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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came

7/10 for technical issues, but FO:NV got a 9 and Skyrim a 10, why?

Technical issues are not why the game received that score in either review, both go into rather extensive details about the faults with the out of combat strategy elements, ai and so on. And both are still quite positive in the end and suggest that with patches such elements could be expanded upon and the game is still very much worth playing. The PCGamesN review doesn't even really mention technical issues much aside from Total War's general pathfinding issues which don't really count as such.

And a 7 is hardly a poor score, especially with combined with the text which is what one should be reading. Scores are a terrible blight and I really do hope that one day they will be done away with by everyone.


PCGamer: 8.5

Horrid screenshots on Very Low settings again. Either some reviewers need to beg for better testing rigs or there are indeed some serious performance issues and we have to hope for a day-one patch.

EDIT: Those look to be taken with his home PC, instead of his office PC which didn't have problems running the game.
Technical issues are not why the game received that score in either review, both go into rather extensive details about the faults with the strategy elements, ai and so on. And both are still quite positive in the end and suggest that with patches such elements could be expanded upon and the game is still very much worth playing. The PCGamesN review doesn't even really mention technical issues much aside from Total War's general pathfinding issues which don't really count as such.

And a 7 is hardly a poor score, especially with combined with the text which is what one should be reading. Scores are a terrible blight and i really do hope that one day they will be done away with by everyone.
Eurogamer's last part was dedicated to technical issues, hell, look at the review's subtitle, "Let slip the bugs of war ".

Yeah, I stopped giving a shit about reviews a long time ago - I just shit on them and move on. Reviews today are so pathetic and inconsistent.
Eurogamer's last part was dedicated to technical issues, hell, look at the review's subtitle, "Let slip the bugs of war. ".

Read the actual text, and not the cheeky subtitle and you will find the bulk of the complaints are not about the technical issues. The last paragraph even sums up the issues as being the game doesn't expand on the series bases as much as it should and at times feels stagnant. Again, the issues are not simply a matter of glitches bringing it down. Stop worrying about the scores and certainly stop comparing to scores given by different writers to completely different genres.


I'll do some 5120x3200 shots maxed out tomorrow, possibly 10240x6400 if SRWE works. All those crappy screenshots are making me a sad panda.


New trailer IF you havent seen it. I'm ok phone right now, but you can find it on their forum - it's a stickied thread


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Image fix.

Eesh, hopefully it's like the Metro: Last Light benchmark in that it creates situations never replicated in game and thus doesn't really present an accurate picture of what kind of performance you will be getting. If nothing else it's better than Company of Heroes 2!


Eesh, hopefully it's like the Metro: Last Light benchmark in that it creates situations never replicated in game and thus doesn't really present an accurate picture of what kind of performance you will be getting.

Believe it is, look at the disparity between minimum and average - That means it'll cycle through very light scenes and extremely effect heavy scenes.


Eesh, hopefully it's like the Metro: Last Light benchmark in that it creates situations never replicated in game and thus doesn't really present an accurate picture of what kind of performance you will be getting. If nothing else it's better than Company of Heroes 2!

The Shogun 2 benchmark was somehow far too taxing for my machine, while I ran the game itself at pretty decent framerates.


The bench is designed to use only the CPU, not the GPU.
It's the same bench we see in Shogun 2 in terms of utility.


I could more or less max out Shogun 2 at 1920x1080 and get a playable 30FPS with my mobile GPU, but looks like I'll be forced to go all low for this one.

That benchmark can't be serious. Looks like it'll perform worse than Empire did at launch.
Ugh, I'm out of town for work over the next two weeks. I'm going to to go mad. Not fair!

I'm tiding myself over with the Roman Empire episodes of Hardcore History.


Goddamn that is one unoptimized game.
Can we please not do this anymore?

You can not look at FPS numbers and tell whether a game is well optimized. This is physically impossible. Games like DmC or the recent Castlevania port are not particularly "well optimized" because they run at high FPS on PC -- they simply are built for a platform 10x weaker, don't add much on PC, and are competently ported. Conversely, games like Crysis 3 aren't "unoptimized" because they require more performance on Ultra settings -- they are doing more.

Now, I am not saying anything about whether TW:R2 is particularly well implemented or not. It could be a technical mess, but it could also be achieving the performance it should given what it is doing. What I am saying is that low framerates at "Ultra" settings are not inherently a bad thing, or a sign of lacking optimization.
Still seems like a daft complaint considering Total War games have a massive focus on 3D combat, can't expect some elaborate and extremely deep campaign. Especially can't be compared to games that are nothing but a campaign map - Of course it's easier to focus on all the little campaign details when you have to do 1/8th of the work.

Total War is not the game you buy to get your Europa Universalis hard-on rubbed, common knowledge - Will never happen.

These games have gotten increasingly worse in the campaign map department ever since the original romes release. And likely will continue to do so as long as CA focus all their energy and budget on perfunctory bullshit like giving each unit a hundred death animations.


Can we please not do this anymore?

You can not look at FPS numbers and tell whether a game is well optimized. This is physically impossible. Games like DmC or the recent Castlevania port are not particularly "well optimized" because they run at high FPS on PC -- they simply are built for a platform 10x weaker, don't add much on PC, and are competently ported. Conversely, games like Crysis 3 aren't "unoptimized" because they require more performance on Ultra settings -- they are doing more.

Now, I am not saying anything about whether TW:R2 is particularly well implemented or not. It could be a technical mess, but it could also be achieving the performance it should given what it is doing. What I am saying is that low framerates at "Ultra" settings are not inherently a bad thing, or a sign of lacking optimization.

Durante dropping truth, as always.

God, I fucking hate when reviewers remove points out of a game because it's complex. Case in point Joystiq's review(3.5/5):

For these dedicated strategy connoisseurs and Roman history buffs, Creative Assembly has just about crafted the pinnacle work in the art of meaningful detail. Each Ptolemaic temple and Gallic brine distillery reaps some number value for the tactical player, which is in itself a notable benchmark. The trouble with meaningful detail, however, is its imposition to be noticed, a barrier that will likely fend off hordes of uninitiated would-be conquerors. As Caesar's lilting British tongue desperately recalls his rule over the crumbling columns of a militant empire, I don't mind the ketchup oozing from his invisible wounds.



Uphold, the bench is designed to stress only the CPU guys, like the bench in Shogun 2: Total War.
In a lot of italian review i see a 570 and the game run maxed out at a solid frame rate.


The Shogun 2 benchmark was somehow far too taxing for my machine, while I ran the game itself at pretty decent framerates.

Correction: The Shogun 2 benchmark (at game settings: Ultra/1680x1050) doesn't even run because it says my specs are too low.


Ending bit of the RPS 'Wot I think'.
If Rome II were a gladiator, it would enter the arena as pyrotechnics flared and trumpets blared. Clad in the most beautiful armour in creation, it is the promised one, destined for greatness. Later in the day, having overcome many opponents, it would finally fall, its final opponent holding a sword to its throat. Watching on, only a very cruel emperor would point his thumb murder-wards. It deserves its victories but it’s hard not to think that if the armour it wore were less ornate, lighter and more flexible, then it may never have fallen at all.

Seems the review copy received an update over the weekend that fixed some major bugs.

So the biggest complaints seems to be the AI (still being just ok, reacts to player's actions more but introduces a pattern that can be exploited), Bugs (which some are fixed already, sure more will come) and some design choices (Noticed a repeat of the 'upgrades are simple either better armor vs better swords for level up'; Imagine it'll be expanded in DLCs).

So fairly status quo for a Total wars releases then?


You know compared to how shit launch games usually are, this doesn't sound bad whatsoever. Knowing TW, they'll put out some significant work in patches too...in any case, this is probably a game to build a new comp for right at the verge of next-gen.
So fairly status quo for a Total wars releases then?

Only read the German Gamestar review yet, but that seems to be the gist of it.

They claim pretty much everything apart from the AI is as good or even better than with previous Total War titles. Alas, while the AI is just as bad as it always used to be, they actually managed to make it look even worse with the added complexity that comes with rather complex siege battles and the possibility of having combined naval and land battles.

So, pretty much no surprises for series veterans.


Oh crap, I assumed it was coming out at 9 pm tomorrow?!
I'm working from home tomorrow ... this will be a hard test ..

Only read the German Gamestar review yet, but that seems to be the gist of it.

They claim pretty much everything apart from the AI is as good or even better than with previous Total War titles. Alas, while the AI is just as bad as it always used to be, they actually managed to make it look even worse with the added complexity that comes with rather complex siege battles and the possibility of having combined naval and land battles.

I might be wrong, as I rarely went into it, but weren't their AI mods for the previous games making it miles better?


I guess they mainly focussed on bringing the game to lower systems, and less on giving it the max on better ones.
That said, my guess is patches will fix a lot of issues (that maybe exist, as the review I have read so far don't really mention performance)


I'm praying this game doesn't make my rig BSOD like Shogun 2 keeps doing. If some could help me out with that, it'd be much appreciated.
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