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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came


Well most of the major bugs should be fixed by then.

Edit: Been watching volound's playthrough of Shogun 2 all day ... Like no joke, it's been like close to atleast 9 hours :S

I think I might actually enjoy watching someone play rather than actually playing

He is doing another Co-Op campaign with Cosmic like he did for Shogun2, Cosmic is rolling as Sparta while Volound has Athens.
Me tomorrow morning:


I've played like 10+ of Shogun 2 in the past 3 days. I'm ready.


Goddamn, these videos of DiplexHeated just killed my hype. The AI seems atrocious and the battles are way too short. What the hell?!

Positive points are the graphics that looked gorgeous of course and the sound, you can hear the screams, the clash of swords and ambient music is nice too, gets you pumped up for the battle.

But man the gameplay. I don't even peek over the TWcenter forums, must be hell over there!
CA has stated that they won't bring out any Demo's, which kind of sucks. They are always a great way of checking if your pc can handle it


The pre-launch Shogun 2 demo ran like shit on my computer, yet the full game ran fine.

I still don't know what was up with that.


Goddamn, these videos of DiplexHeated just killed my hype. The AI seems atrocious and the battles are way too short. What the hell?!

Positive points are the graphics that looked gorgeous of course and the sound, you can hear the screams, the clash of swords and ambient music is nice too, gets you pumped up for the battle.

But man the gameplay. I don't even peek over the TWcenter forums, must be hell over there!

There's still that first day patch to come and reviewer copies aren't the latest (very close) build. Still, i have doubts that the AI can be fixed at this point, modders gonna have to do their thing. The battle speed needs to be reduced also it seems, maybe give units more morale too.


There's still that first day patch to come and reviewer copies aren't the latest (very close) build. Still, i have doubts that the AI can be fixed at this point, modders gonna have to do their thing. The battle speed needs to be reduced also it seems, maybe give units more morale too.

Yup, they seem to run away way too fast.

It's nice that the game will be moddable but it's a shame constantly having to rely on mods for better AI, surely the creators of the game should be doing better than a random dude...


He is doing another Co-Op campaign with Cosmic like he did for Shogun2, Cosmic is rolling as Sparta while Volound has Athens.

Yeah heard about it on their podcast. Excited as hell after watching them all day!
Sadly I think I could have gotten my fill of the game by just watching them play heh.


Sigh, just found out I have family obligations after work tomorrow.

I hope I can at least bang out the prologue campaign tomorrow evening. Rest of the week will be all Rome 2. Been waiting for this for years, no other era like it!


Very excited. The reviewers complaints are things I already expected, so I think the scores are about right.

Bugs and shit ai is a TW trademark after all!


Any options to make the text larger in this one? Tried to get into Shogun 2 over the summer and the text is microscopic, found a large text mod on the workshop which is nice but sometimes the text doesn't fit in the window.

Tempted to pick this up but probably should at least learn a little bit Shogun 2 first, I've never been very good at RTS. :p

edit: Looking at the video above (which is 720p, but still), text does look a bit larger, hmm.


Exactly the same, but my 955 is untouched so far.

No word, but I am expecting to be underwhelmed at first, and satisfied with a patch at some time in the future. I am willing to compromise some unit detail and shadow quality for smooth gameplay and smooth image quality and some nice effects.

In my favor is the fact that I game on a 1680x1050 , monitor. Overall I have my fingers crossed, we'll know soon enough!
My monitor is 1600x900. Also hoping a driver update to increase performance.


It's really a blessing to have a non 1080p monitor at times (also sporting a 1680x1050), it makes my hardware last longer!

Its how im killing time , I know GAF can be major hyperbole divas but got nothing on TWcenter.

It's actually rather tame this time around, people over there are getting fed up with all the armchair history buffs complaining about the Roman sandals being off.

Concensus seems to be that it is looking like just a typical Total War release with the usual issues.


Now I see why they're allowing modding so early on in this one. It's to hopefully fix the A.I. as usual!

Better A.I. seems to be a bulletpoint in every TW game yet it always manages to disappoint people with it's one step forward, a few steps back tendencies.

It wouldn't be TW without a bug-filled launch while people play the guessing game as to when the first major patch comes to fix the big problems.


It's actually rather tame this time around, people over there are getting fed up with all the armchair history buffs complaining about the Roman sandals being off.

Concensus seems to be that it is looking like just a typical Total War release with the usual issues.

The thread about the removal of incendiary pigs had me in tears but it will erupt more later when people get hands on and notice the more issues or things they don't like.
Notice that cdkeys.com has game for £25 but wondering if should guy from GMG to make sure I get code in time to leech. Anyone bought from there and got instant code?


European pre-madonna
Just bought it from steam. So amped! So if you ran Shogun fine, u should be good for this game right? I don't think they changed the engine that much.


Should be unlocked just in time for me to get home from work.

Time to neglect my sick wife for a couple of days.


Ugh, early day tomorrow. Won't be awake for the unlock. Guess I'll have to rough it out until I get home.
One thing I do hate is when developers put baked in "Press ******** to go back" icons on their screen when you go into a cinematic camera or what have you. I think everyone knows to hit escape or press the same button you pushed in the first place to get to it.


I took these from one of DiplexHeatedHD videos; his advice is not to turn "unlimited memory" on because it will hurt performance.



His specs put my concerns to rest; his game looks and runs fine! Even though my VC is a GTX650 but my rig is fine.

I hope it helps someone else out there to have an idea of what to expect.

LINK to Video:


So reviewers were playing(and taking screens) with shitty machines? If you're going to review the biggest PC exclusive of the year then you should at least have the decency to do so in a beastly rig.
So reviewers were playing(and taking screens) with shitty machines? If you're going to review the biggest PC exclusive of the year then you should at least have the decency to do so in a beastly rig.

i have heard that one of the reviewers used a Titan


I took these from one of DiplexHeatedHD videos; his advice is not to turn "unlimited memory" on because it will hurt performance.

His specs put my concerns to rest; his game looks and runs fine! Even though my VC is a GTX650 but my rig is fine.


He's playing at 1280x720 with a 680. Of course he's going to get good performance. It's really not an indication of anything.
I wonder if this could come to PS4 now that we have plenty of RAM...

PS4's CPU would be the bottleneck here. It would struggle quiet a bit I think (as would any large scale AI strategy game like CIV).

Doubt you'll see games like this on any console anytime soon.


I took these from one of DiplexHeatedHD videos; his advice is not to turn "unlimited memory" on because it will hurt performance.

This leaves me a little concerned. The AA is just shown as "on", rather than the 2/4/8x options from Shogun 2. Does the game only use 2x MSAA or FXAA?
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