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Toronto-Age |OT2|


Time for a letter writing campaign people. City councillors are more likely to be swayed by letters than any other level of politician.

Most of the asses on council don't care about 'Ford Nation' they just think 'Ford Nation' is going to get them re-elected. Letters against this shit should convince them otherwise pretty damn fast.
Azih said:
Time for a letter writing campaign people. City councillors are more likely to be swayed by letters than any other level of politician.

I've emailed my counselor multiple times and never once got a response. Doesn't help that he's one of Ford's sheep (Palacio).


Not a day goes by that I don't SMH whilst reading the newspaper.

This shit has got to stop. Yet, somehow I don't think his approval rating will be affected.
Draff said:
Not a day goes by that I don't SMH whilst reading the newspaper.

This shit has got to stop. Yet, somehow I don't think his approval rating will be affected.

Too many self-centered tards in the GTA :(

RE: Hudak, it's pretty much a given. McGuinty was like teflon during the last election, but he's been the face of too many negatives. Sadly, I'd still vote for him to keep the cons out.


typo said:
Too many self-centered tards in the GTA :(

RE: Hudak, it's pretty much a given. McGuinty was like teflon during the last election, but he's been the face of too many negatives. Sadly, I'd still vote for him to keep the cons out.

McGuinty only won the last election because John Tory said he wanted to fund segregated religious schools, and the people recognized how it would fracture Ontario socially for all the children to be seperated by religion.

Hudak won't make that mistake.


Zombie James said:
I've emailed my counselor multiple times and never once got a response. Doesn't help that he's one of Ford's sheep (Palacio).
I know it's a pain but mail makes a far larger impact than email.
Flash said:
From my experience, even now they are way too infrequent. Especially on weekends. Blue night buses are usually packed.

I'm going to need one coming home from Captain America tonight. Take away the blue night and you kill a lot of late night spending in the city.
DoctorWho said:
I'm going to need one coming home from Captain America tonight. Take away the blue night and you kill a lot of late night spending in the city.
But all good suburbanites should be at home and in bed by 10pm!

If you need late-night entertainment, that's what the 42" screen in your bedroom is for!


SuperSonic1305 said:
Less police and no night buses? WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA!

A combination guaranteed to decrease crime! Increasing both the number of drunk drivers and intoxicated people walking around the streets late at night, combined with the fact there will be less police officers on the streets to patrol them? It is absolutely genius.
Hudak will get elected on the anti-McGuinty vote, and nothing else.

McGuinty hasn't really done anything wrong, but he's a very weak leader, and has been mired in fixing Harris' hatchet job, so he hasn't really accomplished anything notable. He's the perfect target for conservative discontent.


lunarworks said:
Hudak will get elected on the anti-McGuinty vote, and nothing else.

McGuinty hasn't really done anything wrong, but he's a very weak leader, and has been mired in fixing Harris' hatchet job, so he hasn't really accomplished anything notable. He's the perfect target for conservative discontent.

Meh McGuinty's done a lot that's notable. Just like Miller nobody remembers what he's accomplished and the longer term plans are only now starting to get implemented and so everyone is susceptible to a "Rawr! Taxes too high! Gravy!" line being repeated like a chant.


Ya, unfortunately good governing for the people means making long term plans.

The Conservatives have it easy, they can just do short term pandering until it fails them. When the Liberals take back power and start implementing long term plans for the benefit of society, it's harder for them to sell what they're doing than to chant "Taxes too high!".

I like the Liberal ads so far that have mostly tried to emphasize the improvement in health care wait times since the Mike Harris era and the improvements being made to primary education.

Right now Hudak only has "tax man" attacks. He's not even trying to get people to learn more about him. His campaign is based around portraying McGuinty as the "Tax Man" and himself as the solution.


Zzoram said:
Ya, unfortunately good governing for the people means making long term plans.

The Conservatives have it easy, they can just do short term pandering until it fails them. When the Liberals take back power and start implementing long term plans for the benefit of society, it's harder for them to sell what they're doing than to chant "Taxes too high!".

I like the Liberal ads so far that have mostly tried to emphasize the improvement in health care wait times since the Mike Harris era and the improvements being made to primary education.

Right now Hudak only has "tax man" attacks. He's not even trying to get people to learn more about him. His campaign is based around portraying McGuinty as the "Tax Man" and himself as the solution.

It worked for Ford, and the horrifying part is that Hudak's most effective club so far is the Green Energy Tariffs which are frankly one of McGuinty's smartest policy positions. McGuinty is the only one in Canada who is trying to position his region for a post fossil fuels era (Incredibly difficult thing to do which requires up front investment and long term initiatives) and he's getting shit on for it.


Azih said:
It worked for Ford, and the horrifying part is that Hudak's most effective club so far is the Green Energy Tariffs which are frankly one of McGuinty's smartest policy positions. McGuinty is the only one in Canada who is trying to position his region for a post fossil fuels era (Incredibly difficult thing to do which requires up front investment and long term initiatives) and he's getting shit on for it.

FIT is directly responsible for:

1) Thousands of jobs (including my brother's, who's currently installing a Solar plant near Orillia)
2) Long-term power generation free from fossil fuels
3) Making green energy a viable alternative, because without FIT it's far less viable and more expensive
4) Making Ontario one of the Canadian leaders in green, and a big North American player
5) Ensuring the continued investment into long-term building projects in various municipalities (including those in many conservative ridings).

It is the right thing to do. Without it, we wouldn't be building anywhere near the same amount of green, "future-proof" power generation. Granted HydroOne is still a bottleneck in hooking it into their grid, but we need MORE investment there, not less.
Zzoram said:
Ya, unfortunately good governing for the people means making long term plans.

The Conservatives have it easy, they can just do short term pandering until it fails them. When the Liberals take back power and start implementing long term plans for the benefit of society, it's harder for them to sell what they're doing than to chant "Taxes too high!".

I like the Liberal ads so far that have mostly tried to emphasize the improvement in health care wait times since the Mike Harris era and the improvements being made to primary education.

Right now Hudak only has "tax man" attacks. He's not even trying to get people to learn more about him. His campaign is based around portraying McGuinty as the "Tax Man" and himself as the solution.
It's been said many times: Stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote. :)


StevieP said:
FIT is directly responsible for:

1) Thousands of jobs (including my brother's, who's currently installing a Solar plant near Orillia)
2) Long-term power generation free from fossil fuels
3) Making green energy a viable alternative, because without FIT it's far less viable and more expensive
4) Making Ontario one of the Canadian leaders in green, and a big North American player
5) Ensuring the continued investment into long-term building projects in various municipalities (including those in many conservative ridings).

It is the right thing to do. Without it, we wouldn't be building anywhere near the same amount of green, "future-proof" power generation. Granted HydroOne is still a bottleneck in hooking it into their grid, but we need MORE investment there, not less.

Alright, agreed. Question is how do we get others to see that slashing and burning this as Hudak is proposing is a horrible horrible idea?


Spl1nter said:
so many liberal socialist in here, not enough libertarians and conservatives backing Ford.

Do any of those cuts sound like a good idea to you? If so, which ones?
You forgot to call us all Marxists and pinkos, too, Don

Question is how do we get others to see that slashing and burning this as Hudak is proposing is a horrible horrible idea?

That's a good question.


Spl1nter said:
so many liberal socialist in here, not enough libertarians and conservatives backing Ford.

Well can you explain how Ford is doing a good job so far?

He inherited a surplus and turned it into a deficit.

He promised to hire more cops and is now adamant on sending officers out singly on patrol.

He promised to balance the budget with no service cuts and is now proposing massive service cuts.

He destroyed a plan to invest in transportation to relieve gridlock without having another plan to replace it.


StevieP said:
Do any of those cuts sound like a good idea to you? If so, which ones?
You forgot to call us all Marxists and pinkos, too, Don

I was just pointing out the fact that the people posting in this thread are more liberal and socialst than conservative or libertarian. No one is providing counter arguements to the center-left posts.
Spl1nter said:
I was just point out the fact that the people posting in this thread are more liberal and socialst than conservative or libertarian. No one is providing counter arguements to the posts.

I don't know of any human being with a soul that would support denying funding for the prevention/treatment of AIDS, among other issues.


Zombie James said:
I don't know of any human being with a soul that would support denying funding for the prevention/treatment of AIDS, among other issues.

You dont know any libertarians then :)


Spl1nter said:
I was just pointing out the fact that the people posting in this thread are more liberal and socialst than conservative or libertarian. No one is providing counter arguements to the center-left posts.

This is how it is on all Toronto forums with legit users.

If you go on the news sites and find tons of conservative posts, that's because most of those users were paid to do so under multiple accounts.

Nobody with good sense would ever back someone like this up.

The people who voted in Rob Ford (as seen in the blue/red maps) are not from downtown Toronto. They don't have to live the nightmare.

I shook my head IRL when someone who lives in the burbs straight up said he's voting for Rob Ford because of the car tax. Simple minds want simple things. Everyone says it'll be too much trouble to de-amalgamate now, but in the long term I think it's worth it.

Conservative govt is also cashing in on simple minds faux news style. It was nauseating to see how looped footage of a burning car and black bloc/provocateurs easily led viewers to believe that 2billion in spending, mass arrests of bystanders and police brutality was justified. More disturbingly, viewers believing that our rights should be ignored, and that anyone who protests against anything is "asking for it".


crimzonflame said:
Im not gonna lie, all will be forgiven if he manages to bring a NFL team to Toronto. Which is unlikely.

His idea is doomed for failure even if he gets a team. The government is going to get stuck with a huge bill for it, and it'll be paid for by slahsing even more public services.

Every single stadium built in the past 40 years has been a public/private partnership, and in every single case, the private contributors get a way better deal and ultimately control and all the profits. What public/private really means is that public money builds the infrastructure, then private companies take over and collect all the profits once the government has paid for and done all the hard work.

If the government invests in projects like these, the government should not stop collecting royalties until they've at least made back their money with interest and then some.


Rinoa said:
This is how it is on all Toronto forums with legit users.

If you go on the news sites and find tons of conservative posts, that's because most of those users were paid to do so under multiple accounts.

I think that has more to do with demographics and expression of opinion through various means in relation to political preference.

Rinoa said:
The people who voted in Rob Ford (as seen in the blue/red maps) are not from downtown Toronto. They don't have to live the nightmare.

What is this nightmare you speak of? I look at the list of service cuts and they affect both people living in the downtown core and outside of it.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Zzoram said:
McGuinty only won the last election because John Tory said he wanted to fund segregated religious schools, and the people recognized how it would fracture Ontario socially for all the children to be seperated by religion.

Hudak won't make that mistake.
What ever happened to 'African only' schools?

Such a stupid idea...people fought for segregation and now people pushing for it???

I don't think it's a lack of focus in the schools, it's the total ineptitude of the curriculum.


Kuro Madoushi said:
What ever happened to 'African only' schools?

Such a stupid idea...people fought for segregation and now people pushing for it???

I don't think it's a lack of focus in the schools, it's the total ineptitude of the curriculum.

African only schools is a stupid idea.

The curriculum isn't even bad, but it could use a few tweaks. Implementation is still an issue, not all schools teach the curriculum correctly.


I think I'll leave this here, since the topic is on politics. The 2011 federal election results in every Toronto polling station. Orange is NDP, blue is Conservative, red is Liberal. Thick lines are borough boundaries.

Downtown is very NDP, North York and Etobicoke are Liberal-Conservative, and Scarbarough is a mix.


What is this nightmare you speak of? I look at the list of service cuts and they affect both people living in the downtown core and outside of it.

Service cuts yes, but just about everything Ford&Co wanted and still want to eff up will be concentrated in the core. Off the top of my head: changes to bike lanes, TTC, marathons and streetscapes.

Mind you, I'm not saying that all people outside of the core don't need these things. I'm saying that Rob Ford has so much support outside of the core because in general, most of them don't.

In other news, free Carlsberg beers were at Spadina & King again earlier. I took one even though I don't drink.


Wonderful, Rogers is experiencing a massive cable/internet outage today (might just be Toronto, dunno). Fuck.

I'm not impressed at all with them this month after five years of generally great service. Equipment malfunctions, service outages, etc. Fuck.
Teksavvy is the shit. Besides the sometimes-bumpy set-up, they are pretty much flawless. Great customer service, low prices, high cap, etc... Great people running that company. Most opinions do sound like PR for them, but that's a testament to how good they are.


TekSavvty is great but their speeds are not. Especially upload. If TekSavvy offerdd a cable service with higher upload I would switch.


Rogers just upp'd the cap and speed of all their packages without a cost increase. They are still scumbags, but I think it shows maybe caps will be going up in the next few years. The ISP's got destroyed during the hearings. They are afraid the CRTC will make a ruling that independent ISP's are allowed to do whatever they want with the block bandwidth they purchase from Bell or Rogers. This means a company like TekSavvy would be able to offer a 35 down and 35 up unlimited bandwidth connection.

Bell complained that this would take customers from them. The CRTC lawl'd and said OF COURSE. It's called competition. You have the ability to offer these services and refuse. That doesn't give you the right to tell other ISP's they can't offer them. (which is what is happening now).

Things may, possibly, be taken a turn for the better.


Magnus said:
Wonderful, Rogers is experiencing a massive cable/internet outage today (might just be Toronto, dunno). Fuck.

I'm not impressed at all with them this month after five years of generally great service. Equipment malfunctions, service outages, etc. Fuck.

At least you're not with Bell. :(

I'm thinking about switching over to Teksavvy.
Blackface said:
TekSavvty is great but their speeds are not. Especially upload. If TekSavvy offerdd a cable service with higher upload I would switch.


Rogers just upp'd the cap and speed of all their packages without a cost increase. They are still scumbags, but I think it shows maybe caps will be going up in the next few years. The ISP's got destroyed during the hearings. They are afraid the CRTC will make a ruling that independent ISP's are allowed to do whatever they want with the block bandwidth they purchase from Bell or Rogers. This means a company like TekSavvy would be able to offer a 35 down and 35 up unlimited bandwidth connection.

Bell complained that this would take customers from them. The CRTC lawl'd and said OF COURSE. It's called competition. You have the ability to offer these services and refuse. That doesn't give you the right to tell other ISP's they can't offer them. (which is what is happening now).

Things may, possibly, be taken a turn for the better.
For the bolded part, those speedbumps will likely affect Teksavvy users as well. When Rogers bumped their speeds from 10 to 15 I got the speed bump as well. So I expect to get the one from 15 to 24 starting next week.

Also you won't get good upload anywhere unless you bleed through the nose.


-Pyromaniac- said:
For the bolded part, those speedbumps will likely affect Teksavvy users as well. When Rogers bumped their speeds from 10 to 15 I got the speed bump as well. So I expect to get the one from 15 to 24 starting next week.

Also you won't get good upload anywhere unless you bleed through the nose.

TekSavvy can only have the cable speed Rogers tells them they can have. Which was one of the major aspects of the CRTC hearing.

If TekSavvy jumps over to 24, I will probably switch. Cut my Internet bill in half.

Bell offers a 7mb upload on their Fibe Internet for an additional $7 month. It's more then enough to allow me to stream in 1080p. The problem is it's very much like DLS. They try to trick you into thinking it's Fiber Optic, but it isn't. They have the ability to use Cat5e/Cat6 and cable instead of your phone line, but the installer has to agree. (They never do)

I don't know why Rogers does not bite the bullet and offer an unlimited package. Right now Bell is getting all the bad press over the CRTC stuff. If Rogers swooped in and offered an unlimited package. They would pick up tons of customers from Bell. Making them look like the "good" guys. You could also price the package so if people are switching from much lower tier, the cost of the newpackage would be their current package + their max overcharge ($50). Then knock extreme down in price slightly. And turn extreme plus into this package.

They would make MORE money this way. I have a hard time understanding why all the MBA suits at Rogers don't get this.
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