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Tron 2.0: Killer App (Xbox) Gamespot Review


Not so good afterall.


Underneath its flashy exterior, Tron 2.0: Killer App is still a fairly bland shooter whose few memorable moments are overshadowed by unimaginative level design and far too many load screens

Tron 2.0 was only a barely-above-average game when it was released on the PC last year. Fourteen months later on the Xbox, it really doesn't fare any better, especially in light of the number of excellent first-person shooters that have been released in that time. Tron 2.0: Killer App's campaign, which is pretty much the same as it was on the PC, still suffers from the same issues. There are too many load screens, too many annoying jumping platforms, and not enough memorable gameplay sequences to make up for it. The new multiplayer modes are a nice addition on paper, but they aren't all that fun to play, and there's hardly anyone online to play against anyway. If you're a big fan of the Tron universe, then Tron 2.0 might be worth picking up. However, if you're just looking for a first-person shooter for your Xbox, then there are much better options available.


A year later and what looked what could have been a halfway-decent game turned to poo.


Culex said:
Not so good afterall.



A year later and what looked what could have been a halfway-decent game turned to poo.

Given that Bob Colayco felt the original was 'barely above average' (to which I can only say, he wouldn't know a good game if it bit him on the ass), I have to take anything he says about the Xbox version with a grain of salt. :p


I'm playing it right now. I'm at the part with aligning lenses. All I can say is that it kicks ass and is more fun than I've had playing Halo.
I love the upgrade system, the cinematics and the weapons. It's like Deus Ex, but with more of an emphasis on action. (Note: DX:IW was like Deus Ex, but instead Warren Spector took a shit on it) (Example)(Not safe for work)

Who hasn't run around the level clashing the rod sticks together like you're anxious for a bashing?
M3wThr33 said:
I'm playing it right now. I'm at the part with aligning lenses. All I can say is that it kicks ass and is more fun than I've had playing Halo.
I love the upgrade system, the cinematics and the weapons. It's like Deus Ex, but with more of an emphasis on action. (Note: DX:IW was like Deus Ex, but instead Warren Spector took a shit on it) (Example)(Not safe for work)

Who hasn't run around the level clashing the rod sticks together like you're anxious for a bashing?

Except that the charm wears off about half way through when you realize it's the same boring crap over and over and over. Coupled with really boring boss fights. Over and over and over.
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