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Total War: Rome 2 |OT| I Came, I Saw, I Came


I'm really starting to hate how the remnants of a defeated faction just mindlessly throw themselves at your nearest city. You can't even autoresolve these tedious mop up battles since that somehow doesn't kill the enemy force even when the odds are 90+% in your favor.

And I have the same three small factions begging me to trade and give them money every single turn. It's pretty annoying.

This is pretty much a none-issue for me. I've never lost to them so far. It really doesn't bother me to much and I just see it as a desperate last attempt to get their city back.

They usually perish after the second attempt. Or just use an agent.


Good for you. For me it's not a question of winning or losing. When 170 people move against my 3000 units to, uh, take back their city as you put it and auto-resolve fails to kill them making me manually do it for each of the 5-6 lingering mobs they have left, it's an issue.
Game runs like ****, but that isn't surprising for a TW game a day after it's out. Gonna hold off on playing it until this Friday and hopefully the patch improves performance. I knew the game was going to be horribly optimized/buggy at launch, but i wanted to support the developers.

Love the TW series and i am expecting to put a ton of hours into it.


Good for you. For me it's not a question of winning or losing. When 170 people move against my 3000 units to, uh, take back their city as you put it and auto-resolve fails to kill them making me manually do it for each of the 5-6 lingering mobs they have left, it's an issue.

I sincerely don't undrestand the issue. Why not just auto-resolve. Let them live and them the next time they'll be gone.

Do they pose a threat to you? I haven't seen them disrupt trades or anything..

And why the hostility? s:



Love this game. Getting deeper into it and the battles against Rome are getting better and better.

Switching on that unlimited VRAM button surprisingly helped for me performance wise.
After prologue my first main campaign is Macedon on hard.

After the first battle I have to say that hoplites feel a lot less boring now.

Liking many things about province and army management and the tactical AI so far I am also liking but it's bound to break at some point.


I sincerely don't undrestand the issue. Why not just auto-resolve. Let them live and them the next time they'll be gone.

Do they pose a threat to you? I haven't seen them disrupt trades or anything..

And why the hostility? s:

The problem is exactly that they don't pose a threat. And yet the game either makes me auto-resolve the exact same fight 5 times over until it manages to wipe them out because CA's current solution is so poor that it can't properly handle these skirmishes with vastly superior forces or make me fight these completely trivial battles, it's essentially just even more wait time added between turns. This is an issue for me. If it's not one for you then that's really great, I wasn't trying to sound offensive.


The problem is exactly that they don't pose a threat. And yet the game either makes me auto-resolve the exact same fight 5 times over until it manages to wipe them out because CA's current solution is so poor that it can't properly handle these skirmishes with vastly superior forces or make me fight these completely trivial battles, it's essentially just even more wait time added between turns. This is an issue for me. If it's not one for you then that's really great, I wasn't trying to sound offensive.

I haven't fought any single army 5 times in a row. Most times it's the main battle where I manually fight. Then they'll try again with their suicidal attack which will either completely kill them off or they'll die the next time they do it. And not the 4th or 5th time.

I'm NOT saying it's a good way to do it, but on the other hand most of the times I've seen this is with remnants of some faction who just lost their last city and have nothing else to do.

Obviously if we're talking a huge faction it shouldn't be like that.

Personally it's not a problem for me. It's somewhat annoying, yes, but just something I tend not to bother with since they'll die to auto-resolve anyway.

It would've been a much larger issue if they could run around and destroy villages, mines, farms and stuff like that, but for now they're just sort of there.


As shitty as the load times are, I'm appreciating the fast boot up and the ability to load my last save right away. Shogun 2 had a near 5 minute startup sometimes for me.

Can't wait until the rest of the game looks as nice as the helmets :/ Even there the aliasing is present on some of the weapons and banners. Really is something wrong with the time of day I had in the last picture I linked though, everything looks so much worse and aliased.

And I've also had the issue where auto-resolving a defensive battle often doesn't kill an enemy outright so they retreat and come back again and again with less troops each time. Not really a game-breaking issue but it's kind of annoying and stupid on the AI's part. The record so far for me is 5 defenses against the same, dwindling unit until he finally died.


Can't wait until the rest of the game looks as nice as the helmets :/ Even there the aliasing is present on some of the weapons and banners. Really is something wrong with the time of day I had in the last picture I linked though, everything looks so much worse and aliased.

And I've also had the issue where auto-resolving a defensive battle often doesn't kill an enemy outright so they retreat and come back again and again with less troops each time. Not really a game-breaking issue but it's kind of annoying and stupid on the AI's part. The record so far for me is 5 defenses against the same, dwindling unit until he finally died.

Same thing happened to me. And since it was the garrison defending you can't go run them down after you fight them off. I guess I know now to just kill them and not auto resolve. Stupid though.


CA said they should be releasing a patch every week. So let's hope they will at least sort out the optimization/graphical issues.


The one thing I'm unable to get my head around at the moment is influence. I know it's tied to gravitas in some way, but I keep losing it to other chiefs.


Bull on a Donut
There's an option to skip watching the CPU turns. I haven't used it, but are turns still really long after ticking that box? They went way faster in Shogun 2 using that.

Yeah I know, it's still absurdly long though. Still has to go through the 5030303030 factions.


Yeah I know, it's still absurdly long though. Still has to go through the 5030303030 factions.

I don't know how much they can really do about this. Its the main issue that drags Empire down today. The "epic-scale" TW's are great in their way, but there are big 'trade off's' compared to the smaller scale games like Napoleon and Shogun 2.

I love the variety of Rome 2, but at the same time, I still would have been happy with a smaller scale than what we have.
Annoyances right now:

1) Character portraits. What the fuck. All my generals look like they came from Mount and Blades character creation.

2) No family tree. :(

3) Fewer units. Where is mah zwei-hander berserkers? where is the hero swordsman, hero spearman, hero bowman?

4) The no-army-without a general. They need to change this. They need to allow us to have units in cities without a general, or allow us to make as many generals as we want. I got 6 generals for 14 settlements. its just dumb, using 10-turns with one army, using the other armies to babysit between settlements because the populous are bitchy sims-like needy assholes who wanna rebel even when I am nice and just occopying. And with a limit on other characters(champions, scouts and digniarties) its even more crap.

tactical? I dont know. but it frustrates the fuck out of me.

5) the turn thing. I didn't play Empire, but it takes between half a minute to one minute just watching icons. I can't do anything during turns. not micro manage, not change my settlements. sometimes i only do one move with an army and nothing else and then turn. I spend 5 seconds, just to wait another minute not doing anything. Shit makes no sense!!!

6) the attention to detail in the graphics is amazing but the performance is abysmal for me, while Shogun 2 runs smooth and has a nice interface. considering buying fall of the samurai and playing that until they release an expansion for this.

7) more units. really needs more units for many of the factions.
The Mount & Blade comparison for the character portraits is hilarious and accurate, I'd thought the same so I wish I'd posted it first :D Not to mention they're also horribly aliased like everything else in the game.


Annoyances right now:

1) Character portraits. What the fuck. All my generals look like they came from Mount and Blades character creation.

2) No family tree. :(

3) Fewer units. Where is mah zwei-hander berserkers? where is the hero swordsman, hero spearman, hero bowman?

4) The no-army-without a general. They need to change this. They need to allow us to have units in cities without a general, or allow us to make as many generals as we want. I got 6 generals for 14 settlements. its just dumb, using 10-turns with one army, using the other armies to babysit between settlements because the populous are bitchy sims-like needy assholes who wanna rebel even when I am nice and just occopying. And with a limit on other characters(champions, scouts and digniarties) its even more crap.

tactical? I dont know. but it frustrates the fuck out of me.

5) the turn thing. I didn't play Empire, but it takes between half a minute to one minute just watching icons. I can't do anything during turns. not micro manage, not change my settlements. sometimes i only do one move with an army and nothing else and then turn. I spend 5 seconds, just to wait another minute not doing anything. Shit makes no sense!!!

6) the attention to detail in the graphics is amazing but the performance is abysmal for me, while Shogun 2 runs smooth and has a nice interface. considering buying fall of the samurai and playing that until they release an expansion for this.

7) more units. really needs more units for many of the factions.

In addendum, if a faction is destroyed, they should stay destroyed.

Also, what's up with the occasional 'faction rises' . Shit just adds more to the turn wait .



My impressions are a bit different. I like the concept of armies needing generals and I never liked hero units in TW games.

My biggest gripes are
- Land units automatically conjure up boats anywhere on the map
- While I like the new army system, resupplying is a pain; They should make it so that you can hire from any province you own but your wait time increases depending on the distance instead of having some generals become delivery boys
- Battles are way too fast paced, much more than even Shogun 2's which was fast paced for the rest of the series to begin with; When it comes to this era I expect unit formations and tactical maneuvers to be relevant, not a brawl that ends in 40 seconds
- Further adding to the formations complaint that guard mode and loose/tight formations are gone
- The UI. It's just so bad.

Despite my continued complaints in this thread I should note that I'm loving the game. The positives far, far outweigh the negatives and I'm hooked. Can't wait to see how it'll look in 2-3 months when it gets a bit more of the polish it deserves.


I just destroyed an army with 8 units against my 3 units army. I made my general run in circles while they were trying to kill him, and killed their units one by one with the rest. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
So I randomly turned my friends list 'offline' (hiding) and my turns seemed really quick all of a sudden.

Will someone try this real quick? I think it may just be in my head.

To expand on this -- when people come 'online' I get a microstutter from the steam overlay.
I just destroyed an army with 8 units against my 3 units army. I made my general run in circles while they were trying to kill him, and killed their units one by one with the rest. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
That sounds hilarious, why would you cry?
I just destroyed an army with 8 units against my 3 units army. I made my general run in circles while they were trying to kill him, and killed their units one by one with the rest. I don't know if I should laugh or cry.

Seriously when the AI choose their targets they never let it go until dead.


I played about 8 hours so far. Game is...seriously broken right now. Playing as Macedonia on Legendary.

Battles are fast, way too fast. I thought they were a bit too fast in Shogun 2 but they have taken it to a whole new level.

Men do not hold formation, they scatter everywhere and just turn into a giant blob. Defend mode needs to come back. Your unit stance does not matter at all as everyone breaks formation as soon as they engage.

Battles are insanely easy, sieges are very easy as well both defending and assaulting. Its very easy to win with inferior forces and non-impressive tactics.

Armies should be larger overall...amount of units per cohort should be larger too. The battles lack a serious sense of scale. It just doesn't "feel" very big compared to games like total war 2.

Not enough variety in units either, they seem to mesh together a lot.

The game just suffers from a real lack of cohesion. This is on par for most of the other Total War releases (with Shogun 2 as a minor exception). They should be able to resolve a lot of the issues over the coming months. I haven't lost faith yet but it definitely needs a lot of work.
Really don't understand the auto-resolve system sometimes. Had a 17% chance to win a siege against a group defenders with 1000 people (mix of basic infantry and slingers) with my army of 2700 with a nicely varied lineup. Played the battle out and only lost 150 people and won in an incredible landslide :/


Really don't understand the auto-resolve system sometimes. Had a 17% chance to win a siege against a group defenders with 1000 people (mix of basic infantry and slingers) with my army of 2700 with a nicely varied lineup. Played the battle out and only lost 150 people and won in an incredible landslide :/

The A.I. is so bad at times that even autoresolve recognizes it. They must have done the "General's bodyguard run around in circles trick" too!


- Land units automatically conjure up boats anywhere on the map

They do? I suppose I haven't simply tried to have an army cross an open body of water.
I've been sending my armies to a harbor or fishing village and then sending them across the sea from there....I thought it was how it was supposed to work....it made sense to me that they would have to set sail from a harbor.

Perhaps I should have played more than 30 minutes of the prologue.


Finally got to the end of the infantry tactics for Rome. Apparently you can retrain any applicable troops wherever as long as they're in your controlled regions.

good stuff. Evocati Legionaires own.

Civil war started for me as well, all my client states betrayed me. Well, it was just one and I had a strong legion to keep them in check, placed to the sword 2 turns later.



Battles are over pretty quick.

Its kinda sad, I was playing in slow motion in a big battle and it was still too fast >.>

I kindaaaaaaa wish sieges could take like a day...


Ending up starting over twice today, finally settling on Arverni and switching to hard. Definitely having much more a challenge, although the AI does do a lot of suicidal moves. I was playing normal as Sparta and it was a complete joke. Every battle was a cakewalk and it didn't seem like the AI was bothering to build and substantial defensive forces.

I'm definitely hoping someone mods the animated faces in the UI out. It's a good idea in theory, but they just look really bad. I really liked the art that was part of Darthmod for Shogun 2, so hopefully we get something similar.

Overall, really enjoying the game but it's so rough still. CA needs to do a beta for their next game, as this kind of stuff shouldn't be acceptable.

Battles are over pretty quick.

Its kinda sad, I was playing in slow motion in a big battle and it was still too fast >.>

I kindaaaaaaa wish sieges could take like a day...

Yeah movement speed is definitely too fast, and units route really easily. I'm having much longer battles on hard, but it's something that should be first on the list for tweaking.


I think not only is the movement speed too fast, but units can run pretty ridiculous distances and still be completely fresh....so they have plenty of puff left in them to run from one skirmish location to another half way across the map.

I know people were pretty fit back then...but come on!
I like this game so far, but I think I'm going to put it down until a few patches from now. It just feels off.

Patched, I have no doubt it's going to be awesome.
I think not only is the movement speed too fast, but units can run pretty ridiculous distances and still be completely fresh....so they have plenty of puff left in them to run from one skirmish location to another half way across the map.

I know people were pretty fit back then...but come on!

every turn is one year and at the current unit speed a total military victory is difficult. You'd also have to worry about uprisings and civil wars and unit limits, if they are slowed down and are halfway across the map you'll lose everything you captured by the time they get back. Slowing them down is a terrible idea


Battles are over pretty quick.

Its kinda sad, I was playing in slow motion in a big battle and it was still too fast >.>

I kindaaaaaaa wish sieges could take like a day...

This is a standard criticism of vanilla TW games though. Battles were abnormally quick in the original Rome. By the time you had maneuvered your cavalry for a flanking charge the battle was already effectively over.

Mods will re balance the game better.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Bought the game off of steam, realised that my ancient 4870 wasn't going to cut it, so I decided to visit memory express to pick up a new GPU. I go in and the gentleman there suggests the 7950, which I decided to get. But at the counter he mentions if I was planning on building a new system soon. That's when I went "Fuck it, let's build one now!'

Come the 9th (when my system will be ready), this would be the main components in my new system:

Intel Core i7 4770K
eVGA GeForce GTX780 overclocked version
Corsair Vengence 16GB 1600mhz DDR3 Ram

Plus all the other little pieces. First time putting together my own system and it felt exhilarating lol Yay, I can finally play the Witcher 2 at something other than 15FPS!


every turn is one year and at the current unit speed a total military victory is difficult. You'd also have to worry about uprisings and civil wars and unit limits, if they are slowed down and are halfway across the map you'll lose everything you captured by the time they get back. Slowing them down is a terrible idea

In the battlefield, not the campaign map.


After playing some hours I have to say that while on the whole I'm okay with the changes I have one big gripe. Transport ships.

I think it's great that units autmaticly "become" transportships. But those ships are way too strong. Any specificly built ship unit should be able to take out a transport ship if unprotected. You could have technologies to improve the quality of the transport ships.



Next playable factions to be unveiled for free/DLC:

Etruscan League

If you notice when you end turn, all the playable factions start first, ending with the Seleucids, and then it is the (myriad) unplayable factions who play. The Etruscan League is withing those first factions, before the Seleucids (who still haven't been unlocked, but seem to have their turn with the big boys).

After that is all the other factions alphabetically, but it ends with Syracuse and Rhodes, out of alphabetical order. I am hypothesizing those too could possibly end up being playable, but the possibility is lower than the Etruscan League.


Syracuse would be ultimate challange....all jammed between Rome and Carthage...

btw. I have to agree that the units move too fast on the battlefield. Even watching my Hastati charge an Enemy it looks like it runs at least at twice the speed!

Next playable factions to be unveiled for free/DLC:

Etruscan League

If you notice when you end turn, all the playable factions start first, ending with the Seleucids, and then it is the (myriad) unplayable factions who play. The Etruscan League is withing those first factions, before the Seleucids (who still haven't been unlocked, but seem to have their turn with the big boys).

After that is all the other factions alphabetically, but it ends with Syracuse and Rhodes, out of alphabetical order. I am hypothesizing those too could possibly end up being playable, but the possibility is lower than the Etruscan League.

Are All those factions Latin?
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