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Transformers |OT| Transform and roll out...


Finally watched the Transformers 4k Blu Ray release and man....it almost brought me to literal tears. I never owned the DVD or VHS, yet I remembered so much. It was burned into my mind.

Now I want to play the games I missed like War of Cybertron/Fall of Cybertron.

I have played Devastation which is.... AMAZING.


I consider Fall of Cybertron much better than Devastation. Bigger story, crazier setpieces, some really cool moments. Devastation had a good combat system and props for the voice cast, but like so many B-team Platinum games it reuses locations way too much and there's zero variation much of the time. War for Cybertron is okay, but suffers far more from repetitive gameplay and environments than Devastation.

My suggestion is to start with War, but if War doesn't hold your attention just skip straight to Fall. Don't miss out on Fall just because War is mediocre.
I consider Fall of Cybertron much better than Devastation. Bigger story, crazier setpieces, some really cool moments. Devastation had a good combat system and props for the voice cast, but like so many B-team Platinum games it reuses locations way too much and there's zero variation much of the time. War for Cybertron is okay, but suffers far more from repetitive gameplay and environments than Devastation.

My suggestion is to start with War, but if War doesn't hold your attention just skip straight to Fall. Don't miss out on Fall just because War is mediocre.

I have to disagree with all of the above. Fall, while still an amazing game, is arguably inferior to the other two in my opinion. Well, really, it's kind of hard to compare Devastation to the other two since it's so different in every way. But still:
- Devastation has one of the, if not the, most refined combat system of all time. It's ridiculously deep and anyone wanting to explore it should check Saurian Dash's videos on it. It does suffer from recycled (and let's face it, simple) setpieces and regular enemies, but the combat system and its bosses turn it into one of the best games ever, Transformers or no.
- War for Cybertron is a more focused game with far better difficulty balance and truly hard and memorable end-of-campaign bosses. Fall of Cybertron has more variety but it comes at the cost of less polish in each individual part, and some parts are quite dreary (Megatron's chapters stretch on forever). It does have possibly the best part in either game, which is Grimlock's chapter, but it's so short compared to the rest of them. The one thing that puts War above Fall in my opinion is the coop campaign; I played the entirety of War with two friends, and I don't think I need to say how much better that makes it. This is obviously less important if you don't have anyone to play either game with, and in that case Fall probably wins, but not by a huge margin.

tl;dr All three games are amazing and should be experienced.


I will not budge on the notion that Fall is better than War. It's superior in every way, even to the point that Cliff Bleszinski was impressed by what it managed to do with the Unreal Engine at the time. War is a bog-standard third person shooter most of the time, and never does much of interest with the transformation mechanic. You mention memorable bosses but I honestly can't remember what the bosses were with the exception of Trypticon, and that's only because Trypticon is one of my favorite TFs of all time. I think the Decepticon campaign ends with a fight against Omega Supreme, but I couldn't tell you what the fight is like. (It's also absurdly difficult to get it to run properly at 60fps on PC, but that's another matter.) I can tell you every major fight in Fall to this day, though, and I haven't played it in years.

Devastation's combat system doesn't save it from being pretty boring in almost every other respect. I've seen the in-depth videos and that's cool and all, but the vast majority of players who don't want to play through it over and over are just going to see some decent cel-shading and some incredibly repetitive areas with a story that's about on par with a pretty good episode of the G1 cartoon. Yeah, I know that's how Platinum rolls but that doesn't mean I have to give the game's many shortcomings a pass. Any G1 fan should certainly play it, but the Platinum fanboys have inflated Devastation's reputation to an absurd degree.


Devastation's short comings didn't hinder my enjoyment in any way. Considering it's only 20 bucks now, there isn't much to complain about.

Looks like Xbox Store has a combo deal where you can get both Cybertron games for 40 bucks total, and dlc stuff. Seems like I good deal but still more than the used disc games at 15 bucks each.


edit: Hmmm. I didn't know Fall of Cybertron was on Xbox One and PS4. Wonder if it looks better.


I think Devastation is the best TF game I played. I had fun with War when it first came out ut when I later tried Fall I found it boring.

The X1/PS4 versions do look better. They're basically the PC versions.

Still short a few things to really be considered the PC versions. Still, they'll more than do the job.

Beth Cyra

I think Devastation is the best TF game I played. I had fun with War when it first came out ut when I later tried Fall I found it boring.

Still short a few things to really be considered the PC versions. Still, they'll more than do the job.
This is largely me.

Plus personall I found Falls' designs to be awful and the lack of co op hurt it in my eyes.
I will not budge on the notion that Fall is better than War. It's superior in every way, even to the point that Cliff Bleszinski was impressed by what it managed to do with the Unreal Engine at the time. War is a bog-standard third person shooter most of the time, and never does much of interest with the transformation mechanic.You mention memorable bosses but I honestly can't remember what the bosses were with the exception of Trypticon, and that's only because Trypticon is one of my favorite TFs of all time. I think the Decepticon campaign ends with a fight against Omega Supreme, but I couldn't tell you what the fight is like. (It's also absurdly difficult to get it to run properly at 60fps on PC, but that's another matter.) I can tell you every major fight in Fall to this day, though, and I haven't played it in years.

I'm quite the opposite; I literally can't remember any boss in Fall beyond Megatron. Well, you yourself remember Trypticon and Omega Supreme which are precisely the two end of campaign bosses I mentioned. Fall has nothing of the sort, and while the final mission is pretty cool in how it mixes a lot of gameplay styles, the final boss himself is utterly disappointing.

Devastation's combat system doesn't save it from being pretty boring in almost every other respect.

For me gameplay comes first, second, and third, so excellent gameplay and boredom are conceptually incompatible.

I've seen the in-depth videos and that's cool and all, but the vast majority of players who don't want to play through it over and over are just going to see some decent cel-shading and some incredibly repetitive areas with a story that's about on par with a pretty good episode of the G1 cartoon.

Eh? Why should I care what "the vast majority of players" see?

Yeah, I know that's how Platinum rolls but that doesn't mean I have to give the game's many shortcomings a pass. Any G1 fan should certainly play it, but the Platinum fanboys have inflated Devastation's reputation to an absurd degree.

No, it's simply that good of a game. You think that having a combat system that stands alongside, if not surpasses, the likes of Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising is not extraordinary, let alone for a toy licensed game with this budget? It's nothing short of a miracle; if anything Devastation is tragically underrated. And you can't pin that on "Platinum fanboyism" when I will readily admit that Korra and TMNT are infinitely worse products.

Look, anyone can like whatever they want, but let's avoid arguments like "other people won't see its gameplay depth" or the inevitable and trite "fanboyism".


I enjoyed Devastation until it started feeling repetitive, but as a TF fan, I loved War and Fall. I even spent quite a lot of time in multiplayer, but sadly I had the PC version, so it got empty very quickly.


I enjoyed Devastation until it started feeling repetitive, but as a TF fan, I loved War and Fall. I even spent quite a lot of time in multiplayer, but sadly I had the PC version, so it got empty very quickly.

Devastation is luckily a short game so the repetitiveness isn't as bad as some other games :X


I loved Devastation as a gamer and as a TF fan. War and Fall I enjoyed as a TF fan, but not so much as a gamer. They were objectively excellent, and I especially loved the flight based vehicle sections in War; I just didn't care for the TPS combat so much. I didn't find any reason to go back and play again. Devastation is just such a joy - it feels more like I imagine Transformer fighting should feel. I never get tried of playing that game, and the boss battles are some of my most favourite memories in all of gaming.


I'm quite the opposite; I literally can't remember any boss in Fall beyond Megatron. Well, you yourself remember Trypticon and Omega Supreme which are precisely the two end of campaign bosses I mentioned. Fall has nothing of the sort, and while the final mission is pretty cool in how it mixes a lot of gameplay styles, the final boss himself is utterly disappointing.

Fall's final level with the huge battle between the Ark and the Nemesis is far more impressive than anything in War.

For me gameplay comes first, second, and third, so excellent gameplay and boredom are conceptually incompatible.

I simply wouldn't call Devastation's gameplay excellent. Its mechanics, yes, but like all Platinum games, it's a game where you have to make your own fun to some degree, which is going to make it something that not everyone appreciates.

Eh? Why should I care what "the vast majority of players" see?

Because in this instance the game came up in the context of recommendations to someone else.

No, it's simply that good of a game. You think that having a combat system that stands alongside, if not surpasses, the likes of Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising is not extraordinary, let alone for a toy licensed game with this budget? It's nothing short of a miracle; if anything Devastation is tragically underrated. And you can't pin that on "Platinum fanboyism" when I will readily admit that Korra and TMNT are infinitely worse products.

Look, anyone can like whatever they want, but let's avoid arguments like "other people won't see its gameplay depth" or the inevitable and trite "fanboyism".

No. When it comes to this game I see no other explanation for the hyperbole that surrounds it, particularly on this forum. If someone is willing to dig into it and find that depth, great, but it's only there if you go looking for it, and most people aren't willing to do that, so it should be taken into account when recommendations are in play. Platinum games only sell to a moderate number of people specifically because of this. The point that it's cheap now is well-taken, but, like Dark Souls, one must keep in mind that the "repetitive but deep" aspect of Platinum's games tends to be an acquired taste. And no, I don't think it's miraculous in the slightest that the thing Platinum is known for is a part of a game they made. I see no reason to hold the rest of the product to a lower standard than normal just because it's licensed. It's a repetitive, short, fairly uninspired game that has a really complex combat system if you want to dig into it, yet gives you no gameplay-driven reason to dig into it beyond "because it's there." I don't find that particularly compelling.

I loved Devastation as a gamer and as a TF fan. War and Fall I enjoyed as a TF fan, but not so much as a gamer. They were objectively excellent, and I especially loved the flight based vehicle sections in War; I just didn't care for the TPS combat so much. I didn't find any reason to go back and play again. Devastation is just such a joy - it feels more like I imagine Transformer fighting should feel. I never get tried of playing that game, and the boss battles are some of my most favourite memories in all of gaming.

See this is the kind of thing that mystifies me about the way people talk about this game. To me Devastation doesn't feel a thing like what Transformer fighting should feel like. At no point in my entire life have I imagined Transformer fighting as being a bunch of nonsensical air combo juggling and alt mode mid-air ramming. It's super-gamey, and not at all believable combat for giant robots who have always been about ranged combat the majority of the time. And that's fine, because that's what Platinum is going for, but the combat style feels grafted on to the license more than growing out of it in the case of every character in the game besides Grimlock. The Cybertron games, while not nearly as complex from a gameplay perspective, feel more like Transformer-style combat, for better or worse.

As for the boss battles being favorite moments in the medium, well...I just can't get in your shoes on that one. They sure look cool, but there's just not much to them beyond trying to win without breaking combo or getting hit (something I did my first try against Devastator) and getting the max rating, which I just don't care much about.

Frankly, I apologize for the Devastation derail. For the most part I try to avoid talking about it on GAF because I recognize that I am part of a vanishing minority who finds it merely okay overall. I certainly wouldn't discourage anyone from playing it, but I have accepted that I will never understand why some people think it's this towering achievement in gaming.


Separate post for what I opened the thread to say initially:

I have heard from reliable people today that, due to financial issues Porsche is going through, a minor miracle has occurred and MP-40 may turn out to be Jazz. Grain of salt and all, but in the past they've been on the money every time.
I think a recurrent point in your post is that you "don't understand" why people consider it such a great game, and that's OK. Some people simply only care about gameplay, and I'm one of them (although I haven't always been). Others need the whole package. Think of it as a weighted mean where the first group's weights for gameplay, visuals, variety and length are 0.8, 0.05, 0.05 and 0.05, while the second group has them at 0.25, 0.25, 0.25 and 0.25 (of course this is a simplification and everyone has their own subconscious weights). The crucial part here is that there is no right or wrong way to assign those weights (even if we may be tempted to call someone who assigns a disproportionately high weight to visuals "shallow"), it's all up to personal taste and preference.

Devastation for me is like Tetris is to others. I can pick it up and play a challenge, and it's exciting and challenging and fun every time. At some point the environment fades into, well, the background, and it's just me and the enemies in a room. This is not dissimilar to why I loved the Arkham series' challenges so much. The fact that the game offers so many fights in this mode that aren't in the main game (like fighting the Autobots, or dual bosses) further extends its life to ridiculous amounts.

I also wanted to comment that I'm confused about two of your arguments that seem to contradict: you say that "most players won't be able to see its depth", yet you also admit that you are "in a vanishing minority in not loving the game". I think this, if nothing else, should tell you that your assessment of what other people may or may not see in the game is flawed.


Separate post for what I opened the thread to say initially:

I have heard from reliable people today that, due to financial issues Porsche is going through, a minor miracle has occurred and MP-40 may turn out to be Jazz. Grain of salt and all, but in the past they've been on the money every time.

Sweet! Hope TT do a good job with the figure.

Re Devastation, there's only one thing you said that I think is inaccurate: the depth to the combat is absolutely necessary on higher difficulties. Platinum made the game accessible and simple to beat on lower difficulties, but if you just spam vehicle attacks, you'll get murdered in seconds. And I'm not talking about combo-video type strings; I don't bother with those either. I'm talking the fundamental mechanics like reversals, headshots, interrupts...You have to use every tool the game gives you, and do it with incredible timing.

Not everyone's going to enjoy the game, and many TF fans will prefer War/Fall; buy it's not accurate to treat Devastation's combat like its depth has no gameplay relevance.
I also wanted to comment that I'm confused about two of your arguments that seem to contradict: you say that "most players won't be able to see its depth", yet you also admit that you are "in a vanishing minority in not loving the game". I think this, if nothing else, should tell you that your assessment of what other people may or may not see in the game is flawed.
I understood the latter statement to mean of the people on NeoGAF. The people that didn't love the game have moved on and aren't really talking about it anymore, but the people that love it are singing its praises every chance they get because they view it as an underrated gem, they're rooting for what they perceive is the underdog.


Same source says Takara has Arcee and Blurr in the pipeline for this year. 2017 could have one hell of a back half for MPs.

I also wanted to comment that I'm confused about two of your arguments that seem to contradict: you say that "most players won't be able to see its depth", yet you also admit that you are "in a vanishing minority in not loving the game". I think this, if nothing else, should tell you that your assessment of what other people may or may not see in the game is flawed.

Yeah I worded that badly. I mean I'm in a minority on GAF. I don't think I'm in a minority in the general gaming audience. Although I do agree with your earlier sentiments in a way, in that I think a lot of people dismiss Devastation without giving it a fair shake just because it's a licensed game. And yeah, the rest of your post is legit. It's just that every once in a while one of those games comes along where I play it and go "Yeah, that was pretty cool" and then I look at GAF and everyone is orgasming uncontrollably on the floor and I'm like "Wait what?" Like I said, I just try not to get into it too much.
Yeah I worded that badly. I mean I'm in a minority on GAF. I don't think I'm in a minority in the general gaming audience.

I'm still confused since your original point about most players not liking it was because we were recommending it precisely to a GAFer:
Because in this instance the game came up in the context of recommendations to someone else.
In any case, my point is that it's very unfair to criticise something as "people won't enjoy it", especially when one simply doesn't know. It's unfair to the game, and also unfair to people. It just seems to me like projecting and extrapolating one's own opinion into a faceless, theorethical mass of people to lend it legitimacy, without any real basis. Sorry if this all sounds overtly critical, it's just that many people seem to be doing it as of late and it irks me.

Also I think the difference between "GAFers" and "the rest of gamers" has been greatly exaggerated, again not just by you but in general. The observable truth is that many GAFers never gave the game a chance (assuming another Korra), yet a great many of those who did, loved it. If there is any legitimate source we may extrapolate from, it's that.

Although I do agree with your earlier sentiments in a way, in that I think a lot of people dismiss Devastation without giving it a fair shake just because it's a licensed game. And yeah, the rest of your post is legit. It's just that every once in a while one of those games comes along where I play it and go "Yeah, that was pretty cool" and then I look at GAF and everyone is orgasming uncontrollably on the floor and I'm like "Wait what?" Like I said, I just try not to get into it too much.

About getting into "it" (by which I mean the game), have you played challenges on the higher difficulties, especiall Prime? It's 75% of the game's appeal, to me. This may be as good a time as any other to post these yet again (*audience groans*).


That's what I'm talking about! That's how I play too - that's not flashy high level combo peacocking, that's environmental awareness, countering counters, using iframes, and understanding boss patterns. If anyone thinks those videos look like fun, they'll love the game. Anyone who doesn't will totally hate it.


I'm still confused since your original point about most players not liking it was because we were recommending it precisely to a GAFer:
In any case, my point is that it's very unfair to criticise something as "people won't enjoy it", especially when one simply doesn't know. It's unfair to the game, and also unfair to people. It just seems to me like projecting and extrapolating one's own opinion into a faceless, theorethical mass of people to lend it legitimacy, without any real basis. Sorry if this all sounds overtly critical, it's just that many people seem to be doing it as of late and it irks me.

I just don't agree. Most people don't like that kind of thing, or else Platinum's games would sell better. Granted I am saying such things based on sales numbers through the years compounded with anecdata from my discussions of the game with many people, both on and off GAF, both online and in real life, but my view on it remains the same. I generally agree with your point about assuming what "most people" think, but I'm not assuming so much as reporting in this case. I'm not trying to change your mind about liking the game, but I am pointing out that it's a niche appeal game, and not just because it's Transformers.

Also I think the difference between "GAFers" and "the rest of gamers" has been greatly exaggerated, again not just by you but in general. The observable truth is that many GAFers never gave the game a chance (assuming another Korra), yet a great many of those who did, loved it. If there is any legitimate source we may extrapolate from, it's that.

Again, I just don't agree. I have a lot of contact with gamers of many stripes, as well as TF fans of many stripes, and the overall opinion on Devastation is much lower than GAF's tends to be. GAF is a concentration of enthusiasts and Platinum fans, so that's not surprising. To someone who isn't as well versed in character action games (which, let's face it, is most gamers, judging by sales numbers), it may well not be what they expect or what they want. That has certainly been the case with many TF fans who are also casual gamers who only picked it up because of the license, and bounced off the repetition combined with the somewhat random interpretation of how the characters fight in Devastation versus how they've normally been depicted as fighting.

About getting into "it" (by which I mean the game), have you played challenges on the higher difficulties, especiall Prime? It's 75% of the game's appeal, to me. This may be as good a time as any other to post these yet again (*audience groans*).

I have to some degree, I just don't really care. Repeating the same content over and over for the sake of incremental increases in rating or loot drops is not interesting to me. I played through it twice on two difficulties, I played some of the challenges, and that was all I really needed. It doesn't particularly engage me and really if I'm going to throw myself into a Platinum combat system it's probably going to be Bayonetta, not Transformers, because Bayonetta has a lot more going on in terms of campaign variety and visuals.

Again, I didn't dislike what I played, I just find the notion that it's one of the best games of all time to be patently absurd. In the same way you dislike the "most people" thing, I dislike the endless hyperbole applied to games people like. Not everything has to be the best thing ever. I think Devastation is good, not great. It's just that on this forum that seems to be a controversial statement.
Been wanting to get back into Transformers. I've been out of the universe since around Beast Wars and wondering whats best for jumping back in. I've picked up a few Humble Bundles which came with: Devastation, Robots in Disguise, More than Meets the Eye and a bunch of other stuff. I also have a few series I can access too: Transformers Prime, and Transformers Cyberton. I know Cyberton is part of "series" with Armada and Energon, but it's so hard to get a read on whats worth checking out. I know there are things like Rescue Bots but that kind of animation / look just doesn't do it for me.


Post Beast Wars the best TF animations were Transformers Animated and Transformers Prime. Since you only have Prime go with that. Don't bother with Cybertron, it's terrible.

Regarding comics, the problem with the Humble Bundle is that it's missing part of the mainline series such as All Hail Megatron and The Transformers. And while it's not necessary it's also missing Last Stand of the Wreckers which is a fan favorite and has some important details for MTMTE and RID. The other missing collection is Maximum Dinobots which clears a few things pre and post All Hail Megatron. I'm sure Tizoc will come and clear some things regarding the comics.
Damn, not sure why I went with Cyberton. Could have sworn I read a bunch saying it was the best of the three (Armada, Energon, Cyberton). Armada's animation looks good but I feel like I recall it being terrible story wise.

As for the comics I have a lot more than I remember in my Humble Bundle:
Transformers vs GI Joe vol 1-3
Transformers vol 7-9
Combiner Wars
Distant Stars
More than Meets the Eye
Robots in Disguise
All Hail Megatron vol 1-4
Classics 1-4
Fall of Cybertron
Rage of Dinobots
For all Mankind vol 1


Damn, not sure why I went with Cyberton. Could have sworn I read a bunch saying it was the best of the three (Armada, Energon, Cyberton). Armada's animation looks good but I feel like I recall it being terrible story wise.

As for the comics I have a lot more than I remember in my Humble Bundle:
Transformers vs GI Joe vol 1-3
Transformers vol 7-9
Combiner Wars
Distant Stars
More than Meets the Eye
Robots in Disguise
All Hail Megatron vol 1-4
Classics 1-4
Fall of Cybertron
Rage of Dinobots
For all Mankind vol 1
Here is a handy reading order
3A Transformers Generation One
Optimus Prime Classic Edition
Premium Scale Collectible Series

January 17, 2017


Been wanting to get back into Transformers. I've been out of the universe since around Beast Wars and wondering whats best for jumping back in. I've picked up a few Humble Bundles which came with: Devastation, Robots in Disguise, More than Meets the Eye and a bunch of other stuff. I also have a few series I can access too: Transformers Prime, and Transformers Cyberton. I know Cyberton is part of "series" with Armada and Energon, but it's so hard to get a read on whats worth checking out. I know there are things like Rescue Bots but that kind of animation / look just doesn't do it for me.

The Cybertron cartoon is fun enough, and at least coherent.

Don't worry too much about continuity with Armada and Energon - in Japan, it's not actually a sequel, just a standalone series, and therefore there really isn't any continuity to speak of other than happening to use a series of similar characters. The US version tries to put in a few references in the dub to the events of Armada and Energon, but none of them are important to the plot.

That said, I'd rather watched the subbed Japanese version for what it's worth.

I find it much more fun than Prime tbh. Prime is deathly dull and serious all the time.


I'm not a huge fan of the Optimal Optimus design but Perfect Effect's Beast Gorira is making that shit work right here. I doubt I'll buy it but that is a beautiful realization of the design.



Just got MP Tracks, Ironhide and Hot Rod

Really like Hot Rod and Ironhide, great and fun transformations

Tracks is a bit meh, his back pack and feet arent that good


Tracks is definitely one of their weaker efforts post-MP10. I was very disappointed in how hollow and unstable his torso is. Nice Corvette mode, though.


I'm at the penultimate volume of Transformers MTMTE and I don't want it to end.

The two issue arc about the Scavengers was great. I wish they'd shown up more.

EDIT: And that's volume 10. It seems there's two more issues so I'm not sure what's going on there.

Just, dang. I never thought I could get this attached to a bunch of robot toys, and I'll freely admit to constantly forgetting a lot of names and faces because they all look the bloody same half the time, but this is one of the best comics I've ever read.
Welcome to the MTMTE club, drop by Swerve's for free drinks*.
(*drinks may not be free)

EDIT: And that's volume 10. It seems there's two more issues so I'm not sure what's going on there.

There's actually three more issues of MTMTE after volume 10, two issues (56-57) that are the end of the Titans Return event (focusing on
Fort Max and the crew on Luna 2 and the bots that were turned into toys, continuing straight after the Scavengers meeting Fort Max
), and a single issue on the Revolution crossover event focused on the Scavengers themselves which is a savage and hilarious jab at marketing crossovers. So since you like the Scavengers you're in luck.

Then the Lost Light guys' adventures, starting on the
planet, are continued in Lost Light, the new ongoing.


How does one go about collecting MTMTE toys? The only one that seems readily available right now is Chromedome.

Ideally I'd like to get Tailgate, Cyclonus and Whirl, but I don't know if that's gonna happen.


You just have to keep an eye on the toyline for when they mix MTMTE characters into things. The current series, Titans Return, has a Chromedome, Rewind and Ravage out now, with a MTMTE-inspired Megatron coming soon, and a rumored Nautica.

Depending on where you look, you might still be able to find figures from the last series, Combiner Wars, without too much effort- Cyclonus was in that series, and since he was just a repaint of Silverbolt, he was pretty widely ignored, so he'll probably be easier to find than, say, Sky-Linx or Silverbolt.

A lot of IDW inspired characters came out of the Thrilling 30 era of the Generations line, which has mostly moved out of the stores and is now in the realm of online shopping- where the prices can vary. I picked up Whirl for below retail pretty recently, but have never seen Tailgate or Skids at a price I'd be willing to pull the trigger on.


How does one go about collecting MTMTE toys? The only one that seems readily available right now is Chromedome.

Ideally I'd like to get Tailgate, Cyclonus and Whirl, but I don't know if that's gonna happen.

Tough. There are two modern official Cyclonus toys, the deluxe Generations figure and the voyager Combiner Wars figure. Unfortunately neither looks like his MTMTE interpretations, though the Generations toy is closer.
Whirl has a voyager class generation toy, but it's even further away from the MTMTE design than Cyclonus and is super inspired by the G1 toy.
Tailgate has a legends class Generations figure that's pretty close to his MTMTE design with a few differences, especially alt mode.

If you're willing to go third party, Make Toys made an amazing looking Tailgate, the Manga Mech Series MM-02 Rearend. It even includes upgrade parts for the Generations Cyclonus figure to make it look closer to the MTMTE design.

For Cyclonus himself, not much. Mastermind Creations are making a not-Cyclonus toy but it feels off.

As for Whirl MMC are also making a figure of him, but because he shares his mold with not-Obsidian he also feels off.
Amazon often has older transformers at pretty nice prices:


However you should also check eBay, especially for older stuff:


These are the cheapest I could find all three you mentioned. Since the CW Cyclonus was released semi-recently it's the cheapest one to get; the Generations one will probably fetch a higher price even though it's smaller.


Oh man, that third party Tailgate is amazing. He looks just like the comic character.

Tailgate's my favourite MTMTE character so if I get any at all, it'll definitely be a figure of him.

That Whirl is pretty great too, even if it's not 100% comic accurate. Really uninterested in those Cyclonuses though, which is a shame because I wanted him and Tailgate to hold hands on my shelf.


Honestly Generations Cyclonus is a really great figure. If you can find the Takara version for a decent price (because of the shade of purple) and slap those third party pieces on him he looks quite good as a representation of the MTMTE version of the character.
Voting is open now!
It's funny how their bios reference elements from both the current IDW comics state of affairs and classic characterizations, resulting in some fascinating ambiguity for those that are now completely different like Arcee, Megatron or Star Saber. :D. I personally voted for Arcee because I want to see a fembot rule (disappointed that Windblade isn't an option).


Put in an order for the MAS-01 Optimus. At 1:18 he fits scale with GI Joes, so now I need to get the best looking Snake-Eyes to put on his shoulder, lol
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