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True Detective - Season 2 - We get the Season we deserve - Sundays on HBO

This is miserable television, and I'm really hoping Pizzolatto's work as an MFA student wasn't this turgid. Half of the episode's comprised of humiliatingly and nauseously stilted dialog. Sure, the aphoristic and nonsensical fortune cookie one-liners are pretty bad, but it's really the prolix and unnatural lines like "My mother started manifesting schizophrenia" in the context of colloquial speech that illustrate what a mess the writing this season's been.

All we could hope for now is that Pizzolatto found some promising pieces of literature to plagiarize for the last four episodes of this season.

Jeez, I take it the only thing with its stick further up its own ass than Pizzolotta's television writing is your Neogaf posting?


Jesus, hahaha.

Season 3 will happen, don't you worry.
I just hope that we get a bar scene with that woman singing in every episode. It's just the most ridiculous fucking thing ever, and by now (halfway done, hooray!!!), it's bordering on parody.

But really, this is my least favorite life.


Despite the decline in quality, the show is definitely popular enough for a Season 3.

Decent episode tonight apart from the shoutout. That droning alarm in the background mixed with their silent reactions at the end really worked well. Surprisingly solid direction on that considering some of the more quiet scenes were lacking in dramatic tension. VV's acting is fine enough but he's given absolute shit to work with. No actor can make his poetic machismo dialogues sound authentic. Kinda sad to see this episode fulfilling the mid season "we solved the case, (OR DID WE???)" that the first season hung itself on.


I think there's some piling on as far as how bad the season is; it's not awful. But it's not good. Vaughn's scenes just don't work, and the constant one liners are just so obnoxious.

I never liked the idea of putting the show in LA and it seems like most of the obvious traps and cliches they have fallen into
I didn't like the shootout. It seemed to happen out of nowhere, and was incredibly over the top. Unless we learn that they blew up the lab and randomly shot civilians for some greater purpose, then I can't excuse the gratuitous silliness.

And, yeah, Vaughn is still out of his league, the writing is still on the nose and sloppy, the direction is still inconsistent, and whatnot. There also isn't much of a story to discuss, so I don't get that either unless by "discuss" we're just supposed to make up and speculate with little to no evidence or reason on possible future events.

I don't think the show is without some redeeming qualities, but they are fewer than last season, nor do I think the show is a train wreck of the worst show out there. I just am disappointed, and I had mild expectations since I never got the surreal hype of the first season. If the first season was a 3.5/5 by this point in the season, this season is a low 2/5.

The things I liked and admired in the first season are gone, and the things I disliked are now worse.


The show certainly feels like a parody of itself. I don't think they can save this season.

The first half of the episode had this ambiental weird soundtrack that, combined with all those shitty oneliners and general confusion, reminded me of Lynch's Rabbits.
Vince Vaughn and Taylor are unbearable. This season should have been Colin and mcadams

Kitsch just had no purpose on this show

I found it hilarious that he is the only one with military experience, even worked as a contractor, but he was about as useful during that shootout as the first guy to die. He did nothing until saving Ani, and I'm sure she would have knifed the fuck out of that guy anyway.

So many times I have no idea why they're talking to someone or going somewhere in this show. It is just too convoluted for something that should be relatively straightforward.


I found it hilarious that he is the only one with military experience, even worked as a contractor, but he was about as useful during that shootout as the first guy to die. He did nothing until saving Ani, and I'm sure she would have knifed the fuck out of that guy anyway.

Eh, this is pushing it. Paul was the guy who shot the guy who was shooting from the window. He also provided cover for Velcoro as he moved from one side of the street to the other, then moved the right way and provided the right cover for ani when the other guy was going to charge at him while she only had a knife. To say he was useless in that sequence until he saved Ani, when he provided support multiple times is stretching it.


I found it hilarious that he is the only one with military experience, even worked as a contractor, but he was about as useful during that shootout as the first guy to die. He did nothing until saving Ani, and I'm sure she would have knifed the fuck out of that guy anyway.

So many times I have no idea why they're talking to someone or going somewhere in this show. It is just too convoluted for something that should be relatively straightforward.

He also killed the guy in the window


I found it hilarious that he is the only one with military experience, even worked as a contractor, but he was about as useful during that shootout as the first guy to die. He did nothing until saving Ani, and I'm sure she would have knifed the fuck out of that guy anyway.

So many times I have no idea why they're talking to someone or going somewhere in this show. It is just too convoluted for something that should be relatively straightforward.

I thought they went out of their way to show he was by far the most competent one out there. Took out the window guy, multiple others, and then the one targeting McAdams when she was empty.

If anything she's the one that seems out of her depth. The first pointless raid on the porn house, almost getting hit by a truck, and jumping the gun without the SWAT team leading to the bloodbath.


Horatio Caine would be proud of all the one liners in this series. Maybe they should have cast David Caruso to play Vince Vaughn's role...
I didn't like the shootout. It seemed to happen out of nowhere, and was incredibly over the top. Unless we learn that they blew up the lab and randomly shot civilians for some greater purpose, then I can't excuse the gratuitous silliness.

And, yeah, Vaughn is still out of his league, the writing is still on the nose and sloppy, the direction is still inconsistent, and whatnot. There also isn't much of a story to discuss, so I don't get that either unless by "discuss" we're just supposed to make up and speculate with little to no evidence or reason on possible future events.

I don't think the show is without some redeeming qualities, but they are fewer than last season, nor do I think the show is a train wreck of the worst show out there. I just am disappointed, and I had mild expectations since I never got the surreal hype of the first season. If the first season was a 3.5/5 by this point in the season, this season is a low 2/5.

The things I liked and admired in the first season are gone, and the things I disliked are now worse.

I agree with all of this post. Man this episode was pretty shitty.... So many crappy one liners, the dialogue between Vince Vaughn and his girlfriend had me laughing out loud occasionally... I dunno. You knew shit was going to go down in the end of the episode, its so deliberate to save it from the boring 50 minutes that preceded it. I have a feeling that the fallout is not going to be as intense as it should be. I could be wrong but thats my jaded outlook after seeing episode. (edit: i'm probably wrong because I didn't watch the preview)

The reporters swarming the bike cop and him running away? That was so weird and corny as a motherfucker. Not to mention the constant fade outs from each scene. And how many fucking times do we need to see Vince Vaughn approaching someone from his past business about becoming partners (and they're always confused because he sold them the business/whatever)? Its the same shit every time.
Looks like we can talk about the show without spoiler warnings so I will just say that shootout was intense, I wasn't expecting that from this series but I am glad for the uptempo. The last three episodes are setting up for something more intense I think, possibly even crazy.

I wasn't sure if I was going to like Ani but her troubles are finally catching up to her which is making things interesting.

I feel like I missed something from when Paul meets his war buddy last episode to the start of this episode. Was he drugged or have some sort of psychotic break?
so many scenes on this show are like


that lame shoot out at the end was closer to sons of anarchy than michael man..

the 3 protagonists left standing! where the hell is everyone else

how many times did rachel mcadams say "fuck!"

how long was pizza waiting to use "louche" in a sentence


Well, I didn't see that shootout happening. I really hope they don't run with the obvious plot line here: Mexican drug dealers were used by the real culprit as the patsy and the state is only too happy to oblige and close this up. It's too obvious and considering how the first season developed, cheap as well. Was it also the same gang Semyon was talking about "taking care" of when he was setting up his new drug supply for the club?

Also, that shootout feels like the first scene featuring our favorite biker cop that wasn't shit. Maybe it's because he didn't get a chance to do his usual routine. I like that he didn't go all Max Payne on the bad guys, but still got two.
Hah that shootout all took place in an area I drive through all the time. Have some friends with studios right by there.

I'm enjoying the show well enough. My main issue isn't necessarily with Vaughn's acting, though it isn't great, I just really don't give a shit about his character. Kind of the same feeling for Kitsch.

This must have slipped my mind - can someone explain to me where the lead with Ben Caspere's watch came from? I know Dixon and Woodrugh followed up on it with some pawn shop in this episode, which is what led them to the pimp, but I couldn't recall what exactly brought them there, and why it was the two of them who followed up on it. Basically, I know what came of it, but I don't know what the setup was.

It was a missing effect from the Caspere's house that they catalogued, must have came through on a pawn shop canvas.


This must have slipped my mind - can someone explain to me where the lead with Ben Caspere's watch came from? I know Dixon and Woodrugh followed up on it with some pawn shop in this episode, which is what led them to the pimp, but I couldn't recall what exactly brought them there, and why it was the two of them who followed up on it. Basically, I know what came of it, but I don't know what the setup was.
Probably just run of the mill police work. I went back and there wasn't any setup before it this episode (maybe the previous one?). Just seemed like they were checking to see if anyone of Caspere's stuff showed up in pawn shops, might lead them back to the killer, or someone who knew anything about it. Seemed more like it was setup for the shootout, since that's what leads Velcoro to telling Frank about it and likely the ambush on the Vinci cops.

Also there's no way that watch scene at the pawn shop was an editing error and totally not intentional. It seemed way too obvious for someone to miss that.
Eh, this is pushing it. Paul was the guy who shot the guy who was shooting from the window. He also provided cover for Velcoro as he moved from one side of the street to the other, then moved the right way and provided the right cover for ani when the other guy was going to charge at him while she only had a knife. To say he was useless in that sequence until he saved Ani, when he provided support multiple times is stretching it.

Forgot about the window guy. But you'd think the guy who has actually been in combat would be in a different role than just support. I don't know - just seemed a little comical to me.

I thought they went out of their way to show he was by far the most competent one out there. Took out the window guy, multiple others, and then the one targeting McAdams when she was empty.

If anything she's the one that seems out of her depth. The first pointless raid on the porn house, almost getting hit by a truck, and jumping the gun without the SWAT team leading to the bloodbath.

I don't remember the multiple others. I remember him sitting behind a bus for most of it. McAdams is totally out of her depth, I agree there.


Forgot about the window guy. But you'd think the guy who has actually been in combat would be in a different role than just support. I don't know - just seemed a little comical to me.

I don't remember the multiple others. I remember him sitting behind a bus for most of it. McAdams is totally out of her depth, I agree there.
Seemed more like Ani was the one running point. And even when the shit hit the fan, not all the other cops are military so I doubt he'd be much help coordinating everyone like it would be if he were still in the army. Obviously he can pull his own weight and probably has better marksmanship and awareness but that's just all he can do.

Also he was hiding behind the bus during the end sequence cause I think the guy they were looking for was busy hosing down the side of the bus to keep him from coming around the other way.


Boring as shit until the shootout.

My god Vince we don't care about your gangster -almost out but they pulled me back in- existentialism.

Tom Penny

This shit is such trash compared to last season. No plot. This one ends in a shootout were no police or ambulances show up until the shootout is over. Just terrible.


semen stains the mountaintops
Doesn't help that everyone has silly names so it's impossible to remember who is who.

When Antigone's dad pointed to that old photo and said, "that's so and so". I had a "WHO IS STAN" moment there cus I have no fucking clue who they were talking about.


Who was that Latino chick who was smoking? Was that the mayor's daughter? She said her dad is bad or something like that and they talked about a stepmom so I figured it was the mayor's daughter.


I thought they went out of their way to show he was by far the most competent one out there. Took out the window guy, multiple others, and then the one targeting McAdams when she was empty.

If anything she's the one that seems out of her depth. The first pointless raid on the porn house, almost getting hit by a truck, and jumping the gun without the SWAT team leading to the bloodbath.

Yeah I thought so as well. He spotted the shooter first, got moving first while everyone was sort of lost. And they did seem to show that McAdams is maybe not as badass as she thinks. Especially when pulling out that ridiculous Final Fantasy knife while the cartel was dual wielding uzis.


This season is showing the monumental difficulty of asking a single person to write an original 8 hour movie in less then one years time.

I'm not sure of too many writers capable of it. Because this isn't exactly like a TV series where you are just building or have an arc already in mind.

Frankly I would of thought Piz pitched his show with a few seasons worth of ideas from the onset which would of made this whole excercise much easier. This season really kinda shows he likely didn't.

I kinda think they either need to give him some extra time or he needs to swallow his pride and hire a few other writers to help with the process. There is a good story somewhere here but it feels like it needed a few more months in the oven and some second opinions before it was ready.
I'd prefer if it wasn't nonsense, but like season 1, I'll gladly watch some well-directed nonsense. Definitely the best episode of the season so far.
Season 1 kept in in suspense many times and wasn't so predictable. This season is so full of cringe moments and my eyes are getting tired of rolling. Half way through the season and nothing happens but people stare at each other, questioning and running in circles.


The scene with McAdams and her sister talking about their mom was not much better than the shit Vaughn/Frank would say. "Those moments they stare back at you. You don't remember them. They remember you." Good grief.

Too bad about W Earl Brown. I liked his brief comical appearances. Same with David Morse. The highlight of the episode was Farrell disappearing like Batman after talking to his kid.

And yeah congrats on the buttsex John Carter


No but can someone actually explain what is the point of kitsch character? You can literally remove him from the show and honestly not much changes.


This season really does suck. I agree with almost all the arguments going on in this thread. The writing is bad, the main storyline feels like it's going nowhere, way too much time is wasted, ect. I don't know what they were thinking with this.
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