Knee highs are awesome. I've got loads 
Tonight I got the really strong urge to start wearing skirts :/
I can't wear one at home and I'm afraid to buy them anyway.
Tonight I got the really strong urge to start wearing skirts :/
I can't wear one at home and I'm afraid to buy them anyway.
I need to find skirts that work with knee-high striped socks of various colors. I have some that work well with the various tights/hose I have, but then I feel like I need Adult Woman shoes, and I wanna go skirt+sneakers.
Heeheehee~You want thigh highs? Go here:
I wear thigh high socks exclusively.They really are the best of socks.
Suppose I'll need to buy a skirt to go with it though ;~;
You were born this way.
I'm trying to find my other video lecture on this, give me a minute.
Here we go.
Anything that made you this way made you this way in the womb.
All my shorts are too long. You can't have negative zettai ryouiki!
All my shorts are too long. You can't have negative zettai ryouiki!I wear them with everything, but yes they do look best with mid to short length skirts or shorts (don't forget how adorable shorts and thigh highs can look!) Got to get that zettai ryouiki!
Girls can wear WHATEVER THEY WANT! It's like a whole new world I never realized was there!!I was the same. A side-effect of finally feeling like yourself, I bet.
I can't stop thinking about clothes. Is this a side effect of ladyhood?
Girls can wear WHATEVER THEY WANT! It's like a whole new world I never realized was there!!
Girls can wear WHATEVER THEY WANT! It's like a whole new world I never realized was there!!
And it's really hard to navigate! In guy mode I'm all jeans and t-shirts, and I wanna break away from that, but I just have no idea what works or what I like or anything. Too many options >_<
I'm going to wear thigh highs with a long skirt just to irritate you.All my shorts are too long. You can't have negative zettai ryouiki!
Ooh, it's in English too. *registers*Actually, a really fun/interesting site for exploring the world of female fashion is Poupee Girl ( You create an avatar, you can dress her up, but another portion of the site is actually posting up your real-life clothing and accessories for others to see. The site is a Japanese site, but there's a decent amount of English speakers on there as well. You can browse other people's closets, see what kinds of fashion they're into, comment on items, favorite them, and so on.
It isn't necessarily a "this goes with this" kind of thing, but it's a good way to get a look into people's tastes in fashion, and explore the various types of clothing out there without actually going to a store or wading through various online shops.
(Speaking of which, I need to get my closet updated on there.)
First thing is to find what flatters your shape and then go from there.
Aaaaand I'm out.Seriously, I have no idea what flatters my shape or how to figure out what does or even what "flatters my shape" really actually means. I have such terrible self-awareness.
And if you don't have any local female friends, then go on to Craigslist and post a want ad for women to go shopping with you who would help you learn about clothing and how to look cute. There's absolutely no way somebody wouldn't at least get a few responses to a post like that, no matter where you live. *laughs*
Is this a serious post?I can't stop thinking about clothes. Is this a side effect of ladyhood?
Is this a serious post?
Sometimes I feel an alien because 90% of my wardrobe are jeans and nerd/geek shirts =x
CHEEZMO;37941653 said:I mean, I only have 4 tshirts, 1 pair of shoes and 2 pairs of jeans (two pairs of the same :x).
Same, because I haven't bought any new clothes since high school.I wear the same clothes I've been wearing since highschool in boy mode, haha.
That's all I wear too. :xSometimes I feel an alien because 90% of my wardrobe are jeans and nerd/geek shirts =x
That is very little clothes.
I wear the same clothes I've been wearing since highschool in boy mode, haha.
Churchmouse said:So I paid my doctor a visit, kinda to explore ways in which I could find somebody to talk to about this in person, at the wise urgings of people I hold a great deal of respect for. This doctor was the family doctor, a man who had been involved with our health for at least 21 years at this point. Even so, I was nervous waiting in the room, just pondering there for about 7-10 minutes and gradually becoming apprehensive. Before the wait, a nurse asked me what I needed the doc for, probably to give him a vague idea of the tone of the appointment.
"Oh, um, eye stuff and... something else".
Not an auspicious start, one would guess. When he arrived, the first thing I talked about was the weird eye perspective thing that's happened a few times when I've been feeling stressed the past few weeks (usually the center of focus easing in or out, such that whatever I was looking at was tremendously distorted for several minutes). He figured that it was probably nothing serious, though recommended I get some bloodwork done nonetheless to be safe.
Using the subject of stress as a segue, I brought up one certain cause of a great deal of it: gender identity issues. That was the closest equivalent to technical terms I had made use of in the entire appointment, but it was enough for him to understood immediately what I was getting at. The tension basically evaporated after that point, he didn't direct a single note of disapproval or disdain in my direction. He simply wanted to help, and asked me questions in much the same manner as he asked any others on any other day.
"How long have you felt this way?"
(virtually my entire life, with my addressing it starting recently)
"Does it manifest in ways like crossdressing?"
(no, I specifically avoided that and anything overtly feminine in my past)
"Do your parents or friends know?"
I had originally asked for a referral to a psychiatrist, though per his suggestion I'm being referred to some city-funded services for now. The wait for a psych can apparently be months long, and my need for someone to talk to is definitely acute and pressing. Even were I completely concluded to change things tomorrow morning, my dependency on my family rules that out for what could be a year or longer anyway. Still, he made it explicitly clear that he considered the option of a psychiatrist still on the table if these other options didnt provide the needed assistance. He definitely sounded committed to helping in the most thorough way possible, a stark departure from my irrational fears of him being a religious zealot or a hardened social conservative.
He intuited correctly whilst poring over the bloodwork forms that I would want to keep this a secret, and I naturally agreed. I gave my private email address so that I could be passed along phone numbers and the like without revealing them to family. He motioned to hand me the form, but paused in mid-stride.
"What if your mother asks about the bloodwork?"
I responded by saying I'd tell her the eye thing, and he echoed that statement as if to say, "sounds good". I had eased into myself a fair amount in that little office, I could feel my gestures and posture becoming more animated and less self-concious. In that brief space of time I had carried myself much like I feel I ought carry myself, personable, shot through with colour, and unafraid. This man had been one of the doctors in the hospital room at the time of my birth, believe it or not, and he had put me so at ease that for about the entirety of those ten or so minutes, my self-taught suppressive reflexes slowed to a crawl and I unstiffened, shedding that robotic carapace that I've held myself in for most of my remembered life.
I was out the door soon after, form in hand. As I passed that threshold and caught sight of my mother waiting in the lobby, that stiffness settled in on me yet again. I was once again the robot, but the memory of that appointment still burned in my chest like an ember. A little spark of heat amid my cold and blankness. I mentioned my eyes to my mother, and she was thankfully not overly concerned. We walked over to the lab area to get the blood drawing done. I hardly felt the needle, and would discover later that I had forgotten a box of tissues in the office. My mind had been thoroughly elsewhere, no pain or thing seemed to weigh on it. And even as I slipped back into my longest running role, the method-acted boy, that heat continued to radiate. Wherever I went today, whatever I was doing, even if it was nothing at all... I've never been more enthused to be there. I've caught myself smiling for no reason at some time or another since then, wondered at its continual return even when stamped out for a moment.
And now, the feelings of sleep are becoming overpowering, my eyes are a little watery, so I think I'll leave off here and make time for some (brief) sleep. Bless you. I don't even know the last time I felt this good. For all my fears about being mistaken, misguided, or at the cusp of an event horizon, I can't deny what today did for me, nor what you and others like you have done and continue to do for me. Bless you. I love you all.
God, that brought back memories. Congratulations to your anonymous friend for making a big step. Also, they're a beautifully vivid writermy self-taught suppressive reflexes slowed to a crawl and I unstiffened, shedding that robotic carapace that I've held myself in for most of my remembered life.
And even as I slipped back into my longest running role, the method-acted boy, that heat continued to radiate.
For our anonymous friend once again:
really cool story, I'm happy for them.For our anonymous friend once again: