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Transgaf: 'cause boys will be girls (and vice versa)

Actually you're being really condescending to mollipen by assuming that her dysphoria isn't nearly as bad as yours. How the hell do you even know? How do you know that she doesn't have to go through her life in pain because of it?

You're basically wanting to self harm and you're trying to come up with a justification for it. It doesn't work like that. If you think being blind would make you less dysphoric then you are factually wrong.

I'm not assuming anything. I'm just pointing out that all decisions come down to cost/benefit.

Or in this specific case: "does the benefit of sight exceed the cost of visual dysphoria triggers."

And as for your second point (in spoiler tags because I know this will upset some people.)
I don't view self-inflicted blindness to be fundamentally different from the surgical removal of reproductive organs, mastectomy, or any of the other invasive surgeries that Trans people elect to undergo to help reduce their dysphoria.


You are being VERY generous about "some people"...
If it helps your reproductive organs are not removed in either SRS
Also that last part pretty much confirms to me that you just came here to "troll" people so I will just go away before I do something stupid that will get me banned

But it is hilarious about this talk about the "decline in QoL" of being "visible trans" here while in the Vin Diesel thread people are being banned because 2 people joked that a cis woman pretty enough to Vin Diesel think it is a good idea to destroy his marriage harassing looks trans.
I'm not assuming anything. I'm just pointing out that all decisions come down to cost/benefit.

Or in this specific case: "does the benefit of sight exceed the cost of visual dysphoria triggers."

And as for your second point (in spoiler tags because I know this will upset some people.)
I don't view self-inflicted blindness to be fundamentally different from the surgical removal of reproductive organs, mastectomy, or any of the other invasive surgeries that Trans people elect to undergo to help reduce their dysphoria.

Have you ever talked to a blind person? A deaf person? A mute person? Do you even understand the consequences and ramifications of a disability on that level?

You error is to assume that the surgeries "fix" people by the act of surgery alone. Getting SRS doesn't fix people, lining up their bodies with their minds fixes people.

You're trying to justify something that has no justification. Inflicting a permanent disability instead of following the only known way to reduce dysphoria? It's like putting socks on because you're hungry.

Seek health and seek help.


I'm not assuming anything. I'm just pointing out that all decisions come down to cost/benefit.

Or in this specific case: "does the benefit of sight exceed the cost of visual dysphoria triggers."

And as for your second point (in spoiler tags because I know this will upset some people.)
I don't view self-inflicted blindness to be fundamentally different from the surgical removal of reproductive organs, mastectomy, or any of the other invasive surgeries that Trans people elect to undergo to help reduce their dysphoria.

I honestly don't know why you think blinding yourself will help. And you're worried that you won't pass if you transition. That's a perfectly normal fear, that almost always ends up not being true. With enough time and effort, anyone can pass.

As for your spoiler, they're not even comparable. One is a medical procedure that is sanctioned to be the correct treatment by reputable doctors, and the other is literally taking away one of your senses because you think it might have a chance to make you feel better. All you're doing is ignoring the problem and looking for workarounds.


Ok I had lots of time to meditate and now I am more calm.

Where was I ?

Oh yes!

It is interesting how the idea that trans surgeries being self harm and/or mutilation is something closely linked with the TERFs (trans exclusionary radical feminist, a small subsection of the 2nd wave feminists) views on trans women and the medical consensus of it.

Sheila Jeffreys, a big theorist in the TERF circles says that :

Sheila "TERF" Jeffreys said:
[Transsexual surgery] could be likened to political psychiatry in the Soviet Union. I suggest that transsexualism should best be seen in this light, as directly political, medical abuse of human rights. The mutilation of healthy bodies and the subjection of such bodies to dangerous and life-threatening continuing treatment violates such people’s rights to live with dignity in the body into which they were born, what Janice Raymond refers to as their “native” bodies. It represents an attack on the body to rectify a political condition, “gender” dissatisfaction in a male supremacist society based upon a false and politically constructed notion of gender difference… Recent literature on transsexualism in the lesbian community draws connections with the practices of sadomasochism.

Sounds familiar ?

Also sounds like a ridiculous amount of bullshit but here is goddess Judith Butler answering that :

Judith Butler said:
I have never agreed with Sheila Jeffreys or Janice Raymond, and for many years have been on quite the contrasting side of feminist debates. She appoints herself to the position of judge, and she offers a kind of feminist policing of trans lives and trans choices. I oppose this kind of prescriptivism, which seems to me to aspire to a kind of feminist tyranny.

If she makes use of social construction as a theory to support her view, she very badly misunderstands its terms. In her view, a trans person is “constructed” by a medical discourse and therefore is the victim of a social construct. But this idea of social constructs does not acknowledge that all of us, as bodies, are in the active position of figuring out how to live with and against the constructions – or norms – that help to form us. We form ourselves within the vocabularies that we did not choose, and sometimes we have to reject those vocabularies, or actively develop new ones. For instance, gender assignment is a “construction” and yet many genderqueer and trans people refuse those assignments in part or in full. That refusal opens the way for a more radical form of self-determination, one that happens in solidarity with others who are undergoing a similar struggle.

One problem with that view of social construction is that it suggests that what trans people feel about what their gender is, and should be, is itself “constructed” and, therefore, not real. And then the feminist police comes along to expose the construction and dispute a trans person’s sense of their lived reality. I oppose this use of social construction absolutely, and consider it to be a false, misleading, and oppressive use of the theory.

I would bold more parts but you get the idea.

Also on the same interview linked above :

CW: I have seen where – especially online – people who identify as “gender critical feminists” (TERFs) assert that transwoman are merely mutilated men. What are your thoughts about using “gender critical feminism” to make such assertions?

JB: I do not know this term, but I reject totally the characterization of a transwoman as a mutilated man. First, that formulation presumes that men born into that sex assignment are not mutilated. Second, it once again sets up the feminist as the prosecutor of trans people. If there is any mutilation going on in this scene, it is being done by the feminist police force who rejects the lived embodiment of transwomen. That very accusation is a form of “mutilation” as is all transphobic discourse such as these. There is a rather huge ethical difference between electing surgery and being faced with transphobic condemnation and diagnoses. I would say that the greatest risk of mutilation that trans people have comes directly from transphobia.

What I am trying to say is that either Alucard is a TERF in diguise or just someone who suffered a huge amount just because google gave TERF texts instead of transfeminist ones, since most of Alucard's views fit perfectly with the TERF idea on trans people, including never being a real woman, the impossibility of passability, life as trans being worst than death and now, trans surgeries being equal self mutilation.

Get healthy, get Butler


I had an incredible Christmas thanks to a local friend who invited me over to her Christmas for our first meeting ever. We hit it off so well that we're now crushing on each other and are making plans to see each other again.

Time for a weird looking vag. so one labia looks like half a hot dog bun, while the other looks like a deflated balloon. Uneven swelling that goes faster on one side than the other, I guess.

Now, for the expected bad news: I have facial hair again. This was expected, given that I was without HRT for 15 days and I have high T. Good thing I brought shaving stuff, though.
I had a cute moment over Christmas, my brother bought me an adorable rockabilly style skirt (I'm pretty blatant on my facebook page about loving this sort of fashion).

It was the first 'girly' gift I've gotten from him so it was an awesome moment!

It's funny, I'm basically totally out to everyone I know, my facebook profile is completely switched over to female. But day-to-day I don't particularly present as female as yet. I just wear... whatever I find that is clean, unless I'm going out. I guess I still don't really have the confidence to present fully female out and about just yet, but I can feel myself getting there.

I've had 3 sessions of laser hair removal, so it's only really the upper lip thats an obvious problem area. Really, my biggest thing is I need some cute girly glasses since my current pair are quite 'blokey' looking and can shatter my efforts if I put them on when I make an effort. I wish glasses were cheaper.

I'll get there. Soon enough.

In other good news I've lost a stone and a half in weight (from 15st 8lb down to 14st 1lb at my last weigh in) so I'm feeling much more confident in that regard. Now I need to get some fitting clothes! Most of my girl wardrobe is a bit big now. Well I say wardrobe, it's just a broken clothes rail because the bedroom doesn't have room for a wardrobe. XD

Being poor is harsh. Sorry this post was all over the place, I just type as I think.
I had a cute moment over Christmas, my brother bought me an adorable rockabilly style skirt (I'm pretty blatant on my facebook page about loving this sort of fashion).

It was the first 'girly' gift I've gotten from him so it was an awesome moment!

It's funny, I'm basically totally out to everyone I know, my facebook profile is completely switched over to female. But day-to-day I don't particularly present as female as yet. I just wear... whatever I find that is clean, unless I'm going out. I guess I still don't really have the confidence to present fully female out and about just yet, but I can feel myself getting there.

I've had 3 sessions of laser hair removal, so it's only really the upper lip thats an obvious problem area. Really, my biggest thing is I need some cute girly glasses since my current pair are quite 'blokey' looking and can shatter my efforts if I put them on when I make an effort. I wish glasses were cheaper.

I'll get there. Soon enough.

In other good news I've lost a stone and a half in weight (from 15st 8lb down to 14st 1lb at my last weigh in) so I'm feeling much more confident in that regard. Now I need to get some fitting clothes! Most of my girl wardrobe is a bit big now. Well I say wardrobe, it's just a broken clothes rail because the bedroom doesn't have room for a wardrobe. XD

Being poor is harsh. Sorry this post was all over the place, I just type as I think.

Congratulations! My Christmas wasn't awesome like that, but I have dropped another 10 pounds. Actually, I'm dealing with a shaving problem here. My legs and arms are marked up by razor bumps. I think I might have to epilate to avoid that. My wardrobe is positively tiny and I'm not comfortable presenting, yet, so shaving is my only thing going on. The difference just s having does in how I feel day to day is humongous, though.
Well, no more carrying an urine bag around. I kinda miss it now. Peeing without wetting my butt will be complicated. Trial and error plus the swelling altering it. I have 8 days to master this before taking the plane home.

I finally managed to make food panda work (use the app, not the website if you dont have a thai sim card), so yay for jalapeño burgers. In the end it's easier than getting food at the mall since I still can't sit well and I get the menus in English. Lots of Japanese food there, but I suck at both Thai and Japanese (but more at Thai).

Tomorrow I have to move one size in dilators, so this won't be very fun.
How are those hangovers?

I'm going through a lot of pain lately, needing frequent breaks, specially before and after dilating. Sometimes I can't find a painless posture. I need to talk with the nurse today, so that she can check my meds and get me more painkillers.

Oh, and I finally started socialising here. At the third day of being able to go to the breakfast. Now it's like every patient decided to come at the same time, and there's even a OINTB separation. All the asians on one table, all the euros on another. And thank god for being able to hear a british accent again.


It's almost New Year in my country and maybe I don't post here frequently but I read you always I can and I hope everyone of you have a prosperous year this 2017 and their dreams come true.


I just want to wish you all a happy new year. I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart and may your dreams and wishes bexome reality.

You girls are the best. Love you all.

Best wishes from Mexico.


The 100mg of testosterone's definitely been a smoother ride. But those feelings of wanting to be a woman have intensified.

I wonder if it's misdirected libido, though I half expect it's actually both, and I guess it's still preferable to suicidal dysphoria, but... eh hehehe. Yeah, really should email the gender therapy place that was mentioned to me, as I don't think I'd get far with my current psychiatrist and her more outdated thinking there. And I wish there were some more research into non-binary brains, I can kind of see both feeling OK and wanting to be the opposite gender more being something that could happen, or a mild boost but those feeling intensifying in AMABs thanks to aromatization.
And I was wondering where my post-op depression was... Looks like it has moved to another person.

One of the girls is not doing well. Not eating properly, and barely even wanting to eat even now that her parents arrived. She has been spiraling down, and this is bad since by now she should be starting dilation. And dilation, as much of a crappy and loathed activity it is, is pretty much the first thing you stop caring about when you are feeling down.

Also hating that everybody can tell my nationality by my accent now. I'm ashamed enough by my origin.

And not a lot more happening. I'm dreading having to go back home and resume life, or more like facing life. Stage 3 of transition will begin soon, and it's all about therapy and fixing my head now that my body is fixed. Well, "fixed"... I need a complete session of maintenance with a massage of a chiropractor. My body is totalled after multiple flights, days of bed and bad postures to relieve stress from my pelvis. Also the nurse is a bit worried that I am still relying on the donut cushion 20 days later.

Ps: Also feeling dick-curious and wondering about trying with men to satisfy that curiosity. But it probably won't happen. as a fujoshi, my idealisation of men does not match the hairy cishet reality.


Neo Member
Thank you, AppleSeason for sharing.
I find your posts very inspiring and helpful.
I first wanted to fix most of my head, before I start anything really. And it helped a lot.
Working through my issues put me in a truly peacful place. Yes, I still have bouts of dysphoria, but they are managable.
And I feel ready for the next step, HRT and going completly fulltime.
Going out and being fully accepted as me by most of my family and all of my friends, was of course incredible helpful.
I consider myself lucky to have this much support.
And am glad I found a places like transgaf and knowing I'm not alone.


Ps: Also feeling dick-curious and wondering about trying with men to satisfy that curiosity. But it probably won't happen. as a fujoshi, my idealisation of men does not match the hairy cishet reality.

I think, no matter what your general opinion on sex with men is, that's something you have to try. Could you go to your grave never knowing what it felt like at least one? That's a curiosity that has to eat you up inside.


I think, no matter what your general opinion on sex with men is, that's something you have to try. Could you go to your grave never knowing what it felt like at least one? That's a curiosity that has to eat you up inside.

That is very heteronormative AND cisnormative of BOTH of you


Unconfirmed Member
Heya there. o/

Feel like I should pop in here a bit. I’ll keep it short n snappy as to not fill up the page. .w.

I went on a bit of a journey of self-discovery some time ago and basically connected the dots on a lot of feelings I’ve had for some time that started ramping up early last year. At first I wasn’t really sure what to do with these feelings so I just decided to try some stuff out in private - clothes, make-up, shaving legs and arms, and an embarrassingly shitty wig -, and it somehow felt like seeing myself in the mirror for the first time. It felt… calming? I ended up doing this a few times in private and went through a lot of thinking of what exactly I felt and why, and the more I thought, the more certain I grew that this was not ‘just a phase’ or some ‘fantasy-thing’ or something that was just a collection of non-related problems. Had a lot of mini-realizations over my gender identity and things I felt in the past & how I dealt with them at the time.

I told my parents and they were immediately accepting and supportive. My mom already knew something was going on and when I told her she immediately went “You were scared of telling me that?”. I also told my girlfriend, sister, and two best friends - also all instantly supportive. Signed up for HRT and checked in at a place in my town to get my facial hair zapped ( because fuck facial hair ). I felt positive in light of my realization and got more physically active and started growing my hair out ( still far from where I want it - it being super curly not helping either >x> ). Now after waiting time I’m in talks to start HRT ( around one talk per month, started mid-september - at absolute minimum three more from now before they give green or red light ) and I feel like I freak out around these talks for no reason every single time.

I haven’t really been presenting as myself yet aside from a few scattered days in private, but I just yesterday realized that my reasons for that are kind of dumb and decided to from now on start presenting as myself in private settings / around friends.

So yeah.

I guess this is the year of Robin. ^w^


I think, no matter what your general opinion on sex with men is, that's something you have to try. Could you go to your grave never knowing what it felt like at least one? That's a curiosity that has to eat you up inside.

Speak for yourself on that one, Molly. Not every girl's heterocurious :p
Heya there. o/

Feel like I should pop in here a bit. I’ll keep it short n snappy as to not fill up the page. .w.

I went on a bit of a journey of self-discovery some time ago and basically connected the dots on a lot of feelings I’ve had for some time that started ramping up early last year. At first I wasn’t really sure what to do with these feelings so I just decided to try some stuff out in private - clothes, make-up, shaving legs and arms, and an embarrassingly shitty wig -, and it somehow felt like seeing myself in the mirror for the first time. It felt… calming? I ended up doing this a few times in private and went through a lot of thinking of what exactly I felt and why, and the more I thought, the more certain I grew that this was not ‘just a phase’ or some ‘fantasy-thing’ or something that was just a collection of non-related problems. Had a lot of mini-realizations over my gender identity and things I felt in the past & how I dealt with them at the time.

I told my parents and they were immediately accepting and supportive. My mom already knew something was going on and when I told her she immediately went “You were scared of telling me that?”. I also told my girlfriend, sister, and two best friends - also all instantly supportive. Signed up for HRT and checked in at a place in my town to get my facial hair zapped ( because fuck facial hair ). I felt positive in light of my realization and got more physically active and started growing my hair out ( still far from where I want it - it being super curly not helping either >x> ). Now after waiting time I’m in talks to start HRT ( around one talk per month, started mid-september - at absolute minimum three more from now before they give green or red light ) and I feel like I freak out around these talks for no reason every single time.

I haven’t really been presenting as myself yet aside from a few scattered days in private, but I just yesterday realized that my reasons for that are kind of dumb and decided to from now on start presenting as myself in private settings / around friends.

So yeah.

I guess this is the year of Robin. ^w^

Holy hell your family is awesome

Best of luck!


What does that have to do with my responding to AppleSeason who was specifically bringing up guys and their dicks?

You implied trying guys and trying guy dicks was one and the same... and didn't bothered to correr her on her cisnormativity

But my focus was more on Apple's cisnormative idea that only guys could fix her dick curiosity.
What does that have to do with my responding to AppleSeason who was specifically bringing up guys and their dicks?

I have zero issues with girldick and strap-ons. It's more about the combo of dick + man that has been popping in my mind. Although I rather avoid heterosexuals. Maybe somebody bi and proud of it.

I had my follow up appointment today. I had to go back into the operating room for a round of cleaning, stich removal, speculum and tunnel inspection, and be declared fit to fly and healing properly. So despite the dilators being coated on something light brown, I don't have a fistula.

Time to buy souvenirs and do a bit of tourism in my last day. Although all I want to do right now is eat Ice Cream.

PS: So today was the day I felt like "I want to masturbate". Problems? A) I don't know what to do now B) I am not supposed to touch anything C) I haven't shaved in 20 days and hair grosses me out.
So I am still in Bangkok. My flight got so massively delayed that I would lost the connecting flight and be stuck in the airport for 24 hours.

Airline would not give me a solution to "I need a fucking bed to dilate or my vagina will start closing" other than paying a hotel in Paris and coming back with the invoice, or do the trip on 4 flights through going where god knows where.

Since I am not exactly in a greap shape to deal with commutes or exit the airport in a city I don't know, I opted for changing my flight to the earliest available one, on monday 9. Problem? My last day of Tourist Visa is tomorrow sunday and the immigration office does not open until monday at 8:30, the day and time I will be carried to the airport. So I don't know what will happen, but I expect the chance of getting fined by inmigration at the airport before leaving. And I don't know how much money I will have to pay. I still have 220€ with me, but I don't need if i will have to draw more baht from the ATM.

Anybody has experience with this.

PS: Last ever time I fly with Air France.
Delayed AGAIN.mire than 24 hours without dilating unless I they give me a bed on the airport (don't they have a medical room?) Or I dilate in a couch or toilet. My vagina is going to fucking collapse


So I went over and took care of my girlfriend, one thing turned into another and I ended up spending the night with her in her bed and things...happened. Needless to say both of us were hilariously clumsy since it was both our first time. But that night just made being away from her even worse. I absolutely can't stand to be away from her. It was utterly amazing waking up with her in my arms, It wasn't so amazing having her mom walk in on us the next morning to wake us up as we're laying there cuddling half asleep and turning lobster red in embarrassment as she slammed the door shut.


Seems the thread in off topic shows how many people don't get trans people. Bit like my Biphobia thread the other day (luckly unlike mine it hasn't been locked). Sad that it is like this in 2017.

And it's getting even worse :(


Seems the thread in off topic shows how many people don't get trans people. Bit like my Biphobia thread the other day (luckly unlike mine it hasn't been locked). Sad that it is like this in 2017.
A decent portion seem to have some idea but just want prisoners to be tortured.

It's frightening either way and incredibly common
Beaten by dilator #2. It just won't go in. Looks like the flight will mean taking a break from the dilation schedule and spend more time with 0and 1 until I recover my looseness lost on the trip


Beaten by dilator #2. It just won't go in. Looks like the flight will mean taking a break from the dilation schedule and spend more time with 0and 1 until I recover my looseness lost on the trip

Good luck on all of that! That's one of the biggest "OMG what if I acres that part all up!" things about the process, so it kind of terrifies me.
Yep! Then you have some posters saying SRS is the same as laser eye surgery...

The things I could talk about it right now... But I just finished dilating and I may scare people a bit. The commitment for laser eye surgery is wearing sunglasses and applying eye drops for weeks or a month, it's been 11 years and I can't remember the details. SRS on the other side... the surgery was much less of a pain due to being fully asleep, but it's more about the lifetime (or at least a year) commitment you will do to it. Every time I have to get down on bed, it's a battle about keeping suffering and wanting to give up. Every time I put the mirror to check the number on that pain stick, I have to wonder it it will ever look pretty or I will scare people for life and they will say "that's a damn ugly vagoo".

But don't pay attention to me right now. Every time I finish I feel sick and wanting to throw up. I feel like I am in a feverish state, while watching Doctor Who and Star Trek TNG at the same I work my depth, to the point that #0 is now named Capaldi and #1 Picard. Not sure what the name of #2 will be, but right now this is how I feel every damn time:


SRS is not about the surgery in itself. It's about the aftercare that comes. When you decide to have surgery, it's not about accepting that you will go through some discomfort, pain, sitting with a donut for a month. It's about the task that will be added to your daily life and that you will live by.


I have lots of male friends who already said random cis girl they dated had a "damn ugly vagoo"

It is a problem of being raised watching porn, I guess
It is a problem of being raised watching porn, I guess

I only watch male gay or trans porn. My idea of what a vagina looks like is that of an anatomy diagram from elementary school.

And to be honest, I haven't watched porn since surgery, but that's mostly because I don't want to get horny when I can't touch myself. I have also reached a new personal record in time without masturbating, but this is pretty much cheating.


Hi there! I've been following this thread for many years. All of your trials, triumphs, and insights have been incredible help for me as I forge my own path to be myself.

I've been full time/on hormones for over a year, have both my letters, and a surgeon consult early next month. I'm also engaged to my beloved of 11 years; he's been incredibly supportive (he didn't even know about me the first 10 years of our relationship and didn't budge when I finally found the courage to tell him); we're tying the knot next month as well.

I'm a firm believer that transitioning is an act of love, and every decision you make should be based around that -- not because you hate who you are or some aspect of your body. I've wanted to reach out and tell that to some of you as I watched your individual struggles, so I have the pleasure of saying it now.

Nice to meet all of you!


Welcome to the thread, and good to hear that your journey seems to be going at least somewhat smooth!

Thank you so much! And it honestly has been very smooth. I did all of my personal struggling and mental homework a long time ago, and that's made tackling the physical aspects of transitioning much easier.

I'm feeling hopeful that next month will go well -- the wait list for this particular surgeon is about two years long.


An explainer channel I follow on YouTube posted this today and it answered a few questions I was vague on but didn't want to ask.

Instantly thought of this institution on GAF and thought I might share.

...gender being mixed with gender performance (the scale between feminility and masculinity thing) is kinda totally wrong, or else fabulously queen transmen and butch biker transwomen would not exist
I rolled my eyes at a few things in that video. "Gender is a linear scale with male on one end and female on the other" and "biologically male/female" nope nope nope.

I understand that there's a lot of internal discourse that cis people aren't in on, so they aren't always up to date on the most appropriate phrasing.

Still there are videos and articles and other resources made by trans people which provide much more accurate information, so I'd recommend looking for that rather than watching a 4 minute video slapped together by some cis dude.

Hey props for namedropping intersex people though, and that infinity symbol thing is pretty cool.
Time for my final appointment with the gender therapist that had been helping me with the depression and all the woes with making a choice regarding surgery. She is supposed to give me the contact information for another therapist that can help me better with the unresolved stuff (not related to gender) that I am dealing with...

Dilating with cold hands is a bitch, BTW.

Edit: therapist is surprised at how much my mood has improved and that I behave like a completely different person. Not the first person that tells me this after having to deal with my depressed suicidal persona. Still, I am scared of relapsing into depression. Stage III of transition starts in february.
Why not throw my hat in the ring as well? I've lurked this thread for a long time, but felt it wasn't quite right to post yet.

Well... A crippling wave of dysphoria over Christmas followed by finally seeing a gender therapist and a whirlwind of a month I'm out to a few people and on a very low dose of HRT. Can't even consider presenting female for a few more months because of home circumstances, among other things.

Regardless, its great to finally be working on getting myself sorted out and have a (good, but vague) plan for my next few years together. Graduate, find work in my field as male, transition in closet/get voice where I want it, get legal documents changed, hope to god current workplace isn't full of bigots and keeps me on when I come out, and then never look back.

So yeah, I'm Selene here's to a good year for all of us.
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