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Tough Christmas for Nintendo?

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"The fact they approve Driv3r and reject good 2d games from coming to America is not the sign of a company concerned about the gaming part, the hobby itself. They want profits and image, they succeed at this. Of course Nintendo has kept many franchises from coming to the states for years, but for different reasons."

And we don't know the reasons for what Sony's doing, so that doesn't work.

Fact is Nintendo's no different from Sony or MS. They want to make money just as much as they do. Even moreso because they aren't willing to do anything that might make them lose money. Both Sony and MS are in this like Nintendo is. It's not some little game they're playing for money and will bail out if they aren't making tons of it or if they suck it dry. They're clearly very serious about it. As much as people jump on Sony they've actually done alot of good for the industry. They helped popularise RPG's to the point where it's really rare that we don't get ones released in Japan as long as they're good. They along with MS are the driving forces in the online market which is the next step for games. So they clearly care about the industry even if people don't want to think they do.


Fularu said:
Well Pokemon RuSa is at 12 millions (not counting Green Red Yellow Gold Silver Crystal and the Red/Green remakes) so...
Well being fair, the decade long Pokemon series is past 91 million now. And that's just the main series of games, not including the Stadium/Snap/Puzzle/Card/Pinball/Channel/Colosseum spinoffs.


Che said:
*puts his bulletproof vest* Guys I don't know how to say this without getting killed... but... am I the only one who thinks that Metroid is a far better game than Halo, and that Halo is superoverhyped? I mean my memory sucks but I remember every single detail about Metroid and I really really enjoyed the game, but I can't really say the same for Halo...

It's about DAMN time someone said this...

I'm sorry, but Halo is only so over-hyped 'cos it's the ONLY game on X-BOX. Seriously. I'm taking the heat off of Che here and you can dirrect your flaming towards me...Metroid: Prime is SO much better than Halo, but it doesn't matter 'cos there's nothing else worth buying an X-BOX for other than it so therefore, of course it's gonna sell better. Don't get me wrong, Halo is an amazing game...as multi-player console FPS's go it is as close to Goldeneye as you can get (hype, sales, fun-factor, gameplay, content, etc.), but it still comes up a lil' short. To me I really see the X-BOX as the sorta successor to the N64 in the mainstream public's eye...it's better for multiplayer, has better graphics, good for Star Wars games, good for Tom Clancey games...but come on...N64's high amount of million sellers and one huge killer app (GE) was not enough for PS's sheer volume of games, of which there were more great games.

I find this situation (X-BOX vs PS2) sorta similar to the N64 vs PS. N64 fans (myself somewhat included) boasted about quality over quantity...and we had that one killer game (GE) that PSer's didn't have...but did it matter in the end? PS still "won". Halo is great, it is X-BOX's "killer app", but the problem is Sony (and to a lesser extent, Nintendo) has tons of smaller and even sometimes comparable (sales-wise) "killer apps"...the quantity won it for Sony last generation, and it's won it again for them this generation. So the X-BOXer's are so latching onto Halo & Halo 2 'cos it's all they really got...seriously, I said it. And remember how Perfect Dark (Goldeneye's spiritual successor) was suppossed to be just as much of "killer app" for N64? I'm not saying that Halo 2 will underperform like PD did, but I don't see it being as big as the first Halo. I see it selling to the existing X-BOX fanbase and maybe pushing more systems...but not as much as some people like to dream, especially with MS unveiling (and most likely launching) Xenon next year! GTA will end up beating out Halo 2 by a large margin in the end...so if this is a pissing contest, Nintendo *and* MS lose.

As far as Nintendo goes...they don't have that one GE-esque "killer-app" for GAMECUBE, but so what. I think a big problem with Nintendo's image is their own "fans" writing such whiny complaints on their Nintendo "fan" sites. Waaaa...Nintendo doesn't have something that sells on par with the competition, let's ignore the fact that Metroid: Prime Echoes will be a better game than Halo 2, and that GAMECUBE has a more full line-up than X-BOX this Christmas and on into next year *cough*RE4advancewarsFEgeistZELDA*cough*. Sales are great, but they're not everything...when Nintendo fans start whining on websites & magazines about how these games don't sell as well as they should and how this means Nintendo is suddenly not as good or cool or whatever the competition is then that's not gonna re-assure GAMECUBE owners, it's not gonna help bring more fans into the fold...it's gonna scare them away! I want a Nintendo article that is realistic & optomistic instead of whiny and negative. Writing out complaints isn't gonna fix the problem, so why does this crap keep getting written? Instead of trying to be so critical about stuff they can't even change, they should instead bask in all those games that are ONLY on GAMECUBE regardless of how they sell.

We get the point...Halo 2 & GTA: SA are gonna sell great and they're gonna sell better than anything and everything on GAMECUBE...waaaaaaa...just like Zelda is gonna bitch slap all comers next year, get over it...stating the OBVIOUS isn't gonna change it one way or the other.


"I said it once and I will say it again, Halo 2 is going to put Microsoft in second place – and the company will stay there until the race is finished. Do I like this? Do I want this? No and no."

This guy just sounds like another in the long line of Nintendo fanboys that still cannot accept the fact that Nintendo is no longer the #1 choice among consumers. Give it a rest. Move on already. Just enjoy your GCN and STFU.


wouldn't FF12 sell a lot next year? anyway, i think the industry has become a lot more consumer oriented, hence the integrated console bit. the quality of games will only degrade if developers lower their quality, that's upto the developers. how long do you think square or konami could keep making crap sequels to metal gear and final fantasy and get away with it?
as to why Sony doesnt allow certain games here is upto speculation, we dont really know what is going on in the background. nintendo also kept their srpg series earthbound mainly in japan, IIRC. sometimes the management makes decisions that seem bad from a gamer's perspective, but thats the way it is.
approving driver and rejecting good 2d games, has there actually been evidence of such practices aside from the "sony doesnt like 2d games" bit? then guilty gears and 2d shooters would all keep getting rejected, but they arent.
and again, why wouldnt the brass approve driver? everybody knew it'd sell a lot, and the hardware manufacturers would earn a nice profit from the licensing fees...im speculating, but i think nintendo would have done the same.

is it just me, or has the level of discussion in this forum degenerated in the past few months?

i'd say it's more like 2 years.


nitewulf said:
wouldn't FF12 sell a lot next year?

It should do about 2.7 million in Japan, over 1 million in NA, and 1-2 million in Europe (unless it gets delayed there until 2006). Usually the franchise does well over time because of International releases and GH versions.

nitewulf said:
nintendo also kept their srpg series earthbound mainly in japan, IIRC.

Do you mean Fire Emblem? Because both Mother games have come to NA.

nitewulf said:
i'd say it's more like 2 years.



DrGAKMAN said:
It's about DAMN time someone said this...

I'm sorry, but Halo is only so over-hyped 'cos it's the ONLY game on X-BOX. Seriously. I'm taking the heat off of Che here and you can dirrect your flaming towards me...Metroid: Prime is SO .............................

I'm sorry was there a point to all that?


Nintendo have it hard with Cube. But really not much they can do if a monopoly comes along happy to be the consumers little bitch for a generation. Smiling happily while it loses billions of dollars just so it can stay inside an industry your supposed to make money in.

Nintendo will never be able to compete on the same level. They can carve themselves a niche as they are, focusing mainly on the market the other 2 don’t care much about. They wont be number 1 again but so what, get over it.


I think the problem is Halo is so good that it dwarfs every other game out there even on other platforms which causes fans of other platforms to make claims like "it's way overrated" and "it's the only good game on the xbox".

If you have Halo you don't need another game. :lol


The GameCube in Japan has been more consistent with the Sega Saturn - spread out software sales between many key titles with only a fighting game as the million seller (for now?). The GameCube in the US? It's hard to tell. The Xbox in the U.S. reminds me of the Genesis, with its superior third party support, much older gaming demographic compared to Nintendo and lack of Nintendo titles on the system. :p The PS2 reminds me of the PSone, which could be the successor of the Super Famicom which could be considered the successor of the Famicom, minus Nintendo games.
Yes, XBOX is a lot like the Genesis, IMO as well. Outside of the lack of exclusive Japanese RPG/SRPG/ARPG stuff, it's a lot like it. Genesis had a lot of very nice 8/16-bit computer games converted to it, as well. They also share an emphasis on shooting games (Gen with old-school shooters and X with FPS games).


Comparing the xbox to the genesis seems to require you to ignore scale. In what way is it like the Genesis? In comparison to the GameCube, perhaps, but why would you compare it to the GameCube? It's the PS2 that's in first place, and this gen is more like the NES gen than any other at this point.


To me I really see the X-BOX as the sorta successor to the N64 in the mainstream public's eye

I have sometimes thought this. The N64 had FPS and Wrestling games, a sort of American appeal. It also relied, third party wise, heavily on western devs. The Xbox certainly follows in line with those elements. Also the graphic whore element for each console is strong.


I probably have to agree. Halo 2 is the #1 reserved game for 2004, and if GCN and Xbox are neck and neck in hardware sales, then Xbox will clearly be ahead of GCN. :(


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I find this situation (X-BOX vs PS2) sorta similar to the N64 vs PS. N64 fans (myself somewhat included) boasted about quality over quantity...and we had that one killer game (GE) that PSer's didn't have...but did it matter in the end? PS still "won". Halo is great, it is X-BOX's "killer app", but the problem is Sony (and to a lesser extent, Nintendo) has tons of smaller and even sometimes comparable (sales-wise) "killer apps"...the quantity won it for Sony last generation, and it's won it again for them this generation. So the X-BOXer's are so latching onto Halo & Halo 2 'cos it's all they really got...seriously, I said it.

That's not true at all. I am primarily a PS2 fan, but Halo was one of the most incredible gaming experiences I have had in years. I really truly enjoyed it (both in single and multiplayer). Your analysis certainly has no impact on my enjoyment. On the flipside, I absolutely hate Goldeneye and feel that it recieved far too much praise...but that doesn't mean that the game is of poor quality.

I'd say the XBOX has far more in the way of "smaller apps" than Gamecube ever has. At least on XBOX, there are a few other games that I would consider buying whereas I own ALL GC games I could possibly want (out of those available). I have nearly 30 XBOX titles while I have less than 15 GC games (and I have 98 PS2 titles :p).

XBOXers are not latching onto Halo"'cos it's all they really got"...they are latching onto Halo because it is actually a VERY good game!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Deg said:
That comment makes you 99% fanboy :p

No. I was a PC gamer when Goldeneye came out and never actually played it until I had just finished Half-Life and Thief. I went in with an open mind, but it didn't even come close to those two...

Oh, but looking through your recent posts, I can tell that YOU are a Nintendo fanboy. :p
BeOnEdge said:
this reminds me of the saturn and their 3 free games promo that allowed them to get close to ps1 on sales 1 xmas and then that next year it died.

Oh please. Apples and oranges. The GameCube has been a very successful system during its lifespan considering the current number of other successful systems. The Saturn was never a contender in the US. The Cube is still a viable contender for a strong second place and it has room for growth. In fact I feel we'll see the GameCube's strongest holiday despite the big 4 on the other systems.

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evilromero said:
Oh please. Apples and oranges. The GameCube has been a very successful system during its lifespan considering the current number of other successful systems. The Saturn was never a contender in the US. The Cube is still a viable contender for a strong second place and it has room for growth. In fact I feel we'll see the GameCube's strongest holiday despite the big 4 on the other systems.
Don't worry. Thats just BOE and its his nature to be against Nintendo.


Saturn was the best console ever imo. Americans don't know what's good.

And I feel sorry for anyone who can only find 15 worthwhile games among GameCube's excellent 300-400 game software library.


dark10x said:
I went in with an open mind, but it didn't even come close to those two...

There were pc fanboys even at the time and even PS fanboys swearing by MOH. GE wiped them clean at the time. It was the GTA type game back then. Its very safe to say you are a fanboy especially as GE came out at the time of quake 2 and there wer eplenty of fanboys against it. It took many by surprise and seems there are still people who havent come to terms with it.


jarrod said:
Saturn was the best console ever imo. Americans don't know what's good.

And I feel sorry for anyone who can only find 15 worthwhile games among GameCube's excellent 300-400 game software library.

Same here. I have 40 GC games and love 'em all.
I don't see the problem with only finding 15 GC titles to own, given the current selection...because the other good titles that I would consider buying for the system are already represented on the XBOX and PS2...with the XBOX version being the generally superior version. If you're a multi-console player, the number of titles that you own for each of your systems will probably not be generally equal. For me, though I own all of them (always do every gen), I tend to own more on one system by a significant margin...generally for the same reason as stated above... This gen, I own more XBOX titles than GC titles, but own more PS2 titles than either of those...and I tend to like XBOX more than the others...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
jarrod said:
Saturn was the best console ever imo. Americans don't know what's good.

And I feel sorry for anyone who can only find 15 worthwhile games among GameCube's excellent 300-400 game software library.

Why? Suggestions?

Actually, it seems I have 16 games (but one of them is a bonus Zelda disc)...

Billy Hatcher
Eternal Darkness
F-Zero GX
Zelda OoT
Zelda WW
Megaman Network Transmission
Metal Gear Solid TTS
Metroid Prime
Sonic Heroes
Soul Calibur II
Star Fox Adventures
Super Mario Sunshine
Super Monkey Ball
Viewtiful Joe

Now, there are additional quality games, but there are reasons for not owning. I've rented 4 Swords and LOVED it, but it is now finished. I did not buy it due to the GBA requirements and assumptions that it wouldn't be a great single player title (which it was!). SMB was great fun, but the sequel actually isn't as exciting. I've rented and loved Waverace as well.

I might consider Resident Evil Remake sometime, but I generally hate Capcom adventures. RE0 is not a very good game though, so I won't be grabbing that. I could care less about Factor 5's efforts, don't want Animal Crossing, don't like Mario Kart DD or Smash Bros., and most multiplatform games are better on other systems. I actually LOVE my Cube collection (all of those games are very good!), but I seriously can not think of any additional titles that I want to buy.

Now, that doesn't mean there are not games coming up that I want. ToS, BK, RE4, Pikmin 2, etc. all look hot.

Oh, and cheers to the Saturn comment! :)
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