No. The only thing Rosenstein can do at this point? Fire him. Which he won't. He would quit first.I was under the impression they'd still need Rosenstein's approval.
No. The only thing Rosenstein can do at this point? Fire him. Which he won't. He would quit first.I was under the impression they'd still need Rosenstein's approval.
You guys know that the WH spox just said that "Trump had no idea what his son and campaign manager were doing during that time".
He already threw Jr. under the bus.
One theory I just saw going around is that Don Jr. had no idea what he was doing when revealing this, thinking that the only thing that could bust him was talking about sanctions, not information about Hillary. Sounds about right.
DJT Jr's statement makes no sense. He says he met a person at the behest of his friend but then says there was pretext of helpful information. Was he seeking the info or not?
We are dealing with dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB people.
Never forget it.
Never view them as masterminds. They're hucksters for whom the stars aligned JUST right.
Believably stupid (I wouldn't put it past him to totally buy into the Fox talking point that there would be nothing wrong with asking Russia to release damaging info on Hillary), but where was his lawyer on this???One theory I just saw going around is that Don Jr. had no idea what he was doing when revealing this, thinking that the only thing that could bust him was talking about sanctions, not information about Hillary. Sounds about right.
So why is a Miss Universe judge inviting them to meet that person?
Also wasn't junior yesterday saying they found out the person who invited them was related to some anti-Trump oppo-research firm?
We are dealing with dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB people.
Never forget it.
Never view them as masterminds. They're hucksters for whom the stars aligned JUST right.
We are dealing with dumb, dumb, dumb, DUMB people.
Never forget it.
Never view them as masterminds. They're hucksters for whom the stars aligned JUST right.
Can be said for majority of rich people.The more we see of this family the more it is clear they are only successful because they were born rich. These people have no common sense at all.
So is this going to blow up like the comey firing or should I expect it being swept under the rug come Tuesday?
Dumb people that are used to paying their way out of court. I mean....they usually at least have lawyers to think for them.
Some NYT comments sum up the Republican position on this. "What exactly did he do that is illegal? We should focus on the democrats links to blah blah blah".
Seems like that's the strategy for everything. There's no defending that Trump is a corrupt and immoral so they justify their support for him by saying that Clinton is an even bigger criminal so it's okay.
Edit: also I'm reposting this because it's too good to get buried on the bottom of a page:
One day your stars will align too.that's an insult to my name
God I hope Will Arnet plays Don jr. in the movie.
What the hell? Is this some kind of palace coup? Why else would White House advisors reveal stuff like this?
Setting up a meeting with a lawyer whose sole purpose is getting the Magnitsky Act repealed.
What could they possibly have talked about?
If Mueller finishes his report and doesn't recommend any charges...that's the time to worry (although there's still the NY AG investigation)
how many of these news articles does it take for America to realize that Trump and his cronies are basically above the law and only congress can remove him from office
Why would it be time to worry? Mueller gives his team's recommendation, other gov't officials will take over from there, and that's it. The NY AG has a hard enough time going after your typical elite white collar criminal/suspected felon. If you think they're going to succeed if Mueller doesn't give you the results you want, then just lol...
Reading the revelations and Jr's statement on the first page just after Springsteen's "fake news" concern posts had me dying.
Was this originally two threads merged together? Was the title changed?
God I hope Will Arnet plays Don jr. in the movie.
Reading the revelations and Jr's statement on the first page just after Springsteen's "fake news" concern posts had me dying.
Was this originally two threads merged together? Was the title changed?
It never stops, right?
I really don't know what he & his ilk are purporting to expect out of newspaper reports since they're always decrying things as "allegations" but with no "evidence". Reporting can open the doors to investigators and raise public awareness, but legal "evidence" is going to come from subpoenas and grand juries and investigators.Reading the revelations and Jr's statement on the first page just after Springsteen's "fake news" concern posts had me dying.
I expect this story to keep unraveling throughout the week. Hopefully we get more juicy details