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Trade-in value for Fable (don't buy more than you can play)


Anybody know?

I've screwed myself by impulse buying way too many games over the last couple weeks:

SW: Battlefront (xbox)
Silent Hill 4 (xbox)
Burnout 3 (xbox)
Guilty Gear X2 (xbox)
SF:AC (ps2)
Pikmin 2 (DYING to get back into this game)

This isn't to start an anti-Fable thread but out of all the games I've purchased it just

presently isn't anything I want to dedicate my time too.

evil ways

$22-$24 depending where you go. That's what you can get for most new releases in the first 2-3 weeks of their release.


Why dump the game with replay value? Better to hammer through SH4 (while the apples may be attacking the fruit basket, Fable is fully the better game of the two). It's also, of all the games on that list, the most likely to quickly drop in price, so getting trade-in value now will pay off in the long run.

I'm inclined to say the same for Pikmin 2. Once I beat the game my interest dropped quickly. I think the caverns got a bit old and there were too many of those and not enough overland.


Silent Hill 4 is a game I'll never give up because I love the series.

Of the games I listed (SH4 and Pik2 the exceptions) the games are all quick "get in get

out" arcadey type games and for the most part that's what I'm in the mood for right now.

From the couple of hours I've put into Fable I'm just finding the game to be really dull (

buggy as hell too). I haven't fairly dedicated enough time to the game to give a proper

critique but it's just nothing I want to play at the moment.

When I get more time I plan on picking this game up when it goes Platinum and then

giving it a fair go...until then I'd like to get rid of it while the demand is still somewhat high.
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