Yeah, when I saw that earlier today I lol'd.AlphaTwo00 said:The smart way of doing things.
Or a public library, you know, those things that Doug Ford thinks we have too many of:
BladeWorker said:Yeah, when I saw that earlier today I lol'd.
I'm not sure what was more sad: that D-Ford obviously didn't put one iota of thought into what he said, or that he implies that donuts are more important to his local community than promotion of literacy.
Our political leadership, ladies and gentlemen.
Draff said:I'm very curious about what Rob Ford's support base thinks of all of this. Surely, people are recognizing his (and Doug's) stupidity... right?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around why Rob Ford is voting against funding programs like for HIV prevention, aboriginal health etc. Is he doing it for symbolic reasons? Is this what people in his constituent wants?
You're assuming he's educated.Zombie James said:In terms of policy, Ford is a Tea Partier (Government is bad and should provide nothing), and a badly educated one at that.
I read out this headline to my coworker and he asked if any sports arenas were going to be closed and I laughed and laughed and laughed. That's pretty much all Rob Ford knows.Zombie James said:
Toronto's going to be a lifeless husk in three and a half years.
Zombie James said:
Toronto's going to be a lifeless husk in three and a half years.
Every single one of these is a bad idea.Reducing the size of the police force.
Considering one-officer patrols in certain cases.
Closing some library branches and reducing hours at others.
Selling the Toronto Zoo.
Scrapping the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, which provides grants to a host of environmental programs.
Eliminating late-night TTC bus service.
Eliminating public health community programs that fund AIDS prevention strategies.
He also promised no service cuts.crimzonflame said:Didnt Ford promise more officers on the street?
ConvenientBox said:Doesn't it cost an arm and a leg to have consultants come in?
BigJonsson said:And to get rid of those selfish cyclists and build a subway to keep poor people off buses that were taking too much space on the roads for drivers getting gouged paying 60 dollars a month..............who may soon have to pay far more than that in road tolls.......doh?
added_time said:People believe anything they see on the news. Even though Toronto was and is booming even during worldwide economic uncertainty, you just need to tell people that it isn't and they believe it.
Zombie James said:
Toronto's going to be a lifeless husk in three and a half years.
Reducing the size of the police force.
Considering one-officer patrols in certain cases.
Closing some library branches and reducing hours at others.
Selling the Toronto Zoo.
Scrapping the Toronto Atmospheric Fund, which provides grants to a host of environmental programs.
Eliminating late-night TTC bus service.
Eliminating public health community programs that fund AIDS prevention strategies
Zzoram said:Um, WHAT?
I bet none of these things cost much relative to the benefit they serve the community.
Of course the fat ass thinks donuts are more important than literacy.
Of course the entitled rich prick thinks that police are safe patrolling alone.
Of course the conservative homophobe thinks that AIDS is a problem only for gays and they should burn in hell for being gay.
His extreme hatred for public transit is fucking retarded, no late-night TTC? Everyone who lives in Toronto proper uses the TTC, especially all the people coming out of the bars drunk. Get rid of the late-night TTC and you'll have tons of drunk drivers instead. But I suppose Ford doesn't mind that, since his multiple drunk driving charges suggest that he thinks it's cool to drive drunk.
Zombie James said:
Toronto's going to be a lifeless husk in three and a half years.
DoctorWho said:All of this has to be voted through AFAIK. So far it seems like most of his shitty ideas aren't being approved.
Kunohara said:Seriously. No late TTC service is just asking for people to drive drunk. That is fucking scary. I bet the taxi companies would love for that to go through though.
Does anyone know how much it costs the city every year for all of our libraries? It just really doesn't seem worth it get rid of them. Ford saying we have so many libraries as if it's a bad thing is insane. It is awesome that we have so many.
ConvenientBox said:God this reminds me when my city in simcity 4 was severely in debt, I destroyed all the libraries and museums in my city to get back some money and watched the education plummet because of it...
It's scary how realistic that game can be...
Won't happen. Ford has a ton of supporters on the council that vote with him on a myriad of issues that they normally wouldn't. As an example, 8 councillors voted a few weeks ago to remove the Jarvis bike lanes that had previously voted to put those lanes in two years ago. Ford Nation.Zzoram said:I hope everyone votes against his ideas, and it's only him and his brother standing alone, looking like lunatics.
Stop TTC after 12am is a good move. it will further cut down crimes.
Every year there is an inflation and if they raise your taxes like Miller used to do, you get a smaller paycheck, then the city might not be in a deficit but your WALLET WILL BE and you will go bankrupt.
It is grade 7 math people.
dont see how supporting people on welfare, some multicultural groups ill never ever visit, etc. are essential for the community, simply, useless public services have to go and I am glad someone has to guts to do it.
It was very easy for the Liberal to do charity work with other people's money.
Toronto Police Service
Reduce the size of the service through attrition.
Reduce the size of the service through budgetary means such as reducing temporary hiring or providing incentives for early retirement.
Reduce bylaw enforcement and parking enforcement.
Consider options for delivery of call taking and dispatch such as combining fire, ambulance and police.
Consider use of contractors for some TTC services.
Consider rolling back some of the service improvements from the Ridership Growth Strategy.
Cut late-night buses.
Toronto Parking Authority
Sell off street parking facilities.
Implement a pay by cell parking system
Affordable housing
Consider eliminating housing improvement loan program.
Consider a stronger consolidation of housing and homelessness planning and program delivery.
Toronto Zoo
Restructure as a self-supporting non-profit corporation.
Close branches
Reduce hours
Exhibition Place
Consider integrating with Ontario Place.
Consider selling city interest.
Privatize some TTC bus routes, roll back service improvements on crowding standards and frequency of arrivals, consider eliminating Blue Night overnight bus service or charging a premium fare, contract out Wheel Trans and/or make criteria stricter for it so fewer disabled people qualify. Also sell off TTC parking lots.
Zzoram said:I don't understand how people can vote for these hard C conservatives. The things they want to do strike me as petty ways to lash out at the poor and the weak who have no control over their circumstances.
Firestorm said:How was this guy elected o.o
Firestorm said:How was this guy elected o.o
Firestorm said:How was this guy elected o.o
By suburbs do you mean areas like Markham and Mississauga (which I would think can't vote for the mayor of Toronto) or places like Scarborough and North York which are technically Toronto but not downtown?Zzoram said:He said he'd cut the $60/year car tax. He professed his hatred of gays and how he thinks AIDS is a gay disease. He told people how little he thought of immigrants. The rich suburbs decided they wanted the tax cut, regardless of how badly he guts the Downtown/Core of the city, since they don't use anything there or live there.
Imagine if Burnaby, North Van, Richmond and Surrey were all amalgamated with Vancouver proper, and now voted in a single mayor.Firestorm said:By suburbs do you mean areas like Markham and Mississauga (which I would think can't vote for the mayor of Toronto) or places like Scarborough and North York which are technically Toronto but not downtown?
Just wondering because this guy seems like an absolute nightmare. The bike lanes and transit thing especially blow my mind. Not the type of person I ever see winning in Vancouver but we're also much smaller. I mean, the city of Vancouver has a lower population than Winnipeg. The metro region is made up of a lot of smaller cities like Burnaby, North Vancouver, Richmond, Surrey, etc. but they all have their own mayors.
DoctorWho said:When he says "Cut late night buses", does he mean all of them?
Even cutting some of them would be a terrible idea.