Well I guess I should post here as well. Another trans-GAF member here. Probably the youngest too 15 so I haven't transitioned yet.
I'll write a little about myself. I live in Texas, near Galveston/Houston. Born a male, and I want to transition to a female. Bisexual. (I guess? I find all genders and such attractive. Male, female, MTF/FTM, genderqueer, doesn't matter.) Only child. I was born with a birth injury, Erb's palsy, that caused my left arm to be paralyzed. (It still is if you're curious. Yeah, I play games one-handed. Not related to being trans but I'm writing about me, felt it was fine to put there
) As a toddler/little kid I was often confused as a girl because of my curly/wavy hair I guess, and people would say "oh what a cute little girl"... stuff like that. I was never insulted by it though, because I took it as a compliment. I wanted to be a girl even at that age, but I never said it out loud or anything. My mom/dad bring up how people used to call me a girl from time to time as a joke or something, dunno... I guess they mean for me to look back be glad that it doesn't happen anymore. But I'm not glad.
In elementary school I never really fit in with the boys. (pretty much still don't but at least I can make friends with them now) Until I was 9, I didn't even have a close male friend. All of them were female before that. I also had this ponytail (which I kept until 6th grade) because it made me feel slightly girly. I also always wanted to have my ears pierced at this age, but my parents never let me. Even though when they asked me why and I said "other guys do it!" (not why I wanted them obviously) they still said no.
Middle school was pretty shitty. People were going through puberty and the girls only talked to other girls or good looking guys (I wasn't.) Since most of my friends were female, I was pretty lonely and overall miserable. Towards the end I started making friends with the friends of my few male friends, or guys who did the same things I did (just games pretty much.) I don't even remember much of middle school because I just want to forget it ever happened. During this time period is when I found out about GID from reading stuff on the internet. It was then I found out that me feeling like/wanting to be a girl wasn't just some weird fantasy that could never happen.
Like many other transgenders though, I didn't just go "oh that describes me perfectly, now I know why I feel like this.." I went through denial, self-hate, depression, etc. My first year of high school was improved compared to middle school I guess, but I was a mess on the inside. Before I go on, I want to say that I don't hold these views/beliefs AT ALL anymore and look back on the fact that I did at all with disgust, no matter how depressed or delusional I was. Anyways. Towards the end of my first HS year, I started reading... white supremacist/neo-nazi sites. First I just wanted to see how people could think like this with the history behind the ideals and all, then before I knew it I started believing all that shit. I was a racist and a conspiracy theory nut. Looking back, I don't know why I ever bought into that stuff. If I had to say, I would say I was trying to "hate" the trans out of myself and ignored/twisted the facts. At the time I was still depressed and I was still going through the self-hate. Also I have to say, the white supremacist/neo-nazi nonsense is like a fucking virus for anyone in a fragile mental state. Never read that shit even if you're just curious to see why those nutjobs are such nutjobs.
Thankfully before I shaved my head and bought some boots, a friend of mine "woke" me up. I don't even think he meant to, but I guess I was just going overboard with the bullshit on MSN and he asked "you don't really believe that, do you?" When he asked that.. I realized I didn't. It was all really bullshit. I only got caught into it because I felt bad about myself and thought that hating what I was (and many other groups of people, sadly) could make it go away. I knew there that I had to start accepting myself or I'd keep feeling like shit.
And I did! I started reading some trans sites, transitioning stories, seeing progress pictures, etc. I think one of the main reasons I was in denial/self-hate is because I was afraid that if I ever went through with it, I'd look like one of those "trannies" from Jerry Springer. It's a shame that I let something meant to humiliate people for ratings affect my perception of transgenders, because when I took the time to look at pictures and read the stories of actual transgenders.. I saw that many of them looked like regular women and had a normal life with a husband and all. It was all inspiring stuff.
I started coming out to my online friends, all of them were pretty accepting. I posted in the GayGAF thread for advice and met Lexi. Eventually I came out to my mom too, although I don't think she quite understood what I was telling her, and she probably doesn't remember it/take it seriously... but it was nice to tell the person closest to me, in person.
Currently I'm not planning to transition until I'm 18. I don't want to transition while still in HS for obvious reasons. Haven't came out to my dad yet either, never really connected with him and I'm just kind of afraid to tell him. Not out of fear that he'd hurt me or abuse me, but I think it might depress him or something. Particularly, I feel like he might think he failed as a father if his son wants to be a girl. Which isn't true, it's nobody's fault, but I just want to avoid that sort of thing for now I guess.
I can't really define the specifics of how I feel like a girl. I just... do. I dislike how I am/feel as a male. I guess you could put me in the "really dislikes being male but isn't extremely girly, would be happier as a female though" group. Pretty much the only stereotypically male things I like to do are playing games and reading/learning about history. Maybe technology if you consider that stereotypically male, but it's always been a gender neutral (or "for nerds of all genders"
) type of thing in my eyes.
And I'm done for now. Long, and probably full of mistakes, but at least I type better than most 15 y/os.