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True Detective S1 is a masterpiece still.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
When they fight that dude at the end and a Dark Souls health bar appears on the screen it took me out of it a bit.

You're in Carcosa now...


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I really need to rewatch the first season. I haven't watched it since it came out.

Season 2 was


I enjoyed Season 3. I like that main actor. But I do think the show's last 2 seasons really never got to the quality of that first season and that's a bummer.
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Masterpiece of a show.

Bonus shot:

No no NO it's a cerebral journey!!

"As he explains in his monologue, Rust believes time to be eternally cyclical. Literally speaking, his existence in the world inhabited by the audience conforms to this theory. As a fictional character, he is destined to relive “every pain and every pleasure […] every hope and every error”, as described by Nietzsche, for all eternity. In Gothic terms, however, this monologue encourages the audience to consider the repetition of their own lives, introducing an element of discomfort which, on a personal level, is more chilling than the crimes depicted by the show.

During this clip, Rust poses the rhetorical question:
“Why should I live in history?”
This may be interpreted as an expression of his displeasure at the way in which society refuses to learn from its mistakes. In light of this statement, Rust’s subscription to the theory of Eternal Recurrence seems pessimistic; it is as though he feels unable to alter anything on a significant scale, and therefore resigns himself to the reality of eternal, human suffering.

In The Birth of Tragedy (1872), Nietzsche wrote:
“A chorus of natural beings live, ineradicably, behind all civilisation and remain eternally the same, despite the changes of generations and of the history of nations.”
As a well-read man, with a clear interest in philosophical reasoning, Rust’s question (that is: “Why should I live in history?”) appears to be a direct response to the German philosopher. Rust is aware that historical and generational anomalies do not affect the repetition of life’s order and thus no longer wishes to be a part of it."

Fuck it those tits are awesome 😆

However, like Rust said to Marty "All the dick swagger you roll, you can't spot crazy pussy?"


Goliath got batshit in season 2. Season 3 was alright about a water dispute of all things. Still need to finish the series.
Yeah, I actually accidentally started Goliath at S4, but I'm glad I did, as they got progressively better as the series went on. I think had I started from S1, I might not have stuck with it. S4 I go back to often.


One of the greatest seasons of television ever made. Lightning in a bottle, that it seems they’ve been unable to recapture in the subsequent seasons. All of the pieces just clicked together to form something incredible. I am curious about the upcoming season, this is the first one with a new writer so maybe that’s a chance for it to freshen up.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
One of the greatest seasons of television ever made. Lightning in a bottle, that it seems they’ve been unable to recapture in the subsequent seasons. All of the pieces just clicked together to form something incredible. I am curious about the upcoming season, this is the first one with a new writer so maybe that’s a chance for it to freshen up.
Hmm, she did Tigers Are Not Afraid, which looks pretty good:



Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
That does look good. So that’s promising for this coming season. It also involves an Alaskan research station, which is a setting I’ve always found interesting.

I never got around to finishing seasons 2 and 3. I should maybe circle back around to them at some point.

Jodie Foster's a good fit for a role like this, too. And yeah, I think S2 and S3 are both worth watching, so long as you separate them from any expectation of being as good as S1.


Jodie Foster's a good fit for a role like this, too. And yeah, I think S2 and S3 are both worth watching, so long as you separate them from any expectation of being as good as S1.

In the past few years I’ve seen people revisiting season 2 and saying that they think it’s been overlooked and does some really interesting things. Season 1 being so incredible was always going to be a tough act to follow so maybe watching it away from those expectations is better for judging it on it’s own merits.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
In the past few years I’ve seen people revisiting season 2 and saying that they think it’s been overlooked and does some really interesting things. Season 1 being so incredible was always going to be a tough act to follow so maybe watching it away from those expectations is better for judging it on it’s own merits.
Yep, I didn't watch S2 until after the negative reactions had died down and I liked it a lot as a standalone story.


2 years ago I decided to rewatch the first episode one morning. Ended up watching the entire thing in one sitting.

Having worked and lived in the bayou in Louisiana it was awesome seeing the openess that the environment has down there; it's like the plains or desert with its vastness.

Plus daddario. And that "seamless" fight against the bikers in the apartment complex


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I liked how it alluded to Chambers's The King in Yellow and some Lovecraft material.

The cinematography during that scene where Rustin (McConaughey) is trying to escape with his hostage from those projects at night was incredible and tense. Some of the best filmed moments of the last decade on television.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
Yeah, I actually accidentally started Goliath at S4, but I'm glad I did, as they got progressively better as the series went on. I think had I started from S1, I might not have stuck with it. S4 I go back to often.
I just started this and it's quite good.
Thanks for the indirect recommendation! 😃


Gold Member

Season 1 sparked my interest, but it wasn't until the references in the game Signalis that I bought this book.

It is decent but honestly I expected more considering the cult following that this book appearantly got.

That said, The Repairer Of Reputations is very good.



Season 1 sparked my interest, but it wasn't until the references in the game Signalis that I bought this book.

It is decent but honestly I expected more considering the cult following that this book appearantly got.

That said, The Repairer Of Reputations is very good.
I read this after watching True Detective and The Repairer Of Reputations was the one that really stuck with me too.

Thanks. I have that. It's that good huh?
If you haven’t seen it before then it’s absolutely worth going out of your way for. You’re in for a treat.


I think those that enjoyed the first td season ought to check out Hannibal. I think it's on hulu or netflix or something, but it's bloody brilliant. Mads kills it as Lecter, and the cinematography is gorgeous. Definite true detective s1 (and s2) vibes throughout.


Gold Member
That does look good. So that’s promising for this coming season. It also involves an Alaskan research station, which is a setting I’ve always found interesting.

I never got around to finishing seasons 2 and 3. I should maybe circle back around to them at some point.

Hmmmm......maybe, just maybe....


you could TOTALLY do this story as a creepy atmospheric thriller, and it doesn't need 200 mill or whatever Guillemero Del Toro wanted.

Hell, just heavily sample


and call it a day!
Yeah I rewatched it for the third time not too long ago. Absolutely fantastic.

I also rewatched season 2 for the first time and it was actually miles better than I thought it was originally. Not as good as season 1 but still very good.
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I would say TD Season 1 is quite better. And this is despite me thinking Season 1 of Fargo is excellent.

You know I looked it up and totally forgot I saw all seasons already lmao. Loved it. I think i was confused with boardwalk empire for some reason.

True Detective is legit


Gold Member
Recently showed me girlfriend this for the first time, she loved it. Hadn't watched it since years back when I showed my ex, she thought it was alright, which was a shame. I'm not saying that's why she became my ex, but it didn't help.

It genuinely is masterful TV, but I once again felt the conclusion felt rushed and not as satisfying as I wanted. I think because the rest of the show was so incredible, I expected something on that level or even exceeding it, but instead what we got was just....Good. Still probably my favourite season of any television show.

The hospital car park scene with Rust and Marty is perfection though.
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From the dusty river, a looming shadow grows, hidden in the lantern of the poison tree of yolk.

Well it goes something like that. Arguably the best season of TV in history.


I'm now showing my GF Twin peaks, hope she can handle the weird! I thought True Detective was a good easing in to weird with Rust being a wacko lol, and the surrealist aspects.
Hope your relationship survives that downturn that occurs part way into season 2! The ending is great at least, and really leans into the weird. And then The Return is fantastic too.


Gold Member
Hope your relationship survives that downturn that occurs part way into season 2! The ending is great at least, and really leans into the weird. And then The Return is fantastic too.
Oh yea I'll explain all the bullshit episodes when they come. Slaves and Masters (James's episode) will be fun lol.
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