Laughing Banana
Weeping Pickle
I'm having a hard time here as well, Banana. I really really want to put my time into Lords of Shadow 2 but I don't want to fall too far behind you guys. Well, I'm in phase 9 so there's really not much more to go, but still.
And finalizing my Mitama build last night felt like a gigantic victory.
Edit: YYYYESSSS. Killed another Edax on a whim and got my 2nd hornbit. JUST ONE. MORE.
Edax on which map? Just in case maybe the drop is related to the map or something like that.
Urrgh just need one.
yeah, I'll take a break too. Want to finish up P3P and play VLR and Danganronpa before FF X HD arrives.
I mean, I bought Bravely Default physical at the same time as Toukiden digital and I haven't even played it beyond just viewing the 1st cutscene. Need to work on that, hahaha.