sure Rob Ford is highly amused by Adam Sandler movies.

Harper could actually be funny. I liked his short cameo on Corner Gas from a few years ago.

Briefly stepping away from politics and sports (GO LEAFS!), I've made the jump to TekSavvy. No more Bell internet after tomorrow, however our service won't kick in until Tuesday at the earliest. We'd be lucky if we get something tomorrow or Sunday, but yeah. Fingers crossed that it'll miraculously work tomorrow.

Can any one of you guys tell me about your TekSavvy activation process? Was there actually a wait time of a few days, or is there a way to circumvent that?

Stage On

Have you guys heard about the senator who wants to have our national animal changed from a Beaver to a Polar bear? Doesn't the senate have better things to do? He should be pied in the face publicly on tv for even suggesting that.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Stage On said:
Have you guys heard about the senator who wants to have our national animal changed from a Beaver to a Polar bear? Doesn't the senate have better things to do? He should be pied in the face publicly on tv for even suggesting that.
We have a PM who prorogued a government to avoid controversy and so he could watch a hockey game.

I'm all for Canadian pride and watching Canucks make the Yanks look silly, but come on!

Hahahah, EM, I still remember a teacher telling me there were more curlers than hockey players in Canada. Sure there, buddy, suuuuure. God, the stupid shit teachers say without backing anything up with fact.


EvilMario said:
According to my Citizenship Guide, this is our official summer sport.. and we're greeeeaaat at it.


Lacrosse is a kickass sport to watch live. I encourage anyone to go watch some Toronto Rock games.

Of course, it won't be the same, now that epic goaltender Bob Watson (and my distant cousin) has retired from the team.


2nd best lacrosse experience was watching Bob's last regular season game this year with the family from the alumni box in the ACC. Even though they lost.

Best game, hands down, was the championship game this year. They faced Washington, who beat them in the final the year before. Time for revenge. In the first half of the game, Toronto racked up a HUUUGE lead. All's good, right?

Well, not quite, because the offence took the second half of the game off. Allowed Washington to rally back to within one. But Bobby held them to that one-goal lead. He stood on his head. I've seen about a dozen lacrosse games, and that game was absolutely incredible. Possibly the most intense and crazy sports moment of my life.

And, it's kinda odd, because we're brothers in another sense, because he joined a local police force a couple years after I joined the Mounties.


Stage On said:
Have you guys heard about the senator who wants to have our national animal changed from a Beaver to a Polar bear? Doesn't the senate have better things to do? He should be pied in the face publicly on tv for even suggesting that.

My favourite senator is Colin Kenny. He's quality. That dude is relentless and reasonable in advocating for reform in national security and policing matters, including RCMP reform.

That being said, the only thing awesome for having the beaver as our national animal is this song:


Mayor Rob Ford has outsourced the printing of business cards for himself and his staff to his family’s printing company, billing taxpayers up to four times as much per card as councillors who have them printed by the city.

Expense records released Friday include an Aug. 29 invoice from Deco Label & Tags for $1,579.15, including HST, for 20,600 cards for Ford and his staff.

The cost is 7 cents each for the first 15,000 cards and 6.205 cents for the next 5,600. The city processed payment Sept. 23.

Ford is known both for being a fierce critic of free spending and for handing out his card almost robotically when in public. The ones used by him and his staff include gold lettering on “Toronto” and the city logo, and slightly raised letters and numbers. There’s a map of the city on the back.

The city’s standard card, with flat blue letters on a white background, costs 3.644 cents when ordered from the city printer. Councillors can pay more from their office budgets for fancy features. A card with a photo costs a nickel.

But councillors who order in bulk get a cut rate. Councillor Josh Matlow, for example, paid only 1.65 cents each for 3,000 basic cards he ordered last December.

Matlow (Ward 22 St. Paul’s) has concerns both with Ford paying extra for office supplies, and also for buying them from a company he partly owns.

“I think that at a time of budget restraints we need to be efficient in how we run our offices, including our business cards, and we should seek the least costly cards we can buy,” Matlow said. “I believe the mayor has to be consistent in his demand for efficiencies, whether from city departments, councillors’ office budgets or his own.

“I also wonder if the mayor shares my concerns about a perceived conflict of interest in buying cards from his family’s company.”

Under the expense policy, councillors don’t have to use the city’s printing facilities. They can pick an outside printer and there doesn’t appear to be anything in the rules specifically barring someone from going with a firm in which they have an interest.

The city’s integrity commissioner, Janet Leiper, said she couldn’t comment because it’s possible she may be asked to look into the situation.


Matlow's card looks better, too.


Quick said:
Harper could actually be funny. I liked his short cameo on Corner Gas from a few years ago.

Briefly stepping away from politics and sports (GO LEAFS!), I've made the jump to TekSavvy. No more Bell internet after tomorrow, however our service won't kick in until Tuesday at the earliest. We'd be lucky if we get something tomorrow or Sunday, but yeah. Fingers crossed that it'll miraculously work tomorrow.

Can any one of you guys tell me about your TekSavvy activation process? Was there actually a wait time of a few days, or is there a way to circumvent that?

I'm planning on switching from Bell to TekSavvy, lemme know how it goes...

Are you DSL?
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