Definitely looks better than the AoE offering but still kinda looks like butt. I don't expect to buy any movie toys anymore. They peaked with the phenomenal RotF line and that's never coming back.
I think Roberts was making fun of the whole major crossover thing. Like that one Marvel one shot that made fun of its constant annual renumbering and relaunching of its comics.
Also, contrary to what you're seeing, I am unable to create new threads for a certain amount of time, so I'd really appreciate it if one of you fine folks could make a thread for this
The Guardian interviews James Roberts, author of hit Transformers comic
Some choice quotes
*It's very likely more Bayformer movies are coming, so just read that as latest instead
VAT gets deducted, so it's actually 15,685Y instead of 16,940Y. Amazon Japan packaging is not that very good for toys. Amazon shrinkwraps the item onto a piece of cardboard like HLJ, but unlike HLJ the shipping box is flimsy. I bought Legends Blurr from Amazon Japan and the shipping box was all banged up, but luckily the item was undamaged. I'm praying my Super Ginrai will arrive unharmed.Hey All, just a quick heads up if you have been thinking about picking up MP36 (Megatron 2.0). Amazon Japan currently has it for 16,940Y, which roughly translates to around $147.00USD. They do offer global express shipping for around 4000Y ($35USD), which would bring this item to around $182USD. This puts him at the cheapest prices that I have seen on the net (I believe BBTS has it for $229, and I am not sure about Ami Ami).
Finally, it continues in a couple of days!
Wonder why Hot Rod has a drastic color change. Like, I'd understand if they made him more movie-like but this is something else.
Finally, it continues in a couple of days!
Wonder why Hot Rod has a drastic color change. Like, I'd understand if they made him more movie-like but this is something else.
It's similar to the Black Rodimus E-Hobby repaint of the Masterpiece toy. Although that was meant to be a Decepticon version of him, they certainly seem to be drawing inspiration from it for his new look.
Such a waste. That series could have been something special in the hands of almost anyone but Michael Bay and the assorted hacks they've been letting write the incompetent drivel that is the sequels.
Such a waste. That series could have been something special in the hands of almost anyone but Michael Bay and the assorted hacks they've been letting write the incompetent drivel that is the sequels.
I see comments like this all the time over the years and I just don't understand this sentiment. Could the movies be better? Sure. However, I have a lot of doubt that anyone else could've made them as successful as Bay did. The last two movies did a billion dollars each. Think of how absurd that is for the intellectual property of an above average childen's cartoon aimed at selling toys to kids from the 80's.
Thanks to the popularity and success of the movies, we have seen a resurgence in Transformers with new comics, television shows, toys, etc etc. If the cost of having all this awesome Transformers stuff is that Bay makes middling movies with great special FX and eye candy then that's a trade I'll gladly take. Look at other 80's toy franchises that don't have shit going for them.
Sorry, I can't follow that reasoning at all when we've had toys, shows and comics regularly for years before the Bay movies existed. The 90's were a bad time for Transformers but ever since the turn of the millennium we've had a nearly constant supply of all three of them, with both Hasbro and Takara fully on board. And in any case the movies have their own comics and toylines entirely separate from (and consirerably less successful than) the G1 revivals (which, again, predate them) and the Aligned continuity.
The movies are legitimately better than G1, IMO. That they coexist with IDW and directly lead to better toys across the board is only a bonus.
I see comments like this all the time over the years and I just don't understand this sentiment. Could the movies be better? Sure. However, I have a lot of doubt that anyone else could've made them as successful as Bay did. The last two movies did a billion dollars each. Think of how absurd that is for the intellectual property of an above average childen's cartoon aimed at selling toys to kids from the 80's.
Thanks to the popularity and success of the movies, we have seen a resurgence in Transformers with new comics, television shows, toys, etc etc. If the cost of having all this awesome Transformers stuff is that Bay makes middling movies with great special FX and eye candy then that's a trade I'll gladly take. Look at other 80's toy franchises that don't have shit going for them.
The movies are legitimately better than G1, IMO. That they coexist with IDW and directly lead to better toys across the board is only a bonus.
It's not exactly aiming low either, since every conversation about every single thing in this franchise is dominated by nostalgia trips for the G1 cartoon.
But the movies are better than RiD, Armada, Energon, Cybertron, Prime, and the Dreamwave comics too. IDW and Animated are the exceptions, far from the rule.
It's not exactly aiming low either, since every conversation about every single thing in this franchise is dominated by nostalgia trips for the G1 cartoon.
I didn't say we didn't get stuff before the movie. The 90's had Beast Wars/Machines and that's it. After 2000 we had what, the Unicorn trilogy anime? That was trash quality and didn't do that well.
Think what you want, but we're getting so many amazing Transformers series and merchandise today because of the success of the Bay movies.
"Middling" is far too kind for the dogshit the sequels are. Everything you say here could just as easily apply to movies that aren't written by idiots. The success of the films have benefited the overall brand tremendously, yes, but Michael Bay is not required to have a successful tentpole film.
They don't have to be like this, which was my original point in the first place. The Marvel movies are gigantic hits with mass appeal that don't make me feel like I need to shower to get the statutory rape jokes off me after I get home from the theater.
G1 is borderline unwatchable nonsense, so way to aim high with the $200 million productions there.
The point is well taken that the Bay films and the G1 cartoon probably have about equal amounts of sexism and racism, though.
The franchise was considered dead until Beast Wars came along and proved that it wasn't and that it could be great, until Hasbro killed that off with Beast Machines.
When Hasbro finally allowed Transformers comics to be licensed again, Dreamwave was dogshit, but they utterly dominated the comic book sales charts for a couple of years. Picking up the torch and brushing the stink off of it, IDW has settled in with a steady run of successful, quality books. There's no question that it would've been preferable to have IDW in charge from the beginning instead of Dreamwave. None of that owes it's existence to the Michael Bay movies.
After several sub-par anime tried to carry the franchise on American TV, Hasbro let the Cartoon Network take a whack at it, and Transformers Animated was great.
Hasbro canned Transformers Animated because they wanted to bring the production in-house and to their own fledgeling network, and they brought in Kurtzman & Orci from the movies, a move which does owe it's existence to the Michael Bay movies, but Transformers Prime was awesome, even though Kurtzman & Orci are talentless hacks.
And then Hasbro fucked that up too and were forced to try and reboot as Transformers RID, which basically sucks.
80's nostalgia value is at an all-time high, so it's ridiculous to think that the franchise owes it's life to Hasbro's fuck-ups and Michael Bay's cinematic atrocities.
If the movie franchise was just Spielberg, Kurtzman & Orci, it wouldn't be great (Jurassic World at best, Amazing Spiderman at worst), but it would be a damn sight better than the horrible shitshow it currently is under Michael Bay, and it would likely still be earning billions of dollars. It's a horrible missed opportunity that someone good hasn't had a chance to make these movies. For the usual example, just look at Guillermo del Toro and Pacific Rim. Now imagine if they had attached the Transformers brand to something like that.
The franchise was considered dead until Beast Wars came along and proved that it wasn't and that it could be great, until Hasbro killed that off with Beast Machines.
When Hasbro finally allowed Transformers comics to be licensed again, Dreamwave was dogshit, but they utterly dominated the comic book sales charts for a couple of years. Picking up the torch and brushing the stink off of it, IDW has settled in with a steady run of successful, quality books. There's no question that it would've been preferable to have IDW in charge from the beginning instead of Dreamwave. None of that owes it's existence to the Michael Bay movies.
After several sub-par anime tried to carry the franchise on American TV, Hasbro let the Cartoon Network take a whack at it, and Transformers Animated was great.
Hasbro canned Transformers Animated because they wanted to bring the production in-house and to their own fledgeling network, and they brought in Kurtzman & Orci from the movies, a move which does owe it's existence to the Michael Bay movies, but Transformers Prime was awesome, even though Kurtzman & Orci are talentless hacks.
And then Hasbro fucked that up too and were forced to try and reboot as Transformers RID, which basically sucks.
80's nostalgia value is at an all-time high, so it's ridiculous to think that the franchise owes it's life to Hasbro's fuck-ups and Michael Bay's cinematic atrocities.
If the movie franchise was just Spielberg, Kurtzman & Orci, it wouldn't be great (Jurassic World at best, Amazing Spiderman at worst), but it would be a damn sight better than the horrible shitshow it currently is under Michael Bay, and it would likely still be earning billions of dollars. It's a horrible missed opportunity that someone good hasn't had a chance to make these movies. For the usual example, just look at Guillermo del Toro and Pacific Rim. Now imagine if they had attached the Transformers brand to something like that.
For the record, I love Pacific Rim, but acting like it's so far above the Transformers movies (aside from RotF, the worst one in the series) is funny.
Not to mention that movie was barely successful enough to warrant a sequel.
Well put.
Then you will have a laugh reading the opinion of pretty much any serious movie critic you may care to mention, because Bay movies are rightfully panned left and right. But go on, tell us that movie critics have no idea of movie quality.
And as we all know, success = quality. Look, it's fine if you like the trash Bay makes, just don't try to pin the entire franchise's existence on their success when it's already proven to you how that doesn't even make temporal sense.
I don't particularly care for the Bay movies, I watch them because they are entertaining summer blockbuster movies. But you absolutely have your head in the sand into how healthy the Transformers franchise has been since 2007. You're seriously disputing the fact that if the movies weren't as successful as they were, the franchise would be in as good of a position as it is now? Because you nor anyone else has proven shit other than the fact that Beast Wars was moderately successful and then we got a shitty trilogy of Transformers anime and one comic book that started off strong. Oh, and the PS2 Transformers Armada game. That wasn't too bad. Compare that to everything that has happened since the success of the first Bayformers movies and the things they are doing with the property because the movies and sales of toys from those movies make Hasbro fucking rich. You can hate Bay all you want but he made the franchise relevant again. We live in the world as it is, not how we wish it to be.
I agree with Hero in that the franchise got a boost from the bay movies. While Transformers wasn't doing as bad as other stuff from its period it certainly wasn't in a strong position.
Anyway, lost light is out guys!
Pacific Rim had giant robots beating the shit out of giant monsters.
This was my jam as a kid thanks to Grendizer and Mazinger Z, and that movie delivered on that aspect.
wHILE I would've preferred the non Kaiju fight scenes to be faster, they were OK for the most part and the fights were satisfying to me.
I don't live in the US so I don't even know what Ross is, but for you lucky 'muricans:
Titans Return Fortress Maximus Found at Ross for $54.99
I'm done with this conversation. You won't listen to arguments and are annoyingly rude to boot.
That was nearly my exact reaction when looking at those images.Looking at the MP Megatron 2.0 transformation, I can't understand what wizardry is going on.
Looking at the MP Megatron 2.0 transformation, I can't understand what wizardry is going on.
That was nearly my exact reaction when looking at those images.
Seriously, what sorcery is this?
That seems impossible. What the hell?!
Hey Transformers Gaf. I was going through my old comics and remembered I had some Transformers database books by Dream Weave.
I went through them, and there's a ton of Transformers I've never even heard of. Not an expert, but it got me wondering do they make collectibles like figures for all transformers or just the more popular ones?
I think you got that backwards; they make comics about the figures, not the other way around. It's the figures they want to sell to you.
That said, there are sometimes comic-exclusive characters, and even more rarely (typically if a particular character becomes a runaway success with the fans), they sometimes get figures. By and large these tend to be recolors or slight remolds of existing figures, though (I'm struggling to think of any examples of entirely original figures for comic-only characters. I guess Primus qualifies?). For actual, dedicated figures of comic-only characters, one's best bet is usually third party companies.
Animation seems to be in a different situation, in the sense that there rarely are animation-only characters, and they do tend to get figures eventually (even if it takes years, like with Unicron and Arcee).
However, now I'm curious about what characters you mean. The IDW comics have a tendency to use very obscure characters that nevertheless did have a G1 figure (it's basically MTMTE's shtick in fact).
By and large these tend to be recolors or slight remolds of existing figures, though (I'm struggling to think of any examples of entirely original figures for comic-only characters. I guess Primus qualifies?). For actual, dedicated figures of comic-only characters, one's best bet is usually third party companies.