Newest PA polls from 538:As a black Eastern Pennsylvania I can confirm the massive support for Trump. Trump/Pence signs everywhere.
Date Pollster Rating Leader
OCT. 7-11 Selzer & Company A+ Clinton +9
OCT. 3-6 Marist College A Clinton +11
OCT. 5-7 YouGov B Clinton +9
OCT. 4-9 Susquehanna Polling B- Clinton +5
Newest NH polls from 538:I live in NH and the Trump ads and signs have been pouring out of basically nowhere.
It's scary, but I hope it's just nothing
Date Pollster Rating Leader
OCT. 7-9 Public Policy Polling B+ Clinton +12
OCT. 3-5 Suffolk University B+ Clinton +3
SEP. 29-OCT. 2 Greenberg Quinlan Rosner B- Clinton +9
Anecdotal evidence is one thing, poll numbers from rated pollsters and adjusted after 538's determined house effect quite another. (i.e. calm down people, it's looking good for Clinton right now