By the time such an operation would be possible, I would think transgender people would be far more widely accepted. Regardless, this is the same line of thinking as people who think homosexuality can be "cured." I'm sure you mean well, though.
I disagree. Someone having the brain and thought patterns of one side of the coin and feeling their body is incorrect is not the same as someone being at peace with their body and being attracted to the same sex.
For a trans person who is comfortable or at peace with their physical characteristics, all is well, but from reading the threads around this topic it seems many are not, but for financial or other reasons cannot take the necessary steps to help deal with the situation.
It's why it brought to my thoughts those people who suffer from a sense of body that is different from their physical form, that their brains don't recognize limbs or digits as "real". While not exactly the same, the mental pain both cause can be equally severe.
I'm certainly not advocating changing a person's personality, just extra things that one day might be done to help a person cope with their own unique circumstances.
When I made that post I was under no small amount of physical pain, so it had my sympathy for others ramped up a bit, and the two combined perhaps causing my thoughts to come out jumbled, and not fully thought through. Apologies, my aim was not to cause anyone discomfort.