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Tough Christmas for Nintendo?

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paper mario 2, baten kaitos, starfox 2 and the sequel to the highest ranking game this generation. Tough x-mas?


all down hill from here out sadly imo,

but im sure the DS/GBAsp will give Nintendo a decent distraction from poor sales of GameCube.


What's bad is the whole year will remain flat for Nintendo growth-wise. I really hope this prompts them to change their image. If the Revolution is a Nintendo machine and not a machine that is more focused on 3rd party than 1st party it'll continue Nintendo's downward spiral in console hardware sales. (NES outsold SNES, which outsold N64 which will outsell Gamecube unless the GC has a good 25 million in sales left in it)

I'd have to agree that from a sales perspective, this is the year that the GCN falls into a distant third in North America/Europe.

Currently, the hardware sales gap is ~1.4 million in the US. By this time next year, I expect it to be over 4 million.


well nintendo has something sony and ms doesn't have for the holidays. Nintendo DS. Nintendo itself isn't doomed, the GC is.

evil ways


My condolences to Nintendo fans.


Sales wise, the Nintendo games on the systems will be the big sellers over third party multiplatform titles. Where some games like PoP don't sell well anyway, they probably will do less with the releases of PM2, MP2E, MP6, Star Fox, Mario Tennis, and maybe even Baten Kaitos. Then Nintendo has to compete with the huge games on the other systems. MGS3, Halo 2, GTA, and GT will garner most of the sales. And then Nintendo still has the GBA to market and the DS to push. It's gonna be a real rough ride for sure.


Not a very well written article. Kinda makes its point in the first paragraph and then repeats it over and over. But I do agree that MP2 and RE4 don't have the hype behind them that Halo2 and GTA:SA do.

The bigger problem is that Nintendo doesn't have a family-friendly multiplayer blockbuster for this Xmas. A game like SSMB Melee or Mario Kart:DD would stand up well against the competition because they'd offer an alternative. MP2 and RE4 are competing for the same "mature" audience as Halo and GTA (and even MGS and Gran Turismo).
Watch PSP and DS both get sunk by the old GBA...

Anyway, definitely not your typical happy-happy article about Nintendo from a Nintendo fansite...kinda depressing...and I'm not much of a GC proponent.


Vagabond said:

Will MORE competing hardware help the Gamecube sell? Stay tuned to the internet!

Will Vagabond learn the difference between a company and a game console? Stay tuned to the internet!


Whats funny is that if those games do not sell well it is Nintendo's fault for not spacing them out because "droughts" have been shown to boost sales of Nintendo games.


sonycowboy said:

I'd have to agree that from a sales perspective, this is the year that the GCN falls into a distant third in North America/Europe.

Currently, the hardware sales gap is ~1.4 million in the US. By this time next year, I expect it to be over 4 million.
I doubt it, XBox sales will slow dramatically next year once Xenon debuts at GDC. The gap will grow, but come on.... it's taken XBox 3 years to manage that 1.4M lead, and in one more year you think they'll triple it? The year their new hardware debuts?


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
SantaCruZer said:
well nintendo has something sony and ms doesn't have for the holidays. Nintendo DS. Nintendo itself isn't doomed, the GC is.

I guess that would depend on whether you are looking at:

A. Profits for the holiday; or
B. Successful system launch for the holiday.

I don't think the two are mutually exclusive this year.


AniHawk said:
Will Vagabond learn the difference between a company and a game console? Stay tuned to the internet!
The topic mostly related to the sales of the Gamecube platform, something that the release of the DS certainly won't help. Don't attack me, crybaby.


Vagabond said:
The topic mostly related to the sales of the Gamecube platform, something that the release of the DS certainly won't help.

Which was exactly not what santacruzer was saying, Professor.
jarrod said:
I doubt it, XBox sales will slow dramatically next year once Xenon debuts at GDC. The gap will grow, but come on.... it's taken XBox 3 years to manage that 1.4M lead, and in one more year you think they'll triple it? The year their new hardware debuts?

Yes. You heard it here first. Seriously, I expect the Xbox to outsell the GC by 2-3times for the rest of the year, with the November sales being something like 1.3 million - 500k and December being similar. That right there is 1.6 million on top of the 1.4 = 3 million. The other 10 months should account for a million as well.

Obviously rough numbers with a substantial margin for erro, but the writing is on the wall.


What he said, pre edit, could have easily been applied to the topic, since it was a responce to the topic. And Santa's comment still is out of place in a topic reguarding the health of a certain Nintendo product and not Nintendo itself. I don't know and will not inquire as to why it's such a big issue to you.


The topic at hand. Noone was discussing the state of health of Nintendo, only the Gamecube. The DS is not going to help anything concerning the Gamecube so your comment was out of place.


Nintendo does not have a single game that will outsell the likes of Metal Gear Solid 3, Halo 2, GTA:SA. That said, MP 2, Mario Party, Star Fox and Mario RPG aren't going to sit on the shelf. Know why?, because never has a Metroid, Mario Party, Star Fox, or MAR-PG ever sat on the shelf. They have want are called fans, and these fans are going to buy Nintendo games regardless of whatever else is on the shelf.

Moreover, Nintendo has four key titles over the holidays while ever other publisher worth a damn (excluding Sony and EA) has only two...and for most of them only one of those two are garanteed to sell.

SSBM didn't sell as much as Halo? So what. SSBM still sold over 3.5 million copies worldwide (vs Halo @ 4 million). Splinter Cell outsold Metroid Prime by two or three hundred thousand copies. Big. Freaking. Deal. If the author of the article bothered to do some fact-checking, he'd see that Nintendo has more million-selling titles on GCN than MS--or any other publisher--has on Xbox. Moreover, Nintendo is the top-selling publisher in Japan, and the second-top selling publisher in the U.S.

But what am I saying? Nintendo is so dead. Yeah, the last two years they got lucky. They're in for it this year. :rolleyes:.

Funky Papa

I don't give a shit about numbers as far as Sony, MS and Nintendo are here to provide me with the games that I like.

Did you know that one Game Stop in the country has over 900 pre-orders for Halo 2?
did you know that going by pre-orders alone, Halo 2 has already outsold the highly anticipated Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas for the PlayStation 2?
0_0 Damn. I promised myself that if Halo 2 surpassed San Andreas in sales I would eat crow... It looks like Oxy was right, Halo 2 is going to sell like crazy.


Vagabond said:
The topic at hand. Noone was discussing the state of health of Nintendo, only the Gamecube. The DS is not going to help anything concerning the Gamecube so your comment was out of place.

well i saw my misstake pretty quick and edited. You don't need to bring it further.


Vagabond said:
The topic at hand. Noone was discussing the state of health of Nintendo, only the Gamecube. The DS is not going to help anything concerning the Gamecube so your comment was out of place.

Like a topic has never been derailed before. Thank god for the likes of you to come to the rescue and put it back on track.


What I'd be interested to see is whether or not the GBA Audience Nintendo has been building gets behind some titles similar to their GBA Counterparts.

Zero Mission and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga both sold pretty quickly and well for Nintendo on the GBA, and I'm wondering whether or not those sales, especially M&L:SS, might carry over.

Really, I don't expect Nintendo software to bomb as much as their hardware sales...and even then I think sonycowboy's lead is exaggerated. But it definitely won't be a shining point for Nintendo.

Chopin Trusty Balls

First casualty in the war on idioticy.
Mario Party 6 probobly wont make it this year in US.
Starfox 2 wont sell too great.
And MP2 and PM2 will sell to existing fanbase and wont sell too many systems.
RE4 and Geist delayed,Baten Kaitos and Donkey Konga probobly wont sell above 200-250K copies each.


sonycowboy said:
Yes. You heard it here first. Seriously, I expect the Xbox to outsell the GC by 2-3times for the rest of the year, with the November sales being something like 1.3 million - 500k and December being similar. That right there is 1.6 million on top of the 1.4 = 3 million. The other 10 months should account for a million as well.

Obviously rough numbers with a substantial margin for erro, but the writing is on the wall.

I agree... plus MS and Sony still have at least one more price drop coming which should provide an extra boost. I really don't think Nintendo is willing to go any lower. They're already losing money on the Cube. They'll probably offer some nice bundle deals, but it doesn't have the same effect with consumers.


Concerning the pre-order statement: specious logic at best. Just because Halo has more pre-orders doesn't mean that it will sell more, which is what I think the author is suggesting.

For one thing, Halo 2 was suppose to launch last year, and the pre-order campaign started a year before that. Those 900 pre-orders are because GameStop has been pre-ordering the game for two years.

For another, people don't pre-order GTA games. Look at how easily The Wind Waker was able to exceed the preorders of Vice City (OOT promotion aside). Look at how GTA games stay on the charts for months after the release. The people who buy GTA games don't buy them right away.


Ok, you two, stop exaggerating and get back on topic then instead of escalating this. Don't make me pull this car over.

Jedi: I think Microsoft will do their annual bundles and not drop the price. Holidays they always promote a new console bundle and a new Xbox Live package. That will take away the Gamecube Bundle's value and leave it, again as it has been the rest of the year, with only a price difference.
The trolls are in full force. But for me, I've already sold my XBox and PS2 because PC and Gamecube cover 95% of the released games worth playing:)


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Vagabond said:
Ok, you two, stop exaggerating and get back on topic then instead of escalating this. Don't make me pull this car over.

Jedi: I think Microsoft will do their annual bundles and not drop the price. Holidays they always promote a new console bundle and a new Xbox Live package. That will take away the Gamecube Bundle's value and leave it, again as it has been the rest of the year, with only a price difference.

I disagree, nintendo will have a bundle.
I predict it will be called something to to the effect of "Nintendo Classics"
Include Mario 64, Pilotwings, and a couple others, along with demos of big Gamecube games.

EDIT: I bet they spraypaint it too


ravingloon said:
The trolls are in full force. But for me, I've already sold my XBox and PS2 because PC and Gamecube cover 95% of the released games worth playing:)

The whole article was based on the selling potential for this Holiday season. Nobody is saying the GC line-up sucks... it just doesn't have the the potential of PS2 and Xbox.

Although I game primarily on Xbox, I fully believe that there are enough quality games on each system to be a satisified gamer.


Suikoguy said:
I disagree, nintendo will have a bundle.
I predict it will be called something to to the effect of "Nintendo Classics"
Include Mario 64, Pilotwings, and a couple others, along with demos of big Gamecube games.

EDIT: I bet they spraypaint it too

Nintendo already has a bundle: MP, MP2E demo, and GC. Supposed to start in August unless it was a hoax.


jedimike said:
I agree... plus MS and Sony still have at least one more price drop coming which should provide an extra boost. I really don't think Nintendo is willing to go any lower. They're already losing money on the Cube. They'll probably offer some nice bundle deals, but it doesn't have the same effect with consumers.
First of all, Parrin Kaplin has already stated last year that Nintendo was losing a "small amount" on the GCN hardware. Secondly, last fiscal year, Nintendo software sales exceed $30 million in the US alone. That's second only to EA.

More importantly, when Nintendo cut the price of the GCN last year, the sales of software actually boosted to a higher degree than sales of hardware. Meaning that Nintendo can successfully compensate the small amount lost on hardware with their excellent software sales.

So if Nintendo were to cut the price of the GCN again--which they will by the end of next year--the small margin lost in the hardware would have been more than made up considering how well their software sales.


yup, but what Nintendo really could use is a paper mario holiday bundle. Pario Mario 1, Paper Mario 2 and a GC.


What frustrates me about the article (Since we're supposedly getting back on topic) the author doesn't seem to suggest what exactly Nintendo should DO about it.

What would the magic fix be? He said himself that NO title for GameCube has sold NEAR Halo levels other than SSB:M. Well, great! Then what are they supposed to do? Are they insinuating that the only solution is to release a huge selling title, or that a sequel is the only medioum possible?

I'm a Nintendo fanboy, and I GET it. I completely understand and respect the godly power of Halo 2, and know how Sony wields the force of Metal Gear Solid 3 and Gran Turismo 4. I don't need 12 paragraphs in order to learn this. I'm even convinced that Nintendo not only is doing nothing to combat this, I'm not sure what in the hell they could do. I mean, sure, throw out a Smash Brothers sequel, as Matt and IGN so eloquently instructed Nintendo to do. But with that out of the picture, why spend all that time? Why constantly lament the lack of a big title...without really giving them an alternative?

Paper Mario 2 will outsell MP:Echoes, as far as I can see, and Star Fox will do SFA style numbers...but I don't think anything Nintendo throws out there could ACTUALLY compete with Microsoft and Sony's big titles.

The problem will be in HARDWARE, not in software, as far as I can see.


sonycowboy said:
Yes. You heard it here first. Seriously, I expect the Xbox to outsell the GC by 2-3times for the rest of the year, with the November sales being something like 1.3 million - 500k and December being similar. That right there is 1.6 million on top of the 1.4 = 3 million. The other 10 months should account for a million as well.

Obviously rough numbers with a substantial margin for erro, but the writing is on the wall.
Wow. What do you think PS2 will do then?


The funny thing is, that article is assuming Resident Evil 4 is still going to ship by Holiday 2004, which looks to no longer be the case.

So the GameCube software picture is even bleaker than the one he's painting (in terms of sales potential, not quality).


Nicco said:
First of all, Parrin Kaplin has already stated last year that Nintendo was losing a "small amount" on the GCN hardware. Secondly, last fiscal year, Nintendo software sales exceed $30 million in the US alone. That's second only to EA.

More importantly, when Nintendo cut the price of the GCN last year, the sales of software actually boosted to a higher degree than sales of hardware. Meaning that Nintendo can successfully compensate the small amount lost on hardware with their excellent software sales.

So if Nintendo were to cut the price of the GCN again--which they will by the end of next year--the small margin lost in the hardware would have been more than made up considering how well their software sales.

Right now, Nintendo is losing $20 per GC sold. I don't think that if they dropped it by $20 more dollars that any extra sales would cover the loss. Plus, Nintendo would be crazy to have the console cheaper than the handheld.


Tough Christmas for Nintendo???

Don't you mean tough YEAR! Honestly, I do not think I've played my gamecube more than 3 times this entire year. I could say the same thing about my ps2, but there are actually games coming out for it.

I just play way too much xbox.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
GC is doomed this Christmas. No question about it. Heck, I dont even think a price drop to $50 can save it.

Still, there are plenty of GC games coming out this holiday that Im looking forward to. Baiten Kaitos, MP2, Paper Mario, and Pikmin 2 are all must haves for me. They wont help the GC sell, but they'll be very fun. IMO, 2004 is easily the best year in terms of software for the GC.


Off topic again: Does no one see the re-occuring pattern? Every year for the past two years, it was supposed to be Nintendo's last year and every year their games end up at the top of the charts.

I don't know what it is, but some people want Nintendo to fail. Here we have Nintendo's best line-up for the GCN and people like the author are still critiquing with the glass half empty.

If you look objectively at Nintendo's line-up, it is difficult to argue that Nintendo won't have a successful holiday season. Yet people are still complaining because no single GCN game is likely to outsell another publisher's single game. Craziness.


sonycowboy said:
Yes. You heard it here first. Seriously, I expect the Xbox to outsell the GC by 2-3times for the rest of the year, with the November sales being something like 1.3 million - 500k and December being similar. That right there is 1.6 million on top of the 1.4 = 3 million. The other 10 months should account for a million as well.

Obviously rough numbers with a substantial margin for erro, but the writing is on the wall.
So even if we take your prediction that XBox will reach record highs and GC will reach record lows (which seem to be at almost maximum in each direction) where's that extra 1.1 million units coming from? The 1st half of 2005, when consoles move at their slowest? XBox's 8 months of lead over GameCube last year weren't enough to push it past in the end thanks to GC's notable lead in the pre-Christmas rush, you'd think 1.1M units will come in that period? There's no way XBox will grow to a 4 million lead in the US in just one year, especially when Xenon hype will start ramping up in the last half of said year. XBox (like GC & PS2) is past the climax of it's cycle...

jedimike said:
Right now, Nintendo is losing $20 per GC sold.
Right now? Prove it.
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