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Tribes: Vengeance - Gamespot review


works for Gamestop (lol)


"By combining a good single-player campaign with a multiplayer component that effectively captures everything that made the original Tribes a classic, Irrational Games has succeeded in creating a shooter that offers something for every first-person shooter fan to enjoy. The spirit of the franchise remains intact in Tribes: Vengeance, from the thrilling speed of jetpacking and skiing to the depth of the team-based action in multiplayer. The game's excellent presentation is merely the icing on the cake for a game that excels in just about every aspect."


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I'm so tired of all the T2 hate...

I'm interested in the single player mode of Vengeance, though, but the multiplayer means little to me (Unreal Tournament - Tribes). :\


Man.. why do people hate on Tribes2? It was awesome.

Anyway.. the Tribes Vengeance demo is good so I might buy the game.

I played Doom3 after Tribes and I kept trying to fly away from the demons :lol


I give the single-player a pretty big thumbs-up. The story is really good, and it's a really well-done tutorial for multiplayer. There's one level where it suddenly ratchets up the difficulty real bad, I thought that was a questionable pacing choice, but at least said level is difficult in a way that teaches you some advanced Tribes skills.

"I'm so tired of all the T2 hate..."

That's great...really!

"I give the single-player a pretty big thumbs-up. The story is really good, and it's a really well-done tutorial for multiplayer. There's one level where it suddenly ratchets up the difficulty real bad, I thought that was a questionable pacing choice, but at least said level is difficult in a way that teaches you some advanced Tribes skills."

That's cool to hear, I guess. I won't be able to pick this up for some time, though. :(
tribes 2 was great AFTER they went the extra mile and patched it to flying fuck. At release it was a steaming pile so not everyone got a fun time adventure.


MrAngryFace said:
tribes 2 was great AFTER they went the extra mile and patched it to flying fuck. At release it was a steaming pile so not everyone got a fun time adventure.

Exactly. Thankfully Tribes 3 doesn't seem like it has followed the same route.

Shit I didn't know this game was out!

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I tried to love tribes 2, time after time, as someone who spent his entire summer on the original tribes, going to bed at 7am, smelling bad, pale look and a not so healthy ammount of food and drinks all over the PC desk, tribes was pure crack for me when it was released. Then tribes2, upgraded my PC SOLELY for it, but what a buggy mess that was, constant memory leak that forced me to reboot the game every ~20 mins because it became unplayable, the maps were overly large and looked like it was made randomly, it just didnt have the quirks that the tribes 1 maps had, nor anywhere near as fast pace, strategical points on the map were a lot more chaotic in tribes 2, vehicules sucked, indoors were bigger but most of the time a tad too much, in tribes 1 you could pack the base with players protecting it, in tribes 2 it was more of a free for all feeling where the base is so big that nobody could cover each other all that much. I could go on and on, the patch fixed nothing but my memory leak and even then, it was still so so playable, considering the graphics its a disapointment performance wise.

I believe in Irrational games though, these guys know what they're doing.



I make no efforts to hide my Tribes love so it makes me VERY happy to see it's getting the recognition it deserves. Damn full game doesn't come out here until the weekend though so gotta wait gotta wait gotta wait. BUT I CAN"T!!!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sounds like technical issues kept you from the game...

Damn shame, Buggy...

Of course, if you aren't in a tribe...the game loses a lot.


I called Fry's..they say they're not getting till 2 weeks..wtf.

Alright so who's in this? I know rastex will be :D
I'm guessing if I played T1 I would hate T2 like ya mofos..too bad I didn't play it

Did anyone mention there is a patch out already? :rock


Mrbob said:
New game versus rehashed old game.

Easy choice.

I don't find the new tribes very "new" either.

Plus I already am going to buy HL2, so i'm getting CS:S no matter what.


How about some pics of the new maps?




Just a note, the HUDS have been modified by players, not IG.

For some laughs, check out this EB customer review :D
"The game is not very fun. The only way to win is flying around maps like crazy. Aiming is almost impossible since players are going around like crazy and you shoot slow. The only good level is Cavern. In that level, I think the game is okay. Any maps without a roof aren't worth playing since players fly 200 feet. It's nonsense. Stick to better games like UT and Quake. Even CS is better than this crap and I HATE CS."




Arid and Tropics have floating bases. 15 maps in all.

The grappler is such an awesome weapon. Use it like how Link uses his hook and grab health kits, packs, etc!!


The single-player mission where it introduces the grappler is rad. It throws you in this level with no floor, just polluted water that saps your health, so you have to do the jetpack Tarzan thing through the whole first leg of the mission. Swinging on the grapple while you headshot guys with the laser rifle is totally awesome.



Oh man... those screenshots look so sweet. I can't friggin WAIT until I get the final game. Damn you Canada!! DAMN YOU!!!
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